Only For Him

This was made for a friend of mine... Kinda. Off the top of my head fluff. Enjoy. c:

The sound of the apartment door shutting caused Chris to turn in his chair, seeing who had entered. Standing there closing the door was none other then his Captain, Albert Wesker. Chris had gotten used to his captain randomly walking into his apartment. Standing, he sauntered over to Wesker, trying to be quiet. Before Chris could do anything, Wesker had turned, using his inhuman speed to shove Chris into the wall by the door, pressing his body against the others.

Leaning down so his lips rested near Chris' ear, Wesker spoke. "How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me, Christopher?" The hushed tone and the small puffs of air against his ear caused Chris to blush, not yet used to this even though he has been in the same position many times. Before Chris could respond, Wesker had pressed his knee between his suburdinates crotch. The action caused a hiss to escape Chris' lips. A smirk graced Weskers features at the noise. "Well, Christopher?" Wesker wasn't about to let his question go unanswered. "I-I don't know..." Chris lied. He knew the answer, but why induldge his captain like that?

Wesker's smirk never left his lips as slowly pulled his sunglasses off with one hand, pinning both of Chris' hands above his head with the other. With the glasses gone, he stared into Chris' eyes with his own cat-like ones. Chris' breath caught in his throat. No matter how many times he had seen his captains eyes, he had yet to get used to them. Pushing himself foward, Chris locked his lips with his captains. The action caused Wesker to give a slight purr, as he hungrily replied to the kiss. Parting his lips slightly, Wesker pressed his tongue at the seem of Chris' lips. Chris quickly replied, opening his mouth and meeting his captains tongue with his own, tangling them together.

Their tongues faught for dominance, which Wesker won by running his free hand under Chris' shirt and up to his chest, rolling a slowly hardening nub between his thumb and pointer. Chris was lost in the multiple feelings he had. Chris started to thrust his hips a little, rubbing his crotch against Wesker's knee, enjoying the feeling of fricten. Wesker broke the kiss, once again moving his lips to Chris' ear. "How about we take these activities to the bedroom, Christopher?" Chris visibly shivered at his captains tone. Calm yet demanding. Chris could only nod his head as Wesker led him towards the bedroom.

Noises of their actions could be heard, the most noticible being Chris calling out his captains name. When it ended, Chris could be found curled up at Wesker's side, Wesker's arms wrapped protectively around Chris' body. These times where the only ones where Wesker lost his poker face, a small smile gracing his features as he laid there with his subordinate and lover, Christopher Redfield.