A/N: I would like to apologize right now for not updating most of my stories, especially this one, in a long time. I'm going to try to work on my stories periodically, but I'm really busy. I have to work on applying for colleges and scholarships. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything Twilight. I'm just writing this for my own pleasure and your entertainment.
A Love Forgotten: Chapter 4
My hand was intertwined with Edward's as we ran to the house. I didn't remember him, but I did feel like I should have loved him. I was also nervous because we were going to meet my—our—daughter.
My daughter who was half-human.
My daughter who had a heartbeat.
My daughter who I could easily kill.
I felt like throwing my hands in the air, and screaming toward the sky. Where was the justice? I lost my memory and now there was a chance I could kill my daughter? There was no doubt that the world was cruel. Just how cruel, I wasn't sure. I trusted in Edward. I was sure that he would keep me from hurting her. He loved her, that was obvious, and it appeared that he loved me more than his own life.
When we arrived to the house, we were meet by a copper-skinned man. He had cropped black hair. He also was only wearing shorts. Sure, he was muscular and wasn't bad to look at, but it was embarrassing to see a half-naked man in front of my supposed husband. He looked to be almost seven feet tall. He had deep brown eyes that were full of worry and concern.
He also had a heartbeat.
"Don't breathe," Edward whispered in my ear. I stopped breathing mid-breath.
"Is this really necessary?" Edward demanded. He wasn't speaking to me, but the man.
"Would you rather test it out on the baby first? This is safer, I heal faster."
Edward rolled his eyes. "It's your neck." He laughed as a thought came to him. "You do realize that she has no clue who you are?"
The copper-skinned man turned to look at me cautiously. "Bella?" he asked.
I shrugged. "I don't remember anything."
He groaned. "Of course," he muttered. "Of course, after everything you won't remember your best friend."
I turned to Edward, accusations in my eyes. "Best friend?"
Edward's expression turned apologetic. "Sorry, love. I never really like him anyway, but I thought it was better to keep that from you until you were more equipped for this life considering your best friend is a werewolf." He glared at the man. "There, are you happy Jacob?"
I looked back and forth between both of them. "My best friend is a werewolf?" I demanded. They both nodded. I closed my eyes and groaned. "What was I thinking…"
Edward laughed. "That is something I want to know."
I rolled my eyes at him, and unthinkingly took a breath. Edward stiffened but I just groaned.
"Dear God," I moaned, turning my face into Edward's chest. "You really do stink."
Edward broke down laughing and the man, Jacob, followed suit soon after. "Back at you," he replied as he plugged his nose.
Edward put his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. I for once didn't pull away. "I love you," he said with laughter still in his voice.
I smiled slightly, but then became serious again. "Does this mean I can see her now?" I asked Edward.
Edward was about to reply, but Jacob interrupted. "No."
Edward growled at him. "You have no right, dog."
"I have every right in the world," Jacob growled right back. If I thought Edward was rude before, Jacob was a mother's nightmare.
"She's our daughter. You're lucky I don't snap your neck or throw you out," Edward snarled at him. Any sane creature would have run by now, but Jacob didn't seem to be sane.
Jacob changed his approach and turned pleading. "Please, Edward, just give it a few more months—"
"Enough!" Edward hissed. "Bella needs to see our daughter."
Jacob took one look at me and then at Edward before he gave up. He ran back into the house.
Edward hissed before he turned back to face me, a smile on his face. "Are you bipolar?" I demanded.
Edward thought about it for a moment. "Maybe, but I doubt it," he replied after a moment. That didn't reassure me. "Let's go see our daughter."
I took a deep breath before I nodded. He took my hand and lead me up the stairs and into the house. We entered what I was sure was a living room, but it was too big. It was the appropriate size, though, for six vampires were in the room along with a werewolf.
And my baby was in the arms of a blonde female vampire.
I took a cautious breath, and felt my throat catch on fire. She smell great. She had a slight vampire scent to it, but she also smell delectable. That must be the human part I was smelling. I looked in her eyes and they were a warm brown. She had red in her cheeks and her heart was beating frantically.
I closed my eyes as I stiffened. My mouth was watering. I looked pleadingly at Edward. "I'm sorry," I muttered, shame coursing through me. "I can't."
With that being said, I fled out the door.
"Bella," I heard Edward call for me, but I didn't stop. I needed to clear my head. I needed to be free from the house, from the scent of my daughter.
Oh, God, I wanted to kill my daughter. I fell to the ground, curling up in a small ball. I wanted to kill my daughter, once my own flesh and blood. I was a monster.
Edward soon found me and pulled me into his arms. "Bella," he said soothingly.
"Edward," I moaned. "I…"
"I know," Edward whispered. "You're strong, Bella, you're so strong." He held me closer to his chest and he put his back to a tree. "You're stronger than you know."
"How?" I demanded. "How am I strong. After what I did—"
"You ran away," Edward interrupted me. "Most newborns wouldn't have done that. They would have attacked without a second thought."
"I want to see her," I said miserably. "I want to know her, but I'm afraid I will…" I trailed off.
"I won't let you," Edward promised. "Our family won't let you either. They already love her. We will take it slow, Bella."
I nodded and curled myself closer into his chest. I let his comfort me as my mind wandered. He trusted me and I trusted him. He believed in me, believed in me more than he should.
I wanted to see her, to see Renesmee, but I wanted to be safe for her. I needed to protect her. I didn't know her, but I already felt a mother's love for her, a mother's need to protect. It was instinctful, natural.
I gazed at Edward solemnly. "Will you help me learn control?"
Edward stared at me silently for a moment. He nodded slowly. "I will help you as much as I can."
I beamed and quickly pecked him on the cheek. "Thank you."
He smiled at me, dazed. "Anytime, anything."
I pulled him to his feet. "I want to get started now. I want to see her in a week. I need to be safer, more in control, by then."
He nodded and pulled me closer to him. "You will be."
I smiled at him before we walked farther into the forest, farther away from the house. I was surprised by how natural it was to be with him. I found that I enjoyed his company. I trusted him more than I should. With a shock, I realized something that made me secretly smile.
I was starting to fall deeply in love with Edward.