This post is for two things.

One, because of all the positive responses I have received, I have decided that I will write a sequel for Butt Piratin'. Personally, I would love to explore England and America's relationship even further.

Here's a little bit to tide you over….

After rushing home from work, eager to spend time with his beloved after being apart so long, America was barely through the door when he told the other of his plans for the upcoming weekend. He just knew he'd agree, it would be so perfect! They could have a cook-out, and play all sorts of games!

But what he didn't think about was the way England would respond to the suggestion, not really being too clear on his early life long before he was even born.

"No! Absolutely not!" England crossed his arms, turning away from him with a huff. "Why would you even suggest such a thing?!"

America pouted, wrapping his arms around the elder's waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. "But Arthuuur, it will be fun! Imagine it, all of our family gathered together, having fun, enjoying the festivities…"

Green eyes narrowed and cut over to eye him with annoyance. "What is it with you wanting to drag everyone into our lives? I say we leave well enough alone, and have fun by ourselves."


"Think about it love." England turned back around and returned the embrace, a slight smirk on his lips. "We could go see the sights, have dinner, then maybe…" Here he pressed himself close, his fingers travelling to the nape of his neck to play with his hair. "…Maybe… we can indulge in another type of fun?"

The younger one groaned, a hopeful look on his face. "Could we have some of that fun now?"

"You must by psychic. I was thinking the same thing." England leaned in to kiss him.

But America was not to be deterred from his line of thought so easily.

"After we call everyone and invite them over."

Making a sound of utter disgust, England stepped back and pushed him away. Jabbing a finger at his nose, the elder nation growled at him. "Now you see here…"

"Oh, come on!"

"NO WAY… I am spending this holiday…"

"Please?! Pretty please?!"

"… Surrounded by my bloody brothers!"

I'll let you have fun figuring out what's going down ^^

Also, it was brought to my attention that I named the wrong person PM of the UK in chapter one. I apologize for not double checking my sources for the information I used to put the facts relevant to the time frame in. I have corrected my mistake, and will be more careful in the future.

Have a wonderful day!
