Heya guys! I couldn't help myself, I had to post chapter one today!
So this is the sequel to 'Be my secrets,' and it follows straight from where it ended with Be my secret but there's a flashback.
A massive thanks to ilookOnTheBrightside actually came up with the title! So thank you :)
One last thing, I looking for a beta if any takers :)
Anyhow, I hope you guys enjoy :)
Previously that night.
Valentine's pov.
I can't let this happen. This is not how it was supposed to be or turn out; and certainly can't be the end. I knew ever since Jocelyn left me that she was going to pay for the heartbreak she caused me. The heartbreak stayed with me for months after she left but that heartbreak later turned into hatred and revenge. I had thought up a very clean, smart plan for revenge that would show Jocelyn the pain she had caused me, and that was to go after her and our daughter, Clary; the one thing she truly loved in this world. I wished I had kept Jocelyn alive to make her witness what I had planned for Clary but I guess seeing her die in horror of what was to come was much of a pleasure as it would have been to see her watch her own daughter slowly get ripped to pieces, from the inside out.
Even though I was captured, my plan has yet to have an end; I will find Clary and I will destroy her.
Staring vaguely around the dim room that I now sat hand cuffed to a table in, I began to unravel my master plan of escape. I knew the ins and outs to this whole situation and I knew Jonathan knew exactly what his part in this was too. With my free hand, I twisted around to my back pocket and searched through it until I found a bobby pin-like object. Being in the same situation before I knew how clumsy the search process was. Firstly they bring you into a room like the one I was in and interrogate you for answers to the questions they had no answers to. 'The police development is full of phoneys,' I laughed silently to myself.
Playing around with the bobby pin-like objects with the key hole of the hand cuffs, I suddenly heard alarms start that shrieked all through the building along with the thudding of heavy feet. Quickly with my hand work, I seemed to unpick the lock, releasing me from my binding to the table. Standing up, I smiled at the thought of my son succeeding with his side of my plan.
Grabbing my jacket from the back of my chair, I ripped it into strips before wrapping a few strips tightly around my fist. Lining myself up on the wall beside the door, I just waited for a guard to race in and take me to a sturdier and safer holding room. The door was flung open and a guard's frame was rushed inside but before he could tell himself that something was wrong, I bought my fist forward and connected it to the guards face with a crunching blow. Shutting the door securely behind me, I hit the guard again and again until the blood gushed from his wounds. Smiling, I seized his gun and his security card, and starting stripping my clothes away and replacing them with his.
Hiding the unconscious guards' body in a solid cupboard with my clothes, I made my way out of the room, keeping my head low. I hurried along with the other guards as they rushed along to see what the problem was that caused the alarm. The hallways were long and narrow but this wasn't going to affect my plan, there was only a matter of steps until I would come in contact with an exit.
"Excuse me, but you need to come along with me," a strong, uneasy but familiar voice said behind me.
Freezing for a moment, I slowly turned around. "Jonathan?" I asked, a smile forming across my lips. Glaring at him, I noted much like myself, he was also dressed in a guards outfit.
"Yes, it's me. Now come along father, the guards has already figured out someone has broken in," Jonathan said urging me on towards an exit he had found.
Smiling at the strength and courage of my son, I followed him on but not before we heard a thudding of boots and a shout. "You there, stop! Or we'll have to use defence."
Turning around but not before I saw a cunning smile play against Jonathan's lips, we were soon faced with several guards. "Is that so?" I called out to them, urging myself closer to the exit that stood only a few feet from us.
"Son, drop it," I heard a voice call out but this time they weren't talking to me, they were speaking to Jonathan who now held a round object in his hand, a gas bomb.
Smiling, a plan soon formed in my mind. It was risky but it just might work. "Now Jonathan," I whispered.
For a moment he seemed to question what I meant but soon he knew exactly what to do. Pulling the pin on the round object, he waited a few moments before throwing it. Gas filled up the small space in moments as I raised my gun and starting shooting blankly into the foggy area as I moved fast towards the exit. Hearing numerous thuds, I smiled before running out the exit with Jonathan by my side. "Good work son," I said proudly as we sprinted to the van that waited closely for us, with the engine running.
I noted how Jonathan was clutching his stab wound he had suffered from Clary a few weeks. Shaking it back, I knew I would make her pay for that as well as everything else she will soon pay for.
Later that night.
Clary's pov.
Breathing in cold breathes, I thought back to earlier that night when all my problems were gone and my future was looking so much brighter. I thought that the nightmare had ended when Valentine was taken away but I guess I was wrong. 'Would this ever end,' I thought to myself. Straight after the men that had come to deliver the horrid news, Maryse kept repeating that 'this all will end soon and nothing, I repeat nothing will come towards you that will cause you the slightest bit of harm.' I just nodded, as I stepped from within hers and Jaces touch and made my way up the curvy stairs and into the bedroom that I was now allowed to call my own.
Glaring at the time, I bought my fisted hands up to my eyes and squeezed them closed tightly; 12:46am, I should get so sleep but my sleep was ripped from within me by the constant knowing and thoughts of what could come.
Knock, knock… Knock. I listened for a moment as the person on the other side of my door played a tune with their fist and the hard surface of the door. "Come in," I breathed, quickly wiping any traces of tears from my eyes. A smile soon seemed to appear as I saw gold through the light of the full moon. "What are you doing up?" I asked as I watched Jace move slowly over to where I lay in his bed clothes which I note is only a pair of pj pants.
"Coming to see how you are. You haven't been out since you first came up here," he said softly as he sat on the edge of my bed, before grabbing my hands and playing with my fingers with his.
"I needed time to think. It's a lot to take in, ya know?" I said, as I watched him in the moon light. When only silence was his response, I carried on talking. "Do you know what the funny thing was? I knew deep down that it wasn't the end to my nightmare. He won't stop until he has me, Jace. He wants my existence gone from the face of this earth."
"Well he's not going to have you, is he? I won't let anything happen to you," Jace said, anger growing in his voice.
"Some things you cannot beat, Jace," I said calmly.
He seemed to look up and lock his eyes with mine as he questioned himself for the right answer. Staring into his golden eyes, I questioned myself at the emotions that played around in his eyes. Sadness, anger and love seemed to be displayed but there was something more that I could not see. "I won't let him near you. No one will have a chance to get near you again to hurt you because I'll always be by your side and protect you from whatever comes your way," he said finally.
"Jace, what if I want the same for you? To protect you from what can hurt you…and the only thing I feel that can hurt you is me," I coughed out. I knew it was true; Jace was only going to get hurt if he continues to stick by my side.
"The only thing you can do to hurt me is leave me," Jace said firmly, a flash of confusion and anger shone in his eyes.
"But the things that haunt me can hurt you Jace, and it'll be my fault from letting you stick around if you get hurt," I said softly, pulling my blankets over my chest, suddenly feeling the cold.
Standing up, he lifted up my blankets and jumped in, pulling me flat against him. Pushing back the hair that had fallen across my forehead, he looked calmly into my eyes. "This thing isn't only haunting you Clary, but it's haunting me too. He killed my father, and that is something I have live with every day and what pains me the most is that I know he's running freely out there as my father lies in a hole in the ground."
Searching his eyes, I said unevenly, "you'll get hurt."
"We all get hurt someday Clary, and I'd rather get hurt physically by Valentine than to lose you because losing you would hurt me physically and mentally," he said softly.
"Physically?" I joked around unevenly.
Jace then made a face. "Gosh, Clary I didn't mean it like that," he pointed out. "What I meant was that my body would ache for you and so would my mind. You're a part of me now."
My heart seemed to fly as his words shrunk into me. A smile played on my lips as I played around with his words and tried to lift the mood, "that still sounds dirty."
Rolling his eyes, a smirk soon appeared against his lips. "Whatever, think what you like," he chuckled.
"Oh I will," I gleamed, as I poked him in his side.
A chuckling exited his lips. "I have a feeling you're the dirty one here," he smirked.
"Excuse me?" I said, poking my tongue out slightly. "You're the one that probably has all these dirty thoughts running through your mind."
"Of course I do, I'm a boy," he laughed.
Pushing away from him, I made a face. "Then I should move away before you start thinking something dirty about me. We can't have that can we?" I laughed slightly.
Grabbing onto my hips, he pulled me back to him. "Do you wish my thoughts would be about someone else?" He teased.
I paused for a moment, feeling heat rush to my cheeks. "Of course I don't," I confirmed.
Lifting my chin up slightly by his thumb, he placed a tender kiss on the tip of my nose before staring into my eyes and saying, "good, because you're the only one that satisfies my dirty thoughts."
"Urgh," I said with some humour in my voice as I tried to pull myself away. "Dirty boy."
"You love me," he smiled, pulling me back once again.
"The bad thing is I do. I really do," I whispered, a smile finding its way onto my lips once again.
"And how is it a bad thing, Miss Fray?" Jace teased, a smirk appearing.
"Because I have to put up with your dirtiness," I said poking my tongue at him once again. Smiling, I shifted myself around so my back was to his chest and moved myself closer to him as I felt his arms tighten around my waist. Closing my eyes, I was quite content to falling asleep in Jace's arms, feeling his chest rise against my back and his bare skin skim against my bare shoulder blades. It was strange to feel so content and safe in someone's arms like I did in Jace's. He makes me feel like there's nothing in the world that could hurt or come between us. He made me feel like all my fears in the world had vanished and was replaced with comfort and warmth. Snuggling into him, I slowly let sleep take me in.
"Clary?" I heard him whisper.
"Yeah," I mumbled, sleep slowly falling against me.
"Let me be your saviour," he said softly.
"You won't take a 'no' for an answer, will you?" I snickered.
I felt him chuckle behind me. "Nope," he said, placing a soft kiss on my shoulder blade.
Yawning, I mumbled, "my saviour."
Cuddling into my back, the last thing I heard leave his mouth before drifting off to a peaceful sleep were two enchanting words, "my girl."
I actually loved writing this, I love Clace 3
Did you guys like this being the think chapter to the sequel? Review and tell me :)
Ex oh ex