Chapter 29
Stephen runs into the hallway in time to see Silas and Sam run towards the stairway with the kids. Rafe is still out cold from the shot Stephen gave him. "Come on Rafe, you have to wake up. It's kind of hard running down a staircase with a 15 year old boy in your arms." Silas says sarcastically. Much to Sam's slight relief Danny is still fast asleep. "This boy can sleep through anything." Sam says. They reach the bottom of the staircase and head for the door. "Wait…what about Livvie?" "She can handle herself; let's get the hell out of here!" Sam exclaims. "No we can't leave her. She's helped out a lot." "She's also the reason we're in this mess in the first damn place. If she had just left him locked up in Alabama none of the events that have happened would have taken place." Sam says annoyed. "Well I'm sorry; I can't just leave her with my demented brother. You go on and head back to Port Charles." Silas starts to turn around and leave until Sam stops him. "And leave you here to face him alone, not a chance." "I'm not alone, I have Livvie." "Like that's suppose to soothe me?" "Look we don't have time to go back and forth on this. We get to the car; the three of you are getting in and heading to your mom's. End of discussion!" Silas finally blurts out. Sam wanted to respond but seeing Silas' expression only allowed her to respond with a head nod yes. They get to the car and manage to get the kids in. "Silas, I swear…" "Samantha, please. Don't worry. Can't anything keep me from you. I'll always come back to you and only you." Silas says as tears fill his eyes. "I love you Silas Clay. Please be careful." Sam says as she drives away. She looks into the rearview with the painful feeling this would be the last time she sees the man she loved. Well alive at least. "Ok baby brother, it's time to finish this. Once and for all." He says as he heads back into the villa.
Sam drives desperately down the highway. Every now and then she would look in the rearview mirror to see if either Danny or Rafe or both have woken up yet. Danny would whimper on occasion but he would go right back to sleep. She chalked it up to her erratic driving. Once she gets closer to town she pulls over and grabs her phone. Hurriedly she dials a number. "Come on pickup! Come on…come on…" "Hello?" "Carly?! Thank god I got you. Listen I need a favor, can you come meet me. I'm on Route 10 heading up to the Adirondacks, it's an emergency!" "What are you doing on Route 10?" "Not now Carly! I don't want to call my mom at the moment." "Ok I'm getting in the car but you need to explain what's going on. Did you run into in some shit?" "I have the kids with me. I have to get them somewhere that they will be safe while I go back for Silas." Sam says pacing. "Huh? Is Silas ok?" "Long story short, his brother is back. And Silas is up at the villa and I need to go back!" "Stephen is alive! I thought…" "I know, I know. If he was here he would probably believe it himself." "Turn your flashers on so I can see you. I'm on Route 10 now." Carly says as Sam goes to turn on her lights. Carly gets to Sam and hurries out the car. "Help me get Rafe out the car." They run to the side where Silas put Rafe. "What happened?" "Stephen gave Rafe a sedative when he tried to escape with Danny. He's been out since." Sam says as they carry Rafe to the front seat of Carly's car. "Do I need to take him to the hospital?" Carly panics. "If he isn't woke in an hour, do. I don't know how strong that thing was." Sam says as she goes gets Danny. By this time he has woken up and is crying. "It's ok baby. Mommy's here. Look its Aunt Carly. You're going to go with her and Rafe for a little while ok? Mommy has to go help Si-si but I promise we'll both come back for you. I love you so much." She puts Danny in his car seat. "Don't let anyone near them if you don't know who they are. And watch out just in case Stephen wants to pull a trick. He looks exactly like Silas except his hair is longer and darker." Sam says as she runs towards the car. "Be careful Sam!" Carly yells after her as Sam drives off. "Hold on Silas, I'm coming back for you." She says as she speeds down the road.