So I got this idea from my little sister even though all she did was sit there. My brother helped too. Kaito and Rio switch bodies! I'm so excited! Not that they switch bodies but for writing this. It takes place at night after a rainy day. First Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal multi-chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.

"Hahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHA!" Running...jumping over a puddle. Getting to the source of that laugh. It could only belong to one force. 'The Barian!' Kaito thought as he kept running towards the source. When he got there, he breathed deeply. He looked around him to find where the source was hidden.

"Barian! Where are you?! Show yourself!" Kaito demanded.

"Barian!" A new voice said. Kaito looked behind him to see Ryouga's sister coming toward him. When she was next to him, she panted. "Where did you take Ryouga?!"

Kaito looked at her in surprise. "What?"

Rio looked at him. "They took my nii-san to get Yuma to go after them. Yuma right now is dueling for my brother, and he told me to come aid you." Kaito looked foward. 'That's why they didn't come.'

"HAHAHA! Welcome..." A form appeared before them. It was Mizael! "I've been expecting you. Especially you." He pointed to Kaito. "If you want your brother and your friend to have to duel for their lives!" Mizael said as he prepared his duel disk. "You two against me!" 'Because HE ordered it so!'

Rio looked at Kaito. "Fine by me." Kaito looked at her and nodded. They both prepared their duel disks. "D-gazer! Set!"


Throughout the duel, Kaito and Rio managed to bring Mizael's life points to 1000. Rio's life points were 1500 while Kaito's were 1300. 'Okay! We might be able to win this if we play our cards right!' Rio thought as it was Mizael's turn. She looked at her field. She had two face downs and Ice Beast Zerofyne while Kaito had Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon with a face down. Mizael, for some reason, did not have his own Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon on his field. Instead, he had an irrelevant monster. In other words, a monster that was NOT that dragon.

"I draw." Mizael arched a brow. "So the card finally comes. It's been good stalling you guys, but I must now take my leave. I play Barian's Switch! Two monsters of my choosing...switch souls!"

Kaito and Rio widened their eyes. "What?!"

"How is that possible?!" Rio yelled.

"It cannot be negated by any other means! And it also comes with a price! The monsters's owners also switch souls! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" With that, a dark purple aura surrounded Kaito and Rio and their monsters.

"W-What's happening?!" Rio questioned.

"I don't know, but I'm sure-" Kaito did not get to finish. They both screamed as they were enveloped in the darkness. Mizael smirked.

Vector appeared. "Good job Mizael...or should I say Alit?" Vector said as Mizael revealed himself to truly be Alit. "Let's go." With that, the two Barians disappeared. Kaito and Rio layed unconciously on the ground. Their monsters and cards back in their decks. As soon as the Barians left, Ryouga and Yuma came around to look for Kaito and Rio.

"Rio! Rio?! Where are you?!" Ryouga shouted as he ran around looking for his sister.

"Kaito! Kaito!" Yuma also shouted as he ran behind Shark. Yuma looked around and saw two figures lying on the ground. "Shark!" Yuma pointed to the two figures' direction. They both ran to them. It was Rio and Kaito. Ryouga bent down to his sister while Yuma did to Kaito.

"Rio...Rio!" Ryouga had his sister in his arms and was now trying to shake her awake. Rio slowly opened her eyes. Ryouga looked so relieved that he hugged her immediately. "I'm so glad..." Rio looked at him.

"Ryouga...Why are you hugging me? And why are you calling me 'Rio'?" 'Rio' questioned. Ryouga looked at his sister in confusion.

"W-What are you talking about Rio?" At that time, 'Kaito' woke up.

"Shark! Kaito's awake!" Yuma happily exclaimed. 'Kaito' furrowed his brows in annoyment.

"Mou! Be quiet! And why are you calling me Kaito?! And why is Ryouga over there..." 'Kaito' looked at 'Rio'. They both widened their eyes. 'Rio' walked over to 'Kaito' while 'Kaito' did the same. They both stood staring at each other. Yuma and Ryouga looked in confusion. 'Rio' and 'Kaito' looked at Yuma and at Ryouga.

"Nii-san..." 'Kaito' slowly said. Ryouga widened his eyes.

"Yuma..." Yuma gave a dumbfounded face when 'Rio' said his name. Shouldn't she be saying Shark's? And why did Kaito-

"We've switched bodies," both said at the same time.

"WHAT?!" Yuma and Ryouga yelled simutaneously.

'Kaito', or should I say Rio, pouted. "Hey! We've both said it! Why don't you believe us?!"

Yuma scratched his head. "It's not that we don't believe you. It's just that it is very difficult to believe..." Rio, in Kaito's body, glared at him.

"How?! Would Kaito ever act the way doing right now...? Or I?...Whatever! The thing is that I'm Rio in Kaito's body while Kaito is in my body!" Rio, in Kaito's body, exclaimed. Ryouga, meanwhile, was shaking his head profusely.

"N-No-NO! This can't be happening...It just can't!" Ryouga screamed in frustration. "There is no way my sister is stuck in the body of my worst rival! There is just no-"

"Unless it was Barian's doing," Kaito, in Rio's body, smoothly interrupted. Ryouga looked at her-er-him.

"I guess it is possible. There is no way that Rio would ever interrupt smoothly-"

"Hey! I resent that-AHH!" All three guys, well Kaito in Rio's body, looked up. 'Kaito' saw...a cat! He ran to Ryouga. "Ryouga! Get him away! Get rid of him!" 'Kaito' yelled and wailed.

Ryouga sighed. "Yep. Definetly. They really did switch bodies. But now, what are we going to do about this?"

'Rio' looked at him. "The only thing we can do is live the other's life until we can unravel this situation."

Ryouga tried glare at 'her', but it proved to be difficult because he saw...Rio, not Kaito. "And how would that be possible?"

"The only part in my life your sister would really need to worry about is Haruto. And Mizael coming for a duel for Galaxy Eyes."

Ryouga, again, tried to glare at 'her', but it was more difficult than he imagined it would be. "Wouldn't it be better to just explain the situation to the people around you guys while you guys live normally but in different bodies?" 'Rio' shook her head.

"No Ryouga. It will cause many problems if I were to be hunted by my rivals. And besides-"

"Kaito-sama!" Orbital 7 came and immediately went to Kaito. Well, his body.

'Kaito' smiled at him which caused Orbital 7 to be shocked. "Aw...Orbital cares for you a lot Kaito..."

Orbital 7 stammered, "W-W-What are you t-talking about K-Kaito-sama?"

"Orbital." Orbital 7 turned to 'Rio', surprised that she had the same tone as- "I'm Kaito."

"What?!" Orbital looked to Yuma and Ryouga. They both nodded. "What's going on?!"

'Rio' spoke, "I'll begin explaining the events..." So Kaito and Rio began explaining about Mizael and Barian's Switch.

Yuma furrowed his eyebrows. "That explains why you guys switched bodies, er souls, but...why you guys?"

'Kaito' shrugged. "Who knows. Maybe they were bored and decided to see how interesting humans act when their bodies are switched." Everyone looked at him, er her. It was still difficult for the people around them to adjust to the situation.

'Rio' furrowed her, his, eyebrows. "No. It has to be more than that. We have to each have something that they want, but they can't get."

Ryouga turned to his sister, er Kaito in his sister's body. "But wouldn't it be best to kidnap you in that scenario? If you guys have something they want, I hardly believe that making you guys switch bodies would help them accomplish that."

'Rio' glared at Ryouga. "I know. And I was about to elaborate-"

"Argh! This is so confusing! I can't take it anymore!" Yuma shouted. "I know it's important to figure out why Barian chose them to switch bodies. But shouldn't we instead try to figure out how are we going to explain this situation to Haruto and Shark's sister's friends?!"

'Kaito' nodded. "He's right. We need to figure out how we are going to explain this to everyone."

'Rio' looked at him, er her. "But we can't explain this to everyone. Only the people we know. One thing is for certain." All eyes on him. "We can't tell my father." Before anyone could ask why, 'Rio' spoke again. "Trust me on this." Everyone nodded, accepting the terms.

Ryouga sighed. "We all better head home now...So I guess-"

"We have no other choice," 'Rio' interrupted.

Ryouga, once again, tried to glare at her, er him but couldn't. He turned to 'Kaito'. "Rio. Please take care of yourself. Try to...act like Kaito...This is really awkward..."

'Kaito' nodded and sighed sadly. "It sure is." 'He' turned to Orbital 7. "Orbital-san. We should go to Haruto-san and explain to him."

Orbital 7 stayed there, frozen in place.

"Orbital." Orbital turned to 'Rio'. "Listen to her. Follow her commands and try to explain to Haruto this situation..."

Orbital nodded weakly. "U-Understood."

'Rio' looked at Ryouga. "I guess I'm heading with you..."

Ryouga tried to glare at him but couldn't since it was Rio's body. "I guess." He turned to Rio in Kaito's body. "Rio...please take care of yourself."

'Kaito' had watery eyes and opened 'his' arms for a hug with a huge smile. "Ani..."

Ryouga twitched. "This is extremely weird..." Ryouga went closer to 'Kaito'. When he was close enough, 'Kaito' enveloped him in 'his' arms. Ryouga twitched some more and found it difficult to return the hug. 'This is not Kaito! It's Rio!...Try not to pull away...' To Ryouga's relief, 'Kaito' pulled away.

'Kaito' looked at Ryouga. "Wow nii-san! You are way shorter than Kaito!"

Ryouga twitched again. "What does that say about you, Rio? You are shorter than me."

'Kaito' blinked. "Really?" 'Kaito' walked over to 'Rio'. 'Rio' unknowingly twitched when 'Kaito' stood in front of 'her', towering over 'her'. "Wow...I never knew I was this short."

'Rio' glared at the ground. 'I'm going to have to adjust to this height of vision...' When Kaito, in Rio's body, finished thinking that, realization hit him. All the people around them looked at 'her'.

"What's wrong Shark's imouto?!" Yuma asked. He widened his eyes when he realized his mistake. "I mean: Kaito?"

'Rio' sighed and looked at 'Kaito'. "How are we going to handle...changing clothes?"

'Kaito' blushed while Ryouga, Yuma, and Orbital 7...flushed.

"U-U-Umm..." 'Kaito' stammered.

Yuma glanced at him, er her. "It's very weird seeing Kaito stammer even if it's not him."

Ryouga looked at the two back and forth. "Really...? This is not my day..."

'Kaito' looked towards 'Rio'. "I guess we can have blindfolds on...or we can just not look when we need to change..." This situation was making everyone uncomfortable.

'Rio' nodded. "That's sounds reasonable."

Ryouga sighed exasperatedly. "Before this situation becomes more uncomfortable than it already is, let's just all go home." Everyone nodded.

"Wait!" To everyone's surprise, it was Yuma who stopped them.

'Kaito' glared at him. "What?!"

Yuma flinched backwards, still not used to the whole switcheroo. "Um...What about your guys' decks?!"

'Rio' and 'Kaito' widened their eyes. 'Rio' spoke first.

"We can leave our decks with our respective bodies, so it won't arouse suspicion."

'Kaito' looked at 'her' and nodded. "That sounds fine."

Yuma nodded. "Yosh! We are all in agreement!" At this point, everyone was tired, so they just ignored him.

"Let's go, Kaito..." Ryouga called as he started walking back to the house. 'Rio' followed him but not before looking at Orbital 7. They both nodded. With that, 'Rio' and Ryouga walked away.

Yuma looked at Orbital 7 and at 'Kaito'. "Well, I should go now! Bye, Kaito, Orbital!"

'Kaito' glared annoyingly at Yuma. "For the last time I'm-" Yuma left before he could be corrected.

So Orbital 7 and 'Kaito' were the only ones left. 'Kaito' sheepishly looked at Orbital 7. "Um...Orbital-san?"

Orbital looked up. "Y-Yes?!...Oh! That's right! Let's get going!" They walked back to the house.

How will they be able to explain this to Haruto? How will they deal with Kaito's father? Will they explain the situation to their friends? Well, stay tuned for the next chapter! I hope I didn't confuse anyone...Why do I say that when I know I confused somebody...? To clear things up, the single quotation marks are used to tell who is who. For example: 'Rio' is Kaito, 'Kaito' is Rio. I don't know how long this is going to be...But, I already know the ending...I'm going to center this fic about Kaito and Rio's problems with their families...and themselves. I guess you could say it won't be like my others...You guys know the drill! Confused, ask! Stuff and stuff...Well! ~Ja ne!