Skull: Alright here is the edited version of this chapter of 'Tenshi no Kitune'! Please note that there will only be a few changes and one or two key changes.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Assassin's Creed or any other thing I brought or will bring into the fict.

"Good luck Naruko-sama, Mito-sama, Tsuki-sa- ITAI!" he yelped when they hit him on the head. "Why?" he said.

"We keep telling you Onii-sama to stop calling us 'sama'" Mito berated with Naruko and Satsuki nodding.

"I apologise if it-""Ah Forget it"Naruko interrupted him in annoyance then smiled sweetly at him and hugged him. "Thanks Aniki-kun"

Satsuki, Mito and other onlookers looked on in envy. No fair!

"Well I won't keep you any longer mistressess (que blushes)." he said as he left.

"Well Mito-chan, Tsuki-chan..."Naruko started.

They all nodded before yelling, "LET'S DO THIS!" before a boot hit them in face.

"Shut up and get in here!" Umino Iroko yelled.


"Alright begin!" Iroko said when she got the class to settle down and Mizumi to gave the exam papers to the students.

They got down to it.

This is easy! Were the thoughts of Mito, Satsuki and most of the capable students.

Hnn. You know who this is.

Troublesome, was the thought of a certain Nara.

Cha! I shall ace these exams so that Sasuko-chan will finally notice me! Were the inner-banshee's thoughts.

The questions were on basic Geography of the shinobi countries, Konoha history ie what was the Shodaime Hokage famous for, etc.

What is the point of this exam? It doesn't make any sense. These aren't important in the frontlines. Thought Satsuki.

When Naruko got hers she frowned. These questions for the ANBU exams!...Genjutsu! Hmm, it seems that there are still haters working here. Oh well, Aniki-kun tried his best. She then made a ram seal and then the paper cleared to be the same exams the other students were doing. She smirked.

1 hour later

"OK everyone turn over your papers and head outside for weapons test!" Iroko yelled as she collected the tests. She turned to Mizumi. "You collect the tests while I go asnd test them" She nodded as she headed outside.

Academy Grounds

This'll be a piece of cake, thought Mito as she watched the first student stepping up to throw her kunai and shuriken, as she was about to throw it, she was interrupted by a yellow flash. (No pun intendid)

"H-Hokage-sama!" Iroko stuttered. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be-" "I'm a kage bunshin" she interrupted, "I was just looking around some damn paperwork when I happened to come across some of the results of the past exams, and I must say that Konoha's standards have dropped considerably since I or Sandaime-sama went to the academy, so I have decided to come here and test them out myself...or a clone at least" she explained.

Many students were whispering about the unfairness of it all except the actuall potential students but were stopped by the clone's KI.

Naruko's eyes widened, Even though I still haven't forgiven her, I gotta hand her some respect! If this is just a clone...then how powerful is she?

Mito had stars in her eyes. Mom-sama is so cool!

"Shut up! You are about to be kunoichi or at leasts the ones that'll pass so woman up! This is life! It isn't fair, so either take the test or get out!" she hollered. None left. She nodded in satisfaction and smirked, "Good luck, 'cause of now... the written exams hold nothing but 20% if you pass" making many wince at that but none complained fearing her.

Dammit! The demon bitch can pass now! Thought Mizumi.

"You need hit a minimum of 10 moving targets with the kunai and shuriken provided. There are extra points for vital areas," Iroko explained professionally. "Begin!" And with that she began calling out names.

Various and unimportant students got 0-5 out of 20 on both kunai and shuriken.

Kira and Ino got 14 on shuriken and 12 on kunai.

"Ha! Bea that Forehead!" Ino taunted.

Sakura blushed and scowled. "I will!" she screeched.

Sakura got 10 on both kunai and shuriken, but barely.

Shika and Cho got 10 on both kunai and shuriken, though after throwing the 10 one Shika just walked of saying 'troublesome' making them sweatdrop.

Shina and Hinata got 15 on both kunai and shuriken.

Sasuko got 19 on kunai and 18 on shuriken making Sakura and the Sasuko Fan Club roar in approval. She smirked at the trio (Mito, Naruko and Satsuki) "Hnn, beat that dobes"

"Hnn, we will, Hnn" Satsuki mocked her making many giggle at Sasuko who scowled and walked off.

"Stop mocking Sasuko-chan, Satsuki-baka!" said/screeched Sakura and the fan club.

"Shut up!" Minako's clone yelled with a bit of KI making them pale and shut up in fear. "Next: Satsuki Uchiha!"

Satsuki went up and threw the stuff and got 19 on kunai and 20 on shuriken making Sasuko scowl at her.

Mito went up next and got 20 on kunai and 19 on shuriken.

Naruko- 20 on both kunai and shuriken, making Sasuko seethe at her. She smirked at her, pissing her off some more. (She was trained by assassins so...yeah).

Minako's clone nodded in satisfaction at the results. "OK, now for the taijutsu exam." Minako yelled, "I got a hand-to-hand combat specialist to test you all out" she announced, "Now follow me to the dojo" (Let's just say they have dojo's)

Academy Dojo

"Ok, they will be the one who will test you out" Minako's clone said as she turned to the students and pointed behind her, where there was no-one making the students and Iroko look at her strangely.

"Um, Hokage-sama... the-" Iroko started stopping after seeing a figure drop from a dark corner of the the room and a green blur crashing into the room.

Minako's clone ignored all this as she anounced the figure, "Please welcome Might 'Rock' Lee and Naruto Nam- er Kazama." She said sadly though only a few caught it and making a lot wonder why she said Kazama instead of Namikaze. "Rock Lee is the son of Konoha's No.1 Taijutsu specialist, Might Matsuri! Lee-kun here is personally trained by his mother in Taijutsu and is highly adapted to it. And Naruto Kazama is a highly trained hand-to-hand combat specialist, so please take this seriously." She explained then went to themand whispered, "Take it easy on them... they are still students" Naruto nodded in confirmation while Lee yelled, "HAI! HOKAGE-SAMA! NARUTO-KUN AND I WILL TEST THEM AND HELP YOUTHFULLY HELP THEM GRADUATE!"

"No I won't" Naruto said.

"Bu-" He started.

"No" he said flatly making Lee drop his head in depression before looking at him with fires in his eyes.

"YOSH! I WILL MAKE YOU SEE THE YOUTHFUL SIDE OF LIFE SOON!" He yelled making the sweatdrops on the Minako clone and academy students bigger.

Minako's clone coughed," Ahem, may I begin?"

They both nodded then proceeded to call out the names.

Over half didn't pass.

Shika was against Lee, she passed.

Cho passed against Naruto.

Ino passed against Lee.

Kira passed against Naruto.

Shina passed against Lee.

Hinata passed against Naruto. She passed using her Hyuuga Taijutsu.

Sasuko passed against Lee using the Inceptor Fist, though was pissed she was beaten by a boy.

Sakura didn't pass against Naruto. It was just to sad to watch even, but sadly she can still pass cause of Ninjutsu portion.

Satsuki passed against Lee using the Inceptor Fist also.

Mito passed against Naruto using a mix of Uzumaki and Namikaze taijutsu.

Naruko passed against Lee using her incomplete version of the Eagle Stance.

Naruto nodded at them and and congratulated them as he left.

"Alright, inside for the ninjutsu portion" Minako's Clone yelled.

Academy room

"First thing is you will show us is kawairimi, then henge, then a bunshin and finally an extra jutsu or technique extra credit." Iroko explained.

Over half failed...again.

Sakura passed, but didn't show any extra techinique or jutsu so... no extra credit.

Shika passed and showed her Kagemane no Jutsu.

Cho passed and showed her Baika no Jutsu.

Ino passed and showed her Shintenshin no Jutsu.

Kira passed and showed a Gatsūga with Akami.

Shina passed and showed a Mushi Bunshin no Jutsu. (Bug clone)

Hinata passed and showed her Byakuga and closed some of Iroko's tenketsu.

Sasuko passed and showed the signature Uchiha, Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu.

Satsuki passed and showed the same jutsu as Sauko but the fire was more concentrated and powerful.

Mito passed and showed summoned a room full of Kage bunshin.

Naruko passed and showed a censory ability taught by Naruto to her, where she told them where the ANBU were hiding.

Minako's clone nodded at them. "Thank you for taking the test, good luck next time on who passed. And for those who passed come back tomorrow for the teams." she said, then popped when she was finished.

Skull: Well there it is. I apologise for any spelling and grammar mistakes again.

Ja ne!