So, I FINALLY finished this. Sorry it took so long. I love this pairing, but I wasn't into the story as much as the others I was writing.

Anyway, here's the final chapter!

"Well, I'm off to meet Miharu. I'll see you later; love you." Gau gave him a kiss and walked towards the door.

"Love you too," Raikou said with a tinge of sadness. He couldn't hide the devastation completely. He's lying.

The Saturday morning started normally: Gau made breakfast, they talked about dates and upcoming assignments, and they got ready for the day. But today was different. Gau had been lying to his boyfriend and Raikou intended to discover the truth. The deception was eating away at him. How could the person he loved and trusted most look straight at him and lie?

A minute after Gau left, the samurai went after him. Raikou's training benefitted him greatly when he was given the task of stalking. His swiftness and silent movements made him a deadly predator to his enemies. As expected, the boy had no idea he was being followed. Raikou took a mental note to teach him more about awareness. If I'm even able to look at him after this…

When he finally arrived to the park, he looked around for whoever he was there to meet. His search was unsuccessful so he sat down in the grass pulling out weeds. Raikou hid in a tree a safe distance from the boy. The samurai wouldn't be spotted unless someone was looking for him. He was also talented at hiding; waiting to strike when his prey was unsuspecting and vulnerable.

A slender figure slowly made its way to the teen. The quiet elegant movements reminded him of his own talent. "Boo!" the figure yelled. The boy flipped over in surprise. Raikou was too far to make out the stranger's face. "Gau, you really should learn how to be more aware of things around you." Exactly. "I could've easily attacked and killed you before you even saw me." That voice… Where have I heard it?... And why would Gau cheat on me with a girl? "You're lucky I play fair."

"Yeah, I'll have to ask for Raikou's help with that. He is the master of vigilance…"

The girl laughed at his remark. She knows about me? "C'mon. Let's get started. I want to try something a little different today." She pulled him to his feet. "Stand close to me." Gau hesitated. "Stop that. I won't bite." The girl grabbed his shoulders and moved him barely a foot away from her. "Probably…" she said flirtatiously. Raikou nearly gagged. So he's….bisexual…? "Do you know much about pressure points?" Her voice changed to a cheerful kind of seriousness.

"I know where a few are, but I'm not good with how to get at them."

"Pressure points play a vital role in defeating your opponent. You can easily take down someone twice your size with a few precisely placed hits." Her tone switched back to the playfully alluring one as she continued, "It's also a valuable tool for use in other situations…"

"What do you mean?"

Gau, you're so innocent, Raikou thought.

The girl laughed softly. "You're cute." She put an elegant hand on his shoulder.

"Seriously, tell me!" He demanded.

"Pressing gently on some of them can be very pleasurable." Gau didn't respond. The girl sighed as she finished, "You know…like, in bed."

"Oh! I… I guess I've never really thought about it that way." He blushed brightly. Well, Raikou imagined he was; the samurai was too far away to make out either's face.

"Let's begin your lesson." Raikou didn't know how much more he could handle. She's teaching him these things!

"Ok. But first, where are the two guys? They always come along."

No. Dear god, no.

"They should be here any time now. Both were pretty excited about this lesson. Well, as excited as two apathetic bums can get. I think they're finishing up some…romantic time."

"Anyway…two of the most common ones are here." She knelt down and poked at the back of his knees. She got back up, explaining, "The best way to hit them is with a kick using the tip of your shoe."

"Hey, Raimei, Gau, sorry we're late." Raimei? As in my sister Raimei? And that's Miharu talking… Yoite's right next to him. Gau and Raimei walked over to meet them. He finally saw the girl's face. It was definitely the younger Shimizu.

"Miharu, move," Yoite said using a calm, but stern tone. He gently pushed the younger boy to the side and looked up…to the exact spot where Raikou was perched. Shit… Of course a Kira user would detect me… I wasn't expecting this. Yoite lifted his finger to him. Before the samurai could move away, the tree branch he rested on fell to the ground, taking him with it.

"R-Raikou-san?" Gau stared wide-eyed at his lover, who had gracefully landed on his feet, standing before him.

"Gau…" Now it was his turn to blush.

"Did you follow me here?" The boy wasn't angry, just confused. Raikou relaxed slightly; he would hate for Gau to be mad at him.

I think being honest is the best decision here. Raikou walked over to him, not even glancing at the others. "You've left me alone so much lately. It was really concerning me. I saw a text on your phone last night about meeting someone here today, so I thought following you would finally get me an answer."

Gau sighed. He grinned slightly—taking away more of Raikou's stress. "I've been training with Raimei for the past three weeks for extra instruction."

"If you needed more help, you should've asked me," Raikou responded.

"It was supposed to be a surprise…for your birthday." The samurai wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion. "I've learned so much from Raimei." He smiled over his shoulder to her. "I wanted to be able to fight with you instead of being a burden…and now I finally can."

Gau's smile is irresistibly adorable, Raikou thought.

"You did all of this for me?" The man's amber eyes gleamed with awe.

"Of course I did." Gau took Raikou's hand in his. "I love you, Raikou-san. All I want is to make you happy. Lying to you was so painful I could hardly stand it. I hope you can forgive my dishonesty." The boy lowered his head in shame.

Raikou lifted it back up to his and laughed. "Gau…you're so amazing. There's nothing to forgive. I'm the one who did wrong." His eyes showed pain. "I should've trusted you." He laughed again. "It's usually frowned upon to stalk your boyfriend…"

Gau chuckled at the comment. He stood on his toes to kiss his cheek. "I'm so glad I don't have to lie anymore."

Raikou stared at him for a moment. I don't deserve him…but he stays with me anyway.

The samurai looked to the other three teens, suddenly aware of their presence. "Sorry for making you fall out of a tree." Yoite put a nervous hand on the back of his neck. Everyone laughed.

"Hey, it's cool. I admire your awareness of everything around you. I've never met anyone who could spot me so easily."

"Thanks," he mumbled.

Raimei had stood still the entire time with her hands lifted to her face. She looked at the young couple with great emotion. "You guys are so adorable!" She pulled them both into a hug.

"Thanks, Raimei," Gau said shyly.

Once the girl released them, she hopped back excitedly. "Do you guys want to get lunch? I'm starving. I heard about a really awesome place a few blocks from here."

The boys gladly accepted the invitation.

No more doubting Gau. He has my whole heart and I trust him with it completely. I could never dream of having anyone else but him. He's the only one I want. Gau noticed the samurai staring with big, doting eyes. He leaned over to kiss him. Raikou took this opportunity to whisper a detailed description of what he would do with the boy once they returned home.

Gau turned red as a tomato from the incredibly vivid picture he imagined. Raikou kept his gaze, lust lurking in the deep chocolate pools of his eyes. After finishing the meal, the couple quickly excused themselves. They attacked each other the moment Raikou locked the apartment door.

"I love you, Gau. Please don't ever forget that." The man tore himself away to look into the boy's eyes.

"I love you too, Raikou-san."

They spent the remainder of the day satisfying their desires. The boys collapsed into the bed, exhausted once night came. Gau and Raikou slept in each other's arms, each losing himself in dreams of the other.