Author's Note: Hey persons, hope you guys aren't too upset with me. It's been a rough and busy year, make that two years. Anywho I hope you like this chapter! To appease y'all for my absence, I'll be putting in some other pairings into this chapter. Most involving Marceline. PS I didn't know what the hell to call the town so I just put what sounded okay, plus I didn't get the name Nicole Brittman from the singer, Britt Nicole, I just typed whatever sounded good to me, so if you know her I apologize it was not my intent.

Chapter 16: Baskerville Hospital

Marceline's P.O.V.

"It's what I'm here for." I walked away "I'm heading to the bathroom. Be back in five." I winked at Finn. I saw his face burn bright red.

I took my sweet time getting to the bathroom, no need to rush.

"Sorry I'm not made of sugar, am I not sweet enough for you." I pushed open the door and immediately stopped singing.

"Fionna!" I was faced with the sight of Kyle strangling her.

I just went for it and punched him in the face with one hand and trying to pry Fionna from his grip. He let her go and she fell to the floor gasping for breath, and we kept throwing punches back and forth, Fionna tried to help but she was pushed into the wall appearing to be knocked out. I kicked him in the stomach but he caught my leg, slamming me against the mirror. I heard it shatter, my head was pounding, he held my neck against the wall and pulled out a lumping prison shank and carved something into my chest above my heart, my whole body burned, he quickly brought it down to my stomach and repeatedly stabbed me with it, upon letting me go my body slammed into the tile and I felt my skull crack, all I could hear was a high pitched ringing, it was pierced by a scream.

I had to get help. Ignoring the pain I was feeling I stood up and ran out of the bathroom. There was a rush now. I could feel myself fading, I had to get there. I moved my hand a bit to see how bad the wound was and all I saw was red. I ran even faster if that was possible, I could see them right in front of me.

"Marce?!" Finn and Lee said at the same time.

"Get to the bathroom." with that I collapsed into Finn's arms. I made it.

Finn's P.O.V.

No no no no no this can't be happening. I laid Marceline's limp body onto the bench with her head on my lap there was blood everywhere. I started stroking her blood soaked hair she had past out as soon as she got her message out. Jake was explaining to the security guards what had just taken place. And Bonnie was on the phone with a hospital. It seemed like hours before I heard sirens. I carried Marceline to the front of the building and the paramedics took over from there.

"Sir, what happened to your girlfriend?" Paramedic #1 asked

"I think she was stabbed." I said. My voice was so defeated I couldn't recognize it as my own.

He put a hand on my shoulder "Would you like to be in the truck with her?"

I simply nodded and hopped into the ambulance and held her hand.

"Marceline, please don't leave me." I whispered

The whole ride felt like hours but it was really only ten minutes. But who wouldn't freak out when the person you love is dying. I squeezed her hand tighter.

They pulled her out of the ambulance and pushed her into the E.R. I didn't have the strength to stand anymore I crumpled to the ground sobbing. It's not cool for a dude to cry but it's perfectly reasonable in this situation. The paramedic from earlier came out and told me to wait inside that it was probably better than out here where I could get hurt.

I went inside and sat down in the hallway outside of the room where they had to perform surgery. I couldn't take this, I pulled out my Beemo and debated calling her father. She would probably kill me if I did, but he's her father he deserves to know. I hit my head against the wall this is totally not working. He already hates me and I don't think he'll enjoy getting the news from me. UGH!

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." I muttered typing up Hudson Abadeer's phone number.

"Puny human what do you want." his voice came from the other end of the line.

"I just wanted to-" I was cut off

"Is not available, please leave a message after the beep" *BEEP*

"Mr. Abadeer, Marceline's hurt, we are in Baskerville Hospital." I said quickly

"Oh thank Glob." I breathed I don't want to deal with any of the Abadeer's wrath.

I practically fell into a chair and let my mind wander.

"Finn Martin?" I looked up

"Yes? That's me." I stood up again

"Visiting hours are almost over you have to leave soon." the nurse said

"Can you make an exception for me, my friend Marceline Abadeer in is surgery." I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

She grabbed a clipboard from the wall "Abadeer... ah, she's been out of surgery for a while. Go sign in at the front and see if you can get a quick goodbye in before you leave."

I hurried to go sign in and practically ran to the place they said she'd be. When I got there a doctor stopped me from opening the door.

"I wouldn't go in just yet kiddo." He looked serious

"Is it serious." I asked

"So far, we don't know. We are still running some tests so please be patient." He walked away and I slumped against the wall again.

I called Mr. Abadeer again

And once again it went straight to voice mail. I sighed and closed my Beemo and closed my eyes.

Marceline's P.O.V.

"Marceline, please don't leave me." This is weird I can here a boy'svoice but no one else's what the fuck? And who's 'Marceline'?

I could feel his hand in mine, giving it reassuring squeezes but I'm pretty sure half of it was to reassure him that I was still with him. It felt like I knew him from somewhere

I let myself succumb to sleep.

When I "woke up" next, someone else was in the room. I tensed a bit. I felt the mysterious person lay something on my head. It was light weight. I heard them sigh.

"Sorry it's not as good as yours were," It was a girl, I couldn't place the voice though. It sounded like it was under water. She was softly singing. I could barely hear it. "I'm so so sorry Marcey." She was crying now. Marcey, why did that sound so familiar? "I love you."

She took the thing off my head and placed a light kiss on my cheek. Who was she? She said she loved me. Why can't I remember anything. Did I love her? Who are these people? I heard the door close. I felt like I needed to see her, my chest was tight. I could feel the connection we had and it physically hurt when she left. I started getting tired again and I drifted to sleep.

Marshall Lee's P.O.V.

Fionna and I have been waiting patiently for the past few hours for someone to tell us which room Marcie was in but nobody was paying us attention. Jake even went over to the front desk to ask where a Marceline Abadeer was being held, but she just brushed him off saying "No visitor's at this hour." then went back to typing.

"I think we should just go home and check on her tomorrow." Bonnie sighed

"We can't just leave without knowing if she is okay!" Fionna exclaimed.

I rubbed my bridge of my nose, Fionna has been worried sick about Marceline and with good reason. I know she feels guilty but she needs to calm down. I'm just as worried as she is, if not more, but I need to keep it together, not just for them but for myself as well.

"I'll drive." Jake said curtly

We walked out the building a bundle of nerves, and probably looking pretty dejected at the moment. We knew this trip was going to be emotionally draining for all of us, recalling the past is almost never a pleasant thing in this group, but we never expected our luck to take a more drastic turn for the worse. It feels like things will always be this way, I just wish that we could move on from this mess, when we are finally adults and leave these horrible towns where we wasted the 'best years of our lives', we will look back at the scars the memories not with joy and subtle contentment, but with terror and misery. I looked around at my friends. My friends who just as screwed by life as I am, but still manage to remain by my side with all my problems and insecurities even when I didn't even regard them as friends until now. I rested my head against the window as we made our way back to the hotel.

I was woken up by Jake, Fionna was asleep next to me and Bonnie laying down over the back seat we were stopped at a stoplight.

"Marshall Lee, what are we gonna do?" He sounded tired, defeated.

"I don't have a clue." I admitted. What were we gonna do? It just didn't seems like any of us would have a normal life.

He kept driving. "What if Marce doesn't make it? Finn'll be crushed, I don't think Bonnie would be able to get past it either. None of us will. I feel like everything is falling apart. And it has been for a long time now."

"I know," I pinched the bridge of my nose. He isn't wrong, but we can't fall apart now. We need each other. Not just for Fi, for Marce, for Finn, but for all of us. Jake, Bonnie, me.

"We're here." He took the key out of the ignition. "Wake them up." He got out of the van and stalked up to the rooms.

"Bonnie, Fi, we gotta go now."

Bonniebell's P.O.V

"Bonnie, Fi, we gotta go now." Marshall said.

We got up to the apartments and I locked myself in Marceline and I's room and lay down on my bed.

I had heard every word, they were right of course. I wouldn't be able to deal if Marcey died. We were best friends since forever, even before we met Finn and Jake

~ Flashy Back ~

It was the first day of 1st grade. I was surprisingly calm. I knew that I would be fine.

"Wow did you see that girl?" A girl in 3rd grade was whispering to her friends and pointing to a girl who was sitting alone. Her long black hair draped in front of her face.

"You mean the Vampire Queen? My mom told me to stay away from her. Everyone knows her daddy is a member of the mafia." She said a matter of factually

"I hope she doesn't bite me, I don't want to get my blood sucked out!" She hugged herself shuddering.

At that moment the "vampire queen" looked up and I swore she looked right through them. They shrieked and ran off terrified. She looked sadly back at her meager lunch. It was an apple, a couple strawberries, and a jam sandwich.

I gulped, hoping I wouldn't regret this. I clutched my lunch bag and slowly made my way over to her.

"H-hi. I'm Bonniebell Bubblegum, may I sit with you?" I asked. I was scared out of my mind but my mother always taught me, that to be a princess I needed to find those in need and be there for them.

She looked up at me bewildered, I blushed very deeply since a bunch of people were looking at me now. Plus the ice like stare from the girl herself.

"You want to sit with me?" she asked confused.

"Yes." I nodded "I mean, if you want me to?" It came out as more of a question than a suggestion.

"That would be nice." She said quietly making room for me next to her. "I don't have much lunch but you can have some if you like. I made sure to grab the sweetest strawberries in the fridge." She pushed her lunch so that it was between us on the table.

"T-thanks." I couldn't believe it, she was offering to share what little food she had with someone she just met. I regained my composure. "Well if your sharing your food, it would only be fair if I shared mine."

I pulled out my lunch feeling a bit guilty because my mother packed me a buffet compared to the girls. "I have some turkey sandwiches, a couple fruits, and chips. Here." I handed her a piece of red velvet cake. "Made it myself." I beamed.

She stared at it, eyes wide. "Are you sure I can have it?" She was hesitant.

"Of course. In exchange I'll take a strawberry. Is that alright?" She nodded vigorously.

After a lunch period of sharing our food, well mostly me splitting my food in half and she took it silently, passing me a strawberry in exchange. It was nice, sitting together. She wasn't that bad, I don't know why everyone was afraid of her.

The bell rang and everyone started clearing up the tables and heading to their classrooms. I realized I never got her name.

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed and she jumped "I never got your name. You know mines Bonniebell, what's yours?"

"Marceline." She said softly

"Well Marceline, do you mind if I sit with you tomorrow?" I asked hopefully. For some reason I really wanted to be her friend.

"Sure." She said and I beamed at her. I saw her smile softly and run off to her classroom. I went in the opposite direction overjoyed that I got her to smile.

We met up for lunch and recess everyday, our friendship grew and grew until we were best friends. Sure we got some weird stares from our classmates but we didn't care. One day I finally got the guts to ask her to come over to my house.

"Hey Marceline!" I called after school, winter break was a week away and I wanted to see if we could hang out over it.

She turned around smiling noticing it was me. "Would you like to come to my house today?" I asked and saw her face drop.

"I'm sorry I don't think my dad would like that very much." She said sadly.

"Do you want me to ask?" I was determined

"No!" I flinched she had never yelled at me before. She sighed, "I mean no, Bonnie. I'll see you tomorrow." She started walking away towards a fancy looking car.

"How about we meet at the park next weekend?" I asked

She smiled at me. "I'll be there."

~ End Flashy Back ~

I sighed and shoved a pillow into my face. Those next weeks we spent in the park were amazing. Climbing trees, playing on the rocks, making flower crowns. Of course my mom watched over us from the benches while we ran around.

The Next Morning

I looked at the ceiling. I must have fallen asleep. I turned on my phone and saw the time. It was six in the morning. I flumped into my pillow. Begrudgingly I got ready for the day. I felt like death, Marcey was still in the hospital and no one had seen Finn since he left with the ambulance. I tiptoed through the apartment. I passed Marshall and Fionna cuddling on the couch and Jake laying on top of the dresser almost falling off. I made them all breakfast and left it on the counter wrapped up with a note telling them I was out and that breakfast could be heated up.

I pulled on my flats and an overcoat and left the apartment, closing the door behind me with a soft click. I made my way do the hospital. Since it was so early the streets were pretty empty exception being the occasional shopkeeper opening the store. This town would be absolutely lovely to an outsider. Unfortunately, I knew better. I walked a bit faster until stumbled upon a park. Although it was pretty cold out a couple of daisies sprung out of the grass. I smiled at the memory...

~ Flashy Back ~

"Hey Bonniebell, how come you like daisies so much?" Marceline asked

We were making flower crowns again, I picked a few more orange and white ones braiding them together, I had to choose my words carefully. I may have a small crush on the girl beside me, and I didn't want to scare her off. Picking through the sentences I just decided to tell the truth, or at least a half truth.

"Because they remind me of you." I said simply blushing like mad.

Her face turned a light tint of pink. "How are these flowers like me?"

"Well no matter the weather, they always pop right back up. When people pick them they grow back stronger. They are like you because no matter what happens you bounce back even stronger than before, just like a daisy." I finished the crown and placed it on her head.

What she did next surprised both of us. She kissed me. Of course it was a simple kiss on the cheek but it was still a kiss. I sat there lightly touching my cheek while she covered her face in embarrassment. Not wanting to make her feel bad a kissed her cheek back giggling softly.

~ End Flashy Back ~

I quickly braided the flowers together, and continued to the hospital. When I finally got there it was still an hour before visitors were allowed in. I snuck a quick look at the nearby clipboard and found her room. Finn was sleeping in front of her door. Quietly I slipped through the door, the sight in front of me nearly stopped my heart. She was just lying there, if it wasn't for the monitors I would've thought she was dead. I walked over to her holding the flowers tightly, as I reached her bedside she looked a little worse for wear. Her skin was so pale it looked gray, her head had a bandage wrapped around it. One side of her head was shaved probably because they had to reduce swelling and open up a bit of her skull. She would love the new haircut, her father probably wouldn't, but then again I know he'll be thankful that she's alive. My eyes wandered to her arms and stomach. She apparently needed to get a bunch of stitches on her arms, she had heavy bandages around her stomach. In that moment my stomach tightened the existing knots. I bit down on my lip, trying to hold back my tears, the pain in my heart so great I thought I would faint. I collapsed into the chair near the bed. Placing the crown on her head I started to sing.

"Say say oh playmate, come on and play with me. For your my darling friend, climb up my apple tree. Bring down the rainbows, into my cellar door. And we'll be jolly friends, forever more..." I couldn't hold them back, tears streaked down my face. "I'm so so sorry Marcey."

"I love you." I kissed her on the cheek.

Grabbing the flowers off her head I put them on her bedside table. Leaving a little note, I stood up. I needed to get out of here, I couldn't handle this. I rushed out of the room, the hospital, down the street. I could barely see by the time I got to the hotel. Everyone was sitting at the table eating somewhat Solemnly, I slipped into my room and threw myself onto the bed. I can't take this. I can't.

~ Flashy Back ~

"Hey Marcey we should make up a game!" We were both bored as it was far too hot to be outside and all the kids were playing broad games. None of them wanted us to be a part of the game, which was fine by me.

"Well what kind of game?" Marceline seemed like she was up for anything at this point.

I saw a couple girls playing hand games in the corner.

"Why not Playmates?" I asked.

After seeing the confusion on her face I realized she had probably never even heard of it before. Lady, my babysitter, said it was a special game and that I must only share it with those close to my heart.

"It's real simple. All you need to do is clap and hit your opposite hands with the person across from you. Your left to my right, then your right to my left, then finally both hands touch and repeat. Simple. I'll sing the song first, then you repeat, then together!" I beamed

She nodded slowly and put up her hands. Clearing my throat, I began to sing.

"Say, say oh playmate, come on and play with me."

"For your my darling friend, climb up my apple tree!"

"Bring down some rainbows, into my cellar door."

"And we'll be jolly friends, forever more!"

I giggled as the song finished and our hands together. "What do you think?"

"I like this song. It's very happy. Can I sing it now?" she asked timidly

"Of course!"

~ Flashy Back End ~

I smiled a little at the memory. It was our special thing, whenever one was down we sent little cards or texts with a verse from the song in it, and since Marcey and I are both into music we added to the song over the years. My eyes pricked again remembering the severity of the situation. What are we going to do?

Fionna's P.O.V.

Yawning I stretched on the couch, well as much as I could. My body was still pretty sore from the altercation with Kyle yesterday. I closed my eyes, details flooding back. How he found me, him getting me around the neck with the handcuffs, Marceline getting stabbed. I cringed. The blood it was everywhere. Splotched around the bathroom, the crack of her head hitting multiple surfaces. I should have done something, I could have done something. I am weak, I was too scared to do anything. I watched him beat her within an inch of her life because I was too scared of him.

"Are you alright?"

"As alright as I can be."Marshall looked at me, concerned but decided not to push it. We headed to the fridge and found the note.

"Bless your soul Bonnie." I said taking out the platters of food she had prepared.

I heated it up while Marshall woke up Jake. We all sat down at the table and just ate quietly. I don't think anyone really wanted to talk anyways. Marshall was trying to make conversation and we just hummed along. Then Bonnie walked through the door.

"Hey Bonnie. Where you been?" I asked. But she kept on walking. "Okayyyy?"

"She is worse than I thought." Jake muttered

"What do you mean?" Marshall asked

I was curious too as I barely knew her. I knew that she and Marceline have been friends long before they even knew any of us. I just knew they were close.

"Well Marceline has always been there for Bonnie and vice versa. I don't know much either but I think that at one point in time they loved each other. It was one of those almost romances." He said seriously

"An almost romance?" I murmured

"Almost romances, nothing is sadder. It's like if one thing had never happened or if one thing had then love would have bloomed in these to persons lives. But it was to remain unrequitted." Marshall explained

"How long ago?" I asked

"Just when they were little girls. My old Lady told me, she was Bonnie's babysitter. Still kinda is, I guess. She knows some of story but you would really have to ask Mrs. Bubblegum. They only hired Lady after Bonnie made it into Jr. High, Mrs. B got a job that required a lot of her time." Jake said shaking his head. "Gosh I hope she's alright. Both of them. Bonnie has been taking it harder than all of us."

"Someone should go to her." I volunteered, I knew none of us even knew what she was going through right now. Yeah we all had our heartbreaks and struggles but to be completely honest no one knew what to say to make it better.

I saw Finn get up, but I decided against calling him out. He really needed his alone time, he had a lot to think about.

Finn's P.O.V.

I couldn't take it anymore. They are all talking as if she was alone in her pain. I love Marceline and just because I haven't shut down doesn't mean that it isn't killing me inside just knowing that she is in that hospital bed and that at any given moment she could wake up or stay asleep forever. I marched up to Marceline and Bonnie's room. I heard soft cries coming from inside. I immediately felt a wave of guilt, but my anger quickly wiped it out. Slamming open the door I just unleashed my rage.

"Get yourself together!" I yelled, Bonnie looked up at me frightened. Tears were streaked down her face and her eyes were bloodshot. "You act like your the only one hurting right now. You are so selfish. How do you think the rest of us feel, huh? Fionna had to watch as that psychopath almost took the life out of her. She collapsed into my arms all bloody and broken. I drove with her to the hospital. You all saw the aftermath of what happened. Do you think your the only one who's heart is broken in two because someone you love might just die at the drop of a hat? Well, do you!" I slammed my fist into the wall, hearing the drywall crack. This caused her to jump.

Her demeanor suddenly changed and there was an intensity in her eyes as she stood up from the bed and glared at me with all the hurt and rage she was feeling. "How dare you!? You have no idea what I am going through! You say that I'm being selfish, and yet you make it all about you. Yes I realize that you love her. We all do! We were all afraid of what was going to happen to her, we all saw her stumbling down that hallway like her life depended on it! What gives you the right to say that I am being selfish? You don't even know her..." She spat "not like I do."

The words hit me like acid. I knew that Bonnie and Marcey have known each other for a while but from the way that Bonnie has been acting and her reaction to this... I think that they must have loved each other at one point in time. Thinking about it now, all the secret glances and her sad smiles all make sense now. Bonnie still loves her. I moved over to the bed. Bonnie has wrapped her arms around herself and turned away from me. Slowly I sat down, eyeing her cautiously.

"I'm sorry." I looked down in shame. I really was the one being selfish. And I blamed it all on her.

"I'm sorry too." she sounded so somber, it hurt to hear her like this. "Finn?" I looked up.

"I want to tell you the story of Marceline. Before you guys knew her. She was very different back then, but I guess at the same time exactly the same..." She trailed off before climbing to the head of the bed and she patted the place next to her as an invitation. The last of my feelings of anger slowly melted away as I settled in to hear about the past. Maybe it will take my mind off of everything in this reality.

Marceline's P.O.V.

I "woke" up once again. I had some feeling in my body. It hurt like hell, I tried to retrace the steps of what could have happened to me but I couldn't remember a damn thing. The only things I know is that 1) People keep calling me Marceline. 2) I am somewhere dark. 3) I can't remember who I am, who these people are, and why everything hurts a bit more when they are around me. 4) I have a potty mouth. I tried to force myself to remember but honestly I dont know what I was supposed to remember. Everytime I tried to focus the more fuzzy the picture in my mind got. I was so frustrated, why couldn't I remember anything. I just decided to review what has happened in my knowledge. So far, I have encountered two people. A boy and a girl. The boy held my hand, the girl said she loved me. They feel so familiar but I just can't place them anywhere. I wish I could open my eyes. I just wanna be able to see something, anything...