Hey everyone, how are you all doing this day? Listen I would like to extend my apology to all of those who have following this story and those who've yet to catch this story. I know that it has been a very light year as far as updates and chapters. I've moved in with my girlfriend and have been looking for a job but that's no excuse but this there is hope for next year everything has settled down and now I can focus more attention to my stories and upload more chapters to The Rogue Two and Torment as well as add a new story to the roster but next year when i get started for real. Anyway thans for your patience and see you guys in 2018.

Xevhiroth: Thanks so much you guys

Zikito: Hope you guys enjoy what we got coming next year.

Zevela: Yeah, hope you enjoy it.

Ingem and Engin: Hope you're keeping up.

Gin: Thanks for your time.

Altair: We extend our sincerest thanks to all of you for being with us.

All: SEE YOU IN 2018!

Happy New Year.