Just a Jaina Jag story I'm starting. Should be one of my best. I really like them together but there aren't many stories up about them, so I thought I'd contribute to the small collection. Hope you enjoy reading!

Characters: Jaina Jag, Han, Leia, Wedge, Jacen (for this chapter anyway)

Setting: A few months after "Traitor"

Rating: PG (to be safe, nothing really bad, they just kiss a lot…a lot)

Turn of the Tide

"Try it now!" Jaina Solo sat up from her small crouch over her father's beloved old ship, the Millennium Falcon. Wiping one of the many grease stains from her cover-alls she looked expectantly towards the cockpit where she could see the back of a head. Jacen Solo's hands were flying over the control board, pressing random buttons at a time and she distantly heard the engine trying to start up again. Exasperated she rolled her eyes and stuck her head back into the ship. Twisting a few more knobs and hotwiring a few more circuits she once again gave Jacen the go ahead. This time she felt the ship slowly rise beneath her and she held her breath, praying that these repairs were finally done.

Jaina and Jacen had "experimented" with the Falcon a few days ago, and "accidentally" took it into one of the small battles that went on every day or so outside of the Rebel Dream. Both their X-Wings were in for repairs, but neither Jacen nor Jaina liked to be out of a good fight, especially one against the Vong. The Vong weren't exactly getting weaker, but their strength wasn't growing. A good thing to think about, Jaina thought. While out on this "mission", Jacen had called it, the newly replaced sensory dish on top had been chipped away and substantial damage had been done to both the shields and repulsers of the Falcon, thereby, effecting the entire ship. How they ever managed to get it on the ground again, Jaina would never figure out. Let Jacen fiddle with that one, he was the deep thinker of the two anyway.

She felt another repulser sputter to life and saw Jacen fumbling to find the switch for the final repulser. Sighing once again she steadied herself and prepared for the ship to drop. It did. Frustrated she climbed off and into the hatch towards the cockpit. She knew that Jacen was well with tools and computers, but there came a time when big sisters had to step in.

The door swished open and she saw Jacen, sitting in the oversized co-pilots chair, looking defeated. Giving him a half smile she fell into the pilots chair next to him.

"That stupid number seven repulser," Jacen said half grinning. He looked almost on the verge of tears and Jaina could remember why. She too remembered the last time this ship had been worked on. Anakin had been allowed to take the ship down on Courasaunt and the young teenager had gotten a little carried away. He had been forced to fix the damage along side their father, Han Solo, and his wookiee co-pilot, Chewbacca. The number seven repulser was the only thing they couldn't fix. The ship had flown through this whole war without it. Almost as if it was a lasting memory to Chewie and Anakin, who fought over it constantly during the repairs. Thinking about it brought a pain to her heart and she felt a stab in her gut. That was before any of this happened. Before that stupid belt run and the mission that Lando had sent her father, Chewie and Anakin on. The events following had all lead to this moment in time and Jaina was all for getting out of this moment as quickly as possible. Grief wasn't something that she needed to deal with right now.

On a happier note she just continued to stare at Jacen. He too had been a subject of grief for her for a long time. Returning back to them almost 2 months ago had certainly brightened her courage and given everyone renewed strength for the war. Almost the opposite had happened to the Vong. Not that they knew Jacen was back, she could tell they were all quite panicked whenever they tried to launch and attack on the Rebel Dream. The thought of two gods on the New Republic's side must have sunk in.

A beeping from her side brought her back to reality and she lifted her comlink to her mouth.

"Goddess," she said, resuming the tone of her cover.

"Wrap it up kids," Han Solo's voice came from the other end. "Wedge want a meeting with all the insiders in his office stat." The Insiders was a small group of family and friends who were openly rebelled to the New Republic and what it had become. The very people who had helped shape the Republic, including Jaina and Jacen's mother Leia Solo, were now rebelling against it. Jaina couldn't blame them. The government had totally gone to shambles and Courasaunt was now under Vong control. Having seen the damage first hand and being a prominent member of the famous Solo family, Jacen had immediately been accepted into the group and his knowledge had helped them considerably in the war.

"We're on our way," Jaina said back, in a considerably lighter tone. At least they could get away from this ship…

Han watched with wonder and love in his eyes as Jaina and Jacen quietly filled into the room. It was so great to see them together again, an image that he had kept in his mind just incase it didn't happen again. And another reason, he had never seen Jaina happier. But with that note his face became a little darker as he saw Jaina break free from Jacen and move over towards Jagged Fel.

He never had anything personal against the Chiss Coronel. After all, he was full blooded Corrilian and one of the best hot-shot pilots that Han had seen since…well, himself. But that was what worried him. He remembered himself at that age, reckless, adventurous and always willing to break the rules. The very thought of his little princess with that guys made his stomach tense.

"Down boy." Han turned to his side and forced a smile at his wife. She had taken the news of Jaina and Jag's relationship far better than Han had. Realizing that they were in love and that there was nothing that she could do to stop them, she had wished them luck and now let them have as much privacy as they wanted, much to Han's dismay. He remembers the countless conversations with Leia as she tried to convince him to let it go. He felt another one coming on.

"Look at them," he said frowning. "We're in the middle of a war and they're making googly eyes at each other.

"So," Leia said defiantly. "We were in the middle of a war and you were doing the same to me."

"Don't pretend you didn't make them back sweetheart. I remember some of those faces," he smiled for a moment, remembering the past. "But that was different." he said finally, silently.

"Oh really?" Leia raised one eyebrow at him. "How so?"

"Oh come on Leia! We were older than this!" He felt his temper rising but he made sure that his voice didn't.

"Not by much nerf herder. As a matter of fact, only a year or two."

"A year or two, too soon." He knew this was a loosing battle but it didn't stop him from trying to fight.

Leia didn't reply. She looked towards them for a moment and saw Jaina resting her head contently on Jag's shoulder, with his arm lovingly around her. "What are you so afraid of?" she said turning back around. "He's just like you were when you were that age!"

"That's what I'm afraid of," he said gripping her hand tighter and he felt her smile. She was about to reply but the door hissed open and Wedge Antilles stepped in, a grim look on his face. A momentarily smile, that most probably missed, was there for a minute as his gazed crossed over Jaina and Jag. Han scowled as he finally sat down next to Leia. Leia had said that Jag was like him. And Han knew how that relationship had turned out. Silently in his mind, he prayed that Jagged Fel was not like him.

Jag closed his eyes momentarily and let the beauty next to him sink in. He had traveled half way around the galaxy to fight a war, and instead had not only fought a war, but found one of the most precious beings imaginable. He carefully kissed the top of Jaina's head and smoothed out her hair. Looking up he caught Leia Organa's eye and gave her a wink. She smiled and turned back towards her husband, who Jag knew had been watching him and Jaina for a while.

That man made him nervous. Jag didn't mind admitting it. And it wasn't just nervousness. If there were few things in this galaxy that Jagged Fel feared, Han Solo was at the top of the list. He knew very well of the old smuggler's reputation and he feared the day that might come. When he might have to go up to that man he so feared and announce the death of his daughter. The thought made Jag cringe inside and he reflexively strengthened his grip on Jaina. He would definitely be dead before she would even be close to death. He would never let it come to that.

He turned to the sound of the door opening and saw his Uncle Wedge walk into the room. Jag had the absurd feeling to stand up and salute, but now was not the time for that. He was only among family and friends now. Protocol was not needed. He caught Wedge's eye as he scanned the room and saw his uncles face grin at the sight of Jag with his arms around Jaina. Jag felt a small blush creep onto his cheeks but the embarrassment passed as quick as it had come. Jaina sat up as she heard Wedge start to speak, but her hand was still firmly grasping his. She smiled at him and his heart melted. Force she's beautiful! Jag knew she had heard his thought with her force powers because her cheeks flamed red and she diverted from his gaze immediately, focusing on Wedge.

"The Wraiths and I have come up with the new plan for the next mission to Courasaunt," Wedge started, always getting right to the point. "This plan consists of tow consenting individuals to fly to Courasaunt on the Clawcraft that Jacen Solo has provided," he paused and he motioned to Jacen with a nod of his head. "They will then need to find their way into the Senate chamber and record the progress of the Vong takeover. As I understand, the Vong wish to create Courasaunt as their new home world and we need to see how far they have come in order to plan an effective strike in them." He paused to let everyone take in his last few words and then cleared his throat to continue. "I put in a very strong vote for Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel going.

Jag thought he was going to be the first to stand up and object but Han Solo beat him to it.

"Are you crazy Wedge!? My kids have been on enough crazy suicide missions!" Han looked furious but Wedge remained calm. Leia stood up beside him and place her small hand on his arm.

"Han, I've already discussed this with Wedge and Luke. We all think it's the right thing to do." Stupefied, Han looked towards his brother in law. Luke Skywalker sat in a far way corner with his arms around his wife, Mara and Ben, their young son, in her arms. He let go of Mara and stood up going slowly over to Han. Jag knew that Luke and Han had been best friends since the days of the first death Star and Jag was sure that some agreement would be made between them. He looked over to Jaina and saw on her face that she too had not been told of this mission. Someone had a wicked sense of humor. Must be Wedge, Jag thought dryly. Not that he minded going on a mission, alone with Jaina, but he would rather go by himself so that he wouldn't have to worry about her.

"Han, I know you think I'm crazy about sending Jaina on this mission…"

"Darn right you're crazy Luke!" Han was not to the point of loosing his temper. It was more like her was giving a punishment to a young child. "Do you remember the last time you sent them on a mission!? Do you remember what happened? Who's to say that this will be any different?"

Luke Skywalker seemed perfectly calm. "Believe me Han. I remember. I remember everything. But also believe that if I thought the best way to win this war was to keep you're children all here, safe and sound, I would do it. But they are the best we have right now Han. We have to send them where they're needed."

Han almost looked defeated. Almost. "Why wasn't I told about this sooner?" he crossed his arms in front of his chest and gave Luke, what Jaina called, the stare.

Jag had had enough. Standing up, he spoke before Luke could answer. "Excuse me but maybe I could solve our little problem here. I'm all for going on this mission but," he braced himself for an oncoming storm. "but I think that Jaina should stay here." Immediately her felt Jaina's foot connect with his toe and he gave a little gasp. She bolted up beside him.

"You are not going anywhere without me Jagged Fel." Stupid Solo's, he thought. Why do they all have to be so stubborn…

"I agree with Jag," Han interjected, raising his hand.

Luke almost looked for a moment as if he was going to agree. But he shook his head. "No, it doesn't feel right. Jaina has to go or this mission will fail."

Jag was shocked. What could Jaina do that he couldn't? His mind landed on those force powers of hers and he wondered vaguely if Jaina might be using them to control Luke. But, as far as he had learned, Master's were more powerful than Knights. Jaina was definitely not strong enough to control her uncle. Besides, all the other Jedi in the room seemed to be agreeing. Even Kyp Durron, whom Jag was surprised was even a part of the insiders, was nodding his head in agreement with Luke's statement. For once, Jag Fel was on Han Solo's side. He locked eyes with the older man and within a few seconds they had come to an agreement. Without speaking. Like the force, or something, Jag thought.

Han voiced their unspoken thought. "I'll go with Jag."

Wedge was the first to react this time. "Not a possibility," he said without the slightest hint of amusement in his voice. "A force user has to be going."

Ahh that was it, Jag thought. Jaina could use the force and he couldn't. Technical difficulties. He'd survived this long without the force, he could do it for a few more weeks.

"Daddy," all the eyes in the room turned towards Jaina's childlike word. She looked Han straight in the eye. "I know you love me, and I know you want to protect me," she paused and took a deep breath. "but for Force sake! I'm old enough to make my decision about this and Jag and I are going," she paused again. As an afterthought she added, "together."

To be Continued…