A/N- So I've always loved Spoby, of course. I also loved AU Spoby fanfics. I'm currently working on an M-Rated Spoby one shot, but in the meantime, I was hoping to also have a multi-chapter story running. So I thought I'd try my hand at my favorite kind of story: AU Spoby :) I really hope it turned out alright. This is my first PLL fanfic, but I have a few ideas for other stories I'm writing, and I'll have my M fanfic up soon!

FOR THE AU PART: The characters are in their early twenties, and they have jobs. Also, there's no A, and Aria and Ezra aren't illegal, they're happily engaged! There's also no Alison. It's like she never existed, lol. And Spencer and Toby live together at the start of the story, but they're not married. They're just girlfriend and boyfriend for now. Alright, I think that's all you need to know!

I know it's short, but hopefully you'll like it!

Losing You

Chapter 1

It had been another long day at work, and Spencer Hastings was ready to just come come and cuddle with her boyfriend for the rest of the night. He'd been busy with work all week, but he promised to free himself up tonight so that they could spend some quality couple time together. She was quite glad, too. Work wasn't just stressful anymore, it was annoying... Her co-worker Wren Kingston wouldn't give up on flirting with her, no matter how much she told him she had a boyfriend. He was definitely persistent, but he was still sweet. If her current boyfriend didn't exist, she probably would have taken Wren's offer up in a heartbeat.

"Hey babe," he said, smiling as she entered the house. She was relieved that he was actually home! He'd been apparently working 'night-shifts' at work, so he was never home. Spencer found that funny, since her boyfriend was just a carpenter. She smiled and ran up to give him a hug, thanking him for being home tonight. But the thing was, he was all dressed up in his jacket and jeans. He didn't look like he was home to relax, he looked like he was going somewhere. She prayed he wasn't. She needed him to be here tonight.

"Hi," she warmly greeted as she sat down on the couch. Her eyes flickered to his outfit over & over again. He didn't look like he had worked, and he didn't look like he was here to stay. "Mmm, so did you just get back from work or something? You don't look cozy. Sit down, babe. I've missed you."

He chewed on his lip and said, "Listen Spence, I really wanted to be here tonight... and I know what I said, but-"

"It's important, huh?" she said, crossing her arms. "You're busy tonight, huh? It's something important, isn't it?" He nodded, smiling, thinking that she was understanding. But instead, she shot him a death glare, "Thanks, Toby. Thanks a lot! I was looking forward to actually spending time with you. You've barely been home for like what... the past month! Is this more important than spending time with your own girlfriend!?"

"I love you, but Spence, I really need to go out tonight." He apologetically told her. "Look, I promise I'll be home by ten o' clock, and we can spend the rest of the night doing whatever you want! This is for work!"

She sighed and nodded in approval, "Fine. But this better not be like the last promise you made, which was only to be broke. You better be back by ten. This can't be another promise you'll break, or I... I don't know what I'll do."

He smiled and kissed her cheek, "Thank you, baby. Thank you for the second chance... I won't screw up this time, and I mean it!"

With that, he walked out their front door.

The clock struck eleven. She was pissed. So pissed... She watched as the clock declared that it had been a whole freaking hour since the time that he promised to be home at. She really thought he meant it when he said he wasn't going to disappoint her this time! Now that he'd broken the promise, she was so damn fed up with their relationship! She was feeling neglected by him, and it. The worst part was that Aria had texted her something.

Aria had revealed to her that Ezra went to meet Toby at a bar. Aria trusted Ezra, well, because they were engaged. Ezra told her that he needed to have a chat with Toby. After bonding over a double date, Toby and Ezra became quick friends.

The even worse part was that Toby lied to her in two ways. He said he was out for work, but instead he was getting wasted or drunk off his ass with Ezra!? The other part was that he lied when he said he'd be home at ten. He lied when he said they could spend all night together after he came home at ten.

The door opened, and he stepped in. He didn't look drunk, which was a surprise.

"Where have you been?" she demanded.

"Work stuff," he lied, smiling. "Sorry I'm late."

She crossed her arms, "You're such a liar, and it's pissing me off."

"Baby, I'm sorry that I didn't come home on time. I was an hour late, and I know that! Let me make it up to you. We're spending the night together, and I promise you that everything is going to be fine. I have everything planned to make it up to you, babe!" He exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I'm so freaking done!" she screamed. "You're not going to make it up to me. I'm getting the hell out of here."

"A-are we over?" he nervously croaked.

"We are. I'm done with the secrets. I'm friends with Ezra's fiancee, you know? Aria told me that you were out with Ezra." She said. "...at a bar..."

"Spencer!" he bit his lip. "I promise I can explain! Just give me a minute!"

"I don't need any explaining. I'm taking my things, and I'm going to find my own place to stay!" She told him, crossing her arms.

"Yes, I was out with Ezra, but I can explain, I promise!" He pleaded. "I love you, Spence!"

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have lied to me like this," she said, shaking her head. "Don't speak to me anymore. I'll have my things out of here, first thing in the morning. I'm going to go crash somewhere else tonight."

She didn't give Toby a chance to explain, and walked right out. She slammed the door on the way out.

She knew that Aria had moved in with Ezra, Hanna had moved in with Caleb, and Emily had moved in with Paige. They were all on a glowing stage of their love. Emily and Paige had declared themselves married, and had a small celebration, since they couldn't get a real ceremony. Hanna and Caleb were still dating, but he told her they could get married once Hanna finished apprenticing with a fashion designer in New York. And Aria and Ezra were engaged. Ezra had proposed to Aria only a month ago, but they were supper happy, and were planning their wedding.

She went to the only single friend she knew, that would be willing to lend her a shoulder.

Wren Kingston, her co-worker.

"Spencer..." Wren said her name sleepily. "What are you doing here?"

"My boyfriend and I broke up... er... got in a fight, and I left, and I don't mean to bother you, but I really need a place to crash tonight." She said, nervously biting her lip.

"You know I wouldn't ever leave you hanging," Wren said. "Please, come in. Make yourself at home. You can sleep in my bed with me, or you can take the bed in the guest room. Whichever you feel more comfortable with."

Her eyes widened. She wasn't planning on sleeping with Wren, literally OR sexually. She just wanted a place to sleep tonight, and a good friend to talk to. Wren was one of those nice guys. She wanted a nice guy right now.

"Guest bed, please." She bit her lip.

"That's fine. Why would your boyfriend fight with you, anyways?" Wren asked.

She wiped a tear off her face, "Um... well... he's been going out late for a long time, and I just don't feel like he's around much anymore."

"I'd suppose he's cheating on you," Wren suggested.

She shook her head, "He would never do that, Wren."

"People surprise you," he quietly said, biting his lip nervously. "Some people say they're something, when they're really not. There's a cold world full of liars out there. Sometimes you think someone's something amazing, and then they surprise you. You never know until you really find that something dark out."

Was Wren right? Had Toby been cheating on her? Maybe Ezra and him were hanging out, and afterwards, he went to see another girl! Worst case scenarios began flooding her mind. She didn't want to believe any of the scenarios were true, but she was paranoid!

The first girl he'd ever really loved had just walked out on him. He lost the love of his life. Going out to the bar with Ezra was a bad idea! He should have never started meeting Ezra up in the first place! He should have known that Aria would spill to Spencer...

But losing her was the worst thing that's ever happened to him.

Would he ever get her back?

He ran a hand through his hair as he fell back onto the wall, and slammed his back against it, allowing it to slide down until he was seated on the floor, leaning against the wall. He took a deep breath.

And he let the velvet box fall out of his hand.

As the velvet box collapsed on the floor, the diamond engagement ring fell against the hardwood floor...