Disclaimer: Gosh, if only I did own them, but I don't *sobs quietly*

The silence in the lab was broken only by the occasional chink of slides and glass petri dishes being moved, or the hiss of chemicals reacting.

Molly looked across at John, who felt her scrutiny and switched his gaze to meet hers, a small smile of mutual understanding and admiration passing between them, and they returned to their observation of the genius detective at work.

Sherlock, immaculate as ever, sat at the bench, his eyes fixed on the microscope in front of him. Only the minimal movements of his arms and hands showed that he was actually working, and not lost in his mind palace, as slide after slide was processed. Every now and then the lenses would be raised just enough for a petri dish to replace a slide, chemical would be added, and John would hold his breath hoping that the concoction wouldn't blow up in Sherlock's face. Molly's expression mirrored John's concern.

Fidgeting from foot to foot, the blond doctor was beginning to feel tired and hungry, and was just about to say so when a crackling chemical reaction lit up Sherlock's face.

"John, those strange flecks around her mouth were green, were they not?"

John flicked open his notebook.

"Yeah, green." He confirmed.

Grabbing his phone, Sherlock dialled a number.

"Lestrade? It was poisoning, arrest her boss."