Chapter 17

'Oww, that hurts, that HURTS!'

'Shut up Stark,'

'What? It really hurts,'

'You've been conscious for about ten minutes and your already driving me insane. I don't know how you guys live with him,'

'Oh your just jealous Hill,'

'Jealous? Jealous of what?' He could hear a females voice. It was muffled but he could still hear it. Ok good that meant he wasn't dead then. Which was a good sign. He slowly groaned when he felt his sense come back, pain hitting him.

'Hey he's waking up,' a female voice said close to his right ear.

'Finally,' Clint voice echoed through the darkness. Slowly he opened his eyes to the blinding light. He blinked a couple of times to get use to the light. He groaned in pain.

'Hey buddy,' Clint said from his left. Steve slowly turned his head to look at everyone in the room. Tony was laying on the bed next to him, a doctor was cleaning up the bad cuts on Tony's face, chest and stomach, while Tony winced in pain. He looked really bad, he had bags under his eyes and his skin was a white as a ghost, but he somehow managed to have enough energy to complain and annoy everyone in the room. Steve turned his head to the right. Maria was sat on his right. Steve could see she was upset but was staying strong, she was Agent Hill of course. Clint was sat on his right. Natasha was sat at the end of Tony's bed. Bruce was stood at the end of Steve's bed and Thor... Thor wasn't there. Maria leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

'Are you ok?' Maria asked him. Steve blinked at her.

'W-what happened?' Steve asked, his voice rough. Clint handed him a glass of water.

'You were shot in the back and stomach. You nearly died Steve. Apparently, to the medical team you did die. Loki saved you with his magic though,' Bruce told him.

'Loki saved me?' Steve asked. They all nodded. 'Where is he?' Steve asked them all.

'He's in another room with his brother,' Tony said, as the doctor left the room. Steve nodded and rested his head back on the pillow, taking a deep breath even though his stomach protested a little.

Loki had saved him. Steve had been a little mean towards Loki. You couldn't blame him. Loki was the one that cause New York and the rest of the world so much distress. But Loki had saved him. Steve had said that they should give Loki back. He hen realized how mean that was. Loki was only human, well a god, but he did look like a human. Loki had save him. Steve closed his eyes and tried to relax a little.

Loki laid on the white hospital bed. His stomach was burnt…again. The pain was nearly killing him. Thor stood next to his brother's bedside waiting. Loki had his eyes closed, taking deep breathes, in through his nose and out through his mouth.

'Brother?' Thor asked, his voice coming from far away. Loki didn't answer, just keeping his eyes closed. The smell of the hospital wing made Loki felt sick.

'Brother are you ok?' Thor asked him. Loki didn't answer again.

Did he looked ok? No. He wasn't ok. He was in pain. Thanos was gone but he was still looking for his revenge, Loki's death. He wished that he could just curl up in a ball and die, which was completely new thought to the god. Loki took another deep breath.

'Brother…' Thor said. Loki sighed, getting annoyed at Thor. Loki opened his eyes and looked a Thor.

'What?' Loki asked Thor, just to make Thor stop calling him brother.

'Are you ok?' Thor asked him again.

'I'm fine,' Loki said and swung his legs around the bed and onto the floor. He stood up, his legs shaking a little.

'Where are you going?' Thor asked.

'I'm leaving,' Loki said, Thor walked over to his brother.

'Where will you go?' Thor asked Loki putting his hands on Loki's shoulders. Loki shrugged his brother's hands off him and turned away from him.

'I don't know, anywhere but Earth,' Loki said. Thor hesitated a little before he spoke again.

'Come back to Asgard,' Thor said. Loki laughed and shook his head.

'I will not go back to that place... never,' Loki said walking towards the door. Thor followed him.

'Please brother,' Thor pleaded, Loki walked out of the door and down the corridor.

'Loki stop,' Thor said a little louder to get Loki's attention. Loki wiped around and looked at Thor

'Goodbye brother,' Loki said and with a flash of green light Loki was gone. Thor stood there in the corridor watching the spot where Loki had been before he left. After a couple of second the door next to him opened.

'Hey, what happened out here?' Natasha asked, her head popping around the door. Thor turned around to look at Natasha. She opened the door so everyone could see and hear Thor.

'Loki… he just left,' Thor simply said.

'W-What? He just left. Where's he going to go?' Tony asked, not really talking to Thor. He sat up in the bed and was about to get up but Bruce pushed him back down. Thor didn't speak. His head fell down and he looked at the floor. He turned and walked away from the group.

One month later

Tony was down in his lab... like always. He had a scar on his stomach where the suit had cut him. He was sat at his desk drawing some ideas for his new suit. He was trying to make sure it didn't dent inwards again if anything like Thanos happened again. He had been keeping himself busy for the pasted month. For three of the weeks Bruce had forced him to stay upstairs and relax for a while with everyone and eat proper meals and drink water. because he had to get better. Steve had been the same. Bruce had forced him to stay upstairs with them, not letting him go to the gym, not like Steve wanted to. He still had bandages on his stomach and back. Loki's magi had healed the two wounds very really, but Steve still needed to take it easy. So Steve and Tony would be sat on the sofa watching Tv for the past month really. Tony had finally been let down to the lab. Well, he had sneaked down while everyone was asleep. Maria had moved into the Stark Tower, much to Tony delight. He and Maria annoyed the crap out of each other every time they were in the same room, annoying everyone else in the tower.

Thor. Thor was in Australia with Jane. He had gone the a day after Loki left. The Avengers would talk to Jane just to check up on Thor. He hadn't seen his brother in a month. Jane would always say the same thing though.

'He's finding it difficult, but with time he'll be fine.' Tony thought it was a tone of bullshiyt, bue he didn't say anything.

Suddenly, there was a flash of green light.

Tony jumped.

'What the hell!?' Tony shouted and span around.

Loki was standing in the middle of Tony's lab. He looked beaten up. Loki had blood dripping down his face from a deep cut on his forehead. He had burn marks on his neck. His clothes were ripped and his armour was dented. He had blood dripping down his arm and onto Tony's clean lab floor. He had one shoe on, which Tony raised an eyebrow at. Loki had bags under his eyes and his hair looked like a bird nest. He had blood dripping from his nose and down onto his lips and chin. Loki hunched over.

Tony jumped up and ran to Loki. Tony caught him before he fell onto the floor. Tony pulled Loki over to sit on the cream sofa.

'What happened?' Tony asked him. Loki took a deep breath.

'Thanos...caught up...with me,' Loki panted.

'What happened? Where is he now?' Tony asked him. Loki smiled evil. Tony cringed a little.

'He's...somewhere in a... black hole,' Loki simply said. Tony blinked at him. 'I pushed... him... in it.' Loki added looking at Tony's confused just looked at him, shocked. Loki smiled and wiped his blood off his chin with the back of his hand.

'Wait... What?' Tony asked him. Loki took a deep breath and then spoke.

'He caught... up to me... He found me Tony...I can't remember much of it...Thanos was just suddenly there.'

Loki turned when he felt the presence of someone else. Loki smiled when he saw who the figure was that stood only metres away. Thanos. You would have excepted Loki to run, but no. Loki just smiled at Thanos. The month away from Earth, travelling through the galaxy had done Loki good. Loki knew he would someday have to face Thanos. And well it looked like today was the day.
Thanos stood there, glaring at Loki. He took a step forward towards Loki.

'You have angered me a lot Loki,' Thanos snarled.

'Oh have I,' was Loki's reply. Thanos growled at him. 'Not a happy bunny are we.' Ok Loki knew he was pushing his luck but if he was going to die now then might as well go down being himself. He felt like a bit of Stark had rubbed off on him though. Thanos took another step towards Loki, his breath hitting Loki in the face.

'Now I will have my sweat revenge,' Thanos grabbed Loki by the throat and threw Loki across the rocky floor. Loki hit his head on one of the heavy, big rocks. Loki pulled himself up and grabbed hold of his scepter. Thanos paced towards him. Not yet, Loki told himself. Thanos moved towards Loki in one swift movement, grabbing hold of Loki's clothes and pulling Loki to the right, throwing him down on the ground. Loki's clothes ripped from where Thanos had grabbed him.

He moved to Loki quickly. Loki moved quicker though. Loki grabbed hold of his scepter with both hand and swinging it around to hit Thanos in the face, hard. Thanos stumbled backwards, giving Loki chance to jump and run out Thanos. He tackled him to the ground. Thanos punched Loki in the jaw, making his nose and mouth bleed. Thanos grabbed hold of Loki arm tightly, piecing Loki skin. Loki winced a little. He grabbed his scepter and fired it at the dark sky. Loki smiled.

He was right. There was a black whole forming. Loki was pushed off Thanos and he fell backwards. Thanos picked himself up.

NOW, Loki told himself. He lifted his scepter and with all his energy, he fired at Thanos. Hitting his right in the stomach. Thanos fell backward. Loki ran forward and pushed him as hard as he could. Thanos fell off the edge of the rocky cliff and fell. He was suddenly sucked into the black whole...


Loki took a step back and took a shaky breath. His energy and magic draining from him. He had to get out of here. He closed his eyes and thought of the only place he felt a little welcomed.

Stark Tower.

Loki finished tell Tony what had happened. Tony stared at him with a blank expression. Loki smiled at him and got up. He scanned the room and saw the first aid kit in the corner. He grabbed it and sat back down next to Tony. Tony blinked and shook his head, taking the kit from Loki and pulling out the anti-septic spray. He cleaned Loki up and... well he couldn't do stitches on Loki's forehead, so he did the next best thing and put a plaster over it.

'I can get Bruce to stitch that up from you,' Tony said and Loki nodded. 'So what you gunna do now?' Tony asked him

'Got enough room for one more?' Loki asked a little smirk showing. Tony smiled at him.

'Come on, I have my own Tower for god sake, I have enough for ten whole army's,' Tony said, leaning back in the sofa. Loki chuckled and smiled at Tony, who smiled back.

So that's it. I know, no-one died. I was tricking you, did it work? Nope ok. I hope you liked the ending. I would just like to say a massive thank you to all of you who have followed, favorited and reviewed. I loved writing this story and I can't say how thankful I am that you read it. Love you all! BYE X