Author note: Spinner and Emma never happened, Manny and Spinner did break up but got back together the end of highschool and are now engaged in their twenty's.

Pretty long tanned legs led black high heels towards an office, as people happily greeted the woman as she went by. The only view you got of her was the back, and how curvy her little hips looked with her fancy looking high waist black skirt and white blouse. Her long wavy blonde hair bounced every step she took until she reached her office.

"Morning Miss Nelson." came the greeting from her secretary, Bianca.

Emma turned and she gave that famous beautiful grin, "Morning."

With that, Emma walked into her own office. It was beautiful. Purple haze painted walls with pink lilly flowers in vases at the corner and a nice square oak desk that her big computer sat upon.

"It's busy today. It's wedding season!" said a familiar cute raspy voice we all know and love. Manny walked in now, bubbly as always. She was now a woman and still beautiful as she was in highschool. The two were both 25 year olds and had started their own little business three years ago that shot off the ground more than they both though it ever would. Since they both loved weddings, they helped friends plan their weddings and soon, they were the two hottest wedding planners anybody could have for the perfect wedding.

They were amazing at what they did.

Speaking of weddings, Manny and Spinner had gotten engaged a year back and were finally starting to do planning of their own.

Emma sighed hearing the phones constantly ring and picked up her phone, "Just hold the calls today, Bianca." she told her secretary who must of said yes, because Emma hung up and looked back at Manny.

Manny was basically twisting back and forth in excitement, looking like she needed to tell Emma something.

"What is it?" Emma asked.

Manny stood up straight, "Ok." she tried to go serious, taking a breather. Emma smiled a bit giving her best friend a look. Her and Manny had made a future for themselves together. In highschool, they had such different dreams, Emma wanted to be an environment activist and Manny wanted to be an actress, but this is what they ended up as and Emma wouldn't change it for the world.

If you thought about it, it made so much sense. When they were younger, they'd stay up late talking about boys, hell they fought over the same ones before, and they've shared tons of ice cream together while watching their favorite soap operas and planning their own weddings one day. Little did they know how great they would be at it! They were a hit agency in Toronto.

Though, this business could also get to you if you were single or unhappy. Emma at the moment, was single. She was engaged though, to an old ex boyfriend named Josh. But when she saw how happy other grooms were where she worked, she knew her and Josh weren't meant to be, and that spark she saw between her clients on their special day, wasn't there between her and Josh. Ever since then, she's been single for a year. I guess love wasn't in the books for now, so she put her all into working.

"Ok." Manny says, smiling again, "We set the date! Me and Spinner are getting married this summer!" she jumped up and down happily.

Emma's mouth hung and she slowly stood up. Oh. That was uh, wow. Manny ran to hug her and Emma tried to blink, hugging her back, "That's..WOW!" Emma insisted, eyes wide and pulling away.

"Can you believe it?" Manny asked.

"Manny I'm so happy for you." Emma declared and meant it.

The dark haired hugged Emma back as she whispered, "Would you be my maid of honor?" she pulled away to see Emma's face.

"Manny! Ofcourse!" she laughed and shook her head when Manny bounced up and down again, "I have no idea how to plan a wedding though..." teased Emma.

Manny laughed and rolled her eyes to then suddenly gasp, "Oh and uh," she cringed, "We should talk living arrangements soon."

Emma's stomach dropped. Oh right. Her and Manny also still lived together in a very nice apartment. I guess she forgot about that part. Spinner and Manny would want their own place now. . ..did that mean she had to move out or they were? Emma had agreed to let Spinner move in too about two years ago, since he was always there anyways.

Geez. Now what was she going to do? The busiest time of the year for weddings, and now having to be in her best friends wedding, and now having to look for a new place? Stress overwhelmed Emma completely now.

Manny cursed, "Crap! I still have to tell my parents we got a date!" she grabbed her purse off Emma's desk, "You don't mind me taking the day off?"

Emma smiled rolling her eyes, "Do I ever?" she taunted, "We'll talk later."

Manny gave an evil playful smile before waving and leaving. Emma was happy for her, she really was, but she felt the loneliness wash over her. Five years ago she had another chance of a future with someone too other than Josh and that someone was Sean Cameron, and she burned that one to the ground too. They were great friends now, don't get her wrong, but she just wondered why it never worked out and now even her best girl friend wanted to 'break up'.

Bianca then stuck her head through the door, peaking in and asked, "You want me to get you lunch?"

Her hoop earrings swaying as she smiled her big white flashy teeth. Emma blinked and shook her head no, "I'm going to meet the Robinson's in an hour so I'm just going to go grab some coffee. Thankyou though." she said with a mere smile until the door shut and it collapsed into a big frown and she pouted.


Emma was lost in thought as she waited in line for her coffee and tilted her head, thinking more about her romantic life. Ofcourse there had been dates, but not boyfriends since Josh. Nothing serious. If her and Manny would go to the club or a bar, there would be other horn dogs, but nothing ever stuck. Emma was over those games.

"Here you go Miss." smiled a young boy, handing her coffee out to her. It was a cute little outdoor stand in the middle of the downtown street. It was her favorite place to go because there were chairs and tables to sit everywhere, and it was a beautiful day out.

Yup, she still loved her environment and fresh air!

"Oh." Emma cringed feeling bad but always loved her sugar ways, "Can I get a few sugar packets?"

The boy turned and got another persons order as he grabbed some sugar and handed the cup out to the person next to Emma, then handed sugar to her.

"Save some sugar for the rest of us Greenpeace." taunted a voice she knew too well and she rolled her eyes while smiling as she grabbed the packages of sugar and turned to Jay. He smirked down at her and sipped his coffee. He wore his mechanic dark blue suit and same ol backwards hat with his hair peeking out of it. He looked the same yet more mature, sporting a short well-groomed boxed beard and he was a little more fit too.

As she walked around him she taunted back, "Not everyone gets to leave their job whenever they want to, Jay. I need my sugar for energy." she informed.. that and she just loved her sugar honestly.

Jay chuckled and sat across from her. This happened a lot. Actually, they had lunch together almost every Tuesday and Friday. Her and Jay had a weird frenemy relationship now, since having to put up with another for the sake of Manny and Spinner.

"You're your own boss." Jay taunted Emma as he laid his coffee on the table with her. "I'm sure you can leave whenever without getting into any trouble."

Emma rolled her eyes to his smirk and she then looked off and got lost in thought again. Maybe she should get back into dating.. there was always Roger at work who always asked her out. Maybe she could say yes this time? Ugh, no, Roger was too immature. Too scrawny too.

After a moment, Emma felt eyes on her and caught Jay giving her a wierd look. Uh oh, did she zone out again?

"What?" she hissed and nearly whined. She caught herself in a bad mood today and Jay was noticing. She did NOT want him to know why.

"What's up your ass?" he asked, sipping his drink again and then watched people pass them by. Actually he watched women walk by, to be frank. Emma noticed as his head turned at a pretty redhead passing by who passed him a smile and Emma resisted rolling her eyes. He turned his head back towards Emma and chuckled as he caught her giving him a look.

"Jealous?" he asked.

"Don't make me barf." Emma simply taunted back and he just gave her a daring smirk. She rolled her eyes and smiled. Same old Jay, natural flirt with anybody right?

"Seriously though," he got back down to their conversation, "What's wrong?"

She crossed her arms, "Nothing." she lied.

Jay sighed, knowing that was a lie. He shrugged though, changing the subject to better the conversation, "So Spinster and Dimples finally set a date."

"Can you just call them Spinner and Manny?" Emma taunted and leaned in, dramatically speaking loud and slow, "Em-ma."

He sipped his coffee with a chuckle. She snickered, knowing he wouldn't stop even if she begged him to. She got back on track to what he said. She couldn't hold it in, if she couldn't talk to Manny about it, who could she talk to?! Jay was her other half- or, um, friend. Jay was her only other friend to talk to about this.

"Why did they have to go and pick this summer!?" she scoffed.

Even at her outburst, Jay calmly answered, "Well they did get engaged last year."

"Me and her have been living together happily for 4 years! Minus the year I lived with Josh." she added, "But I was a good roommate. I let Spin move in with no complaints!Then they decide without warning me that they're going to get married in a matter of months?! Spinner doesn't tell me, 'hey,you should start looking for another roommate!' Nothing!?"

Jay looked up and pretended to think, "Maybe his mind was just more on Manny rather then on you." he grinned happily to the fact he got her to scowl at him again.

"Do you live to piss me off?" Emma asked.

Jay rolled his head back like it was the most wonderful feeling in the world, "Ofcourse I do."

Emma tried to stay mad, but a smile was peaking out. She should of known talking to Jay would of made her feel better, not worse. He could be such a jerk, but a funny one.

"Oh I get it." Jay said, now leaning forward and grinned wolfishly, "You're jealous."

Emma squinted her eyes as she glared hard at him, "I am HAPPY for them." she told Jay and gasped, offended, "I can't believe you think I'm not."

"Didn't say you weren't happy, just said you were jealous." he explained and poked fun at her, "What? You want to get married too?"

"Is it bad to want that?" Emma shot back, "Some of us want to find that someone and to build a family and home together and-"

"You're 25. You got time." his eyes were wondering around and Emma bit her tongue wishing he'd just focus on HER right now. She was having a breakdown.

"I should of never broke up with Josh."

Jay cornered his eyes at her and snickered in disbelief, "So you'd rather be with someone you know you're not happy with just to make this dream of yours come true?"

"You don't want a family and wife one day?" Emma asked seriously. He paused and she then held her hand up, "Don't answer that. Already know the answer, but some of us want that okay?"

"I don't think I can do the whole kids and mini van thing." Jay said, his face twisting in almost disgust as he pictured himself driving one of those.

"What if one day you of all people, Jay Hogart, falls in love?" Emma playfully asked, raising an amused eyebrow, "And she wants kids?"

Jay avoided her eyes until he took a deep breath and finally gave her question some thought. "With the right girl, maybe.."

Emma was a little taken back by the answer. "Really?" she eyed him, then even pictured Jay with a kid. She snickered, imagining the kid wearing Jay's old beat up hat and Jay would probably raise the kid in a garage working on cars. Like child labor. She began to giggle at that out loud now and Jay gave her an amused look.

"You're going insane."

Emma stopped laughing and groaned, "I just feel so ..behind!" she suddenly frowned so deeply it concerned Jay. "I think I missed my chance with the whole marriage and family thing with .. Josh. And it's not like Sean ever had marriage on his mind. Not a lot of guys do in 2017.." she muttered. Would she get another chance? Or did she blow it?

Jay spoke up after a moment of gazing at her. She was in a quiet trance. "Remember that time you lost your car keys and you looked around so hard you couldn't find them but they were just on the coffee table?.."

"What?" Emma didn't get it. She then asked, "You think I've already met him?"

Jay went to open his mouth but she cut him off.

"There's always Roger, at work.." she drifts and Jay looked as if he burnt his tongue or something, "Here." she dug in her purse and gave him a water bottle and got back to thinking out loud.. "But I don't know.. I keep turning him down. I don't think he's my type."

Jay ignored the water, "Maybe not." he sighed and got up, "I gotta get back to work."

Emma grumbled but nodded and he went around the table but before he left he turned back.

"Don't get so worked up over this." he insisted and then walked off. Emma sat there and didn't move, still thinking about it until she turned to look over her shoulder to watch Jay walk away. Since when did Jay get wise? She smiled softly and began to wonder about what he said- OH NO! She got so wrapped up she forgot about her next clients!

Emma ran to her next appointment, a bit in a hurry, "Sorry, Sorry! I'm here. Mr and Mrs Robinson?" she met up with them at a church, and the couple stood together until turning to meet their new wedding planner.

"Emma NELSON!?" squealed the lady.

Emma readjusted herself and looked at her clients, and eyed the woman, "Oh my god." she breathed. There standing was Queen B from Degrassi, Paige Michealchuck.

Paige put her hand on her fiance's chest, who frankly to Emma's shock, wasn't a girl.

"This is my fiance, Jesse." Paige introduced the two, Emma smiled to him and he grinned, he looked older, very cute though! Ofcourse, for Paige.

"You two know another?" Jesses asked, looking between the two and held his gaze on Emma for a bit, sizing her up.

Emma nervously laughed, "Use to be.." could she really say friends?

"We went to school together!" Paige declared, saving Emma from having to do it, "Emma was the smartest girl in school so I trust completely you'll make my day a very special day." she insisted.

Emma nodded, getting back to being professional, "I have a lot of pictures for you guys to look at." she circled her finger around the church, "You don't have to be married here, unless you want to! I just always meet new clients here."

"Oh honey no, I want to get married on the beach!" Paige said happily and Emma pierced her lips with a smile, nodding. Classic Paige.

They went over some pictures and options, and sat down for a bit until going over everything, and walked out together. As they walked down the church steps over to their cars Paige couldn't help but laugh over this.

"As if we ran into another like this." Paige insisted, "I've been living in Hollywood but I met Jesse here." she leaned closer, "Didn't really want the wedding here but I guess it's home and still his too."

Emma just nodded, trying to bare more smiles..she had no idea what else to do. God. Everyone really was getting married but her.

"We should grab drinks some time!" Paige said.

"Not sure if that's very... professional." Emma confessed, she never looked bad in front of clients.

Paige giggled, wrapping her hand into Jesse's, "Still the same Emma. Work comes first." she teased and waved, "See you at our next appointment!"


"As if!" Manny laughed, sitting across from Emma at their usual bar. Emma finally wore her normal clothes on the weekend, just normal tight blue jeans, black heels, and a blank cami. Her hair was in a salon blow out.

The blonde nodded at her best friend as she went over that Paige was their new client.

"Freaky." Manny declared and they giggled again.

Emma was still smiling as she shook her head, "Weird seeing us growing up so fast. Getting married, good careers... moving out.."

Manny pouted for her as she took a sip of her martini, "I hate that we have to move out, Em. But we can't always live together right?"

"Right." Emma mumbled.

"And you'll find someone soon Em. But Hell! Enjoy the time on your own. You've had more relationships that lasted longer than mine and Spinners. Enjoy just being single!"

"I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" Liberty came running over with Mia and then glanced at the brunette as they sat, "Well, she was late." she corrected.

Mia rolled her eyes, "I had to wait for the babysitter to come watch Isabella." she explained.

Emma smiled shaking her head, Liberty and Mia had actually become close after a few years after the whole, you know, JT thing. Now the trio was now a foursome. Emma had gotten pretty close to Mia too after Manny kept hanging out with her even after highschool. Mia had gotten back with Lucas and they lived in their family home with now 7 year old Isabella.. how time flew!

Liberty teased, "I got Ty a pretty good professional on-time baby sitter..maybe you should give her a call." she confirmed.

Here's a story that always warmed Emma's heart and made her feel a bit better. Liberty, after college, after getting her life back together and being able to support herself, went and got her and JTs baby boy back. Ty was now almost 5!

Emma offered, "I could always watch both your kids for you."

Mia opened her mouth and closed it, looking at Liberty who looked away. Emma was a bit taken back and even Manny awkwardly coughed.

"The reason-"

Emma cut Manny off, "What? What was that look for?" she looked between them and pointed at herself "I've watched them before! You don't trust me with them or something!?" Emma squeeked a bit, her mouth hanging in such shock. She was Emma Nelson! Anyone could trust her! She was smart, responsible and caring-

"Emma no!" Mia insisted, shaking her head "It's not like that it's just.."

Liberty tried to explain, "Your still young, livin' the single life, clubbin' it up. We don't want to step on your toes." she said.

Emma's mouth fell this time in shock and looked at Manny for back up. Manny spoke up, "Guys Emma barely really goes out and parties." she nudged her best friend, "You know Em, work first, party later." she bit her lip noticing she probably shouldn't of brought partying back up again, "Besides.. any normal 25 year old unlike us three girls, should be in Emma's shoes." she joked yet didn't regret Spinner, nor did the girls regret their kids, even though they were accidents, but loved ones.

Mia tried to brush it off, "Of course! I'll let you know next time I need any help." she informed Emma, "But Izzy's almost 8.. I just hate leaving her at night since the boys are always at the shop at night." she giggled with Manny since Lucas and Spinner both worked at Jay's auto shop. Sometimes Emma caught herself getting jealous over the fact they shared that cute 'our boyfriends are friends and so are we' bond.

Liberty tapped her fingers on the table and just nodded, not even explaining herself or saying sorry. Emma scoffed and just shook her head. Whatever ! Did everyone just forget that she practically raised her baby brother herself?

Manny tried to change the subject, "The reason I called you all here is.. would you be my bridesmaids?!"

"OH MY GOD!" Liberty yelled happily.

"Oh my god you're serious!?" Mia jumped up from her seat and pulled Manny into a big hug, "You finally set a date?!"

Liberty got up and joined as Manny replied laughing, "Two months from today."

"AHHHH!" the three girls yelled together. Emma grabbed her drink and poured it down. Then, she ordered 6 more.

/ All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies

Now put your hands up,Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
'Cause if you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it./

The next morning, Jay was sitting at their usual lunch spot and this time he grabbed the coffee and Emma was a little late. She slowly sat down and he raised an eyebrow, impressed.

"Late night?" he asked while leaning back in his chair and grinning since he could already tell she was hungover as ever.

Emma rubbed her head and groaned, laying it down on the table, wearing the darkest sunglasses she could find. She didn't even dress fancy for work today, just simple jeans and a red tank top.

"Lots of drinking I heard." he said, picking her coffee up from beside his and laid it infront of her.

Emma looked up and tilted her head, "Heard? From who?"

Jay shrugged like it didn't matter, "Manny and Mia came in this morning to say hi to the guys."

Emma just grumbled. She picked up her drink from Jay and then pouted greatfully, "Thankyou." he just smirked softly back at her as she sipped it and then ran a hand through her hair.

She then bit her lip a bit, sneaking a glance more longing on Jay. He was always here to talk to,and she liked that. He understood her and knew how to calm her down. She wondered if he too was done pretending this 'truce' between them was just for Manny and Spinner. She actually liked spending time with Jay now and possibly, maybe he did with her too?

"Emma?" they heard a male voice and Emma turned to see a tall man standing behind her, smiling, and about to buy some coffee until seeing her distracted him.

Emma's mouth fell, she hadn't seen him in a while! It was Craig Mannings. Sometimes they saw another when he was a wedding singer in one of her clients' weddings. She hadn't seen him in forever though. Last he and Manny talked, they were cool too. He was happy for Spinner and her. Strangely, he even seemed to flirt with Emma sometimes now.

"Craig!" " Emma said happily, and set her coffee down and he laughed, pulling a chair up to their table.

Jay didn't see what was so funny. He rolled his eyes as the two seemed wrapped up in another.

"Oh! Jay, you remember Craig?" Emma gave Jay a 'be nice' look when she saw him giving Craig a bored stare. He was never really a 'friendly' person.

Jay tried to be 'nice', "Craig. From Degrassi. The 'rockstar' who turned into a coke star. How've you been?" he gave him a tight plastered smile. Craig cleared his throat in discomfort.

Emma ignored Jay but sent him a kick under the table.

"How are you doing?" Emma asked Craig.

He smiled and shrugged, "Good, works good." he teased and she giggled. Jay had to roll his eyes again. What was so DAMN funny?

"Though I miss working the same weddings with you." he admitted, no, flirted. Emma blushed.

Wait! No- maybe this was wrong. He was Manny's ex. Oh my god, but from way back when! Manny had said they were cool now. Maybe she wouldn't mind? Emma had after all had a crush on him first in 7th grade.

"I'm going to go." Jay informed, getting up and not even wasting time as Emma was still trying to stop that blush from showing and then looked up shocked.

"But I just got here?"

"You were late." Jay informed a little heatedly before walking off. Emma blinked and noticed he didn't even say goodbye. Well, wasn't ever one for manners. Emma watched Jay until out of site..hmm, she should go visit his new shop, he was pretty proud of it. She's heard good things and really wanted to go, just never had the time! He had just opened it two months ago.

Craig was sheepishly smiling now and wondered, "You guys dating?" he glanced in Jay's direction.

"What?" Emma turned her head and couldn't believe her ears. "No!" she exclaimed and noticed her voice cracked a bit and cleared her throat. She tried to shake her head and then wondered if Craig was seeing anybody. "You?"

"Are me and Jay dating?" Craig joked, "No. Intimidating bad boy isn't my type. I hear he's not very faithful to just one girl anyways."

Emma smiled a little but wasn't sure if she liked that 'joke' about Jay, "He's not that bad anymore. I know he had his moments in highschool but we all did. He has his own garage now."

"Cool." Craig seemed more interested in her though, "So no boyfriend?" he pressed on and Emma found herself smiling again and shaking her head no. "So maybe you'd like to go for dinner next weekend?"

Emma jumped for joy in her head. That was a yes!


"I GOT A DATE!" Emma declared loud and clear, opening her apartment door to Spinner and Manny snuggling on the couch.

Manny sat up and stopped cuddling as Spinner frowned but nodded at Emma, "Good for you cupid." he teased and tried to keep watching the movie until Emma shut it off and sat on the other couch by them.

Manny was up for the conversation though and squeeled, "Who is it!? do I know him!?"

Spinner ruined the surprise, "She's got a date with Craig. He won't shut up about it."

Manny's smile slid off her face and Emma panicked, "Are you not okay with that?"

Manny's eyes widened, "No- it's not that. I just . . is he really your type? I mean go for it if you think but.."

Emma wondered what she meant by that. "He's cute, talented, good friend of the family.."

Manny nodded, agreeing silently with that. "Ok, well, where's he taking you?" her smile was back on. She was over Craig, don't get her wrong, but she really didn't think he was a good pick for Emma. He never treated Manny very well and she was worried he wouldn't with Emma either but maybe he was more grown up.

Spinner seemed to think he really liked Emma at least. Manny would give him a chance.

Emma answered, "Out for dinner, he didn't say where yet though."

"Girl talk. That's my cue to leave." Joked Spinner and did so.

Manny turned back to Emma who explained with a bit of regret, "Manny, I was feeling kinda down, you know with everyone getting married or having kids and I'm just here single still, after everything with Josh. Then Craig comes along and asks me out!"

"Although I'm happy, I still don't think Craig is who you'll end up with Em." Atleast Manny hoped not.

"Who knows! Maybe he's my pair of keys." Emma joked.

Manny's face twisted in confusion, "What?"

"You know, when you look too hard for missing keys (Aka missing someone), so you won't find it. As soon as I said I'd stop, Craig comes in! I found my keys. I think.. sorta."

Manny laughed but assured, "I'm sure it'll be fun. Just keep your options open! As I said, it's fun to be single! You can't force 'romance' "

"I know, Manny. It'll just" Emma smiled with that. Fun indeed.

"Who gave you this key theory?" Manny wondered.

Emma shrugged, "Jay."

Manny strangely tilted her head, "UH-huh.." Wierd. That's not what Manny thought Jay meant. . . .if only Emma knew .