Penny flopped down on the couch, defeated. No, she hadn't had a good day. She had worked like a slave all day in the Cheesecake Factory, her boss had scolded her, a stupid client had without even hiding it, tried to touch her ass. And, finally, when she came home, she had found Leonard and Priya, all lovey-dovey in the park on the corner. Not that she was jealous… at all. Leonard was a closed chapter in her life. They had managed to overcome the painful breakup and both had admitted that a story between them was not possible in this universe. Now they were more relaxed and had a good friendship, the same she shared with the rest of mad scientists who had entered her life inexplicably. She was really glad to know that the experimental physicist had found happiness with Raj's sister. In fact, they make a nice couple. They reminded her of Bernadette and Howard.

So, certainly, her sadness at seeing the happy couple had nothing to do with jealousy. It had to do with the fact that everybody else was happy with their respective partner, just think about it. Leonard and Priya. Bernadette and Howard. Even the poor pathologically shy Raj had been encouraged to chat with Amy Farrah- Fowler, who, after canceling her contract relationship with Sheldon, had turned her attention to the peculiar young astrophysicist. What at first seemed to be a neuropsychiatry's research work, conducted by Amy, had become ... well, whatever it was. In any case; Raj was now able to talk to her without an alcoholic beverage in his hand and he looked much livelier for it. There was no doubt that Amy was really good at her job.

She sighed. For a moment she felt a flutter of conscience. Did she envy her friends? No, never that. She was glad indeed glad for all of them, but she could not help but feel so... Yes, only she was so alone. Well, Sheldon too, but he did not count. He never did when talking about normal human beings ... and that description did not fit with the lanky and eccentric theoretical physicist either.

She sighed again and wiped the sweat that fell down her forehead. Even over, the day had been unbearably hot. She hated heat when she felt discouraged. Cold weather, at least allowed for snuggles on the couch with a friendly blanket and mourns before a stupid romantic movie. But just thinking about snuggling gave her a fever. She got up and opened the window. Not a damn breath of air. Why was it so hot? They were still in full May. She sighed for the umpteenth time. It would be a good idea to have a cold shower. A shower always made her feel better...

Sheldon Cooper grunted for the fifth time at the blackboard. He felt like his brain would melt. His wonderful and perfect brain. But the heat was really unbearable. He looked around, muttering to himself.

- Lemonade without ice, optimum situation, blind floor windows on current right angle...

Yes, everything was calculated that he felt the lowest possible heat. But in vain. For once in his life, his precise calculations had not worked. He looked furiously at the last integral written on the white slate and erased it with a furious slap. When he set out to write the correct number, the pen slipped like a bar of soap in a bathtub. He stared at his hand; it was a mess of mixed ink and sweat. And he looked at the slate, also with a stream of sweat, drawing a vertical line through his calculations.

- I hate fluids. – he said irritated while he cleaned, quickly and meticulously. He took a sip of lemonade, feeling a little more relieved. Suddenly he seemed to realize something and looked at himself. Sweat stains were also suspiciously starting to appear on his beloved Flash t-shirt, which meant that the long-sleeved undershirt…

- Well, I guess I now I understand why Leonard has made a habit of being at home in only his pants lately. – he raised an eyebrow. Although, that only happened when Priya was not at their apartment, of course. He shook his head. He could not believe that he was considering taking off his two layers of clothing. It was not ... right. That idea, instilled by his mother, that never should be indecently dressed, even at home, was so deeply rooted in him that he could not ... He felt a horrible heat, as if a hundred thousand pixies were setting fire to the pit of his stomach. He closed his eyes, trying to erase his mother's face from his damn eidetic memory, and failing miserably. With a hysterical impulse, he took off the two T-shirts. Yes, really, much better. Then he looked at the front door of his apartment and opened it. An airstream quickly went through the thin physicist, and provided him such relief that he could not avoid letting out a moan. He held the door with a small cap, preventing it from opening wide.

- Much better. – he said satisfied.

Before returning to his task, he splashed her face and head. Then he cleaned the white board with paper towels and continued writing.