Story Title: Silence

Chapter Title: Start of Silence

Chapter Rating: M, T after the first line

Warning: EXPLICIT (GAY) RAPE IN THE FIRST PART. In the second part (after 'Safe from this point') only minor coarse language and mentions of rape.

On my way home, I passed a man in a black coat. I didn't pay much attention to him at that moment, but only seconds later, I wished I had.

I felt something heavy on my back. I toppled over and fell with my stomach on the rough stone street. I tried to scream in pain, but a hand put a small ball in my mouth and secured the straps attached to it to the back of my head. I was gagged. I struggled, but there was something heavy keeping me down. A body, I realized. I felt something hard poking in my lower back and I grew cold. I could guess what that thing was, and with that, I could guess what he was going to do to me. I struggled harder. That was rewarded with a hard slap to the back of my head that had my face crushing into the ground. Dizzily, I raised my head. The hand appeared again, this time I could see it was gloved. I wondered what it was going to do this time. A black cloth was fit over my eyes and everything went dark.

Stripped of my sight and voice and dizzy, I was pulled upright by two strong, gloved hands. The unknown man grabbed both my hand in one of his and dragged me along to God knows were. After walking for what seemed like an hour, but probably was only a few minutes, we stopped. He pushed me against something rough. A tree. He tied my hands above my head and then completely disappeared from my senses. I tried the bonds. They were tight and strong. There was no way I was going to break them of get them loose. To my horror, I then noticed I couldn't move my arms. He tied my hands to something.

I felt a wet, warm patch appearing in my pants. Then, my captor spoke for the first time. "Scared, aren't ya?" His voice was low and deep and made me shudder with fear. This man was evil, I could feel it. "Dontcha worry, I'll be nice to ya, well, as far as I can be nice." He laughed. A hollow, scary laugh that went all the way down my spine.

He straddled me. I felt him tear my shirt open and pull my pants down. Then he stopped. "What's this? Swimming trunks? You're a swimmer then, aren't ya?" He let his hands rest on my cock and then pulled my trunks down as well, leaving me completely exposed to the world. His hands disappeared from my body for a moment and when they returned they went straight to my cock. He had pulled off his gloves, I felt, and now it were warm, rough hands touching me.

Despite the fear and to my own dissatisfaction, the way he played with my cock made me go hard. As soon as he considered me hard enough, I felt something slip down my cock, all the way to the base, and stay there. "Come on boy, I hope you enjoy a little SM, 'cause I do." I froze. I knew just fine what SM was, and also knew I would absolutely hate it. I started struggling as hard as I could, but the struggling only made me graze my wrists.

"Ya don't like it? Too bad, or I'd show ya a piece of heaven."A collar was fitted around my neck and something clamped down on my nipples. I screamed in pain, but with the gag, it came out as a muffled groan. My legs got tied so that I couldn't stretch them any more. I had already become limp again from pain. I got rolled onto my knees and without warning, I felt my insides explode. His cock quickly trust in and out quickly, never pausing. My insides ripped and I felt something warm drip out of my ass. I raised my head in an instinctive attempt to get away, but this only caused my nipples to be pulled painfully. I was writhing in pain, trying to scream but unable to. And then I felt a sharp pain on my back. And again, and again. He had a whip, and he was hitting me with it. I was sure every hit drew blood. I felt more and more light-headed. Slowly, I faded into darkness. I vaguely noticed his cum spurting into me before completely passing out.

Safe from this point.

I was staring out the classroom window. I was worried about Haru-chan. Normally, I'd go to Haru-chan's house in the morning to drag him out of the bathtub and to school, but today he hadn't been home. I had been late, so I'd figured Haru-chan must have gotten out of the tub himself for once and gone to school on his own. When I arrived at school though, Haru-chan hadn't been there. Now lessons were nearly starting and I still had no idea where he could be. I promised myself to skip class and go searching for him if he hadn't turned up by the end of the lesson.

I got dragged out of my thoughts by the arrival of Miss Ama-chan. One look at her face and I was even more worried. Instead of her usual innocent smile, she wore a sad expression. Nothing could have happened to Haru-chan, right? "Ehm... class, before we start today. Nanase Haruka won't come to school for a few days and when he returns, I want no one to press him to talk about where he has been." She hesitated for a bit, thinking of what else she had to say, but she came up empty. "Then, let's start the lesson." I released a breath that I didn't know I had been holding. I realized I had feared the worst when Miss Ama-chan walked into the classroom like that. Haru-chan was alive, though I was still wondering what had happened to have him take leave from school. I figured I'd ask Ama-chan about it at the end of the lesson.

I couldn't concentrate for the rest of the lesson. I tried, but everytime my thoughts drifted off to Haru-chan. What had happened? Was Haru-chan alright? I looked at the clock for the xth time. Time was going far too slow at the moment. When the bell finally rang, I sprinted to Miss Ama-chan and called out to her.

"Miss Ama-chan, is Haru-chan alright? What happened to him? Is it bad?"

Miss Ama-chan bit her lip. "Sorry Tachibana-kun, the teachers have decided to keep quiet about what happened out of respect for Nanase-kun. I can tell you though, that he is currently in the hospital and will probably be released later today, depending on his mental state."

"The hospital here in town?"

She nodded and then seemed to ponder about something. "Maybe it's better if you go see him now. I'll notify the school." She waved me out before calling me back when she thought of something. "You might want to take Hazuki-kun, and maybe Ryuugazaki-kun as well, though I'll leave the choice to you."

I thought for a bit. It was only fair to take Nagisa, since he knew Haru-chan as well as I did. Rei-chan wasn't as close to Haru-chan, but remembering how well they got along, I decided to take him too. Ama-chan had said something about Haru-chan possibly being mentally unfit to leave the hospital. If that was the case, Rei-chan might be of help. They were in the same class, so it wouldn't take more time to find Rei-chan too.

"I'll go get them both, I hope you can notify the school of them as well."

She nodded and I left. I quickly went to their classroom, almost running. Class had already started by the time I arrived at their classroom's door, so I knocked.

"Come in"

I stuck my head through the doorway. "I'd like to speak to Nagisa and Rei-chan." Oops. Rei turned red at hearing his nickname and a few of his classmates chuckled. Well, I'd worry about that later, Haru-chan comes first!

"Is it important enough to interrupt my lesson for it?" the teacher inquired.

"Yes, very important."

The teacher signaled the two that it was okay for them to leave, and they stood up to leave the classroom.

"Take your bags, we're probably leaving."

They looked at me incredulously and the teacher, who, by chance, looked like a gorilla and also just as strong as one, glared at me.

"I do not approve of students leaving in the middle of class, unless there is an emergency."

"Miss Amakata has given me permission to leave and take these two with me. It is not an emergency, I think, but it is very important."

The teacher gritted his teeth, but, seeing my serious expression, waved Nagisa and Rei-chan out of the classroom. They almost ran out of the classroom. As soon as they had closed the door behind them, Rei-chan opened his mouth. "What the hell! Do you want to get us killed, Tachibana-senpai?! Next time we've got lessons of Gorilla he'll torture us. Where is Nanase-senpai anyway? If you want us two to come with you, you'd probably want him to come too, right?"

Nagisa put one and one together before I could answer Rei-chan. "Something happened to Haru-chan, right? Please tell me he'll be okay Mako-chan!"

They quickly put their books in their bags (they had just grabbed them from their tables when they had escaped out of the classroom), while I told them what I knew.

"Haru-chan is in the hospital. It is not life-threatening. According to Miss Ama-chan he'll probably be released later today. She still felt it was necessary for us to go see him. I don't know what happened to him, she wouldn't tell me. But from what she told me, I gathered it must be something horrible."

All blood drained from Nagisa's face at the last sentence, and he quickly put his bag on his back and dragged us out of the school. We took the shortest route to the hospital and immediately went to the reception.

"Nanase Haruka? Let's see..." A smiling-but-actually-bored receptionist quickly searched the system.

"May I ask what relation you have to Mister Nanase?"

"He's our friend and my classmate."

"Might I see your identification?"

I thought it was weird that I had to show my ID, but figuring there would be a good reason for these precautions I showed her my ID, the others following my lead.

She filled in something on her computer before turning back to us.

"Mister Nanase is in room 291. Just go to the the second floor and take the third corridor to the right. It is the second to last room on the left side.

"Can you tell me what happened to him? We couldn't get a lot of information at school."

She glanced at her computer. "It says he got raped. He is only lightly injured, but he seems to have some mental problems. Since you know him, please tell the doctor any changes in his behaviour after you've seen him"

We all froze. Rape. The one thing we hadn't expected to ever happen to any of us. Well, except for Nagisa maybe, who was considered pretty cute. But for Haru-chan to get raped... None of us had expected that. We gave a quick thank you to the receptionist and hurried to Haru-chan's room. When we got to the door, we stopped. I slowly raised my fist and knocked on the door. There was no answer, but I still slowly opened the door.

Looking into the room, I saw Haru-chan sitting upright in the bed. He was wearing a hospital gown and had an IV connected to his wrist. Considering the color of the liquid, he probably lost quite a lot of blood. His wrists were bandaged, as was his neck. I couldn't see if there were any more injuries under his sleeping gown. He had a sketch book and a pen in his hand, but wasn't drawing at the moment. Instead, he was staring at us. At first, he looked confused, but after a few seconds a thin smile appeared on his face. The normal Haru-smile that was invisible to anyone but me, and sometimes to Nagisa. One look at his sketchbook told me that his drawings were normal as well; he was currently drawing yet another version of Iwatobi-chan. It seemed that his mental problems weren't as far-reaching as I had feared.

"I heard what happened, Haru-chan. Are you alright?"

He moved his head in a way that I recognized as meaning 'more or less.'

I walked into the room, Rei-chan following me and Nagisa shuffling behind him, clearly not knowing how to act towards Haru-chan at the moment. I was less tense. I had already relaxed quite a bit. Haru-chan wasn't heavily scarred by what happened. I was sure that whatever mental problems this might have caused, they weren't anything that would seriously bother him in his daily life.

There were only two chairs in the room, so I sat down on the edge of Haru-chan's bed while Nagisa and Rei-chan sat down on the chairs.

"Do you want to talk about it, or do you rather keep it to yourself?" I asked carefully. I had always heard that it was better for a rape-victim to talk what happened, but I didn't want to force him. I realized something wás wrong with Haru-chan when he, instead of answering, flipped over the page of his sketchbook and started writing. Before I could ask about that, he already held it up so we could read what he had written;

The doctor told me it was best if I told someone, and I'd like to tell you, if you don't mind.

All color drained from my face. "That's fine, Haru-chan, we're happy to help." I saw the slightly fearful expression on his face, probably caused by my pale face, and I realized it would do more harm than good to not ask the one question that was burning on all our lips.

"Haru-chan, can't you talk?"

Haru-chan just shook his head.

Okay, my first non-hetalia fanfic. That doesn't say much when I only have put one fanfic online, but it does say something when you know that I've got another hetalia-fanfic almost ready to be put up, another I'm currently writing, and a 3-chapter smut-fanfic that I'm planning to write. Now I'm seriously worried about my update speed... Anyway, back to this fic.

Iwatobi Swim Club is the first anime other than Hetalia I'm following, not just watching after it has been finished. Normally, I don't like writing fanfics for unfinished anime/manga, Hetalia being an exceptions because almost all chapters can be read seperately. Still, the idea for this fic got into my head and didn't leave before I had written it. So, here it is! I hope you like it.

For yaoi-fans: No yaoi here, at least not for a long time. I might put in some RinxHaru or HaruxRin towards the end of the story, but only if it's a logical development. (EDIT: I'm pretty sure HaruXRin will be a logical development)

Also, English is not my native language, so if you find odd sentences or grammar/spelling mistakes, please tell me. And of course; please rate&review!