Make sure you read Chapter Four because I posted these real close together. Keep your reviews and ideas coming, please. I still have no idea where I'm going with this.

Killian practically growled while pulling the rope, causing Emma to laugh.

"It's not funny!" he protested. "This ship is not meant to hold all these hormones! It's built for pirates, not human incubators!"

"At least you don't have to share your cabin with the most temperamental one of all!"

Hook stared at Emma, a look of mocking look of condescension.

"Because that is so much worse than sharing with the monster who ripped out Milah's heart!"


And somehow they were much too close, nearly nose to nose. Killian's eyes flashing in anger at the long past memory, and Emma's heart racing becauseā€¦ Well, she honestly didn't know why her heart was beating so fast.

"That's right, love," Killian whispered, grabbing her ass with his hand.

She turned her head away, frustrated by her emotional turmoil. She was all over the map, loving and hating everyone in turn. Drained of all energy, missing Henry and Neal, every little act of discord felt worthy of a smack down, and every little kindness made her tremble inside. But what was this? The captain wasn't being kind; he was frustrated and angry, just like she was. Maybe that's what was going on. She was just appreciating the shared emotions.

Emma bolted down the stairs, retreating to her cabin to get some space. Her body was becoming aroused and she hated it for betraying her. She wasn't particularly fond of Hook. She was desperate for some male company- that was all.

When she rushed into her room, she was startled to see Regina still getting dressed.

"Oh gads," she moaned, falling onto her bunk, burying her face in a pillow. She wanted to be alone!

Regina was surprised by Emma's sudden arrival, and even more shocked by her face plant into bed. She walked over to her roommate, kneeling beside her in much the same way Emma had been doing for her night after night as she suffered through nightmares and nausea. Regina had to admit, although the sickness still wasn't letting up as she approached fourteen weeks, it was a lot easier to handle with Emma by her side.

Regina reached out and ran her hands through Emma's hair, absentmindedly twisting it into ringlets. She didn't notice when Emma turned her head and opened her eyes, watching silently. She didn't talk, she didn't need to. She just wanted to let Emma know that whatever was wrong, she would listen.

Emma wasn't talking, so Regina's mind wandered. She thought back over the last two months, and how much she had shared with Emma. Piece by piece, nightmare by nightmare, she had bared her soul to this woman she had vowed to hate. Emma was the only one who knew what twisted hell Cora had put her through as a child. Emma was the only one who knew how desperately she had wanted to avoid marrying Snow's father. Emma was the only one who knew who Greg really was, and that Regina had killed his father because she couldn't adopt him. That adorable little boy that had opened a longing in her heart. And now? Regina shuddered. That boy was no longer adorable. No longer little. He had tortured her in ways her mother could only imagine. The sex- that had barely registered on her punishment scale. The anger and frustration in his frenzied grappling actually fueled her desire, and in the end she was able to humiliate him despite being tied to the table. It wasn't the first time she'd had to separate her own desires from what her body was doing. But the other thing, the electrical current- that had been unbearable. Even now it haunts her dreams, every nerve ending on fire, indescribable pain. She had resisted for so long. But in the end, she had given up and told him what he wanted to know. And now, that bastard had her little boy in his clutches. When they finally found him, she would make him pay in a way she had never hurt anyone. And she was an expert at causing pain.

Regina was distracted from her thoughts by a low moan from Emma. Without thinking, Regina pushed Emma's hair aside and started massaging her back, kneading the tension out of her shoulders. Regina felt Emma relax under her hands, and it didn't take long for her to realize that she had fallen asleep. So Regina stood up and covered her roommate with a blanket. She decided that a nap would do her good as well. They really weren't sleeping enough at night.

Hours later, Emma and Regina emerged from their cabin looking a bit more refreshed. Ever the pervert, Hook was the first to notice.

"Aye, looks like Regina fixed your problem, love."

Emma's nostrils flared, a comeback slowly building. But Regina beat her to it.

"That I did," she purred, rubbing her hand up Killian's leather clad chest and pulling his ear, "I rubbed that tension right out," she lowered her voice even more, "and then we slept together." She ended with a smirk, her hand traveling lower. She felt his reaction and smiled. She pushed herself into his chest, rubbing her hips right where he needed it.

"I can take care of you, too." Regina reveled in the power she held, knowing that he couldn't resist. He never did. Her tongue plundered his mouth, his familiar breath tasting of rum and sea water. She felt him moan, her hands tugging at the ties on his breeches.

And then suddenly Regina was awake. She moaned in frustration before realizing what had pulled her from her rather enjoyable dream. Fighting. Again. Was that all anyone did on this ship?

She listened through the wooden slats, hearing Rumplestiltskin for the first time in weeks. He usually kept to himself, so why was he raising his voice now? She stole a glance at Emma, who was still sleeping soundly, before she tiptoed from the room, latching the door quietly behind her. The voices were louder now.

"You can't do it, dearie," the familiar brogue with a laughing air startled her with its volume. She spun around, assuming he was speaking to her, but he was nowhere to be seen. Then she heard the second voice.

"But I have to!"

It was Snow White. This could be entertaining. Regina leaned against the wall and settled in for a good eavesdrop.

"It has to be his mother," Rumplestiltskin intoned.

"But I can't let her do that, it's too dangerous," Snow argued.

"Well you certainly can't do it," he went on, "you wouldn't want to put that little prince in harm's way."


"Oops, did I give that away?" He laughed, knowing full well it wasn't a slip of the tongue.

"I won't let you distract me," Snow stated. "I won't let you use Emma as bait."

Regina stood in the hallway, suddenly realizing what this fight was about. Rumple had devised a trap, but he needed to lure Peter out. There were two things Peter loved- little boys and beautiful women. They were fresh out of the former, but this ship contained three of the latter. So why were they only talking about Emma and Snow?

"Use me," Regina stated, pushing into the room unexpectedly. "I know better than either of them how to entice a man, and I have plenty of ammunition to distract Greg and Tamara if I need to," she said, rubbing her hand across her lower abdomen.

"Yes," Rumple smiled, "Yes, you do." And he smiled, because once again he had the queen right where he wanted her.