Rating: K+
AU!: Punk Mondern

Mericcup (and some Jackunzel)

The curly red-head had her fiery locks pulled into a high pony tail, a few loose curls bouncing above her eye brow as she walked. Wearing shorts that exposed her long pale legs, a white tank with the vans logo on it which was tucked in, also wearing black combat boots.

Her blond friend walking beside her rocking a black and white checkered short dress with a thin black belt across her waist, with red boots and wearing multiple bracelets on her right wrist. Her long hair pulled in a messy braided bun.
They two 19 year olds were walking down town, heading towards the tattoo shop.

"Hey Mer, you sure do like getting new tattoos." she the green-eyed girl commented.

"Ah guess ye can say tha'.." she smirked blowing a bubble with her gum till it popped then pulled it back into her mouth.

"I mean, you have what...seven, eight tatts already?" Rapunzel crossed her arms, on her left wrist she had a beautiful sun tattoo. "Is it to see you dear 'friend' Hiccup?" putting emphasis on 'friend' in a sarcastic tone.

Merida looked at her friend, "Eight, an' don't be actin' like ye have any.." she pointed to her wrist, "An' don't think ah don't know about tha' other one..." she blushed. "We are jus' friends..." she pushed a stay hair from her face behind her ear.

"Alright, alright...sureeee."she giggled. "And it's just when you get a tattoo you barely even flinch!" she put her hand on her hip.

"Or maybe ye jus' don't notice." they turned into the tattoo shop walking in as a bell jingled.

A man with rusty brown hair about 20 years old walked in. He was wearing a green beanie with a green tank exposing his arms which were cover in sick designs that seemed to go all the way up to the side of his neck. He was wearing blue jeans, sagging a bit and black converse shoes, freckles spread across his face, his green eyes looking at the two young women which had walked in.

"Hey ladies, back again I see.." he gave a small wave walking up to the counter, "Merida, Rapunzel what's up? he rested his arm on the counter.

The blond tipped her fingers on the counter, "Mer, here want's another one of your killer tatts." she lifted her arm pointing a thumb at her scottish friend.

Merida crossed her arms, rolling her eyes at the girl, "If tha's not a problem...Hic." she turned her attention to Hiccup which gave a mischievous smirk, motioning his hand to follow him to the back.

"So where did you want it this time Mer?" he asked walking to a counter pulling out a clean sketched drawing of dragon flying over a bow which an arrow on fire was loaded about to be fired. "I finished your custom, I hope this is what you where looking for..."

He held up the colored sketch toward the girls, Merida was blowing a bubble as she looked at the picture her eyes grew wide and the bubble popped. Punz smiled, "Wow Hic, this is amazing!" she turned Merida still staring at the picture, unblinking. The blond snapped her fingers in front of her friends face, "Mer!"

Merida shook her head, "Hic et's perfect!" she smiled clapping her hands together.

The brunette, shook his head with a smile, "Glad ya like it," he patted the cushioned seat which was laid flat. "Now where did you want it?" he asked, walking to the back counter.

"Ah was thinkin, my lower back...Et's summer an' Ahm plannin' on hittin' the beach." she untucked her shirt and rolled it up, showing her midriff. The laid on her stomach on the chair that was laid flat, resting her head on her arms.

Hiccup was just finishing putting on black nitrile rubber gloves as he turned around to see Merida already laying down, her lower back exposed. He felt a blush cross his face, then he turned away to pull a small movable table towards him, as he sat down on the roller chair.

Rapunzel on the other had mad herself comfortable on an empty desk, slightly swinging her legs while she texted someone.

"Punz? who are ye txtn'?" Merida asked. "Yer boyfriend!?" she teased.

"Shut up! And we aren't exactly boyfriend and girlfriend yet.."

"Oh yeaah, sure. Ye talk to each other all the time! An' when ye together ah can see the way he looks at yew," she smiled.

Hiccup could only shake his head as the two bickered, he finished preparing the tool, "Ya ready Mer?" he asked ink tool in hand leaning over to look at her face.
"Ye, fire away," she chuckled then relaxed her muscles. As soon as she did, there was a sharp pain that made her tense again, but then relaxed as the artist continued.

Suddenly there was a giggle from Rapunzel and he cheeks turned a rosy pink. She was shaking her head, "Jack.."she mumbled.

Merida turned her attention to her friend. "Ooooooh Jack," she cooed. "I love ye Jack, an' I hope weh get married an' stay young ferever!" she waved her hand in the air.

"Shut up Merida, and don't think I don't know why you really wanted to come." she narrowed her eyes glancing at Hiccup then back at Merida.

"Don't ye dare"! she waved a finger at her friend. Hiccup dabbed some of the blood away with a tissue then with one hand on Merida's back and the other grabbing a new tissue as he looked up at Rapunzel.

Rapunzel only smiled at them then turned her attention to the brunette giving him a wink. "It's beacaaaaause..."
Merida picked up a pen and thew it at the blond, hitting her in the cheek. "Ow!" she rubbed her cheek with her hand.

Hiccup chuckled patting Merida's back which made her blush. "Mer tame that fire of yours." he joked, then went back to tattooing.

Merida smirked, "Ah'll try.." Rapunzle gave her a look, noticing her blush. She groaned covering her face in her arms as her blush deepened. Hiccup was still working dabbing as he went, "You alright?" he asked the red head.

Keeping her head down she waved her hand, "Yea Yea, go ahead'" she said her voice mumbled. The artist smirked and continued, Merida flinched slightly. As Rapunzel continued txting, suddenly she gasped and jumped from the table.

The other two turned their attention to the blond, she looked up realizing they both were waiting for her to say something, "Jack just invited me to the Bistro across the street!" she pushed a loose hair from her face behind her ear, "He's just the sweetest thing.."she smirked.

Merida gave her an 'are-you-serous-look' but Rapunzel just stared back with a grin, her green eyes hopeful in a 'please-please-please-let-me-go' look.
Merida sighed, "Alrigh' you an' yer prince charmin' have f-" she felt a sharp pain and flinched, letting her head hang down, "fun." she finished.

"Mer are you sure?" the red head gave her a thumbs up, Rapunzel was just about to leave she walked up and pat Merida on the shoulder, then waved goodbye at Hiccup. "Maybe when you're finished you two can come meet us there, It'll be like a double date!" She called just as she left out the door leaving them to their awkward silence.

"Punz...whadda ye goin' to do.." she chuckled, her cheeks turning red. Hiccup just smirked dabbing away some blood, "Almost done Mer..." he finished with one last easy stroke then wiped and dabbed it with a paper towel. "Finished!" he said taking the gloves off, and sliding the table away.

Merida sat up swing her legs so they hung off and just above the floor, she tied her shirt so that it would stay above and show her midriff.

"Uhh Merida, you don't have to-"

"Wha'? This piece of art cannot just go unseen!" she smirked then hopped off to the floor. Hiccup handed her a mirror then pointed to a mirror on the wall. She walked over to the mirror, the area was a bit red but that's how a new tattoo would always be for a few hours. Hiccup stood behind her resting his head on her red hair.

"I love et." she set the mirror on the nearest counter before turning around, wrapping her arms around his neck. The brunette let his hands fall to her hips as she leaned in close for a tight embrace. "So what was Punz talking about, when she said the real reason you came..." he cocked an eyebrow.

Merida pulled away, "Ah...umm, well you see Punzie is very delusional sometimes, and today she forgot to taker her pills and-" she trailed off as Hiccup gave her an, 'just-tell-me-I-know-you're-lieing' look.

The red head let her arms drop to her side but then moved her fingers putting the tips into Hiccups side pockets. "Ah...guess, ah jus' wanted to see ye again Hic.." a blush crossed her face, feeling embarrassed she then hid her face in his shirt. "Et's silly ah kno...I jus-"

She was cut off with one swift movement he put a finger under her chin lifting her head up, then planted a kiss right on her lips. Whether or not Hiccup would be slapped, he didn't care. Merida's blue eyes widened at his action she was surprised that Hiccup would make a move like he did, her eyes fluttered shut as she kissed him back her hands moving up to his neck. It was like the world stopped, something like fire burned in her lungs but it felt so good. Hiccup's hands dropped back down to her waist as she pulled him closer, they separated to catch their breath. Merida smiled at him their heads were real close, her blue eyes sparkling into his green orbs.

Hiccup shrugged then moved his hands up her back, "I don't know why I did that...It just felt right..." he said a cheeky grin crossed his face. Merida rolled her eyes, "You're such a dork." she pulled him back in for another kiss. This time slightly moving backwards Merida backed into the mirror which hung on the wall, Merida smiled in the kiss as he moved his right hand to cup her face. Suddenly their was a loud sound, they both broke the kiss. It was a phone, Merida's phone, she took it from her pocket it was Rapunzel calling her. "Who is it?" Hiccup asked.

Merida smirked mischievously pressing the end button, "Jus' Punz.."

"Don't you think you should answer it?" he asked chuckling.

"She can jus' leave a message," she tossed the phone onto the counter across from them then grabbed his hands. "Besides Ahm busy." Hiccup leaned back in kissing Merida lightly on the nose and Merida returning the favor.

Comment: D'aaaw I enjoyed writing this c': I had to stop myself at the end, didn't want to get carried away, if ya know what I mean *eyebrow wiggle**wink wink* XD any who, should I make this Drabble into a short story or just end it here...yall tell me if you like it. :) If I do continue there will be some Jackunzel ;D