Ok, I did it... I hope you like.

The first time: epilogue

A new beginning started for our planet. The buildings were rebuilt, old and new friends were returning after the forced exile , the new High Council was now formed and Ratchet had finally accepted the role of First Counselor .

Mine, however, was the beginning of the end. While Cybertron returned to its former glory , my life fell more and more towards an abyss that seemed endless . My friends did everything to try to soothe the pain that gripped my spark . Even the various and frequent visits by Jack and our human family managed to wake me from my depression.

I spent most of my days lying on my berth and watched the passage of two magnificent moons of Cybertron in the blue sky until it became all black. I went out of my room just to enjoy a few glasses of energon ... usually at the behest of the old doctor or one of the other members of Team Prime.

One night the pain was so strong that it seemed to me that my spark should break out . It was dark and silence reigned within our base. I got up from my berth with fluid and slow movements , it seemed that the world was floating around me. I think they call derealization : I seemed to see my life through the eyes of someone else. I walked past the closed doors of my friends , I crossed the great hall and walked up to the entrance of the building that housed our base , our home . I walked up to the Well dell'AllSpak and , almost without my realizing it , I threw myself into the void. I was not scared , I was scared. I was eager and anxious . Eager to rejoin the one who was the most important mech of my life , my Prime, my Optimus .

More I fell to the bottom and more I felt calm and reassured. A strange feeling of warmth and love around me was formed as the major source of light is approached. And then the light grew intense and enveloped me like a blanket , sweet, warm, loving .

This was my new beginning … and I was smiling, I was happy now.

" Arcee ... Arcee ! Please wake up " I heard a muffled and confused voice . I felt that someone was calling me .

" Optimus... " it was my first thought. I tried, with difficulty, to open my eyes , but the light was too bright . It had to be : everything was bright in the Well of the AllSpark! Everything had to be bright and warm and...

"Come on Arcee, open your eyes!" that voice again. But this was clearer. It was not to Optimus.

I tried to open my eyes again and this time they remained open. I saw before me a blurred and confused picture, but I could clearly see the color red.

"OO-Optimus ..." my voice was hoarse and low. I reached for the blurred face of the mech in front of me and leaning on his cheek. The mech put his hand on mine and squeezed it, moving it away from his face.

"No" said the giggling mech "I'm not Optimus, but thanks for the comparison". He was still giggling.

That voice, I knew that voice very well. My vision became even sharper. The one in front of me had a red frame, yes, but he wasn't Prime.

I sat and i took his face in my hands "Cliff ..." I whispered. Now I was sure: I was in the Well of the AllSpark.

I sat down and took his face in front of the mech that I had in my hands "Cliff ..." I whispered.

"And who did you think I was? The charming prince? " said with his usual humor my partner.

Tears of joy and dismay rolled down my face. Then I watched around. This place was too familiar to me to be the Well.

"Earth calls Arcee! Is there anyone here?" Cliff was saying.

"Earth?" I repeat. I was still on Earth. But how...

"You cannot be here ... you are ... you are ..." I tried to formulate a sensible sentence but no words formed in my throat.

I looked around and saw the worried faces of Bumblebee and Bulkhead staring at me. If my friends were there, it meant that I could'n be dead, I could be in the Well... but...

"Yep-yep-yep! Out of the way ... let me scan my patient! "the unmistakable voice of Ratchet brought me back with my feet on the ground.

A red light hit me and after a few seconds the doctor ruled "Good!" Then he turned to leave, but he changed his mind and turned back to me "But you have to stay in the med bay for a couple of hours" then turned to others "And you three ... let her rest.". The three mech nodded, afraid. No one could disobey Ratch's orders!

I was confused and disoriented.

" Are you okay partner? " Asked me Cliffjumper, waiting for me to answer .

" What did happen to me? " Was the only thing that occurred to me to ask.

" Do not you remember ? You've been hit by a 'Con in a fight. You've been unconscious for a couple of hours " he explained, calmly, mech red. He continued to smile at me.

" A couple of hours ... but how ... " I couldn't understand. I shoun't be here, I should be dead and in the Well... I should be...But my thoughts were interrupted by a familiar engine noise : Optimus.

Prime came with the usual low-speed in the main hangar and he trasformed. As soon as he saw me sitting on the berth, the mask on his face disappeared and came over to me, a little smile was touching his lips. He knelt in front of me.

He had no time to formulate a word. Instinctively I threw myself at him and I clutched my arms around his neck. I caught him by surprise because I felt him stiffen, but only for a moment. Then he seemed to relax and reciprocate the hug "I too am glad to see you ... Arcee ... " his voice seeped insecurity and confusion.

I moved away from him, I took his face in my hands and I stared deep into his eyes "Promise me you'll never leave me!" I said firmly.

Optimus was more and more confused, but he tried not to be rude "OO-Okay ..." he whispered.

That evening I was in my quarters, sat on my berth in the Outpost Omega One ... and I wondered how this was possible. I remembered the battle with the Decepticons that Cliff had spoken about, but I kept wondering what had happened next. How was it possible that in a couple of hours, I had lived nearly a lifetime? It was so real …

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Arcee ... Can I come in? " the familiar figure of Cliffjumper peeped from behind the door. I smiled and invited him to come in with a wave of the hand.

He sat down next to me and we were silent for a few minutes.

"What happened to you Arcee?" my partner asked me bluntly ... My partener... How strange, to say these words again, after so long.

"In what way?" I asked, a little confused and unfocused.

"When you were unconscious ... something happened to you ... " he paused, as he was searching the right words" When you woke up, you were different ... you are different".

I never lied to Cliffjumeper and I didn't mean to start now.

So I told him about what I had experienced in those few hours in which my consciousness was clouded. I told him as I relived a certain period of my life, our meeting, the arrival on Earth together. Then I told him of the life that had never been. I told him about his death, my friendship with Jack, the loss of memory of Optimus, my trip to Cybertron and how the young recruit had revived our Prime. I told him about the epic battle for survival of the Earth and the reactivation of our planet. And I told him of Optimus' supreme sacrifice to bring new life of Cybetron. And, despite the embarrassment, I told him also about my relationship with Prime.

Cliff remained silent and impassable all the time. I couldn't understand what could pass across his processors. At the end of my story, he sighed and said "And so ... I'd be dead huh? " and began to laugh.

"Cliff is not funny!" I said seriously and I burst out laughing too.

Then, staring at the hands resting on his lap, he turned serious "He is lucky!"

"Who?" I asked, confused.

"Prime. He is lucky" he replied. But he had no time to say more because someone knocked on the door.

Optimus' big frame appeared from behind the door.

"Oh ... I didn't want to dist ... " tried to say Prime, embarrassed, passing several times his gaze between me and Cliffjuper.

"I was just leaving ..." said Cliff, as he rose to his feet and ran to the door, but not before wink at me. I gave him a look of fire. But I composed immediately. The Optimus in front of me was unaware of my feelings ... Well, partially unaware, I think ...

"What can I do for you, Optimus?" I tried to seem professional.

"I wanted to see how you were doing " he said, sounding equally professional .

"I'm fine ... Now I feel really good , "I said , approaching him.

I stopped in front of his mighty frame . I stood on tiptoe and took his face in my hands . And I kissed him .

As before in the med bay , Prime stiffened. But he didn't try to run away from my grasp . After a moment of hesitation, he returned my kiss . And he deepened it. My hands moved from his face to all points of his body I could reach . And his hands were moving on my body, sensual .

" Arcee ... wait" he said pulling his mouth from mine " maybe we ... " but I didn't let him finish the sentence . My mouth assaulted his again and this time I shouldn't wait for his answer. He picked me up and made me lie down on the bed .

It was exactly as I remembered , it was like our first , first time , intense and sweet, sensual and passionate .

" I love you ... Actually, I've loved you for a bit of time. I promise you: I'll never leave you" he said shortly just before entering the recharge .

Optimus, that night, never left my room. We slept together .

Primus had given me a second chance , I don't know why.

The only thing I know I'm happy. This is my first real beginning, for new life. Together. For the first time.

Please. my friends, tell me what you're thinking! I care about your opinions! :)