Hello to all! Nothing special, maybe not even too original ... but it was in my head and I wanted to put it in writing!

The first time

Chpter one: season one

That year I finished my ordinary course of study and I had to choose what to do with my future life. Since that moment, all my world would have taken a whole new turn. And I was very happy. I was now a mature adult femme, struggling with the first important decisions.

I loved sparklings and I had a good attitude toward them. So I decided that I would attend the academy to become an educator, a teacher. I could work in direct contact with the young minds of Cybertron in the school complex ... just the idea sent me into ecstasy! But life, you know, is how it is ... so …

The first time I heard about him, his exploits and the cause that he perpetrated, I was still a naïve young femme who lived in the suburbs of Praxus. How you could not have heard of the young Prime fighting a moral war against his close friend Megatronus?

Then the war, the real one, broke out ... and within a few time, my hopes of being able to lead a normal life vanished.

I saw my dearest friends enlist, but not all in the same army. Some of them sided with the powerful and glorious former gladiator Megatron, who promised glory and power. Those who believed, however, in freedom, justice and equality followed Optimus Prime and his Autobots, autonomous robotic organisms, in an effort to save our planet from tyranny. Many of them, on both sides, did not come back.

When Praxus was attacked, the city fell within a very short time. We were not warriors. And my parents were brutally killed by a Decepticon battalion. I had to make my decision ... and it was the most difficult of my life.

I left behind me my home and my family and I joined the first Autobots patrol I met. I was sent within the walls of Iacon for training: now I was a fledged rookie Autobot.

In my early days in the city, walking through the streets of Iacon to get my bearings. my eyes fell on the balcony on top of the palace of the Primes.

The first time I saw him was unforgettable: he was tall, with a powerful physique, a mask covering his lower face and it gave him a regal air ... divine ... but what struck me most about him were his eyes: determined, hard ... but lurked a something vaguely sad.

For a moment our eyes seemed to cross ... and I felt my spark jump for the first time in my entire life.

But in war there was no time for feelings and especially for the amorous fantasies of a recruit towards the supreme commander of the Autobots.

The time passed. And now I was no longer a clumsy rookie. I had worked my way up the ranks and I collaborated with a group of Autobots really tough. We ran information, we were very similar to spies.

My partner was called Tailgate. I loved to go on a mission with him: he was strong, sincere and loyal ... a true friend. But he was taken away, not by accident of war, but from a cold-blooded murderess: Airachnid.

I left my team and I began to work alone.

Meanwhile news arrived that our planet was doomed to an inevitable end.

And the evacuation order came: Optimus Prime ordered all the Cybertronians to abandon the dying planet. The All Spark was sent into the depths of space, to an unknown destination.

Megatron, blinded by lust of power, went in pursuit of the All Spark.

Even Optimus Prime left the planet to reach our source of life before the warlord.

A few Autobots remained on Cybertron to try to defeat the latest outbreaks Decepticons.

For a long time there were no reports of Optimus Prime. Then, one day, a message was intercepted and the hope returned among us. Prime was alive and he was calling all survived Autobots to a new planet: Earth.

The first time I heard his voice, it was thanks to this post. For Primus, he wasn't only really cute, but also he had a voice, you know ... sexy!

But that was not the reason 'cause I decided to join Team Prime: my chief commander asked his troops to join him and it was my duty to execute the orders of my commanding officer.

I had heard that Decepticon engineers had built a machine a space bridge, capable of carrying assets and people from one point to another in the universe in a astrojorns.

My plan was simple: get to Kaon, the capital of the Decepticons, find the space bridge, enter the coördinates sent from my Prime and ... boom ... achieve this planet where I could join my commander in combat.

It was during my attempt to reach Optimus Prime that I met the mech who would become my partner on Earth: Cliffjumper.

We jumped together into the green vortex ... and we were catapulted towards a world that, at first glance, it did not seem full of energon, as Prime said in his message. There were only sand and rock.

While Cliff and I were looking for any sign of the presence of the Autobots, we saw in the distance two wheeled vehicles approaching at high speed. One of them was a yellow and black car, the other a kind of green truck, very big.

We sat in a defensive position and ready to face our opponents.

But the two vehicles were not enemies, they were friends Autobots. They transformed before our eyes.

Bulkhead and Bumblebee. I will never forget the first time I met them. Who would have imagined that they would become my new family?

They took us to the Autobot base, the outpost Omega One. For the first time I met Ratchet, the good doctor, crabby, but with a big spark.

It was also the first time I met the Supreme leader of the Autobots, the last Prime, Optimus.

He came up to me and Cliff with a half smile, his eyes were soft and full of compassion, his posture open and welcoming ... and that voice ... "Welcome to the Team Prime" I thought I could die and reach the Well of the All spark instantly. Time seemed to stop.

Then I realized that everyone in the room were staring at me with curiosity, even Optimus. I tried to compose myself, while Cliffjumper began to tell our story.

Optimus himself was the one who showed us the rest of the base. It was the first time in a long time, I felt to be part of something very much like a family. I was happy again.

Again, however, Primus had other plans. The loss of Cliffjumper was devastating. For me in particular, for the team in general.

The first time I had a real contact with Optimus was just after the death of my partner.

I was sitting on my berth, my eyes swollen with tears, my spark broken by pain. Then I heard a gentle knock at the door. And then I saw Optimus at the door of my room. His look radiated concern. Although he avoided looking me in the eyes. Then, timidly, he said, "I would not disturb…".

I interrupted him immediately "You don't ever bother me ... clome in, please!" with a half smile I invited him to enter.

"Thank you" he replied always with a hint of shyness in his voice.

He sat down next to me and we started talking ... about everything. I told him of my childhood in Praxus, my wish to become a teacher, the start of the war, Tailgate ...

He told me of his days passed between the shelves in the Hall of Records in Iacon, as he liked to surf the net ... and how sometimes he missed his peaceful life before and his friends.

I didn't remember when, that night, Optimus is gone out of my room ... I woke up the next mornign in my berth, with a blanket over my shoulders and a note on a datapad:

"We can not forget those we have loved and who have left us, but we can honor their lives by living fully our own. Panta rei, Arcee.

OP "

I squeezed the datapad close to my chest, just above my spark and I cried tears that I didn't know that I preserved.

The first time we met, I never thought that I could tie myself again to another person, another partner, another friend ... a brother. Instead, the gap left by Cliffjumper in my life was filled by the very young human Jack Darby. He had become an essential part of my existence ... I don't think I could do without him …

The first time I was in the Arctic was also the first time that I discovered Optimus Prime could have feelings ... true and deep ...

I knew I would die and I reached my parents and my brothers, Tailgate and Cliffjumper, in the Well of the All Spark ... there's a first time for everything, even to die ...but I was not scared, I was not afraid. I was sorry not to be able to die as a warrior in battle. And I was sorry and regretted that I had never confessed to Optimus what I felt for him. It was not the affection and respect that a subordinate could feel for his CO. It wasn't the confidence that you feel for a dear friend. It wasn't the esteem that you feel for a brother. I loved Optimus, as a femme could love a mech.

I didn't have the courage to confess to him. So I limited myself to stretch my little hand towards his. I never expected to see him turn toward me, his eyes full of a feeling that at the time I could not define. Then he gently took my hand and squeezed it with his.

It was the first time that the cold and detached Prime has opened up ... perhaps it could mean that ...

Our idyllic moment (or at least, I was living so ...) was abruptly interrupted by a familiar green vortex. Most unusual was to see Bulkhead went down on the ground and yelled at us to do the same. We didn't have time to realize what was happening and we were literally hit by a hail of Scraplets.

That day was the first time that I realized that under his armor and behind the title of Prime, Optimus lurked a mech, not like many others, but still a mech.

And like all of us he was ... deadly.

The first time I really worried about Optimus was when he caught the cybonic plague. The only thing I wanted was to be able to hug him, to be near him as much as possible. But there was a mission ... as always. That was also the first time I climbed aboard the Nemesis. Bumblebee and I went in search of the formula to cure our leader, our friend. Our mission was a success and thanks to Bee's courage and Ratchet's genius, Optimus stood up quickly.

Absorbed in the celebrations for the complete healing our bot boss, we did not understand the cortical connection between Bee and the leader of the Decepticons led to the awakening of Megatron, who, until then, had remained in a sort of stasis.

But his awakening was just mental. While I, Optimus and Bulkhead went to the Arctic (ah, what memories!) to stop the evil plan Starscream, intended to take possession of a large deposit of energon melting the permafrost, Megatron took possession of Bee's will and body to be able to return to his one.

While me and Bulk were struggling with Breakdonwn, I heard an explosion. I looked behind me and saw a cloud of flame and smoke rising from the deck of the Nemesis. Then I saw Starscream take off and go straight to the ground. It was then I saw what ... or rather, to those who ... the seeker was aiming.

Optimus was on the ground, on his back. From his frame smok rose. For me it was instinctive scream ... of fear ... and it was the first time. But before the SIC of the Decepticons could launch its missile, he was intercepted by Megatron that drew the thin mech to the Nemesis.

For a brief moment, for the first time, I was happy to see the leader of our enemies. But immediately I abandoned that thought …

The time passed between the search for energon and battles against the Decepticons.

So many things had happened, including the knowledge of Jack's mother, June, about our little secret "club of science fiction," as the kids called us ironically.

The meeting with June was inevitably linked to that with Airachnid. That night I was so tired, upset, angry, frustrated ... none of my fellow Autobots had dared to approach.

All except Optimus. As the other times, he knocked on my door and, with shyness, and he asked permission to enter. I gave him a nod and I invited him to sit next to me patting on the berth. We sat for a few minutes without looking and without speaking. We held hands, like that time in the Arctic. Only this time it lasted for more ... I could feel his thumb gently stroked my hand. And I did the same with his. Then I turned to him. I removed my hand from his, I sat down on my knees, I took his face in my hands and kissed him. Softly. Passionately. The first time we kissed was unique and unrepeatable. That night we didn't say anything, we just lay on my berth. Optimus held me in his arms, remained crouched until we both fell asleep there, together.

The next morning I awake. The usual thermal blanket on my shoulders and the usual datapad with a note:

"Arcee ... I can not express what I feel in the gestures and perhaps not even with words. I cannot be the mech that you would like me to be, or you would have the right to have by your side. But I can promise you one thing: I'll always be here for you, I will always be next to you ... till are one ... Love you, OP "

Tears of joy began to flow from my eyes. Optimus reciprocated my feelings, he could not express them openly, but it was a start. In time, who knows ...

The fate, however, took us towards the darkest hour. Earth was in grave danger and we had to form an alliance with Megatron to defeat Unicron, the chaos bringer. Optimus released the power of the matrix in the Earth's core and lost himself. We lost our Autobot leader. I lost my love.

For the first time I saw that Optimus' eyes were empty. He turned to us before crossing the ground bridge with Megatron and his eyes expressed uncertainty, dismay, confusion.

For the first time in my life I felt lost, hopeless. For the first time the Prime Team was in disarray. For the first time I was really afraid.

So ... tell me ... did you like it? If so, I'm happy. If not ... Well, I'll try to live with this anguish; P