Me: Hello my people.

It is I SKG

Welcome to my latest story.

I kinda just thought this one up on the fly,

So let's get to it.

Corey POV:

Why? Why did this have to Lanes!?

I was furious, sad, confused, and afraid. Why did this happen?

"Flashback transition"

2 hours ago.

It was just me, Kin, Kon, and Lanes rocking out on the stage.

We had caused Trina one hell of a freak out, by embarrassing her on stage in front of all of peaceville, you know the usual. But I guess Karma was going to bite me in the but today.

Apparently, Trina was not as wiped as she usually was, I didn't know it at the time, but she cut one of the ropes on the stage.

This caused the lighting shelf to drop.

I didn't notice at the time, I wish I did, because then Laney wouldn't have needed to sacrifice herself to save me.

Lanes got crushed by all that lighting.

I freaked out, I had just watched my best friend get crushed by a crap ton of lighting, and speakers.

Someone called the ambulance.

And the paramedics took her in.

"End of flashback."

Back to present:

So here I am, waiting with Kin and Kon, in the Lobby of the hospital waiting for news.

Laney's parents are in there. (Since family gets first priority.)

I tried reading one of the magazines they had, but I couldn't focus. Lanes could be dead, it is all my fault.

As if my emotional stability wasn't already on explosive levels, my sister walks in with her friend Mina.

They walk over to me. I was on my last nerve, but then Trina broke it.

" So is your little dork friend okay, or whatever? Mina dragged me here, to apologize or something." Trina said not really caring.

Even Mina, thought that was harsh.

Kin and Kon looked at her very ticked off, but I know at that moment I was just so angry.

I just punched her in the face.

It caused her to stumble and fall, blood gushed from her nose.

The people in the lobby looked up in shock. I prepared myself to punch her again but Kin and Kon held me back.

Mina helped the wobbly Trina to her feet.

"What was that for, you little.." Trina said before being interrupted, by me, her voice was very nasally.

"Shut up! Stop acting like you didn't do anything wrong! It is YOUR fault she is in there! Everything would have been fine, but NO! You just HAD to get what you wanted. You just had to make sure My LIFE is a living Hell, Well Congradu-FUCKING-Lations you did it. You ruined, my band, my gig, my life, and but most of all you ruined the life of an innocent Girl, whose only crime was being near me! Well I hope you enjoy my suffering right now. Cause if I find out Laney died because of you..." I broke free from Kin and Kon and grabbed Trina's Blouse and put her against the wall. Then I finishe my rant. "You will wish it was you instead!" I drop her and go sit back down.

I see her get up, her head hung low, she whispered something to Mina, and they both left.

Kin and Kon walked towards me. They sat down next to me, and Kin whispered. "Don't worry, Laney is the toughest person I know, she won't go down that easy."

We then just sat there and waited.

Lanes, I hope you are okay.

Hours passed, though the hours felt like months, the waiting was killing me.

Then the doctor came out.

I ran up to him. "Is Laney okay?"

The doctor grabbed my shoulder.

"You three, come inside." The doctor stated and lead us through the door.

We past several rooms until we reached room 816

He opened the door and showed a girl. She had short red hair and onyx eyes, she was wearing a patient's clothes, she was covered in bruises, thankfully no broken bones, she did have a huge bandage around her head.

I ran to her, I was crying tears of Joy. "Lanes you are okay! I was so worried!" I give her a light hug, (I didn't want to hurt her bruises.)

She then said something that was probably one of the worst things I have ever heard from her.

"Thanks for your worry, but who are you? She said inquisitively and with complete seriousness

I actually felt my heart get stabbed, my best friend doesn't know who I am.

Cliff hanger.

What will happen next?

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