Rating: T+

AU!: Modern

Don't judge me...I just love mericcup fluff so much. Don't worry it doesn't go too far (at all really) ;) but it's kinda saucy... XD
(Inspired by some short romantic Jackuzel drabbles)

He didn't even know what happened. First they where watching a movie marathon, enjoying each others company. Cracking jokes, talking about their favorite characters and eating popcorn. They where having a blast, under blankets flopped lazily across the couch, and even at one point where in some sort of popcorn game throwing it into each others mouths.

And now here they are lip-locked. The blanket draped across the floor, a small lamp brightened the room. The movie marathon was still on and currently was playing an action flick. But the couple weren't paying much attention they were to busy snogging. The redhead sat on top of the brunette's lap leaning onto him pressing him down till the fell back against the couch. Now she was completely on top of him.

Hiccup broke the kiss, "Umm, Mer...don't you think we should be watching the movie.."

Their faces where so close, their noses where almost touching and he could feel her warm breath brush across his cheeks. She looked at him mischievously with a smirk, staring into his green eyes, "Maybe, bu' don't ye think thi' is a bit more fun'..?" She leaned forward planting soft kisses along his jaw down to his neck nipping it softly.

That didn't help Hiccup's case of course, as she was making it very hard for him to resist her. He moved his hands along her back and groaned softly at her teeth meeting contact with his skin, "I, ah-mmm...yeah it's just...isn't this one of your favorite mov-ies..?" He stuttered slightly.

Merida rested her head on her boyfriends shoulder, her hands moved up his chest. Then she turned her attention to the movie, "Aye, et is but..." she looked up at Hiccup, "..et can wait.." With a swift movement she hoisted herself on top of Hiccup's hips leaning over him. Her red curly locks were tied up into a high ponytail, wearing her pajamas, a black tank-top with red shorts.

Hiccup blushed and gasped at her swiftness and opened his mouth to say something but forgot it, getting lost in her blue eyes. 'How'd I get so lucky.. How does a girl like this like a guy like me?' These questions would often run through his mind.

Merida slid one hand over his shoulder, wondering to the back of his neck, she could tell something was on his mind. She leaned in closer but stopped hovering just above his lips. He looked up at her through half lidded eyes then closed the gap between them.

Merida ran her hands through his shaggy brown hair, twiddling with a small braid she found in it. She smiled in the kiss, as his cool finger tips ran up under her shirt along her spine sending a shiver through her body. With her other hand she lightly tugged at the faded superman tee he was wearing.

He apparently got the message, breaking the kiss and sitting up then tossed off the shirt. Merida blushed running her hands over his chest actually feeling muscle there. "Sae, hav' yeh been workin' out Hic!?" she asked with a smirk on her lips.

"Maybe..." he said chuckling brushing his fingers against Merida's warm pink cheeks.

She scrunched up her face teasingly, "Well et seems teh be payin' off..but yer still the skinneh bone Ah remember.." She smiled placing a finger under his chin.

He took the advantage and leaned forward pressing a kiss on her cheek. "I guess I am.." he said softly kissing down her neck this time, hearing a small moan rise in her throat. She felt herself moving backward, leaning on her arms scooting back onto the other side of the couch. Then she was resting on her elbows. Hiccup had his knees on each side her hip, kissing her shoulder as Merida ran her hands down Hiccups bare back.

Merida bit her lip and her heart beat quickened, who knew a guy could ever capture her heart like Hiccup did. If anyone ever told her that they man of her dreams worked at the local coffee shop. Well she would have called them mad and shipped them off to Madagascar! But yet here she was.

Hiccup moved back up to look at Merida's face, she was turned towards the T.V. looking so interested in what was happening. He turned his head to to watch the scene displayed on the screen.

"Mer-" a finger pressed against his lips, hushing him.

"Thi's is meh favorite part.." she watched her blue eyes wide. Her lips moving to match the words the characters where saying. After a few moments she turned to Hiccup. "Heh, sorreh..Ah jus' couldn't miss tha'..." Her elbow grew tired of supporting her weight and sighed she laid fully down looking at the brunette.

Hiccup just chuckled and kissed her nose, "Hey, couldn't miss the most important part." he said teasingly.

"Shut up!" she said trying not to smile but failing, then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down onto her. Then she kissed him on the lips.

Hiccup taken by surprise once again by her actions, flustered his face red. He felt her fingers fiddle with his hair and trace along his sides. He reached his hands up to her hair slowly but carefully pulling the ribbon that held her hair up into the pony tail. They broke apart for air and Merida sighed in relief running one hand through her hair quickly. "Thanks..." she said smiling as Hiccup dropped the ribbon onto the floor.

He just leaned in and kissed her head lovingly. As she just gave and airy laugh and cupped Hiccups cheeks, making him look at her, "S'op teasin' meh, et's not nice.." she said then pressed her lips against his diving into another kiss, but this one a bit more passionate.

Merida felt hands agains her bare stomach making her blush and gasp. "Hiccup-"

The phone rang and Hiccup pulled away, looking behind him at the phone that sat at the small table.

"Yeh migh' want teh answer tha'.." she said with a smirk.

Hiccup groaned and got off the couch walking to the phone and picking it up.

Merida laughed and sat up her red curls bouncing around her as she pulled her legs to her chest and mouthed the words, 'Who is it?'

Hiccup covered the speaker and replied, "My dad.." then he turned around the other direction and walked into the kitchen to talk to his father. "Heyy.."

Merida smiled warmly then shifted her attention around the room catching sight of her boyfriend's t-shirt. And idea occurred to her and she snatched the shirt in her hands.

Hiccup walked back into the room looking at the phone in his hands, "My Dad was just asking me if-" he stopped seeing Merida sitting crisscrossed on the couch with his shirt on. It was kinda big on her hanging off her shoulder and went down to her hips. He walked over to the small table setting his phone down. "Uhm..Mer? Why are you wearing my shirt?"

She shrugged innocently fiddling with her fingers, "Cuz, Ah like et.." she replied simply. "Et's much softer than mine..."

He crossed his arms, "Well...can I have it back?" he asked.

The redhead bit her lip and then crossed her arms, "Yeh want et.." she straitened the front of the shirt out, "Come an' get it..."

Hiccup's green eyes widened and he blushed, but then he decided he'll 'play along'. Then he smirked and started towards her. She jumped off the couch and chuckled as Hiccup tried to catch her. He hid around a corner when she wasn't looking, then as she came walking by trying to find him he jumped out and grabbed her from behind. She nearly screamed, but the laughed as he lifted her off the ground.

"Gotcha!" he said setting her down, his arms still around her waist then kissed her softly on her shoulder.

"Ah guess yeh did..." she turned in his embrace to face him then wrapped her arms around his neck, "An' et seems, Ah have teh return you yer shirt now huh..?". Music played in the background and the looked over to the living room in which they were watching the movie.

"Looks like the movie's over." Hiccup said turning his green eyes back to his girlfriend.

"Eh, we weren't watchin' et anyway.." she smiled at him then leaned in close.

"I love you Merida..."

Comments: Ok ok...I'm sorry ./ / /. I just had to get this saucy fluff off my chest before I work on Taken :) I don't write smut (especially of my bbies Hiccup and Merida) this kind of stuff is fine tho cuz it's saucy but cute..you know? So I hope you guiz didn't mind the kissie kissie X'D