Lions vs. Panthers

A/N: Lion!Quinn! Panther!Santana! Kitty!Britt! Kitty!Rachel! GIRL!PEENS!

Do I have your attention? GOOD! Quinn is a Lion, Santana is a Panther and they both have girl!peens. Rachel is the only other female feline in school and is a rare Abyssinian, which makes her quite the catch and the cat-alyst of the majority of Santana and Quinn's cat fights…See what I did there? Huh? Huh?

Anyway this has been going on for years and just before Rachel is due to go into heat for the first time a new student shows up, will she bring balance to the force? Or will she cause the girls to just fall deeper into the dark side?

Things to know about this AU, ERRYBODY is an Animal. This takes place Senior Year, when in full animal form the cast is as follows: Puck's a Tiger Shark, Finn's a Great Dane, Sam's a Bottle Nosed Dolphin, Mike and Tina are both Asian Otter's, Sugar is an Italian Greyhound, Kurt is a Elfin (Rabbit), Blaine is a Silver Martin (Rabbit), Mercedes is a Pomeranian, Artie is a Raccoon, Rory is a Cornish Rex (Cat), Coach Sylvester is a Timber Wolf, Ms. Pillsbury is a Shih Tzu, and Mr. Schue is a Poodle. When in their half form the only retain a few traits, Fish have similar skin, Sharks maintain their incredible sense of smell and they both have the ability to close their gills and breathe normally, Mammals keep their ears and tails, Birds have feathers instead of hair, Reptiles maintain their cold bloodedness, sense of smell, regenerative abilities and skin types. All Animals keep the eyes of their species even in human form. Certain species mate for life and interspecies dating is completely accepted, hybrids are fairly common but usually children take after one parent or the other when it comes to their species.

Pairings at the beginning of our story: Puck/Sam, Finn/Sugar, Mike/Tina, Kurt/Blaine, Emma/Will, Mercedes/Shane (Bulldog).

PS. Brittany will be a Norwegian Forest Cat when transformed.

PPS. Scents are like fingerprints in this world, no two Animals are alike as the have a standard species scent plus a signature scent, or combination of scents. THIS WILL BE IMPORTANT LATER ON.


For three long years the fight for control and dominance had waged in the halls of WMHS, it was a jungle in there after all. Many fought for the top spots of their respective social circles, but none were more territorial than the Felines of the school; even if there were only four in attendance this year, one of which was an exchange student. Poor little guy never knew what hit him when he approached the only other Domesticated Cat in school. In Rory's defense he never smelled another's mark on the girl and he really just wanted to make friends, another Cat seemed like the safest bet; especially considering she was another rare and small breed of Cat like him. For Rachel's part she was very kind and congenial towards the little Irish Cat, giving him a warm and sincere welcome along with an offer to show him around until he felt comfortable and invited him to join her table for lunch. Little did either know that two pairs of darkened and angry eyes were watching the exchange, and while the owners could tell that what was going on was completely innocent, they'd be damned if that little foreign runt Ralph Nader-ed what the two had been building towards since first day of their freshman year.

That was THEIR Kitty!

Well…one of theirs, they wouldn't know for sure who Rachel belonged to until the little diva went into heat, and considering how much Rachel's already intoxicating scent somehow became stronger and sweeter since the first day of the semester? The Co-HBIC's knew it would be this year. FINALLY!

The competitive instinct between the two had always been fierce and the promise of victory had been a long time coming.

Since the day Quinn Fabray and Santana Lopez had met in Coach Sylvester's Junior Cheerio's Training camp, the girls were in constant competition. At first glance the two eyed each other appreciatively, Cats were not a common species in the North American Mid-West, but especially not Big Cats, so each girl eyed the other as a prospective mate, and both clearly liked what they saw if the growing hardness that kept twitching in their spankies was any indication. Both were lost to desire as they thought of claiming and mating with the other…at least until the wind changed and their scents finally cut through the lustful cloud both girls found themselves in. Suddenly able to smell each other, two loud ferocious roars echoed across the field as the girls shifted and charged at each other fully intending to settle dominance over the camp once and for all. All the other girls ran and dove for cover, while a steely eyed Cheer Coach watched it all with a Wolfish smirk playing across her features.

After the battle raged for nearly an hour the lone She-Wolf finally tired of watching the display and decided to end it before the two killed each other. Slowly the old Alpha moseyed down to where the girls were squaring off, all the while calmly loading the dart gun she kept for just such emergencies. Once she reached the girls she used her bullhorn to try and get their attention.


The woman waited impatiently for her orders to be followed as the girls continued biting, clawing and tackling each other. With a sigh, the tall blonde raised her gun and fired off two quick shots; to their credit, each girl was so focused on the fight that they didn't notice they'd been hit until the sedatives started to kick in. Seeing that they were finally coming out of their dominance fueled aggression, Sue Sylvester calmly stated, "I said…*brings up bullhorn*KNOCK IT OFF!"

"Now as much fun as that was, and I much as I may personally want you to keep going until both of you are dead, that's way too much paperwork and you're taking too long. Plus I'd still need someone to be my Head Cheerio next year and all these other weaklings ran like cowards over a little bloodshed. So until one of you can prove to me that you deserve it more, you will be Co-Captains. Now once you regain consciousness you will run a lap for every minute you wasted with your little pissing contest. Oh and if I get a single whiff of either of you spraying MY CHEER CAMP! I'LL DECLAW AND NUETER YOU MYSELF! DISMISSED! THE REST OF YOU RUN LAPS UNITL THEY COME TO AND THEN RUN THEIR LAPS WITH THEM, I'LL BE TIMING HOW LONG THEIR OUT AND THAT'S GONNA BE ADDED TO THE NUMBER OF LAPS! YOU THINK THIS IS HARD?! TRY HOLDING BACK YOUR GAG REFLEX AS YOU ARE FORCED TO WATCH AN OILY POODLE TRY TO MOUNT A SHIH TZU ALL YEAR LONG! NOW THAT'S HARD!"

And that was the last thing the girls heard before they slipped into unconsciousness. When they finally awoke the Lion and the Panther set out to establish dominance and control over each other and their teammates, however they also were able to come to a mutual understanding, after all Cats were rare and needed to stick together, so they pledged to have each other's back in the face of a common enemy. For the most part the girls never fought like the first day again, and in fact were able to build a strong friendship based on all the expectations and responsibilities they each had to face. At least until the first day of Freshman year, the moment they both saw Rachel. Several seats in the auditorium needed to be replaced that day, but more on that later.

Now back to our story.

Sharp predatory glares tracked the small Cats' movement through the crowd, with matching low growls both girls pushed off their respective lockers and stalked their prey down the hall. The crowded hallway parted seamlessly for the Lion and the Panther, many diving out of the way to cower in fear while others tried to hide themselves in their lockers and pray that they would be ignored.

Several threats, two shifts, and one scaredy Cat later, found the two girls heading towards their favorite class of the day.

Glee Club.

After strutting into the room they were thrilled to see the shaking little male Kitten sitting far away from the diva's usual seat and studiously not making eye contact with the intimidating glares being thrown his way. Rachel noticing this shook her head in fond exasperation as the two girls strategically placed themselves directly on either side of little diva, just as they did every lesson they had with her. The HBIC's always sat together in the ones they didn't share with their little Kitty, and in the rare class that only one of them shared with the girl, they took the opportunity to sit with her…as close as possible, delicately releasing their pheromones all the while finding reasons to be constantly touching the girl, but always being careful not to distract the little Abyssinian or attract too much attention to their activities. But in glee club all bets were off. Especially if it was a rare day when the diva wasn't performing, that's when the two cheerleaders really upped their game. By the first few minutes Rachel would always be reduced to a mewling, purring, squirming puddle of Feline hormones in her seat at the back of the choir room thanks to the ministrations from the HBIC's beside her. Both Quinn and Santana would keep a steady release of pheromones flowing all while they spent the hour hotly breathing sweet little nothings and sinful desires into the poor brunette's ears that would be punctuated by the occasional nips, licks and sweet kisses to her neck, but they always were careful to never mark a claim on her. This left their wandering hands free to caress and scratch at every inch of visible flesh, every once in a while allowing their long powerful tails to lightly brush the delicate Kitten between them.

When this little ritual first began Rachel attempted to resist their advances, really… she did. She found their direct and bold approaches to be extremely bombarding and more than a little offensive. What kind of Kitty did they think she was? That she would just brace herself against a wall and present to the first person to hit on her? She has standards and was raised to have self-respect and restraint. So after a week of trying to politely brush aside their wandering hands, moving seats, and wearing bulky clothes, Rachel Barbra Berry had finally had enough.

After a week of dodging grabby hands, being leered at, and blushing as a result of having promises of all the filthy things the Cheerios wanted to do to her whispered hotly into her ears, Rachel finally had found a moment of peace and quiet. After carefully sniffing every corner of the choir room, the little diva sighed in relief over the lack of two very distinct and potent scents, she was safe at least for a little while as neither of the older girls had apparently set foot there.

Now that she had calmed down, the little brunette actually looked around the room and squealed with delight at seeing the beautiful Baldwin baby grand piano, and raced to the filing cabinets against the far wall to find some sheet music to occupy her time while she waited out the lunch period.

So engrossed with her search Rachel didn't hear the door to the choir room softly open to let in two silent pairs of sneakered feet enter the room. The Lion and the Panther had been looking for the girl all over the school when they thought they heard a faint noise coming from behind the last door of the hallway, they quickly approached and were able to catch a faint whiff of the little Kitten's scent on the handle, sharing two identical smirks the girls snuck into the room to surprise the girl when they were stopped by a wall of her scent.

Unfortunately for the diva, regular excitement smells very similar to sexual excitement, and as neither girl had smelt Rachel aroused before they prematurely assumed that the girl had finally gone into heat, adding to the misunderstanding was the diva's loud purring and the fact that she was bent over with her tail high in the air, twitching back and forth at the tip. All these things combined are displays of when a female Cat is either in heat or simply wanton, and she was. Rachel was positively filled with want for music, for the stage, for stardom and while she perused the endless sheet music imagining her future, she had no idea of how her bodily response would be received by others. Specifically not the two painfully aroused Big Cats behind her.

The Lion shared a heated and quick look with her counterpart both silently agreeing to keep anyone from stumbling upon them while they finally claimed the brunette they had both desired and that one of them was starting to develop real feeling towards, feelings she was desperately trying to suppress. Slowly the blonde made her was to the other door to lock and draw the blinds she found there while the Latina did the same and went into the attached office to secure that as well. No need to give that creepy Poodle or anyone else a show after all.

They prowled towards the unsuspecting Kitty in synchronicity, Quinn settling to the right of the girl and Santana almost directly behind. With a silent nod once the other girl was in position, the Lion delicately cleared her throat and began tapping her foot to gain the little brunettes attention. As soon as she heard a throat clear, Rachel froze, movement to her right attracted her attention and without leaving her bent over position she slowly trailed her eyes up from bright white sneakers to shapely pale legs, at the apex of the thighs in front of her a large bulge was faintly noticeable under the pleats of a bright red skirt, from there slim hips moved transitioned up to a tight stomach topped by firm high breasts, gulping Rachel finally allowed to her gaze to take in the positively feral face of the girl before her.

Mistaking the other girl's apprehension as appreciation and thinking the shiver of fear was a shudder of desire, caused a low throaty chuckle to escape the blonde, slowly and deliberately eyeing the petrified Kitten, the Lion wetted her lips and husked out a greeting.

"Hello Rachel…"

Being addressed caused the diva to snap out of her catatonic state and quickly jump back in fear, directly into the waiting Latina's arms. A low purr sounded directly behind her, while firm hands grabbed onto her hips pulling her flush against the rock hard member in the Panther's spankies. "Hey Berry. God you smell so fucking delicious! Don't you think she smells incredible Q?"

The girl in question quickly stepped up to the two brunettes, pressing her aching length directly into the smaller girl's core, before she lowly growled out her response. "Always S, Rach always smells so…God...Damned…Tempting!"

"And now we can finally indulge Q, she wants it and we're the ones who get the privilege of giving to her. Roshambo for first dibs Q?"

At this the blonde cocks an eyebrow, "Why not the same time? Why make the poor girl choose? You've got lube on you right San?"

It was this line of questioning that finally snapped the Kitty out of her shocked and slightly terrified state, and caused her to unsheathe her claws to deliver two hard and blood drawing slaps to the girls trapping her.


The two taller girls listened to Rachel scream at them while they held on to their bleeding cheeks, after exchanging a quick shocked and confused glance. Quinn recovered her power of speech first…well…somewhat. "W-we thought…I m-mean you looked like y-you were p-presenting and you s-smelled aroused so…" As the little diva's face darkens in indignation, the blonde Cheerio finally trails of with an uncertain shrug.

"If either of you two knew anything about me other than your desire to fuck me, then you would know that I was merely excited about the abundance of song choices that are in those drawers, as I love music. I am perfectly aware that I have led a somewhat sheltered existence but I do know exactly what you two are after. My virginity would simply be a bonus to one of you getting over on the other, well FUCK THAT! I mean look at you two! You were both so wrapped up in your sick fantasies that you didn't even notice that my only reaction to your invasion of my personal space was fear! Considering your history of behavior towards me I'm actually surprised that the two of you aren't simply raping me right now!"

That comment was what finally knocked the girls out of their confused and slightly guilty stupor; they might be a couple of vicious bitches but…

"WOAH! That is so fucking out of line!"

"Yeah! Where the fuck did you get the idea that we were rapists!"

Rachel met their indignation with an unimpressed look.

"Well you clearly don't understand or respect the word "no", or care that your constant sexual harassment has left me skittish, constantly looking over my shoulder, and checking to make sure I can't smell either of you anytime I enter a room, especially if it only has one exit."

The girls shifted uncomfortably in place before the blonde hesitantly cleared her throat. "We aren't… harassing you Rachel we're just…flirting."

"The line between flirting and harassment is crossed Quinn when it makes the person on the receiving end uncomfortable, and I have made it very clear that your behavior makes me uncomfortable."

"So…whenever you'd blush after it wasn't a good thing?"

"No, it's because I feel humiliated and dirty, especially after one of you would touch my tail."

Both girls looked shame faced at the floor, and let out a guilty, "Oh.".

Rachel really wanted to maintain her anger, but she couldn't help but waver as she watched the normally walled off girls so obviously pouring over every interaction, wincing each time they realized how far over the line they had gone. "Mufasa." Quinn thought, "We're worse than Puck." Tears started running down the Lion's face, while her darker counterpart looked positively sick with guilt.

"I…I'm so sorry, I didn't realize…I swear I didn't know Rachel, and I would never EVER force you or anyone else to mate."

"Me too Berry, I wasn't trying to intimidate you or anything and yeah…I don't know you. I think you're a hottie so obvs I'm gonna try and hit that, and I know it's no excuse but I seriously thought you were just playing hard to get and…well me and Q? We're predators. The hunt is what we live for, plus we're Cats, and as a species we're notoriously easy, but for some reason you weren't so it became like a game."

"Yeah, but just so we're clear you were the prize, and getting to rub the other's face in it was the bonus…okay wow…in my defense that didn't sound nearly as douchie in my head."

The Kitty remained uncharacteristically quiet after they finished as she really thought through their answers. Satisfied with their sincerity her response was simple.


The blonde cocked a single brow in response while the raven haired girl furrowed hers in confusion.


"Okay what?"

"Okay I believe you…and considering I am a different species then either of you, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt about your reasoning."

"Well our species are that different Berry, we're all Felines here."

"Technically I'm only half Cat."

"What?" The dominant duo shouted in unison.

"See, if either of you actually knew anything about me you'd know that I'm only half Cat which I get from my birth mother, and that my fathers are both Wolves. I may look all Cat, but certain instincts are missing from my DNA, promiscuity being one of them. I take after my fathers in that I don't want sexual partners; I want a life-mate, and whomever I lose my virginity to will be the only one for me, forever."

"Yeah, that would have been useful information to have a week ago."

"I know right? No wonder you weren't down for a quickie Berry. I totes wouldn't have acted like Fuckerman with you if I knew you were a 'lifer'. I mean obvs I'd still flirt with you, because that's who I am and your ass is still fine as hell, but I would have been WAY more respectful and playful about it."

"Not to mention we don't even know if she likes girls Lopez."

"Oh shit! That's true! What the fuck is wrong with us?!"

Before any more self-flagellation could occur, the Kitty decided to intervene.

"Okay girls, that enough, there's no need to beat yourselves up about it, I'm just going to chalk this all up to a big misunderstanding. I just assume other's know I'm a Half-Breed because I'm always able to smell my dads' on me and presume others can as well, especially since I'm a nice mix of my Dad Hiram's unique eucalyptus and spearmint scent and my mother Shelby's sweet vanilla lavender combo. My Daddy Leroy smells like lemon grass and licorice root, I find my dads' combined signature scents so soothing that I had it made into a tea blend that is incidentally great for singing."

"Oh that explains it, we were wondering why we kept smelling Wolf on you. I mean clearly it wasn't a mate's smell because we would have been confronted first day, but like you said you look all Cat so you being a mix never crossed my mind."

"Yes, well…as I said this was all clearly a misunderstanding and since you both are obviously sincere in regret over your actions, no harm no foul…This may be speaking out of turn but you're both much more pleasant to be around when you aren't behaving like Noah. Just something for you to maybe consider in the future when either of you is pursuing someone."

With that the little diva picked up her bag and made to leave the room, but before she left she couldn't help but her the girls making sounds of agreement before Quinn mumbled. "It'd probably be a good idea to only go after girls who actually find us attractive too."

Pausing when she was halfway out the door, the Kitty softly called for their attention. "I never said I that I did not find you both to be attractive." With a slight blush to her cheeks Rachel pulled her lower lip between her teeth in a demure smile before flouncing out the door and down the hallway, leaving the two Alpha females with their jaws on the floor. Slowly both girls shocked expressions morphed into cocky smirks; they shared a quick glance before exclaiming in unison. "Game on!"

True to their word, both girls significantly backed off of the little diva while still making their interest known, albeit in a much for PG manner…at least at first. You see as the girls all got older and the Cheerios got more sexually experienced they began pushing the boundaries now and then. They weren't always met with success, but once an action or comment was met with that slight blush and lip bite they saw that day in the choir room, it would become standard practice. The girls thought about that day every time they set their sights on a new conquest making sure to never cross the line between seductress and harasser, as a result of that constant analysis Santana finally recognized what would become a key piece in their seduction arsenal.

Music got Rachel Berry excited.

When she had shared her hypothesis with Quinn their sophomore year, the girls decided to bite the social bullet and joined Glee Club to test the theory. The results of the first day were overwhelmingly positive, and the second they were able to expand on their initial hypothesis and establish two very important facts.

Performing gave Rachel an intense rush, and their singing voices turned Rachel the.Fuck. ON!

They proved their first theory by spying on Rachel and the other Gleeks day one in the auditorium, that's how they noticed that Rachel's eyes were a little dilated and her face slightly flushed once she finished her solo. But the most important piece of evidence came when the girl was leaving the auditorium, a faint whiff of the girl's arousal made its way over to where the Cheerios were hidden. They also realized an unexpected side effect of their experiment was that listening to Rachel sing made them hard. Suffice it to say they were so totally joining the loser club now.

Day two of the Glee experiment had the girls auditioning in front of the club. Quinn went first and enlisted the help of Kurt and Mercedes through fear and intimidation to get them to sing back up, her rendition of 'Come see about me' left Rachel slightly damp and fidgety, the fact that the Panther next to her was releasing a light amount of pheromones during the performance certainly didn't help matters. Up next was the Latina who allowed her tail to "accidently" brush against Rachel's thigh on her way to the front. Quinn repeated the other girl's actions on her way up to sit on the other side of the diva.

Santana's smoky rendition of 'Back to Black' caused Rachel to become increasingly aroused, and Quinn noticing this began releasing her own stream of pheromones, she went one step further resting her right hand on Rachel's bare left thigh. The resulting soft mewl was answer enough, the ante had just been upped.

Over the next two years through trial and error, the big Cats learned when and where they would get away with winding Rachel up. But neither girl actually pulled the trigger as it were, because they knew that Rachel wanted commitment and neither girl thought they could give it.

All though one of the girls was starting to acknowledge that she wanted to try, she kept that discovery to herself because even though the other was her friend and an understanding had developed between them in regards to Rachel, the girl was afraid that their innate competitiveness would come rising to the surface and possibly cost her the girl she had fallen for.

For her part, Rachel had always found both of them ridiculously attractive and over the years it had just gotten more intense, she was also self-aware enough to know that were she a full Cat she would probably be happy to let the first one of them to grab her tail after Glee to take her right then. But thankfully that was not the case and Rachel could remain proud of her virginity and her will to only give it to someone she truly trusted and loved. She was completely adamant about waiting for the one and was fairly positive one of the other girls was it.

Now that isn't to say that Rachel harbored any illusions that either of the Captains were still virgins as their sexual prowess was well known. Both had taken several of the Cheerios many times over, and Rachel honestly didn't blame them at all, Cats develop a notoriously high sex drive once they're of age, and any potential sexual partner that wanted it and didn't mate for life was fair game. Cats weren't bound to mate for life and could have many partners unless they chose otherwise and normally if they get a no they would just shrug it off and move on, except in her case; so Rachel figured that what all their constant flirting and competitiveness was really about was who got to take the diva first. From Rachel knew that her instincts would take over making the diva present to the Cheerio that claimed her over and over again until she conceived or her heat cycle ended whichever came first; and since both Quinn and Santana ALWAYS practiced safe sex, and Rachel's fathers had put her on birth control since she was old enough to go into heat, that meant there would be a month long cycle, three times a year, that the Kitty would metaphorically be spending on her back. Then the girl would probably move onto the next conquest while Rachel would spend the rest of her life hopelessly in love with someone who would more than likely never love her back.

So she endured their flirting and resisted giving into their advances, as difficult as it was for her, because she feared that as soon one of them got what they wanted the girls would be gone and she'd die of sexual frustration than a broken heart.


A/N: Review and let me know what you think!