A/N: Oh my gosh guys…I am so sorry I have been away for so long. So much has happened in my life these past couple of mouths: I moved into an apartment, passed my semester with flying colors, and started another, harder, semester at my university. God is so good…I have never felt so happy and anxious all at once haha.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this final chapter! Yes, the final chapter…It's so strange to be able to say that. I've been working on it for months now. Thank you for sticking with me for so long, and I pray you keep your eyes out for a sequel (?). I had a lot of fun writing this and it has greatly helped me improve on my writing…Speaking of which when I went back and read what I wrote in the beginning I feel I must apologize and thank all of you one more time hahaha. It was AWFUL, and yet you guys still stuck around. Thank you so much guys…I love you all very much! :)

"I'm prepared for this,

I never shoot to miss,

But I feel like a storm is coming,

If I'm gonna make it through the day,

Then there's no more use in running,

This is something I gotta face…

If I risk it all

Could you break my fall?"

Sam Smith – "Writing's on the Wall"

Merlin is sure he's going to be sick to his stomach. Breakfast was awful—the food was great, but, Arthur…The king looked as if he were about to crush his goblet every time he took a stiff sip. Everything was eerily silent, the scraping of forks upon plates and the clinking of cups filling the room. Merlin felt as awkward then as he does now…Only his red vest and high collar seem apt to strangle him as he stumbles after his quick-paced king, the blonde refusing to look at him.

Merlin just wishes his collar would strangle him already.

"That was terrible, Merlin," Gwen whispers to the warlock, causing him to jump. Merlin blinks at her owlishly, Gwen patting his arm, basically pulling him along with her. "Breakfast," The queen clarifies and Merlin gulps, nodding his blushing head. He spares Arthur a quick glance, the king's back stiff and his red cape flowing grandly behind him.

"What is going on between you two?" Gwen asks softly, wrapping her arm in the crook of Merlin's trembling arm. Merlin looks sadly at her, his eyes solemn and as silent as ever. Gwen's mouth thins out and she nods her head once, looking ahead of them—looking at her husband.

Arthur's eyes lower, the king listening. Gwen knows this.

"…You," Gwen starts then pauses, licking her lips. "You're all right…right?" She looks at him worriedly, her arm matching his own tremors. Merlin's eyes widen and he quickly nods, squeezing her arm.

"I am fine, Gwen, I assure you." Arthur's mouth twitches but he remains silent, his heart heavy.

"That's good," Gwaine says and Merlin jumps again, somehow just realizing how the knights trailed close behind them, following their king. "Relax, mate," Gwaine tells him softly, jostling his thin shoulder a bit for good measure. "Nothing is going to happen." Merlin looks at him for a few seconds and then nods, hoping he is right.

The warlock thinks back to Emrys, and to Gaius—someone he desperately wishes was here with him right now.

I'm so proud of you, my boy, Gaius' voice resonates within Merlin's head. The physician had hugged him tightly after breakfast, his cheeks wet with his tears. Don't worry about Emrys, I will watch him.

It wasn't 'I'll watch over him,' it was 'I'll watch him.'

Merlin gulps thickly, his food trying so hard to ruin Arthur's velvet cape…

"It is time," Arthur says softly, and Merlin about runs into his back, the blonde suddenly standing in front of double doors, guards flanked on both sides.

Merlin about swallows his tongue, blinking wildly. His mouth gapes like a fish, looking at Gwen, then at all of his friends behind him, his eyes wet. They all nod at him, Lancelot's eyes nearly as wet as Merlin's own. The knight suddenly pulls the warlock in his arms, his armor cold against Merlin's face.

"Almost there," The knight reminds him and Merlin gulps down a sob, smiling widely and happily. He pulls away first, giving his friend the biggest and purest smile he could ever muster, his vision blurry from his tears. Merlin wipes his eyes and feels a gloved hand squeeze his shoulder tenderly, the warlock not having to turn around to know who it belongs to.

"Are you ready?" With those words Merlin's fear almost immediately begins to fade away. He straightens his back and sniffs loudly. He turns around nodding, Arthur smiling at him kindly and adoringly. The king looks down, gulping as he tries to push aside all the frustration and awkwardness Emrys has brought. Gwen smiles at her husband, wiping her eyes and letting out a happy laugh.

"…I know that this may not be the moment that you have waited for all your life. Nor the trials you have faced to get here..." Arthur wrings his hands together, the leather squeaking. "But…Thank you." Merlin shakes his head, smiling softly at his red-faced king.

"For what?"

"…For being you."

Merlin looks shocked, watching as Arthur's face splits into a radiant smile, the smile innocent in ways that makes Merlin's pain—past and future—mean nothing and everything all at once. He practically jumps the king, Arthur stumbling back and almost crashing through the doors himself. The guards yelp in surprise as much as Arthur does.

"Woo! Safe!" Gwaine exclaims, his hands gripping Merlin's jacket tightly, Lancelot clutching Arthur's armored-clad arm just as tightly. Both were laughing nearly as hard as Arthur was, everyone laughing joyfully.

"Oh gods, I am so sorry!" Merlin says as he lets Arthur go, his face enflamed with embarrassment.

"Whatever for?" Arthur gasps and wipes his face, fixing his jostled crown. He raises one hand at the alarmed guards, the men still wide-eyed at the servant's behavior; honestly and rightfully confused. "This is what I am talking about, you idiot." Arthur clasps both of Merlin's shoulders. "No matter what happens today, I want you to never change." Arthur looks at his men, each of them nodding at him in silent understanding. "You are safe here—now and forever more." One door opens then, Lord Galahad popping his head through.

"My lord Galahad!" Merlin exclaims and Galahad smiles widely at the tender scene before him, shaking his head.

"None of that nonsense!" The young lord says, batting one hand dismissively. "Galahad will do just fine!" He smiles wider at Merlin, the warlock smiling back, before his face falls more serious as he focuses on his king. "Now, Arthur, they are ready for you—for both of you." Arthur nods at him, Merlin's smile and joy seeming to soak through the stones beneath his feet. He grips onto Arthur's arm, his fingers trembling. Arthur looks back at him, placing one hand over his trembling one.

"Relax, warlock," Arthur tells him softly, stepping closer into his personal space. "Your eyes are glowing." Merlin gasps and tries to wipe at his eyes as if it were something he could forcibly remove. Arthur stops him, not caring when the guards behind him start to fuss in worry and fear. "Don't hide them, Merlin. Isn't today about freedom?" Merlin can barely nod anymore, his magic choosing to dance freely behind his eyes instead.

Galahad smiles warmly and, with Gwaine's help, opens the doors the two guards are too distracted to open. Sunlight immediately rushes into Camelot's golden halls, the light causing Merlin to blink quickly. Arthur has yet to turn around, the king like a barrier between Merlin and the unknowing future that awaits them outside the open doors—to the people cheering below.

Arthur nods at Merlin once more before he turns around and walks out into the blinding sunlight, Gwen taking his extended hand offered to her. They look like a vision from a fairytale, all warm and golden. Then the fairytale ends when Arthur rolls his eyes and beckons Merlin forward with a quick nod of his golden head.

"Let's take this party elsewhere, eh?" Gwaine whispers to Merlin and wraps his arm around his shoulders and basically drags the warlock out onto the terrace.

The first thing Merlin notices is the noise. It's almost overwhelming as he watches people he has honestly never seen before chant Arthur's and Gwen's name in unison: Long live the king! Long live the queen! He feels himself be manhandled until he finds his back pressed against the railing, Lancelot and Gwaine flanked beside him. He is standing in a knight's position, second behind Leon—a spot not his to have. He looks worriedly at Lancelot who quickly nods his head, his hand sneakily wrapping around Merlin's thin wrist to give it a reassuring squeeze. It is Arthur who brings him back to reality, and he does it with one hand:

With one motion the crowd grows almost eerily silent, the people's deep respect and love for their king sending goosebumps all over Merlin's body. It is one thing to write speeches for Arthur, but it is something entirely mesmerizing to watch the king command the crowd with nothing but one hand, and Merlin is wide-eyed in awe at Arthur.

"My dear people of Camelot," Arthur's voice says clearly, strong and proud. "These past few weeks have no doubt been long and worrisome, but I return to you a new and stronger leader—one changed." The crowd begins to rumble silently, Merlin not having to look down to tell that they were talking amongst themselves, confused and nervous. Merlin felt their fears in his stomach and he clenches his eyes tightly. Lancelot squeezes his arm again but Merlin does not open his eyes, the warlock choosing to listen to Arthur.

"Morgana…Pendragon is dead," Arthur tells his people and the crowd is all at once hushed once again, gasps of terror running throughout. That is until someone shouts, "LONG LIVE THE KING!" and the crowd erupt in cheers. That is, all but the ones upon the terrace.

Gwen has tears in her eyes, her grip on her husband's arm tight, her eyes closing as she feels only loss, so unlike the joy below her.

Arthur looks down sadly, watching how the people embrace each other with tears of joy in their eyes, the very people his sister had walked with not five years past. He thinks of her smile, of her sharp tongue, and he feels nothing but loss and regret. He sees her green eyes close for the last time, sinking in Avalon's watery depths…He sees Merlin. The king looks back at his warlock, finding Merlin standing with his eyes closed, Lancelot's hand wrapped around his wrist, the knight trying to jar him from whatever daze he is currently in.

Arthur is watching you; Morgana's voice resonates within Merlin's head and the warlock jumps, eyes wide as they land on Arthur.

Morgana! Merlin thinks sharply, forgetting Morgana's and his new role.

Did you think I left, Merlin? Morgana asks with a laugh and Merlin smiles to himself unware of Lancelot and Arthur's curious stares.

I don't know, Merlin tells her honestly. They're talking about you…of your passing.

I know, Morgana says simply and Merlin feels a gentle breeze rush past him, surround him as arms would. He smiles to himself, tears budding in his eyes. Let them have their moment, my friend…It is much deserved. As your moment is…Listen to him, Merlin. Merlin opens his eyes and nods at Arthur once, Arthur's eyes widening as if he knew what Merlin was just doing. The king closes his eyes, shaking his head with a sad smile upon his lips. Arthur grips the stone balcony, his fingers tense.

"It is not I you should cheer for," Arthur tells his people with a shaky breath.

"Arthur…" Gwen says and grips her husband's arm tighter, watching as Arthur lowers his head, saddened. The crowd begins to silently bicker again, confused until they see Arthur straighten his back and turn around, one arm extending to someone just out of sight.

Everyone turns to look at Merlin now, silent and steady. His friends stronger than he could ever hope to be at this moment…

Merlin looks at Arthur's extended hand like it were ready to strike him.

This is it. This is the end of all of his troubles.

No, Morgana tells him, it is the beginning. Merlin gasps slightly and slowly places his hand into Arthur's, the breeze from before swirling around their clasped hands as if a blessing. Arthur feels it go by with a smile upon his lips, all doubt of who it is washed away.

As Merlin comes into sight the crowd begins to erupt with questions, many of them knowing of Arthur's self-sacrificing, simpleton (but good man), of a manservant.

"Yes," Arthur says as Merlin come to stand to the right of him, Gwen moving to stand to his left. The queen had had talked with Arthur before, both agreeing to hold off the news of her pregnancy well until Merlin was safe, and all was well. It was Merlin's time right now.

"Merlin of Ealdor is the one your praise belongs to…all of it." Merlin looks at Arthur with a fond smile upon his lips, Arthur returning it before he faces the crowd once more.

"The news of my sister's passing is not all that I have to tell you…I fear there is something much more pressing, and it has not only to do with Morgana but many who have been persecuted for nearly forty years…" The crowd begins to grow fearful now, shocked at how easily Arthur had called Morgana his sister, and all of them knowing what their king was talking about. Many look around as if expecting a crazed sorcerer to pop out of nowhere to slay all of them in one blow. Merlin looks ready to flee, his demeanor stiff from thirty years of hiding what he truly is—running from his own self. Arthur takes Lancelot's position from before, wrapping a hand around Merlin's wrist, a wrist connected to a trembling fist.

"The fear must stop," Arthur says strongly. "The death, the blood—all of it must come to an end, and I pray it comes to rest with the death of my sister." The crowd erupts into chaos, people screaming up multiple questions—many questioning whether Arthur had been ensorcelled by Morgana and is currently under her spell, and others shouting up questions at Merlin himself, demanding him to tell them how he had managed to kill Morgana when no one else had ever come close to, not even Arthur himself.

Arthur looks down angrily, not answering any questions as they continue to spew them out one after the other, confusion rampant. The king tightens his hold on Merlin's wrist, feeling how fragile the warlock's bones were as they trembled beneath his own. However, Arthur knows just what power those bones hold…what power Merlin holds within him.

"Listen to me!" Arthur demands and the questions come to a halt, the guards below anxious as they look out into the crowd and onto their king, questions of their own within their throats. "I—we—have lost so much…so, so, much. Tell me, do you honestly not despise always living in fear? Do you like all the suffering…all the blood." Merlin is the one to squeeze Arthur's wrist, the king looking at him sadly. Merlin's lips are thin and his eyes sad with the ghosts of his past, and Arthur can take no more.

"It ends today. It ended the moment I nearly lost someone that I owe my very life to…and so do all of you. He has lost so much, like all of us have, and he has had to hide who he is for all of his life. I refuse to let him lose anything else, and I refuse to let him hide in the shadows any longer." Arthur turns to look a very wide-eyed Merlin, his face serious. Merlin gulps and closes his eyes with a nod.

"Merlin, my manservant, is not what he seems…Merlin is a warlock, as well as the last born Dragon lord." If it was chaotic before, all hell breaks loose. People scream at Arthur to run away—to push Merlin off the balcony. It is Uther's poison that erupts within the crowd, and Arthur, Merlin, and his men watch in horror as people try to fight the palace guards to get inside the palace—to Merlin. However, there is a small handful that remains stationary, looking at Merlin with curious eyes rather than angry, fearful ones—ones that have talked with Merlin, walked and laughed with him…liked him.

"Bastards!" Gwaine growls, one hand resting on his blade. The knight strides to where a very shocked Arthur and Merlin stand, shouting at the horrible crowd below. "Did you not hear what your king has said?! Look at yourselves! Angry…rage-filled…and bloodthirsty!" Tell me, what has Merlin ever done to make you react like you do?! When has he ever been anything but kind, gentle, and—and…!" Gwaine was a babbling mess at this point, the knight furious to the point of tears, but the crowd was listening, looking at each other, ashamed.

"Gwaine!" Leon calls, as does Percival, but Gwaine pushes away their hands, refusing to stand down. It is Arthur who stops him, the king placing one hand upon his shaking shoulder. Gwaine looks at him, out of breath, red-faced, and teary-eyed.

"Thank you, my friend," Arthur tells him and in that moment they have never felt more connected, more alike. "Stand down…please. This is something I must do." Gwaine looks down, his hair covering his face. He nods and allows Percival to pull him back to his place. Arthur looks at Merlin, the warlock blank-faced, not allowing his tears to fall no matter how much he wanted to, and his knuckles were bleeding from where he had pressed them too hard again the stone balcony. Gwen was at his side, squeezing his arm and reaching up to wipe away the tears that happened to slip.

Arthur reaches and clasps onto Merlin's hand, pulling it away from the harsh stone. He looks down at the silent crowd one more, Merlin's cold hand clasped tightly in his gloved one. "I am not afraid of this man, and neither should you. I place my absolute trust in him and would willingly place the kingdom's as well…" Arthur raises Merlin's bloodied hand, not caring that they could not see the blood that stains his knuckles.

"Merlin has almost died for all of us for nearly ten years…He has protected me in ways that even I do not know…or have yet to know, but I can tell you that I would have died long ago if he had not been here to catch me when I fell…did something idiotic, or willingly put my life on the line for all of you. In the past I only thought that Merlin was a self-deprecating, foolish, servant…"

Arthur smiles at Merlin, who listens with his eyes closed, "…and as the strongest, bravest, man I have ever had the honor of knowing. Now, I know that all of that is true and more, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to be the man, and king, he has always pushed me to be—to be a leader worthy of your love and not of your fear. I am not my father, nor shall I ever be.

Therefore, on this day, I, Arthur Pendragon, do proclaim Merlin not only as my First Advisor but Merlin, the last known dragon lord, of Ealdor, Court Sorcerer of the kingdom of Camelot…a position not seen in nearly one hundred years." The crowd gasps, taking in the titles, and the seriousness of their king. They all look at Merlin, their new Court Sorcerer warily, the silence thick.

"I-if I may add something, your highness?" Lord Galahad asks Arthur gently, and Arthur nods, allowing Galahad to step closer to the balcony much where Gwaine was before him.

"My friends," Galahad begins, "Though I have not been in King Arthur's court for more than six months…I have seen Merlin's influence first hand. I have seen wisdom in him beyond his years, and kindness none can surpass…and I'm sure so have you. If you need an example…" Glahad looks at Arthur, who nods in approval, before continuing. "Just a few days ago Lord Averill tried to assassinate Merlin, and our king pulled him away from the danger by practically jumping in front of the dagger!" The crowd immediately erupts in worry but Galahad raises one hand. "Let me finish! Merlin froze the dagger before it struck him! Merlin saved our king! I have never seen anything like it—nothing like the connection between these two…I haven't because it is something of legend. Arthur is the Golden King of Albion and Merlin is Emrys, the most powerful sorcerer in the world! The two parts brought together to create Albion—the Golden Age!" The crowd grew eerily silent as Galahad finished, the lord out of breath and smiling widely with joy. The people all turn to Arthur, waiting for him to confirm the lord's words.

Arthur nods. "It is true; Merlin is the sorcerer Albion has been waiting for."

"As is Arthur the Golden King who shall lead you all into peace," Merlin finishes when Arthur leaves himself out. It is the first time Merlin has spoken and the people hang onto each raspy word. Merlin gulps, leaning on Gwen's strength as he continues:

"It is true that I killed Morgana, but please do not think that it was with joy that I stuck her down…Morgana was once all beauty and kindness, and someone you all loved dearly—someone I cherished as a friend." Leon looks down at his boots with sadness in his heart, listening tentatively.

"I-I have killed people who have threatened the peace in this kingdom, and I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant keeping Arthur, and everyone I love safe. I cannot bring myself to regret those wrongs, even if the gods themselves damn me for it." Merlin's eyes spark with hatred as he thinks back to the crippled god I his room, and to the gods who put him there. "Therefore, if it is within my power, I promise to always protect Arthur—and all of you—for the rest of my life. I give you my solemn vow." Arthur looks at Merlin steadily, clasping a hand to his shoulder brotherly-like before he focuses on the silent crowd once more.

"Well? What say you, my people, will you put your faith in me once more, as well in Merlin? Today begins the first steps to Albion, I assure you. Let us not suffer in fear and blood! What say you!?"

Merlin let his tears fall freely when everything he has dreamt of came true with the chanting of "LONG LIVE THE KING! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN! LONG LIVE THE KING! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN! LONG LIVE THE KING…!" He was even more shocked when his name began to slip into it, Arthur pulling him into a tight hug, Gwen and all of his friends (Galahad included) hugged him tightly, cheering loudly with the crowd.

It is a day Merlin will never forget for as long as he shall live, as is the smile Arthur beams at him when he pulls away.

He doesn't have to hide anymore.

He's free.

"What the hell is going on out there?!" Lord Averill shrieks for the hundredth time, the elderly ex-lord gripping onto the steel bars trying to see past cold stone. Like Arthur had said, he had spent the night in the dungeon, pissed, sad, and furious. Arthur was obviously ensorcelled and didn't even know it! He was letting a sorcerer walk by his side! King Uther would be so ashamed!

"Ashamed? Perhaps," A bell-like voice chuckles, and Lord Averill has to cover his ears at the sound as it is a sound that does not—could not—belong to a human.

"W-who…!?" The lord gasps as a handsome blonde man steps out from the shadows. However, man isn't the right word to describe the being as he is too perfect…almost glowing in radiance. Even the stones beneath his feet glow with golden light. "What are you?!" Lord Averill gasps, too shocked and mesmerized to fall away from the bars. The being is just so beautiful…

The man smiles and lord Averill's arm hair stands on end. The being practically slithers to the steel bars, the lord noticing a bright blue light dangling from a chain around his flawless neck, the bottle blinding. "You want to save your king, don't you?" The man coos and lord Averill can only nod, wincing at the being's celestial voice. "That's all you were doing…and he just doesn't see it, does he?"

"N-no he doesn't!" Lord Averill exclaims, gripping onto the bars tighter. "The sorcerer has him under a spell! Could you help me?!" The man smiles sickening sweet, and lord Averill falls to his aching knees entranced.

This has to be a god…so beautiful like the old tales say. A god has come to help him!

"I may have use of you," the god corrects and lord Averill feels a hand touch his silk shirt, the feel like ice. He blinks and he is standing in front of the being, the man blinking at the empty dungeon to the right of him. He falls to his knees as he did before, bowing until his forehead presses against the dirt.

"Whatever you ask of me I will do!" Lord Averill gasps into the dirt, the god's power overwhelming. The god tilts his head at him, interested.

"Perfect…" The god chuckles and reaches up to toy with the blue bottle around his neck.

Emrys' eyes shoot open to the shock of Gaius. The being sucks in a low breath, feeling it rattle low within his ribcage. Gaius stumbles backwards, half tripping over a bucket in his attempt to get away. "Goibniu…"* Emrys rasps meekly, the being not noticing the terrified physician who is currently pressing his back as closely to the wall as he can, his eyes wide with fear. The graceless god tries to move, but he is physically too weak. His too green eyes flicker back and forth, taking in his surroundings, fighting with his mortality. He grits his teeth in frustration.

"Goibniu…!" Emrys barks out, tears shining angrily in his eyes—Gaius watching him with wide eyes. The physician knows that name…The ancient god of fire and blacksmiths? What?

"Y-you're only going to wear yourself out more," Gaius murmurs, more whispering than anything. Emrys looks at him then, his green eyes sending chills up and down his spine.

"Y-y-you…" Emrys gasps and has to stop, gulping thickly. "Goibniu…close…Merlin!"

"M-Merlin will be back soon," Gaius reassures him meekly, not sure how to handle this sudden change, nor his strange words. Emrys plops his head back down on his pillow, angry tears threatening to spill. He closes his eyes tightly, losing consciousness yet again.


Goibniu suddenly sniffs the air, smiling at nothing. "It is time we go…He'll be intolerable if we dawdle any longer." The god snickers. Lord Averill's eyebrows furrow in confusion but before he can say anything Goibniu snaps his fingers and they're both whisked away in a blinding whirling white light.

It's over in seconds but it seems like hours to the very human lord Averill who finds himself practically puking his guts out in the ruins of a castle, sharp rubble cutting into his palms mercilessly.

"Goibniu!" A voice growls and the lord looks up to see a young, curly-haired, man standing in front of the god—Goibniu? Lord Averill's eyes widen as the name clicks.

"God Goibniu!?" The lord gasps and presses his face in the dirt once more. Goibniu ignores him, focusing on their newest companion, smiling cunningly at him. The youth doesn't look impressed and instead stares at him with icy green eyes. At the silence lord Averill lifts his head, studying the god the best he can, trying to remember all he can about him. His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

Where are the scars—the crippled part of him? He is perfect…The stories are wrong?

"You've been to Camelot?" The young man asks seriously, jarring lord Averill from his thoughts. Goibniu hums and leaps gracefully upon a falling pillar, toying with the glowing bottle around his neck.

"Quite a party," Goibniu says and walks elegantly from stone to stone, stopping only to smile at the young man. "The warlock Merlin has just been given quite a hefty seat in mortal Pendragon's council…Court Sorcerer." The brunette's eyes widened and he looked down, his green eyes flickering back and forth in anger and confusion. Lord Averill rises at the news, his eyes wide.

"No…!" The lord gasps and the brunette finally looks in his direction. Lord Averill finds the end of a sword pressed to his jugular in less than ten seconds, cold, youthful green eyes staring into his very soul.

"Who are you? Goibniu!" The god sighs and floats off a pillar to land on the ground.

"Information," the god states simply with a shrug. Lord Averill's eyebrows furrow. The brunette rolls his eyes.

"You went to mess with him, didn't you?" Goibniu looks away, not answering the question and answering at the same time.

"I will do as I like," The god says simply, his eyes flashing white and the brunette gulps. The god smiles at lord Averill. "…and Take what I want." The youth ignores this, turning away to look off into the distance, his sword still in hand.

"So they honor the one who slays his own kind…!" He growls and Goibniu's eyes sparkle at the tone.

"Yes…The one who has slain the last High Priestess." The brunette's green eyes grew crueler then, staring off in the distance where Camelot lay. Goibniu glances in the same direction, amused. "You are so interesting, Mordred."

Mordred clenches his teeth in silent anger. He turns to look at the god, his green eyes no less sharp. "Why did you really bring the old man?" Mordred asks, and Goibniu sighs in irritation.

"He is—or was— in Pendragon's council…He could be of use. However, I have no issue with you disposing of him either. It was just interesting at the time." Lord Averill's eyes widen and he looks at Mordred's sword warily.

"No, please! If I can be of any assistance please allow me!" Mordred narrows his eyes at the traitor, tightening his hand around his sword.

"I hate men like you the most…," Mordred hisses with venom. "You're weak, cowardice, and you only care about treasures…you gluttonous pig!" Lord Averill shrinks back in fear, watching Mordred's sword with fear in his eyes. "However, you may prove to be useful yet." The man lets out a deep sigh, carding his hands through his ever thinning hairline. Mordred still looks ready to cut him down, useful or not.

"Did you find it? Did you find it?" Goibniu asks excitedly out of nowhere and Mordred looks at him with a nod, putting away his sword much to lord Averill's contentment.

"If this is what you mean," Mordred huffs and reaches in his jacket to pull out a bedazzled dagger, precious gems scattered all over it. "I found it in the rubble…Strangely enough it was the only thing that wasn't covered in debris. What is it for?" The god reaches for it greedily, closing his eyes when he touches it.

"Let me worry about that," the god states simply, before the dagger disappears completely from sight.

"Right," Mordred huffs irritably. "Let us not stay in this ruin any longer…it no longer holds what I desire." Mordred's eyes look sad and he does not stay long enough to catch Goubniu's sadistic smile.

"W-what of me…?" Lord Averill almost squeaks. Mordred doesn't stop, nor does he look back as he says, "Follow if your wish is to truly be helpful. If it is not, stay and perish in the rubble and the dust. I care not which." The lord gulps once, catching Goubniu's smile and white-light eyes. He practically trips over his feet as he tries to catch up. Just in time for the god to touch Mordred's tunic, and then his own; whooshing off somewhere else.

Merlin's smile slowly fades from his face, the warlock seeming to go into a dazed state of mind. The cheering people below seem to move in slow motion, the young man's stomach slowly twisting into a tight knot. He vaguely can hear Arthur tell his people something—something about a party of some kind. He watches as they cheer his name once more before starting to disband and go home.

He flinches when he feels a hand grasp onto his arm and he turns his head to see Arthur's worried face inches away from his own. He seems to be saying something else, at him, but Merlin hears nothing, watching the king's lips move in slow motion.

Merlin quickly shakes his head and whatever had dazed him goes away. "What?" Merlin says, and Arthur's eyebrows furrow deeper. He practically screams it, and even then it sounds like he whispered it. Arthur rolls his eyes.

"I asked if you were all right…You seemed in a trance. Are you okay?" Merlin slowly nods, not sure what had happened to him.

"I think so…I just had a strange feeling is all," The warlock says with a small smile, and Arthur nods, his eyes calculating. Merlin looks back down and is shocked to see that everyone is gone, and that there is no longer any cheering. How long was he in a daze?

"Where'd everyone go?" Merlin mumbles mostly to himself and Arthur looks even more worried now.

"I sent them all home to prepare of course." Merlin looks even more confused.

"Prepare for what?" Arthur looks baffled.

"For the feast, of course!" Arthur huffs and Merlin pales. "The one in your honor…the one for the peoples lost…Merlin are you sure you're really okay? I just said that less than ten minutes ago…" Ten minutes ago?! Merlin's eyes widen further now and Arthur has had enough.

"Come," The king tells his friend and takes him by the arm. Their friends watch them as they leave the terrace, Arthur pulling Merlin into the sanctuary of the palace, where they can talk in private. "What did you feel, Merlin? Honestly." Arthur asks as he leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest, giving Merlin his undivided attention. Merlin blinks at him owlishly.

"Um…everything seemed to move in slow motion, and my stomach started to hurt. Like something was off. I-I don't really know what it was." Merlin looks down, trying not to think that it could be Emrys causing it. Arthur's eyes narrow and his jaw clenches, as if he were trying not to blurt out something that would give away what he already knows.

"…You know, what I said out there, I meant every word." Arthur says softly, and Merlin looks up at him. "…And more," Arthur adds and raises his eyebrows. "If there is something you need to tell me, I will listen to every word—even the boring bits." Merlin smiles at that, Arthur sharing it with him. The king's smile drops and he looks out the door, seeing the joy and smiling faces. "I didn't mean to be an ass this morning, I'm sorry," Arthur sighs and rubs the back of his neck.

"You're always an ass, Arthur," Merlin laughs, trying to hide his nervousness.

"Yeah, maybe," Arthur admits with a shrug and a smile, watching his reaction closely. "However, you seem to be stuck with me now. No turning back."

"I wouldn't want to if I could," Merlin tells him with a soft smile, his eyes sad. He looks down, trying to find the right words. Arthur watches him, waiting patiently. "A-actually there is something that I have to tell you," The warlock begins, looking Arthur in the eyes. "B-but I don't want you to be angry with me," Merlin adds and quickly looks down.

"I could never be angry with you," Arthur tells him softly, his eyes sad. "Merlin, please never feel that you can't tell me something because you think I'll be upset with you. I would never hurt you…You know that, don't you?"

"Of course I know that," Merlin says quickly. "I know that you wouldn't hurt me…but this is something big, something that I know is beyond me—beyond both of us. I-I just want to protect you…and protect him." Merlin looks Arthur in the eyes, watching Arthur's eyes darken as Merlin's fears are answered: Arthur already knows what he's going to say.

"Where is he?" Arthur asks tensely, the king honestly trying to control his emotions. Merlin stutters a bit, his head whipping to the right when Gwaine calls both of their names, a suspicious frown upon his face as he takes in the nervous atmosphere.

"W-we'll be right there," Merlin tells him with a tight smile and Gwaine nods at both of them, his eyes still suspicious as he rejoins the rest of the chattering knights. Merlin turns back to Arthur who never looked away from him, waiting.

"…He's in my room," Merlin says and Arthur closes his eyes.

"And that's why Gaius did not join us," The king adds and Merlin nods, his eyes wide. Arthur lets out a deep breath, pushing away from the wall.

"You're angry," Merlin observes simply, awkwardly. Arthur gives him a sarcastic smile, trying his best not to pace.

"I'm not exactly peachy," Arthur grunts and rubs his face. The king gestures at Merlin randomly, unsure of what to say. "When did this happen? It had to have happened recently right?" Arthur freezes and so does Merlin, the warlock watching as Arthur's face flashes with betrayal.

"You went for him…Left the castle, and went without me." Merlin shakes his head quickly, hating the tone Arthur uses.

"I-I didn't want to bother you—it is my responsibility…!"

"—And you are mine," Arthur interrupts, his face unbelieving. Merlin looks taken aback. "You are my friend, Merlin—we are a team. Do your own words mean nothing to you? Two parts of the same coin, not one! If you need me, come and get me! Isn't that what this is? What we are? Do you honestly not trust me that much?"

"No! Arthur, no!" Merlin hisses, trying to control his voice. "I'm sorry, you're right! You're right and I'm sorry…I'm just not used to this. Arthur I have been your shadow for nearly ten years…I can't just snap out of that, I fear. I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear. I-I just didn't want to disturb you…You've just gotten home—"

"—so have you, you idiot!" Arthur hisses and cups a hand to the back of Merlin's neck, pressing their foreheads together. It is an intimate gesture they have only done a few times, and Merlin can sense how it calms both of them, their connection bringing them security the closer they are together.

Arthur breathes deeply, looking Merlin in the eyes. "You don't bother me, Merlin. I mean, you can be an idiot sometimes but that just means that I am as well…You need me. Get me. Simple as that, got it?" Merlin nods gently, feeling Arthur's head move with his own. Arthur smiles at him, squeezing the back of his neck once before letting go.

"Is Emrys stable?" Arthur asks him cautiously, and Merlin nods again, slower.

"Actually he was unconscious until very recently," Merlin says and Arthur's eyebrows furrow. "I think that may be what I felt earlier…" Merlin adds and Arthur's eyes widen and he nods. "Y-you don't have to worry about him…he isn't a god anymore. He's very weak…" Merlin's voice is bitter as he says this and Arthur's eyes widen, but before he can speak he is interrupted:

"Arthur, sire, Merlin…" Leon says then stops, sensing the tense air. "I'm sorry to interrupt…but is everything okay?" the knight asks with a slight bow, Arthur nods at him stiffly. The king looks at Merlin once more, nodding at him as well.

"We'll talk more of this later, all right?"

"Yes," Merlin says softly, small and nervous. Arthur ruffles his hair, purposefully interrupting his worries.

"Everything will be all right, Merlin, you'll see. For now promise me that you will enjoy this day and think only of yourself from this moment on." Merlin's eyebrows furrow as Arthur throws one arm loosely around the warlock's shoulder, pulling him back into the light. "I will send someone to check on them, if it would ease your mind." Merlin nods at him and Arthur immediately gestures at Leon.

"Yes sire?" Leon asks, awaiting his order.

"Could you please check on Gaius, and see if he needs help with…anything," Leon's eyebrows furrow a bit but he nods nonetheless, the knight smiling at both of them before he runs down the corridor. Merlin watches him go with worry on his face. That is, until Arthur covers his eyes with the palm of his hand, the warlock about squawking.

"Enough Merlin," Arthur says as Merlin pulls his hand away. "Please just relax…at least for today, all right? Will you do that for me at least?" Merlin's lips thin out but he nods, Arthur smiling warmly at him.

"Whatever he wants, I wouldn't do it," Gwaine says out of nowhere, the knight managing to untangle Arthur's arm from around Merlin's neck. "There's no telling what he could want…" The knight fakes a shiver whilst Arthur narrows his eyes at him.

"You're an idiot, Gwaine," Percival huffs with a laugh before Arthur has the chance to say so himself.

"Thank you, Perce," Arthur says cheerfully, pulling Gwen close and pressing a kiss to her temple.

"Anytime, sire," Percival says with a smile, Gwaine pushing him with false irritability. Merlin smiles at them all adoringly, watching his friends laugh and be happy. They should always be this happy. He notices Arthur watching him and he nods again, allowing Gwaine to pull him closer, choosing to share in with their laughter.

"Hey, by the way," Percival says, looking at Gwaine. "Where has Bedevere gone off to?" Gwaine pales for a second before saying, "Shit," and running out the doors, everyone but Percival laughing.

"What did you do now?" Percival calls and chases after him.

"He was fine when I last saw him—" Gwaine says defensively as he turns a corner. Percival stops for a second, huffing in disbelief.

"You left him in the tavern didn't you?!" By Percival's following curse they all had their answer.

"Poor lad really has it out for him," Arthur says and Elyan laughs aloud, shaking his head.

"He looks at Gwaine as if he has hung the moon," Elyan says and Arthur rolls his eyes.

"Then he's doomed," The king says with a sigh and Gwen swats at him with a laugh.

"Sire," a voice calls and everyone turns to see a very smiling Leon, his curls shaking with each step. "Gaius told me to tell you that all is well, and told me to tell Merlin the same. Erm…where are Gwaine and Percival running off to? I've never heard Percival swear so much in my life!" The knight adds with a laugh.

"Thank you, Leon," Arthur says and shares a quick look with Merlin. "And apparently Gwaine left Bedevere somewhere he shouldn't have." Leon shakes his head with a laugh. Merlin joins in, loving the normality of it all.

Arthur is right, today—at least for now—he should try to be happy. He is free…he doesn't have to hide, and he has wonderful friends who love and adore him. Life is great. Now, if only the rest of his life could remain this brilliant.

A/N: Uwaahh.. This is nearly 8k words…definitely the longest chapter I have ever done! As always this is all me so if you see any mistakes, or anything awkward, please let me know! Chapters as long as this one can be overwhelming! I hope you enjoyed it though, and thank you sooo much for sticking with me for so long! Until next time! Love you guys!

*Goubniu: referencing back to the scar-faced god who challenged Emrys and Inanna (ch. 99)

Best wishes as always,

