A/N: People of Fanfiction, I deeply apologize for such a delay! I was soooooooooo busy because school started and I'm learning to adapt to the changes of high school and AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I actually finished this chapter exactly a month ago, but I couldn't find the time to publish it! I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! GOMEN! GOMEN! GOMEN!

Also, I apologize if you think I'm not giving enough roles to certain characters. I'm trying my absolute best to give everyone the same amount of roles and stuff like that.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this earlier or if you guys figured this out by now, but Ricardo and I definitely know that Haruhi is a girl (in the story), the Hosts just don't know that we know yet. Also, this story takes place a year after the anime took place; so Haruhi and the twins are in their 2nd year, Tamaki and Kyoya are in their 3rd year, and Honey and Mori are in their 4th year (last year with the Host Club T_T). Sorry for giving you this information now, it just hit me now that I haven't mentioned it at all!

So without further ado, I give you the fourth chapter of "A Time to Host for American Commoners"! Enjoy!~

Disclaimer: Y'all already know I don't own Host Club (I wish I did).

We are back in Music Room #3. I am currently sitting on the floor, even though there were countless chairs where I could've sat down. Ricardo was sitting next to me, with a towel draped on his shoulders.

The other Hosts were staring at us with expressions that I couldn't read and the atmosphere felt strange. I felt a little uneasy, but I stared right back at them and secretly admired their beauty. Ricardo, on the other hand, found the floor much more attractive and stared at that instead. Naturally, I would do that too, but for some reason I feel very comfortable around the Hosts.

The silence got more and more awkward by the minute. Heck, maybe seconds!

I was thinking of what I should say to break this silence. I naturally suck at starting conversations, so nothing genius came to my head.

Right when I was about to give up on this mini-mission, the multi-million dollar question comes and smacks my brain around. Why didn't I think of this before?

I cleared my throat before I spoke. "So, when do we start and what is our debt?"

That got them all interested. Even Ricardo looked up! Ha! Nailed it!

All the Hosts looked at Tamaki, awaiting the final verdict of the fates of Ricardo and myself. Tamaki looked deep in thought, as if this was the most important decision of his life. Either that, or he was just doing math. Yeah, I think it's math.

"Well," he finally said, "you shall start tomorrow, on the first day of school!"

Ricardo's jaw dropped. "WHAT?!" he exclaimed.

Tamaki continued speaking as if someone hit a pause button and then play. "And your debts are 500 requests…EACH!"

"WHAAAAAT?! THAT'S LIKE 1,000 IN TOTAL! WHY SO MUCH?!" Ricardo yelled.

Tamaki explained, "Both of your debts were originally going to be 200 requests each. But thanks to that stunt you pulled off with the window, I raised it to 500."

Ricardo was dumbstruck. He couldn't speak and his jaw was wide open.

I laughed. "Gee! Way to go, Ricardo! Thank you for giving me more time with the Hosts, though!" I winked at him jokingly.

"Aw man! I don't want to do this!" Ricardo complained.

"Well that's too bad, isn't it?" remarked Kyoya as he adjusted his glasses.

Ricardo pointed a finger at Kyoya. "You sir, are rude!" he exclaimed.

I gasped dramatically. "How dare you speak like that to mommy?! That's not okay!"

I heard Kyoya sigh, which was most likely caused by calling him mommy.

Okay, so Ricardo really doesn't want to be a part of the Host Club and it's really obvious. I feel like I should do something to help him get out of this, but how?

I usually suck at making genius plans too, but there's always the option of improvisation. Oh well! I guess I'm going to have to wing it!

I cleared my throat to attain the attention of the others. "Excuse me, but is there any way for Ricardo to…you know…not be part of the Host Club? It's not really his thing."

Ricardo shook his head to emphasize my point.

"There is one way and one way only for your friend to escape his debt," the twins said. Ricardo was very much interested in this. His face expression looked like he was on the verge of life and death.

"What is it?! Please tell me," Ricardo pleaded desperately.

"In order for you to escape your debt," Hikaru started. "of 500 requests, you have to win," Kaoru continued. The twins both posed and recited in unison, "The Guess Who's Hikaru Game!"

Ricardo was devastated. I don't even think that's the right word of how he should've felt. Both him and me know that it's almost impossible to tell the twins apart, especially for him, since he hasn't seen much of the anime.

And if that wasn't devastating enough, the twins just had to add, "And if you guess wrong, both of your debts get doubled to 1,000. Ready to play?"

"Say WHAT?!" exclaimed Ricardo. He sighed and it seemed as if he were deciding if he take part of this gamble or just stay with the 500 requests.

It took him a few minutes to think this through. Finally he said, "Alright. I'll try it." The twins smirked at this and took out their hats that were miraculously stored in their coats in such a fashion that no one would suspect it. The only question that pops up to my head at this point is "HOW?!"

"But wait," Ricardo said, "If I win, what happens to Andrea?"

The twins exchanged glances and then looked at me. I was smiling back at them with probably the weirdest smile I can manage. I waved at them casually until their gaze was redirected to Ricardo. I silently laughed to myself because of the weird looks they gave me before turning their heads.

"Andrea, here will have her quota raised to 1,000 to cover for you," the twins said to Ricardo.

He gave me a very concerned look. I knew what he was thinking. He didn't want to leave me here alone with these guys. He thought he would betray me if he left. I had to reassure him that I would be more than happy to hang out with the Host Club. Come on! Like these guys are awesome!

I began to speak calmly. "Ricardo, it's okay. If you win I would actually be happy."

"Oh thanks Andy!" Ricardo said with a little upset tone.

I put my hand up to signify that I still had more to say. He shut his mouth and let me continue speaking. "Hold up! I didn't finish speaking! I'm not going to be happy because I'm getting rid of you or anything, I'll be happy because you'll be happy you're not going to do anything out of your comfort zone. I know you really don't want to be a part of this club and that's okay! I'm your friend and friends don't force other friends to do something they're uncomfortable with. Well, with just a few exceptions. Anyways, my point is to not worry about me. I'll actually be happy to spend more time as a Host. Or maybe the dog. Or…whatever they want me to do!" Phew! Let me take a breather! That was a ducking speech I gave!

I didn't notice the rest of the people in the room were all staring at me until I finished my speech. Everyone's attention shifted to Ricardo.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

The Hosts looked back at me.

"Positive," I responded firmly. And then I added, "Are you sure you want to play this game? Remember, they are twins and look exactly alike."

Ricardo shrugged. "Sure, I guess."

I smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Good luck. You'll desperately need it."

He chuckled and reverted his attention to the twins. "Alrighty! Let's start this game!"

The twins put on their hats and chimed, "Close your eyes!~"

Ricardo put his hands over his closed eyes. I wanted to participate too, so I did the same.

A few seconds later I hear the same voices say, "You may open your eyes now!"

I opened my eyes and saw Ricardo with a determined look in his eyes. It both scared and impressed me. I never thought I would live to see Ricardo so…serious. We shall celebrate about this later.

"It's time," the left twin started. "for you to guess," the twin on the right continued. "which one is Hikaru!" they finished together and then struck poses while they smirked at Ricardo.

Oh! I know which one he is! He's the one on the right! I know for sure!

I raised my hand and started waving it around excitedly. "Ooh! OOH! I know! I KNOW THIS! Can I guess?"

The twins turned to me. "Sorry, but your friend has to guess to make it out of this club…alive."

Ricardo yelled, "WHAT?! THAT WASN'T PART OF THE DEAL!"

The twins laughed like the mischievous selves they were.

"That's. Not. FUNNY!" Ricardo exclaimed, clenching his fists.

"You do realize you still have to guess which one of us is Hikaru, right?" the twins said.

"Oh right!…it's…it's…um…"

Come on Ricardo! You can do it! It's the one on the right! The one on the right! Just say right, and you're out of here!

Ricardo looked at them. He looked left and right at their faces until he sighed and stated his answer with uncertainty. "The one on the…left?"

God damnit Ricardo! I facepalmed. Well, let's look on the bright side! I get to share this experience with Ricardo! Yay!

Then, the twin on the right voiced the devastating answer that I already knew, "Sorry, but I'm Hikaru. That was Kaoru."

"Are you kidding me?" muttered Ricardo.

"And both of your quotas have risen to 1,000 requests!" the twins added enthusiastically.

Ricardo let out a sigh and imitated Tamaki's emo corner.

Speaking of Tamaki, I turned to him and smiled. "Guess what? You now have two new children! Hooray!"

He smiled back at me. Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug. I'll admit, it startled me a little and caused an involuntary gasp to escape my lips. "Welcome to the family, Andrea."

After I recovered from the brief shock, I smiled and returned the hug. "I'm glad to be here, daddy."

I heard a pair of feet shuffling by me, towards Ricardo. I looked in that direction to see Haruhi patting Ricardo's shoulder. Tamaki let go of me and turned the same direction I did.

Ricardo looked up at Haruhi and managed a weak smile. She extended her hand towards Ricardo.

"Welcome to the Host Club, Ricardo," she said with a smile.

Ricardo's face expression suggested he was stunned for a few seconds, but it faded away quickly. He took Haruhi's hand and got up with her help.

As soon as he was back on his feet, Ricardo pulled the shorter cross-dressing girl into a hug. "Thank you so much," he said gratefully.

Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, and I chorused, "Awwwwwww!"

Both of them released from their embrace and blushed a little.

I made a heart with my hands and said, "RicHaru! I ship it!"

Both of them blushed deeper, much to my content. That only made me ship them more.

Honey ran and stopped in between the distance between Ricardo and me. "Hey! Since you guys are new to our family, I was wondering if you would like to share some cake with me."

I wanted to yell, "Dude, did you say cake?! Oh hell yeah! Count me in!" But then I remembered that I was in a rich school, or maybe palace, and surrounded by rich people. I needed to be a little bit more sophisticated than that.

So I mirrored my inner reaction in a more reasonable manner. I smiled and walked up to him. I patted his cute little head and replied, "Of course I'll eat some cake with you, Honey-chan!"

Ricardo said, "Ooh! I want cake too!" He obviously doesn't have the same thought process as me. Oh Ricardo…

"Great!" Honey responded. He grabbed our hands and dragged us to a table to eat our welcome cake.

I'm so happy. I only just joined this club and I already feel like I'm a part of this family. I'm glad I'll get to spend a whole year with these guys. I know this is going to be a fun year. Well, only after school, but it's still a year!

A/N: I'm sorry for the cheesy way I end my chapters, I just can't think of any other way to do so without adding another big scene to it. So, you know the drill: please leave a review about your opinions/feelings/etc. Also, that poll I mentioned in the previous chapter is still up. Feel free to answer it.

Question of the chapter (I think I'm going to do this from now on): What do you think of the RicHaru ship? Should it be canon? Any other ships you would like to see or be mentioned?

Like always, thank you for reading and have a nice day!