A/N: Ok hello, So this is my first story, and it probably isn't as good as the others, but I write for fun and I thought it would be nice to share some of that writing with the intenet! This is only the first chapter (obviously) And i already have chapter 2 written, So if you REVIEW i will be more then happy to post chapter 2! :) if you want longer chapters tell me! shorter chapters tell me! more fourtris? or anyother couple tell me! BTW one of the initiates are supposed to me me! lets see if you can guess :) I still don't have a name for this yet, so feel free to leave some sujestions :)
DISCLAIMER: I own the initiates but sadly
not the wonders of divergent, who IS owned
but Veronica Roth :) enjoy!
January 7th, 2014- hey guys, yes its been like a couple months since I started this fanfition, let me jst say before you begin to read! YES TRIS IS OC FOR THE FIRST LIKE 10 CHAPTERS! but she gets better! i honestly was going to stop this after hapter 10 because i thought no one would read it and thats why it sucked balls in the beginning! it was an outlet to get out my emotions and depression! not this story is doing better and my writing has gotten hell of a lot better! so please dont judge this without reading more then 20 or so chapters!
Thanks, Sophie :)
Chapter 1
Tris' POV
Tobias and I walk hand in hand down the hall to his apartment, I have been staying there a lot, so I guess it could be conisderd mine as well. He unlocks the door with the keys he pulls out of his right pocket of his jeans and we walk in. He sets the keys on the kitchen table and heads into the washroom to get ready for bed. I breathe in the smell of Tobias that lingers on the bedspread and creeps into my nose. I like the way Tobias smells, it's refreshing. He walks out of the bathroom and throws me my pyjamas which are just a simple t-shirt and shorts. I walk into the bathroom and wipe off the mascara and eyeliner. I brush my hair up into a messy bun so pieces of my blond hair are fall loose, and then I pull on my shorts and t-shirt. I walk slowly out into the bedroom and see Tobias on the bed waiting for me to climb in so we can cuddle like we normally do. I climb in next to him and I lay my head on his chest, and iI can hear his heartbeat,It is slow and steady. I wonder like I always do in times like this, that if both of us were to choose differently, would we have ended up the same but in grey instead of black? I let the thought trail off into my mind.
"Initiation is tomorrow" Tobias finally breaks the silence and I feel is vocal cords vibrate on my temples
"So it seems" I say back in a sluggish voice, I don't know if Tobias realizes that I actually am tired, but either way I like having these midnight talks with him.
"Are you going to go by Six?" he asks. The thought entered my mind once but since then I hadn't thought much into it
"I don't know," I say getting up from his chest "do you want me to?" I ask him and he smiles, and I know that means yes "alright, I'll be Six and you can be Four" I say smiling and he returns the smile. I lay back down on to his chest as he runs is fingers threw my blonde hair, and I slowly drift off to sleep.
I awaken the next morning to an obnoxious noise from the side of the bed; I turn over and hit the alarm clock that reads 7:36am. I rip the blankets off me and take the fastest shower I have possibly taken, initiation starts in less than an half an hour and I'm only waking up now? Why didn't Tobias wake me? Questions fill my mind as I apply my eyeliner and mascara and let my hair down; it waves just past my shoulders. I put on a black shirt that shows my ravens and some black skinny jeans. I pull my combat boots on and head for the door, before I can even get there it tares open and Tobias stands there
"You couldn't wake me up?" I say looking up at him
"I couldn't wake the sleeping beauty" he smiles
I playfully punch him in the arm as I walk by him, and head down the hall to get some breakfast. I hear running from behind me then arms wrap around my waist and pull me back and spin me around, Tobias pulls me into a hug and then pulls away and kisses me softly, I run my fingers threw his hair and he pulls me closer as his grip tightens around me.
"Um, ew" I hear a voice call form down the hall, and me and Tobias pull away to see Christina waving to us down the hall
"Um, guys no make out sessions in the hallway, besides were going to be late for the first jumper" She says pouting. Tobias grabs my hand and we walk down the hallway with Christina a long side us. We make our way to the net, and I try to become instructor Six that I know everyone will just love! I smile at myself and then I realize that I must look like a complete idiot right now. We see the small figures on top of the building and I remember my first jump. When I come back to reality I see a blue blur in the sky and I instantly knew they were from Erudite. They landed in the net and I reached out my arm, It was a short, blonde haired girl form Erudite who had sapphire blue eyes that had a sparkle to them.
"What is your name?" I ask her, and for a moment she pauses and thinks.
"So-Su" she stumbles over words as she tries to figure out what she should be named here in her new life.
"Think about it, you don't get to pick again" I say smiling remembering what Tobias had told me on my first day. She stands up proud and tall and looks straight in my eyes,
"Sophie" she speaks the S very slowly, she still seems unsure of it, but goes with it anyways
"Make the announcement Christina" I here Tobias say from behind me as I watch the next jumper falling from the building. They land face first and I hold in a giggle but resist, I reach for their hand and pull up a boy dressed in bright red clothing.
"Hello" he says smiling at me
"what's your name?" I ask him
"Payton" he says flipping his brown hair out of his unique looking green eyes. He isn't much taller than me, as I look over to see the next jumper, she has already managed herself in the net, and Christina is pulling her out, probably because I zoned out and forgot about the world around me, she steps out o f the net and then I see her. Her luscious long wavy blonde hair that reaches her lower back, and her sparkling green eyes, which I know are only contacts she likes to put in to hide the evil behind them, she looks at me and smiles
"hello Beat-" I cut her off before she is able to say my real name, and Christina looks at me puzzled, like the look that is asking who this girl is.
"I go by Six here in Dauntless" She nods slowly
"Who's this?" Tobias says inching towards us
"This is-"
"Light" She cuts me off while excitement fills her voice and she looks around looking at Dauntless and her jaw drops in amazement, although I'm not sure what she sees, because Dauntless isn't much of a beautiful place to many.
"How do you know Six?" Christina asks
"Well-"Light begins but I happily cut her off
"No time for that long and painful time of my life" I say faking a smile before I send her away with the rest of the initiates.
"Why so harsh?" Tobias asks from behind me and I ignore him "Fine Sixy pooh, that's ok ignore me" he says laughing and Christina joins in. I give each of them the death glare as we wait for more initiates.
After the last one jumps from the building we gather around in a huddle to introduce ourselves, this year we managed to get 5 Erudite, 3 Amity, 3 Candor and 1 Abnegation who happened to be Light, the girl that haunts my childhood with her happiness. I look in the crowd of transfers and smile, I know this is going to be a good initiation, we have a variety of shapes and sizes, Payton who isn't very tall but very muscular, and River, he is tall and fast, but doesn't know how to use his strength yet. The girls all look more fascinated in Tobias then to actually be here in Dauntless, the only 3 that I spot not drooling over my boyfriend just so happens to be Light, and she made friends with Sophie and her friend, who I think was named Abbie, they transferred together.
"Welcome to Dauntless" I shout into the crowd and Tobias continues on
"I am Four, and beside me is Six and Christina. Christina smiles and looks at me and Tobias, she didn't know that I was going to use Six. I hear footsteps running towards the big dark tunnel where we always start the tour and then I see Uriah emerge from the darkness. He is very late.
"And…..I'm…..Uriah!" he shouts in short breaths, no one really pays attention to Uriah; they mostly pay attention to mine and Tobias' names.
"Wait so you're named after numbers?" a girl named Rylee from Erudite asks. She has really curly blonde hair that is very frizzy, and chocolate brown eyes that seek attention.
"yes" Tobias hiss', he probably gets this question a million times, and is annoyed with answering it. I walk out to her and put my hand on her shoulder
"Do you have a problem with that?" I spit the words at her
"N-no I don't, there beautiful names, my favorite number is 6!" she replies as her face turns bright red, you could probably mistake her for a tomato if you were standing far enough away
"Good" I say as I turn around to take my place standing beside Tobias and Christina.
"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I am Four and this is Six, Christina and Uriah, we will be you instructors for the next couple of weeks, before we proceed with the tour, is there any questions?" Tobias asks the crowd and I see a boy raise his hand, he is from Candor and his name is Ethan, I remember him because of his crazy hair, I'm surprised they let him dye his hair a neon green back in Candor, but other than his bright hair he has hazel eyes and freckles that are nearly faded from his face, he was very tiny, like if I were a guy that is what I would look like, his arm doesn't end up high in the air like the rest, but it manages to peak threw all the taller heads in front of him.
"yes Candor?" Tobias asks him, he turns to his friend Spencer holding back a laugh. Spencer has an odd face, it isn't ugly but it isn't attractive, not that I should judge, although being in Dauntless for a year now has changed me. Spencer has curly brown hair that have blonde streaks going through it, his eyes were a deep shade a gray and he had freckles scattered all around his face. Before speaking Ethan turns back so he is looking at me, he grows a smile that stretches from ear to ear; I can tell this kid is going to be a real pain in my ass.
"Oh, Well Four, I was just wondering how old Six was?" everyone turns to me, but I am completely zoned out, I didn't hear the question so I stand there with a blank expression on my face, Christina taps me on the shoulder and whispers the question in my ear, my eyes grow larger, why does it even matter?
"I am 17" I say and they all look at me
"So you just completed initiation yourself?" Spencer asks, his Candor side is showing, and it is very obvious, to me at least
"yes, I did" I say annoyed, these stupid questions that are irrelevant to the topic, but I am forced to answer by Eric's stupid rule to answer all questions no matter what, not answering a question would make you a coward, because you are too afraid to answer the question, the way I see it is that if a question gets too personal I won't answer.
"What did you place?" Rylee shouts and I shake my head, I don't want to answer but the question isn't that personal, so I have to.
"First I say" They all look amazed, and then they all seem to be very quite after I answered that question and I was grateful for that
"So Dauntless born you go with Christina and Uriah, and Transfers you stay with me and Six," Tobias says in his instructor Four voice that I love so much "Everyone up! We are going on a tour" Tobias Shouts, and they all follow as told and with that, we leave the dark tunnel and into Dauntless compound.
OK so I hope you guys liked it, and the initiates have a personality all based on someone I know! So keep that in mind that if im being unfair to one person, it's because of they actually carry a personality that I either hate or love LOL! Ok so if you couldn't guess (which you maybe did) I am Sophie, and yes that is my real name :) and My bestfriends name is Actually Abbie, spelt exacly like that! Before people start tell me that i spelt someones name wrong (Rylee) I know that isn't how it's spelt but it is a more "unique" way of spelling it i guess :/ there is so much that i wanna say! oh IMPORTANTE: Light isn't evil! LOL and yes her name is Light and you will soon find out why, im not crazy for naming her after a light buld :) More of the initiates will be introduced next chapter! So dont forget to review! ok that is all!
P.S these A/N's might get long becaus ei have alot to say xD but I wont try to be too long! Oh and if any of the initiates names are different (ex. Light's name changes to Faith) that is because I wrote this chapter before a friend came over and gave me some awesome names, (yes Light's name was originally Faith) LOL ok this is long xD
I might post chapter 2 in a couple of days, even if i dont get reviews, just to show you guys a bit more of my writing? im not wuite sure yet! well i was supposed to be in bed an hour ago...so i guess i should go!
-Sophie xoxo