* Please Review! So I have been writing this with a friend of mine, Knyte. It was an idea that she came up with and we worked together to start to bring this story to life. I hope you like it.*
Rebel popped open the trunk of abandoned car on the highway. She walked around to the back of it, pushing the trunk up more to start rooting through. She was looking for everything and anything. She needed new clothes, some new shoes, medical supplies and food. Always food. Anything would do. Canned goods, jerky, bottled water, anything that was still good. She needed shoes without holes in them and warmer things for the upcoming winter. She would swap out her old for the new. That way, Rebel felt a little less like she was taking things from others. She would take something but leave something else in it's place. But as she looted through the trunk, a noise from behind her forced her to whip around.
A motorcycle was weaving around the cars, making her drop to her knees. Live people. She hadn't seen any living people in months and the ones she had seen before, weren't the nicest. She wasn't going to take any changes on what type people these were, she wasn't going to let her presence be known to them, not just yet. Annoyance lanced through her. This was her looting area, had been since she found it. Rebel just hadn't had time to clear all the cars yet. She had a camp site in the woods, not far from the highway, and every day, she would come to the highway with two empty backpacks, fill them with things than trek back to her camp. She had a good stock pile but it never hurt to have more, like winter clothes and better shoes. Her frown deepened when she saw the man stop and an RV pull up behind him. Why couldn't he just be alone?
" What the fuck?" She snapped quietly. " Go away."
Rebel watched as a group of people started to pour out around the RV that looked like it was experiencing some car problems. She flatten her back against the car and watched as the people talked then started to fan out. The man that had the bike was slowly making his way towards her, looking through the cars just as she had done. He stopped at a few and opened the doors to look through them. His face was red with sweat keeping his hair plastered to his head. He was squinting with his mouth partly open. On his back was a large cross-bow and at his knife, a long knife. She knew better than to stay there, watching, but apart of her missed people, she realized, and she just wanted to watch them for a few minutes. Part of her wanted one of them to find her, part of her was scared they would find her. The dead weren't the only thing to be feared. She figured she could handle herself with one person, but she was sorely out numbered here and she knew it. Of course, they had women with them and two children. How bad could they be with women and children around?
The man was getting closer and Rebel decided there were a few choices she had now. He was going to find her, no matter what she did. She had waited there too long, had been too caught in up the living people's voices, listening to how the mothers instructed the children to stay close. If she ran for it, he would hear her and might come after her. She could duck down under a car and wait the people out or she could face him, ready to defend herself or introduce herself, whatever he forced her to do.
The man was within breathing distance when she started to rise up, her choice made. A whistle rang out, making the man swing around before he could see her. She glanced past him to see what the whistle was for. The sight coming towards them made dread and fear settle deep into her stomach. The dead were coming, not just one or two, but what looked like thirty or forty or maybe even fifty. Rebel cursed silently as bile threaten to make it's way up her throat. There was nowhere to run from them now. She had to hide. The man must have thought the same thing because he spun back around and started sprinting, towards her. He hit her hard, unable to stop himself when he saw her. They tumbled back into the trunk, with the lid slamming shut and him landing on top of her.
"What are you doing! Get off me!" Rebel hissed in a panic.
He was shifting around on top of her but there wasn't any room for him to move away from her. His forearms came to rest against either side of her head as he struggled for what, she wasn't sure. It was dark inside the trunk so she couldn't seen him and that only heighten her panic. She started to struggle and hit at his chest and shoulders with the heels of her palms. She tried bucking her hips in an effort to push him off her.
"Stop fuckin hittin me!" He snapped.
"Than get off me!" Rebel snapped back. His weight was like a tank as he pressed down on her with his legs tangled in hers. His stomach repeatedly hit hers as he panted in the small space and the heat coming off his skin and body was starting to make her feel like she was trapped in a furnace.
"What the hell you think I'm tryin to do!" He answered. He whipped his head from one side to the other, his hair slapping her in her face. Something dripped down onto her forehead and dotted her face.
"What the hell is that!" She asked as she tried to wedge her hand between them to wipe the liquid off her skin. "Are you bleeding or sweating on me?"
"It's hot outside and now I'm stuck inside this piece of shit, of course I'm sweatin! Now shut the fuck up 'fore them walkers hear you!" Being quiet had been what kept her alive all these months but having an unknown man on top of her, while she was trapped inside the trunk of the car was overriding her common sense.
"Get off me!" She snapped again.
"I'm tryin! Ain't no room!" He growled. "Now just calm the fuck down!"
And she did but it wasn't from his words. A sound reached them through the metal of the car. A groaning sound that made her grasp a hold of the stranger's sides. Her hands closed in on his leather vest as cold dread started to make it's way through her body. Both looked towards the door of the trunk. He had gone completely still above her, his body tensing at once. He shifted, making her legs part so he could fit against her body better. He was moving again.
"What are you doing?" She whispered when she heard his skin scrapping against the metal.
"Makin sure the trunk is shut." He whispered. " Might only take them a small bump against the car and the trunk will pop open if it ain't latched right. We'd fucked then. Ain't got room to get my cross bow ready or get to my knife."
"So is it shut?" She asked as fear replaced the dread that had been flowing through her veins.
"Seems like it. Now just shut up, would ya? Only takes one of them to hear us in here 'fore they all know it. Walkers ain't strong on their own but you get enough of them together and they can fuck shit up." He whispered. His head turned, sending his hot breath across her cheek. Rebel closed her eyes and shook her head. This was not happening...not to her. She couldn't believe she was trapped in the trunk of a car with a man she didn't know laying on top of her.
"So we just lay here?" She whispered.
"You gotta better idea?" He asked sharply.
"You don't have to act like a dick! You're not the one pinned down by a stranger!" Rebel retorted. Something hit the car, hit it hard enough that the car was jostled. Rebel jumped and threw her legs around his while her arms circled his waist. She cried out in surprise.
"Shut the fuck up!" He whispered as one of his rough, callous hands slapped down onto her mouth. "You want to bring them down on us!" Her hand shot up and smacked at his shoulder, making him lift his up from her mouth. "Stop fucking hittin at me!" He whispered in anger.
"Then don't cover my mouth!" Rebel countered; bringing her hand back to his side. The car was jolted again, making her tighten her hold on him and suck in her breath. "Are they trying to get in?!"
"Don't think so. Bastards mostly just roam around, hittin shit til they see food." He said. He had his head turned again. She could tell because his fast pants weren't hitting her face anymore.
"My name is Rebel." She whispered, almost shyly. His head turned, yet again, so his warm breath went over her skin.
"What?" He asked.
"My name. It's Rebel. If I'm going to have to lay under you for a while, I thought we should exchange names." He grunted as his breath left her. Rebel opened her eyes in the darkness and rolled them. "And now is the time when you tell me your name."
"Daryl." He grumbled after a few seconds before both of them fell silent.
They listened for anything and everything they could hear. A few times the car was hit on the side or the top as the dead bumped into it. Groans and moans pushed through to them, making her shut her eyes again and bite down into her bottom lip. They didn't know the couple was there. They were safe. The trunk was shut, Daryl had said so and she was going to choose to believe him.
Speaking of Daryl, his weight was starting to hurt her much smaller body. She shifted under him to on side then the next, trying to find herself a more comfortable spot and ease the pain she was starting to feel. Something was digging into her back as he dug into her body. His chest was heavy against hers. His stomach, waist and hips pressed down into hers and no matter where she moved, she could not find relief. And what the hell was in his pocket was so hard, it was starting to dig more and more into her thigh. She was sure she was going to have a bruise.
"Told you to stop fuckin movin!" Daryl snapped suddenly.
"I'm sorry but you're heavy! You're hurting me! And what the hell is in your left pocket?" Rebel asked.
"Ain't nothin in my pocket and never you mind 'bout that!" Daryl hissed down to her.
"Well something is digging into me and it hurts! Is it a rock?" Rebel asked.
"What the hell would I be runnin 'round with rocks in my pockets for?" Daryl asked.
"I don't know!" She said, starting to wiggle around again, brushing against that hard spot again.
"Stop wigglin! I ain't gonna tell you that shit again!" Daryl yelled in a rough whisper. What he had in his pocket jerked and pressed into her more.
"It moved! Do you have an animal in there!" She asked.
"Shut it!" He was gritting his teeth together; she could hear it in his voice. " Ain't no animal."
Realization hit her like a cold rush in the hot, small space. It wasn't a rock. It wasn't an animal and she should have picked up on that from the get go. It started hitting her too low on her thigh to be anything in his pocket. She had been too scared about the dead, listening too hard for them to realize that the hardness had been traveling up her thigh to its current resting place right where her leg met her pelvic bone. Could it be? No. No way. Rebel squinted her eyes so she could try and make out features of his face in the dark of the trunk. Slowly, as her eyes adjusted, he came somewhat into view. There was only one way for her to figure out what it was without asking more.
Carefully, she shifted her pelvis so it came in direct contact with the hard budge pressing into her. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, clenched his jaw and sucked in his breath. Rebel's face exploded into a bright red blush she was surprised wasn't reflecting off his face. It was what she had thought it was. It wasn't a rock or an animal.
"Oh." Rebel thought she whispered but wasn't sure. She shifted again; brushing against it and making him react again. Another sharp intake of his breath and his own hips shifted, bring himself right the center of her. It was Rebel's turn to gasp.
"Ain't 'bout you! Just 'cause of stress. Ain't got nothin to do with you pressin up against me!" His words left him in such a rush, that Rebel had to doubt them. " 'Sides, it's your fuckin fault! Told you to stop movin but you just had to keep wigglin 'round. What the hell did you think was gonna happen when you start movin under a man? Ain't you got no sense!"
"Can't you keep yourself under control!" She snapped back. "We are in a life and death situation right now and you think it's the right time to sport a hard on!"
"I told you to hold still!" Daryl snarled, even then she wasn't listening. He was pressing hard against her zipper, making her wiggle more to try and get him away from the middle of her. Daryl's hand shot down to grab at her hips. "Stop it! Right fuckin now!"
"Stop pushing it into me!" She hissed.
"Shut the fuck up!" Daryl snapped. More wiggling and it shot a sensation through his body so hard that Daryl jerked and lifted up as fast as he could. The back of his head hit the top of the trunk before he slammed back down on top of her. His weight sent her breath out of her as he hit her hard. "Fuckin hell!" He grabbed at the back of his head with both hands, his face colliding with her neck.
"Are you okay?" Rebel asked. Her legs slipped from his as she brought her hands to his where they clutched his head.
"Don't touch me!" Daryl snapped, yanking away from her and slamming his head into the trunk again.
"What are you doing? Stop hitting your head!" Rebel said, her arms coming to rest against the trunk floor.
"Ain't like I'm doin that shit on purpose!" Daryl snapped again.
" Actually, you are, dumb ass!" She said.
Thankfully, the trunk suddenly popped open, making both of them jump and look to the opening. Sunlight started to pour in as fresh air washed over them in a rush. A hand grabbed at the trunk and thrust it open more. A man in a sheriff's hat filled their vision as Rebel brought a hand up to shield her eyes from the sun's angry glare. He was alive and part of the group she had seen Daryl with.
"It's clear, you alright?" He asked. Daryl came up on his knees in a heartbeat.
"Fuckin great." He snarled, starting to climb out of the trunk. The man reached down a hand to Rebel as soon as she was free from Daryl's weight.
"Still might be a few around so we should be quiet." He said, grabbing her arm and helping her to sit up. Her eyes shifted pass the man to Daryl as he stormed away without looking back at her.
"Thank...thank you." She said.
"Are you okay?" The man asked quietly.