Author Notes

Yo guys! This is the new fic that I was talking about in my author notes on my other stories. Don't hate me but I am going to continue those fics I swear! It's just that I wanted to try something new. This is my FIRST fanfiction set in the actual Naruto universe and not and AU. This was a challenge by LONE SWORDSWOLF the rules are,


1. Narto is the son of the Nidaime and is transported to when Natsumi has stolen the scroll.

2. He has affinities for earth, wind, and water. Him gaining Mokuton or Hyoton is up to you.

3. It has to be a harem with Natsumi Uzumaki ( Basically fem naru )being the main girl. How many girls is up to you.

4. Have fun with it. You also need to Pm the lone swordswolf about taking the challenge.

But I have already gotten permission to do mines differently so no need for the unnecessary flames because they will be deleted if there from an unknown reviewer . So cut me some slack this after all is my first fic like this way.

Disclaimer: I own nothing!



"Inner Beast talking"

Justu name

Full Summary

Senju Naruto, second born son of Hashirama and Mito Senju, was living well until while on a mission he was caught in an enemy's jutsu sending him over sixty years into the future. There Naruto decides to forge his own path and make his own legacy. Mokuton Naruto/ Smart and Strong Naruto/ semi-cold Naruto.

The Legacy of Senju Naruto

A Legend in the making

In the newly founded village of Konohagakure no Sato(1) all was well for the villagers. Things were peaceful and the vilage was working smoothly. Almost all the villagers were happy. Sadly for one man he was apart of the small percentage that wasn't.

"Ouch! This hurts so much!" A voice screamed so loudly it seemed to echo throughout the whole hospital. The women who the voice belonged to was Mito Senju formally know as Mito Uzumaki a member of the renowned Uzumaki clan. The women was a true beauty one that very few could compare to.

The women had waist length cherry red hair that was usually neatly placed into two buns on her head but somewhere during the birthing processes it had come down and was now sprawled upon the white pillows she lay upon. Her pale skin was flushed red because of the pain and strain from child birth. Her face was was heart shaped with delicate features on it. She had a dark purple shaped diamond on her forehead and beautiful violet eyes that were clinched shut. Her pink plump lips were set in a frown and her jaws clinched.

Her gorgeous figure, that consisted of C-cup breast, a swollen but still slightly toned stomach, wide hips, and long toned legs, was hidden by the standard issue hospital gown. Overall the women had stunning, exotic looks that many wished they had.

As another strong contraction hit Mito squeezed the hand of her faithful husband further breaking and mangling it even more.

Her husband Hashirama winced and paled slightly at the pain but he said nothing. Hashirama had waist length black hair that framed his handsome tanned face. He had warm brown colored eyes that at the moment were fixated on his wife's trembling form. His attire consisted of a simple black body suite under red samurai armour.

"I know dear I know. Just keep pushing and it will all be over soon." He whispered in a gentle voice. He slowly bought his good hand up and stroked her red hair. She whimpered and rubbed against his hand.

"Just one more push Mito-sama!" One of the nurses yelled. Mito gathered the rest of her strength and pushed one last time and collapsed on the bed. After a few tense seconds of silence loud wails could be heard throughout the room. Hashirama felt his eyes water and a surge of fatherly pride run through him. He looked back at his wife and gave her a affectionate kiss on the lips before turning to the nurse who now held their child.

"He's a healthy eight pound boy! The nurse squealed looking down at the baby one last time then handing it to a excited Mito and walked out the room. As soon as the child was in Mito's arms his wails instantly ceased and he looked up at her with wide curious eyes.

"My god's he's beautiful Hashi-kun! Look he even has my mother's eyes." Mito gushed while looking at their son. The boy had red hair that stuck up on his head. His skin was a tan color and was soft to the touch. His face was round and his chubby cheeks had three whisker like marks on them due to Mito begin a female jinchuuriki. But the main thing that Mito immediately fell in love with was the boys bright sky blue eyes.

"He is beautiful my sweet. Now have you decided on a name it's only fair since I named our first child." Hashirama said with excitement in his voice. Mito rolled her eyes at her husband's childish nature. She looked down at her son and smiled warmly.

"How about Senju Naruto?"

Five Years Later

In the Senju clan compound only a select few know about the mile wide garden right in the middle of the circular compound. It was filled with a wide variety of plants and animals alike. Amongst the few that knew one was currently walking through the garden holding a small sapling that his father asked him to plant before he went to work.

The figure was a small child, a boy to be exact, that had shoulder length slightly spiky blood red hair and shining blue eyes. He had on a red long sleeve kimono like top with a black mesh shirt underneath it. He also had on black knee length shorts and black ninja sandals. If one was to look closely they would see the Senju clan symbol on the child's arm and the Uzumaki clan symbol on the back of the kimono.

The boy was Naruto Senju second born son of the Shodai Hokage, Hirashima and Mito Senju. He slowly walked towards a patch a empty ground so he could plant the small tree. Finally after what seemed like of ages of walking he finally reached the empty spot and began the delicate process of planting the plant.

As Naruto planted he started to reflect on himself. He knew he was what you would call weird. While most five year olds were out playing with friends and acting like children he was reading, working on his ninjas skills, or just sitting and relaxing in the garden. And because of his anti-social behaviour he didn't have any friends his age.

He was so caught up at the task at hand that he didn't notice someone racing towards him at high speeds until it was two late.


Naruto look down at the now squashed plant in disbelief. He honestly couldn't believe it. But sure enough there on top of the plant was a grey sandal bigger than his own.

"Crap! I'm sorry naru I didn't see you there!" A panicked voice said. Naruto slowly lifted his head up taking in the calf length red pants and a grey top on the person's figure. Finally when he got to the person's face did he see features similar to his own.

The boy had black hair held in a small smooth pony tail. He also had Brown eyes and pale skin. Looking at the features he automatically concluded that it was his twelve year old brother Toharu Senju.

"(2)Nii-san! Why don't you ever watch where your going! You just squashed my plant!" Naruto said in a quiet but enraged voice. Toharu couldn't help but wilt under the glare his younger brother gave him. Honestly it looked just like the one his mother gave him and his father when they would be to loud.

"I'm sorry okay! I promise I'll make it up to you if you forgive me." Toharu said while giving Naruto the puppy dog eyes. Naruto look at him scowling before heaving a soft sigh.

"Fine. But I'll only forgive you if you can teach me how to make storage seals." Naruto said with finality in his voice. His brother looked thoughtful for a moment before smiling widely at him and shouting a loud yes. Naruto then watched as his brother ran in to the house to do gods knows what.

Naruto turned around and looked a the plant with a pained look on his face.

'Wish I could help it.' Naruto thought. Then a sudden idea hit him like a lighting then put his hands over the plant and focused chakra into his palms.

(In The House)

Mito Senju stood over the stove humming lightly as she prepared lunch for her kids. She wore a yellow high collared kimono and had white pants underneath it. Hearing the door slam Mito turned around and was greeted by the sight of her oldest practically skipping through the door.

"How was your day (3)sochi?" Mito asked while smiling warmly at Toharu.

"It was great Kaa-chan(4)! Me and Hiruzen had a spar mach which I totally won." Toharu said smugly. Mito laughed lightly at her son's exuberant attitude. Though her good mood was ruined when a large chakra surge ripped throughout the compound followed by a mini earthquake that immediately had her on edge.

Pulling out a kunai she stealthily walked towards where the chakra came from which happened to be the garden. When she got there she expected to see an intruder who had initiated a large jutsu. But what she saw was completely the opposite. In fact there was no enemy there was just a really large tree that clearly wasn't there before.

The tree was huge easily towering over the others. The roots of the tree were so large that they had come out of the ground splitting it and knocking over several smaller trees and plants in the process. As the dust settled she noticed a small body laying in front of the tree. She felt her blood run cold when she saw the familiar red hair coloring that she had memorized over the years.

"Naruto!" Mito screamed in worry. She hoped by calling his name that he would move but when he didn't more panic set in.

Mito ran as fast as her long kimono would allow towards her son. She skillfully ducked under tree limbs and hopped over the fallen plants that lay in her way. Once she reached her son she pulled his body into her arms frantically checking him for wounds. Though all she found was scraps, and bruises it did nothing to ease her worries.

"Naruto! Naruto! Open your eyes." Mito pleaded while shaking his small body. Soon after several tense seconds (though they felt like hours) she felt him stir in her arms. Slowly she saw red lashes flutter slightly then his eye lids open giving way to unfocused blue eyes. Naruto blinked several times and looked around at the damaged the tree had done in horror.

"Kami! Don't worry me like that Naruto." Mito said while hugging Naruto close to her.

"Kaa-san d-did I do this?" Naruto said quietly. Mito looked down at her son in confusion she couldn't see why he would think this was his fault.

"Why would you think it was your fault sochi?" Mito said. Naruto then launched into the tale about how Toharu had crushed the plant and how he just wanted to try and keep the small tree alive so he decided to copy what he had seen his father doing when growing something.

To say Mito was surprised would have been the understatement of the century. Honestly she didn't think neither of her children would inherit her husband's Kekkei Genkai(5) but here was the proof right in front of her face. But just to make sure she picked up Naruto and walked to the tree and placed her hand on it. Slowly she threaded her chakra through it and sure enough it was definitely her son's chakra that was imbedded in the tree.

"So Kaa-chan does this mean that Naruto has tou-san's ability?" Toharu asked while looking up at the massive tree in wonder. Mito sighed and nodded her head.

"Yes Toharu your brother has inherited your father's Kekkei Genkai, the Mokuton(6).

Eight Years Later...

Early in the morning in one of the several training grounds inside the Senju compound Naruto was meditating to ease his nerves.

If one would to see him they would doubt that he was scrawny and short as a child. He let his red spikey hair grow so that it now stopped at his shoulder blades. Due to the intense training that his father, mother, brother, and uncle put him through his body didn't have an ounce of fat on it, instead it had muscles that fit his lean and fit frame. He also very tall for his age standing at 5'9 at only thirteen. ( A/N Before you start bitchin about his height for me when I was 13 I was 5'10 so yea... don't bitch to me)

Though he grew physically he also grew up mentally. Being the son of one of the most powerful ninja's in the world his father made sure to let him know the horrors of being a shinobi and the sacrifices that came along with it. But instead of being scared it actually made him more determined to be strong and to protect those close to him.

All that determination actually paid off and he was now a jounin and one of the strongest in his village. Over the years he not only completely mastered his Mokuton ability but he also managed to complete his sennin mode(7) just like his father. He was also a great kenjutsu and fuinjutsu thanks to his mother who was more than proficient in those area. He also knew some genjutsu but because of his very large chakra reserves that he inherited from his Uzumaki heritage, he really had trouble casting stronger and more efficient genjutsu. Though he made up for it with his ninjutsu skills that only his father, uncle, and his elder brother could beat.

As for his taijutsu he used both the Senju style or the Mokusei no ken(8), which relied on more on strength and the power behind ones attack, and his mother's Uzumaki clan taijutsu otherwise known as the Dansu no uzu(9), which was based on flexibility and speed, to make his own style which he called the Uzu Sutoraiku(10). Combined he had the power behind his attacks yet he was also agile and swift to block or to dodge others it was his own style nobody knew it and it was very hard to follow and to counter if you didn't have a critical eye.

"Your up early son." Naruto slipped out of his meditative state and stood up stretching. He turned around to look at the person and smiled slightly when he realized it was his father. His father didn't look like most fourty year old's in fact he still looked like he did when he was twenty. The only sign of age that was there was the slight wrinkles that he had around his eyes.

"You know that I usually can't sleep the day before missions otou-san(11)." Naruto said while smiling sheepishly. Hashirama just nodded his head in understanding since he went through the same thing when his father usually had him doing something important.

"Well how about we have us a good spar to ease your mind hm?" Hashirama said smiling mischievously at his son. Naruto raised a eyebrow before shrugging.

"Why not we haven't had one in a while." Naruto said nodding at his father father though he had to admit he was slightly excited to see how far he had come compared to his father. Even though his father had gave up the hokage seat to Tobirama when he was seven so he could focus on both his son's training didn't mean he didn't take missions.

"Yes! So only taijutsu and ninjutsu that means no kenjutsu, genjutsu, fuinjutsu, or senjutsu." Hashirama said while cockily folding his arms over his chest.

"Fine! I can do that." Naruto said while grinning slightly. Honestly he wasn't at a disadvantage since taijutsu and ninjutsu are his two best things. Slowly Naruto slipped into his special stance and looked at his father with a fierce determination. Seeing the fire in his youngest son's eyes made him nod approvingly before slipping into his own stance.

"Go" Hashirama said in an uncharacteristic calm voice while watching his son warily. Neither of them move both of them calculating and trying to point out any flaws or weaknesses in the others body language.

Tired of waiting Naruto shot forward aiming a roundhouse kick to his father's head. Hashirama easily blocked it and aimed a punch towards Naruto exposed chest. Naruto blocked the shot with two hands and, using his flexibility flipped backwards landing unsteadily on the ground. By the time he gained his footing his father was already running through hand signs.

"You recover too slow! Mokuton: Mokusatsu Shibari no jutsu!" Branches of woods shot out of his arms at Naruto at a extremely fast pase.

"Shit!" Naruto swore while ducking, flipping and dodging the branches that came at him. He notice more and more smaller branches started to stem off making it harder to dodge. Ducking under a incoming larger branch he ran through hand seals of his own.

"Take this! Mokuton: Mokujoheki!" A protective dome of wood surrounded Naruto splintering any branches that collided with it. Seeing this Hashirama ended the technique and started up another technique only to have to narrowly dodge a punch to his midsection. Looking down in surprise he saw Naruto grinning at him.

Jumping back Hashirama looked at Naruto then back to the dome where he was supposedly to be hidden. He saw the dome sink back into the grown to find a wood version of Naruto sitting there.

"A wood clone huh? Well I guess you got me there." Hashirama said while facing Naruto with a very serious expression that was way different from the cheerful man a minute ago. Naruto narrowed his eyes and his muscles tensed as he observed his father. He knew that his father was serious and this was going to get a lot harder. Suddenly his father was in front of him burying a fist in his gut sending him flying into a nearby tree.

"Fuck that hurt!" Naruto hissed pulling himself up wincing at the throbbing in his gut. Sensing an incoming attack he rolled out the way of a ax kick his father did that left a small crater where he previously was.

Naruto took the time his father had to take to recover and cast his own jutsu.

"Doton: Doro Hoshi!" Naruto yelled slapping his palms on the ground. A river of mud flowed towards Hashirama causing him to have to jump in the hair to avoid it. Landing on a tree he moved his body slightly as six wooden senbons imbedded themselves in the tree right next to his head.

Looking down at his son who already was making more needles he smirked and jumped from branch to branch dodging the hail senbon. Jumping down from the tree he aimed a kick at Naruto' s head. Naruto sighed and dodged the kick, though that didn't mean Hashirama let up on him.

Naruto had to block all the kicks and punches his father threw at him while trying to return some of his own, though he was failing miserably. Taking a harsh kick to the side he hit the ground hard. While trying to get up he felt a sharp prick on his neck and noticed that it was a kunai.

"Yeild." Hashirama said while staring down at his son who was glaring up at him defiantly. He pushed slightly harder but not enough to break the skin. Naruto seeing that there was no way out of this sighed irritability.

"I Yeild" He growled pushing the kunai away from his neck standing up and brushing the dirt off his pants scowling. He then felt a large hand on his head effectively squashing his spikes.

"Don't be ashamed of losing son. It's all apart of being a shinobi." Hashirama said while patting Naruto's head affectionately making Naruto blush slightly.

"I know Otou-san. But it's frustrating I just want to be known for my own skills than rather being your son. But no matter how much I try I still can't beat you." He sighed his head hanging slightly. Hashirama looked down at Naruto with a sad smile.

"I see. I really know how you feel truly I do. My father begin our clan head made me a Prince of some sorts. I honestly just wanted to be me not what my clan or even my father want me to be. That drive to be different and to make my own name was the driving force for creating this village. It took me years of hard work and losing fights to get where I am. I'm telling you son that determination and that drive you have will lead you to greatness all it takes is patience." Hashirama said while smiling widely at his son. Naruto tilted his head to look up at his father and smiled back.

"Now come on, I'm pretty sure your mother is already making breakfast."

(Time skip- Front Gate)

Naruto scowled at his older sibling, who at the moment was laughing at the bruise on his cheek that he had received from his father in their earlier spar.

"Come on, don't look like that! You know it's funny" Toharu crackles. Over the years he hadn't changed much except now his black hair stopped in the middle of his back, and his height was now 6'1 which was four inches shorter than there father.

"Oh stop teasing him To-kun! I remember just last week when you came home looking ten times worse after a spar with your father." His six month pregnant wife Miyuki chastised. Miyuki was a spitfire with blonde hair with brown streaks. She also had light grey eyes that were filled with kindness.

"You know she's right sochi. You really shouldn't tease your brother." There mother Mito snickered. Toharu huffed indignantly and pouted.

"Now ladies I think that's enough of teasing Toharu. What's really important is that this is Naruto's first S-rank mission!" Hashirama chirped while grinning at Naruto.

"So Naruto you nervous?" Toharu asked while grinning. Naruto looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding his head slowly.

"Honestly yea I am a little bit nervous about the mission." Naruto admitted. Of course his family didn't know the details since all S-rank missions are classified but they still knew it was a big deal.

"You'll be fine sochi. Just do the job and come back home safely, ok?" Mito asked while hugging Naruto to her. Naruto smiled in his mother's shoulder before returning the hug.

"I will, I promise."

Little did they know that this was going to be the last time seeing Naruto due to unenforceable actions.

A/N Woop I'm done! Sorry if it's a little slow and not action pact but this is more an introductory chapter. Anyway this is my first fic in the real Naruto world so please constructive criticism.

POLL ON PROFILE! Remember to vote for other women you want with Naruto. Hinata is definite so if you didn't want her to bad! I might add a third women the word being MIGHT so yea! So vote for your favorite women. Right now Shion is in the lead. And if your favorite isn't there drop me a review or a message and I MIGHT add her. The poll will be open to the third or fourth chapter.

POLL IN REVIEWS Do you want Naruto to be slightly older than the rookie nine or the same age! Vote in reviews!


1.) Konohagakure no sato- Village hidden in the leaves

2.) Nii-san/Onii-san/Aniki- Big Brother

3.) Sochi- Son

4.) Kaa-san/Okaa-san/Haha- Mom/Mother

5.) Kekkei Genkai- Bloodline Limit

6.) Mokuton- Wood Release

7.) Sennin Mode- Sage Mode

8.) Mokusei no ken- Wooden Fist

9.) Danso no uzu- Dancing Whirlpool

10.) Uzu Sutoraiku- Whirlpool Strike

11.) Tou-san/Otou-san/Chichi- Dad/Father

Jutsu List

1.) Mokuton: Mokusatsu Shibari no jutsu ( Wood Release: Smothering binding technique )- The user transform their arm into a tree the user can then create multiple branches that will immobilized them.

Rank- Supplementary

2.) Mokuton: Mokujoheki ( Wood Release: Wood locking wall )- Dome snapped barrier . User is located in the hollow center.

Rank- Supplementary

3.) Doton: Doro Hoshi ( Earth Release: Mud Spore )- The technique allows user to create a river of mud.

Rank- C