This is... what despair did to a person? Hinata couldn't help but wonder over and over if it was really the despair speaking, and not another one of Komaeda's random breakdowns. For both of thier sakes, he hoped it was the latter. Komaeda had been in bed for only a couple hours, and the entire time, he had rained offense upon Hinata, telling him that he hated his very presence and yelling for him to leave him alone.

To be honest, the change was both frightening, and hurtful. Hinata hated to even consider it, but he honestly missed the lost-puppy version of Komaeda, the one who was always cheerful, and strangely

"Leave," Komaeda commanded, for the millionth time. Hinata could tell that all the swearing and screaming was beginning to tire him, and he was just now absorbing the fatigue of all of it.

"I can't, I'm supposed to be watching you," Hinata told him, again.

"Go away, I hate you!" Komaeda spat, mustering up what little strength he had left.

Hinata felt needles of pain and horror prick at his heart. He missed Komaeda... He missed having the cheerful, white-haired teenager talk on and on about his brilliant plan for a hope-filled future. He felt like he was slowly being pulled into a thick, syrupy wall of despair. His eyelids fell, and he visualised the many spears and swords of sadness running him through.

"I hate you... Leave..." Komaeda murmured, as if in a trance.

Those words left piercing holes in Hinata's soul. His eyes shot open, and his gaze rested on Komaeda's fragile form, hardly visible against the bed sheets. He missed Komaeda so much it hurt... Despair pooled in his eyes, as he felt overwhelming sadness slam into him like a freight-train. Tears fell onto the bedsheets and glistened before being absorbed into the soft fabric.

"I hate you... I... hate... you..." Komaeda said, his eyes closing slowly. His breathing slowed down, and his mantra-lullaby was silenced.

"I know," Hinata mumbled through his tears, pullling the covers up to Komaeda's chin.

As he turned to leave, something told him that his job wasn't yet done. He slowly walked back to the bed and hesitantly leaned down, pressing a small kiss to Komaeda's forehead before straightening up and leaving.

If he stayed any longer, he felt as if he would've said something rash.

For instance, "I love you."