Five years had elapsed, and the gang went their separate ways while still keeping in touch.

Bernadette stayed in California to pursue a microbiology degree, and upon graduating, got a position at a local Pharmaceutical company. She was still contemplating whether or not she wanted to attend graduate school.

Amy graduated Valedictorian and attended Harvard University, where she got a degree in neurobiology and came home to continue pursuing a PhD at CalTech. Like Sheldon promised, they kept in touch and maintained their relationship. She missed him terribly, but she knew their relationship was strong enough after all they'd been through to withstand the distance.

Sheldon got his wish and eventually studied theoretical physics in Switzerland, where his research opportunities at CERN led him to a full fellowship at CalTech and a future position as an adjunct professor. He was well on his way to his own PhD, which would only be the start to the plethora of degrees he wanted to accumulate.

Leonard went to Princeton to study experimental physics, but flew home periodically to see Penny. They agreed to see other people at first, but within the first two years, rekindled their relationship. Between his girlfriend and an opportunity to get his PhD at CalTech, he realized he wanted to come home to Pasadena when he graduated Princeton.

Howard went to MIT and got his Bachelor's and Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. He kept in touch with Bernadette and they managed to hold onto their long distance relationship.

Raj graduated Salutatorian, and decided to attend Cambridge University to study Astrophysics. The gang missed him, but he made sure to fly home on the holidays.

And last, but not least, Penny attended Community College. She dropped out after her first year, but with the academic influences of her friends, she went back a year later to finish her Associate's Degree and graduate. She wanted to be an actress, but slowly realized the difficulty in her choice of occupation. In the meantime, she took a job at the Cheesecake Factory as a waitress so she could save enough money to get her own place some day.

Amy walked up the stairs to apartment 4A in the apartment complex on Los Robles. Sheldon and Leonard decided that it was best to live off campus and commute to CalTech, so they decided to share an apartment together.

When Amy reached the apartment, the door was already propped open. Penny and Bernadette were in the kitchen unpacking boxes while Howard, Leonard and Sheldon were meticulously unwrapping collectables in the living room.

Penny noticed Amy first. "Ames! Glad you could make it! Come here and give us a hand."

"Alright." She said as she walked in and smiled at the guys. Sheldon smiled the most. "Hello Amy. Would you like me to give you a preliminary tour of the apartment? You're going to love it. And make sure you check out my bedroom. Once it's set up, I'll be re-instantiating the rule that no one is allowed into my bedroom."

Amy smirked. "Noted. A tour sounds delightful. Thank you, Sheldon."

When the two disappeared into the bedroom, Penny walked over to Leonard and put her arms around him. "This is so cool! I can't wait till I have a place of my own too."

Leonard smiled. "Well, if you want, I can tell the landlord to keep me posted if one of the one-bedroom apartments becomes available."

Penny smirked. "Oh really? You want me living that close to you?"

"I'd actually prefer if you moved into my bedroom, but I was trying to be polite."

She chuckled. "Don't worry, they'll be plenty of time for that later. Speaking of later, where's Raj? I thought he'd be here by now."

Leonard looked at his watch. "I don't know. Maybe he got held up at home. I know he hasn't seen his family in a while."

At that moment, Raj came running upstairs. "Guys, you won't believe this! I went into Starbucks to get a mochachino, and I just met this REALLY hot girl. And she gave me her phone number!"

Howard lifted his head. "How hot? Like Angelina hot or like Scarlett Johansson hot?

"Even hotter! I'm telling you, she's totally a 10!"

Penny smiled. "Wow, that's great Raj! Good for you."

Leonard raised an eyebrow. "If she's that hot, how'd you get her phone number that quick?"

Raj smiled really wide. "Easy. I told her I was an extra in Slumdog Millionaire and I could get her in touch with my agent."

Penny shook her head. "Sure, because an out-and-out lie is the perfect way to start a new relationship."

Bernadette walked over to the group. "So, are you moving back for good or did you decide to stay abroad?"

Raj shrugged. "I don't know. My parents want me to go home, but Cambridge has a lot of opportunities for me."

At that moment, Amy and Sheldon emerged from the bedroom hallway.

Raj nodded with an innuendo. "Breaking in the new bedroom… nice"

Sheldon gave him a derisive look. "I was showing Amy the apartment."

Raj continued in the same cocky tone. "Showing her the apartment…."

Amy shook her head. "Hi Rajesh. Nice to see you again." She turned to Sheldon. "I must agree that this place should suit your needs. But may I ask why you purchased another twin sized bed?"

"I do not require a larger bed. I haven't grown since I was 16 years of age. Why would I need a larger bed?"

Amy rolled her eyes. "Not a clue…"

Howard rubbed his hands together. "What do you say we order some Chinese food and take a break from all this unpacking?"

Sheldon raised his hand. "Schezwan Palace does not open for another 17 minutes. So we'll have to wait."

Bernadette looked at Leonard. "Can't we order from somewhere else?"

Leonard looked down. "We could, but then we'd have to listen to Sheldon rant about inferior food quality for the rest of the night…"

Howard smirked. "Oh, living with Sheldon is going to be fun for you, isn't it?"

As they continued to unpack for the next few minutes, Howard pulled out a familiar book from one of the boxes. "Hey, check this out. It's Sheldon's yearbook!"

Everyone smiled and gathered around him. Sheldon just shook his head. "Must we really stall by recounting memories from a lesser time?"

Penny stuck out her tongue at him. "Oh stop it. Junior year was awesome and you know it. Well, our junior year that is."

Bernadette smiled. "Besides, that's the year we all became friends. Who knows where we'd be otherwise…"

Raj looked over Howard's shoulder as he flipped through the pages. "Remember the time we were all late to lunch and Penny got pranked by some bullies at our table?"

Penny raised an eyebrow. "That was NOT funny. Lucky for me, I stopped talking to those jerks. Last I heard, Trisha got knocked up in college and one of the guys got arrested for drunk driving the summer after high school."

Leonard reached into a neighboring box and pulled out his own yearbook from senior year. "I think my favorite part of this yearbook is that Sheldon wasn't evening attending our high school anymore and they still managed to sneak a picture of him in here."

Sheldon looked inquisitive as Leonard opened the yearbook to the prom section. "Excuse me, why is the prom for the class of 2014 in the class of 2015 yearbook?"

Penny leaned toward it. "The prom happened like a week before graduation. The books were all printed by then. Oh look, it's us, Sheldon!"

In the center of the prom collage was a picture of Penny dancing with Sheldon. "Aw, don't we make a cute couple? It's almost a shame you're such a whack-a-doodle."

Sheldon just flashed her a look. "Yes, well, reminiscing about prom night is almost as tedious as Howard's failed attempt at organizing a prom themed D&D game."

Bernadette looked at Amy. "Oooh, do you guys remember the time Sheldon went to Amy's house in the rain to profess his undying love for her?"

Everyone giggled, including Amy. Sheldon just folded his arms. "For your information, the incident you're referring to was merely my conversation with Amy regarding my choice in college." He turned to Amy. "See this is what happens when tell everyone our business. The truth gets distorted."

Amy laughed. She knew Sheldon would never admit that he had an ounce of romance in him.

Leonard stood up and grabbed his phone. "Okay, anyone else want to help me get the last few boxes downstairs? Might as well finish that up before we order dinner."

Howard and Raj jumped up to help, and Penny and Bernadette soon followed. Amy stayed back because she knew Sheldon had no interest in the physical activity.

"Sheldon, I don't know if you noticed, but the night of your graduation, I wrote something in your yearbook." She said.

He nodded "I know. When I returned home that evening, I noticed a pen beside the yearbook. And I did not place it there, so I assumed you took it upon yourself to write something."

Amy raised an eyebrow. "Did you ever read it?"

"I did."

"Oh, okay. Good. I'm glad."

Amy was a little surprised he didn't have more to say. It wasn't like him to not respond to her words of gratitude.

Maybe we talked about this before and I don't remember.

The gang spent the rest of the evening together. They watched movies, ate Chinese food, and laughed. Just like old times.

When Amy returned to her apartment that night, she remembered her short conversation with Sheldon about his yearbook. She walked over to her bookshelf and took out her own yearbook. Amy quietly laughed at some of the comments her friends made on the inside cover before opening to the candid pictures.

To her surprise, the very lunch room picture she brought attention to in Sheldon's yearbook had writing beside it.

"Amy, You're welcome. If you're implying that I do not recall the moment captured by this photograph, you are mistaken. This occurred on the Monday after I announced my plans to attend CalTech. I had a tuna sandwich on wheat bread for lunch and you bought a grilled chicken salad. Regards, Sheldon Lee Cooper."

Amy continued to stare at the picture for a moment. He could deny it all he wanted, but Sheldon was looking at her. When everyone else was looking at Penny, Sheldon was looking at her.

Kind of a metaphor for our relationship.

Then Amy remembered the day he mentioned. Her eyes softened a bit at the thought.

This was the first day of school after he kissed me on the porch. When he told me he couldn't be the best version of himself without me.

She laughed at their innocence for a minute. It amused her to think that Sheldon really believed he couldn't live without her, especially since they just spent several years apart in college enduring a long-distance relationship. But they made out just fine, and now they were back in physical proximity.

Bernadette was right. We've never said those coveted three words to one another, but it was true. That was the weekend Sheldon confessed his love.

Amy smiled. "Don't worry, Sheldon. I felt it too." She said as she closed the yearbook and put it back on the shelf.