Here's the second part! Did I make you all wait too long? TT3TT I'm sorry~ I hope you all enjoy it ^^

Natsu's face heated up considerably. 'Did Gray r-really just say that?...And what did he even mean?'

Long caressing fingers. Gentle cold lips. Dark jet hair brushing upon his skin. Every part of Gray flashed into his mind, and Natsu didn't even have to imagine anything since his friend stripped so often.

Gray glanced at Natsu, and they locked eyes. 'Oh no, am I blushing too?' Gray thought to himself, because he spotted crimson on his friend's face. 'God dammmit! Why does that flame-filled bastard have to be so adorable?! And today of all days too!'

'Am I in love?' The thought crossed their minds, and both couldn't formulate an answer.

Natsu took a glimpse of Gray. 'This warm feeling…. is it only because of my magic?'

Gray caught his eye. 'He's making me feel like a flushed schoolgirl confessing to her crush. It's ridiculous!'

'I wish he knew how hot he was, when he's lazily gulping drinks at the bar…'

' Or taking a smoke outside…'

'The messy hair of his is so attractive…'

'We would be a perfect match…'

'They do say opposites attract…'


'And ice…'

A longing look was in both of their eyes, which reflected the setting sun and river where all their rambunctious fights were held. Now…. it was the place of their first kiss. . .

Natsu and Gray leaned in, and their lips met. Finally. The anxious feeling was finally gone. Gray had one hand on Natsu's thigh, and one hand placed on the grass. The ice mage deepened the kiss as they closed their eyes. Each couldn't believe how shockingly cold or hot their partner's lips were. It made a jolt run through their bodies. Was it… lust?

Gray smiled to himself as he pulled Natsu's precious checkered scarf off. The fiery mage shivered at the sudden rush of cold on his neck. More tremors were felt down his body as Gray bit softly on his bottom lip. That caused Natsu to open his mouth just to gasp, and wrap his arms around Gray.

"Gray…!" Natsu moaned at the little caresses Gray was teasing him with.

Just to get him back, the dragonslayer ran his hands very lightly down his partner's chest and abs. The tentative breaths were continuous and uneven from both the mages. Gray lowered his lips, still touching skin, down Natsu's cheeks and jaw line, slowly working his way down. Finally reaching the sensitive skin of the neck, he licked it with his tongue and felt shivers from Natsu, and his own body. His cold tongue was actually hot now, and chose at this vulnerable moment to bite the skin near Natsu's collarbone. It left marks of course, and that was exactly what Gray was trying to do.

'He's mine….' Gray spoke in his mind. There was nothing that could stop him now. "Natsu, are you enjoyi-"

He was unable to finish his sentence because Natsu had suddenly started teasing his nipples.

A hot burning touch on the right, a hard pinch on the left.

He couldn't suppress a low whine as he felt tortured and pleasured at the same time. He had definitely removed his mouth from Natsu's neck, and was now kissing him yet again, while pulling that significant pink hair. The two friends groaned into each other's mouths.

Those sounds. Went right down to their groins. Gray unconsciously started moving his hands down Natsu's sides and closer to the hem of the black pants he had earlier searched.

The pink-haired mage was conscious of his partner's hand tracing the hemline and slowly pulling them down.

"G-gray, hurry it u-up!" His moans only brought a smirk to Gray's face, and Natsu looked for something to grab on to- the raven locks of hair below him.

His pants were finally removed, and the dragonslayer roughly pushed the head of hair down toward his erect member. A soft breeze went by and the light touch of it made him arch his back. "Gray! D-do something, al-already…"

The other mage placed a chaste kiss on the tip of Natsu's member and started to caress it with his icy hands. He blew a chilly breath onto the tip, and watched for a reaction.

"Aaah- G-gray! S-stop.. n-no~"

Gray licked two fingers on his other hand and inserted the slender appendages into Natsu's puckered hole and that doubled the pleasure.

"M-my.. a-aahhh! A-ahh.. t-t-too mu-much-!" Natsu's voice escalated higher and higher as the slim and long fingers of the ice mage pounded harder and harder into him.

As Gray hit his prostate once, twice, and once more, Natsu groaned and thrust his hips for more friction.

"Natsu, you're so hot. Do you want more, huh?" Gray whispered icily into his scarlet ears.

There was no coherent answer from the fire mage because now his cock was being pumped as quickly as the fingers dug into his hole. Disjointed whimpers and moans from both mages became more frequent, until they finally released.

Natsu's scream of pleasure filled Gray's ears and the white mess shot onto the ground and their skin. He sighed and leaned back onto the grass.

The dark haired partner laid his head on Natsu's chest, and whispered, "That was amazing, Natsu… I enjoyed it, I enjoyed making you cry out in pleasure~"

Natsu ran his warm hand down Gray's sweaty back. "But you haven't had your share yet, right, Gray?" With a furious blush, the ice maker tensed up quickly and raised his head from Natsu's chest.

"Oh, so that's what you want? Do you want me to take you roughly with something larger.. and hotter, than my fingers?"

"Or do you want to dominate over me, dragonslayer?" he asked in a fierce whisper. Gray yanked him by the scarf, pulling him up face to face.

Natsu didn't know what to say at first. He ran his hands through his partner's hair.

"You can keep dreaming Gray. I know I'm going to give you something more way more cooler and delicious than that popsicle."