My apologies to ShadowWalkerxX , I didn't realise my story was just like yours at the time but I see now and I'm sorry I copied your ideas your story is just a really good story please check it out. Sorry , Sorry , Sorry. Her story inspired me to do my own one but I guess they inspired me so much that I copied them, I'm sooooo sorry. But here is my new story hope you like it 100% my own ... except the characters.
Simon and Clary were having a picnic at the park. It was a warm day. They were lying on the picnic rug reading comics, when suddenly a frisbee hit Clary hard in the back of her head.
"Ow!" Clary picked up the frisbee and looked around to see a couple of 10 your old kids waving their arms for her to throw it back. She threw it. A prefect throw.
"Why don't you come and play?" They asked. Simon looked up from his comic, and shook his head.
"Clary I'm no good at playing! Plus we can't leave our stuff here." Simon gestured to the food. Clary stood up and rolled her eyes.
"C'mon Si! It'll be fun!"
"Then I'll have to go by myself!" Clary said.
She stretched out her hand, Simon hesitated then reluctantly took it and they walked over. Half an hour of playing and everyone was having a good time... Except Clary. It turns out Simon is great at frisbee ,probably just because he's a vampire now, and Clary was terrible. Her perfect throw? Must of been lucky, since then she hadn't been able to even throw the frisbee to who she was aiming for, usually it went off coarse and into the bushes. This time it went into a tree. Clary sighed. It had to go in one of the tallest trees. Just her luck.
"Don't worry Clary, I'll get it for you." Simon said. Of course Simon wanted to get it, save the day. He already had the others cooing at his every move.
"No, I can get Simon," Clary snapped. Clary climbed up the tree with the occasional branch snapping under her weight. She didn't think she weighed too much. Finally she was at the top of the tree and had grabbed the red frisbee. She looked out at the view - it was amazing. Something caught her eye. It was a golden boy she knew too well...passionately kissing someone else. Clary was so shocked that she lost her balance and fell out of the tree. Luckily Simon caught her. No not luckily Simon had just done yet another heroic action!
She fought off his grasp and stormed over to the tree that Jace and that girl were kissing.
"Jace, I love you.." The girl said between kisses.
"I love you more.." Jace replied. Clary started crying and ran away. She couldn't see where she was going and bumped into Alec.
"Sorry I'm sorry, wait Clary? By the angel are you alright?" He asked. Clary pushed past him, she ran past Simon and ran all the way home without stopping until she was lying on her bed, crying and panting - because she had ran a long way.
Simon pushed open her door and saw collapsed on her bed sobbing into her pillow.
"Clary, what's wrong?" He asked. Simon sat down next to her.
"Jace...He was there...At the park...With someone else...Cheating on me." She managed through tears. Simon stiffened beside her before pulling her in for a hug.
"That bastard! I knew he would do something like this, should I go talk to him?" He asked. She managed to shake her head before pulling away.
"No, I don't ever want to see him again, I don't want him to be in my life... or yours." Clary said. SImon looked down at his hands. She knew who he was thinking about. "Except Izzy, you can still see her." He looked up at her and smiled. Suddenly his phone went off. Izzy. He answered.
Simon: Hey Izzy,
Izzy: Hi, are we still meeting at Taki's
Simon: Sorry I can't anymore I have to stay here with Clary, something real bad happened and she is in a horrible state.
Izzy: I'm on my way over
Simon: Wait I think she wants to be alo-
*Beep, Beep*
"Sorry Clary, Izzy's coming she heard about you and wanted to be here." She shrugged and then lay down in her bed. Simon stood up.
"I'll go make us some coffee." Simon left the room. 5 minutes later Clary heard a knock on the door and then Izzy and Simon arguing. Someone was coming up the stairs. The door flung open and standing there was Izzy closely followed by Simon, Alec, Magnus and...Jace. Clary dug her head back into her pillow.
"Oh come on Clary, we just want to cheer you up. Now what's wrong?" Izzy asked. Clary didn't move she pretended she was asleep.
"Guys I think she is asleep," Alec said concerned. Jace sat down next to Clary.
"She's not asleep, if she was asleep I'd be able to tell. Clary looked up at Jace and could see very faint lip gloss marks if she looked close enough.
"Clary, you look terrible what's wrong?" Magnus asked. Clary looked at Jace and tried to keep back her tears. He leaned in for a kiss but the she punched him in the stomach. Everyone looked shocked, except Simon. Clary dug her head back into her pillow
"Everyone LEAVE" Simon ordered. Jace was the first to leave, he looked angry but hurt, followed by Alec and Magnus. Izzy hesitated, then went and at down next to Clary, but not to close.
"Clary what's wrong?" She asked very worried. Simon leaned against the door and looked between the two girls.
"Clary can I tell her?" Muffled noise coming from the pillow followed with a shrug. Simon sat down next to Izzy and gave Clary her coffee -who was now sitting up - and told Izzy what happened.
"So that's why you punched Jace?" She asked. Clary nodded. Izzy sighed and leaned her head against Simon.
"Jace always did this with his other girlfriends but I always thought you were different the way he looked at you," she looked down "does this mean since Jace did that our friendship is ruined?" Izzy asked. Clary shook her head and pulled Izzy in for a hug.
"Izzy you have been the only girl I have ever been friends with and I don't just want to throw that away because of...him" Clary replied. "But I don't want to see him again. Ever. If that means never going back to the institute then-" She was cut off
"No Clary, you can't just give up shadow hunting because of Jace, Alec can teach instead" Izzy said. Clary looked up hope shining in her tear stained green eyes.
"You think he would do that?" Clary asked. "Like that means he would be on Jace's bad side though..." The hope faded from her eyes. "And Jace and him are brothers... Parabatai, he wouldn't do that to Jace because of one of his ex girlfriends." Simon and Izzy looked at each other on the word "ex". So this was for real, not one of their stupid fights. Izzy reached out and took Clary's hand.
"Don't worry I'll talk to him, but meanwhile we have to get Jace back, make him feel pain like you did. First things first we need to get you dressed up."
"Why?" Simon and Clary asked in unison.
"We are going to the Pandemonium."
Please review and sorry again, if you have any complaints please message me other than that I hope you liked it and please review.