Lucy Heartfillia, The Strongest Dragon Slayer

Disclaimer : I don't own Fairy Tail

"Puu~Puunn~" that's the sound she heard which made her eyes opened and woke up. As her eyes opened, she saw Plue, who looks worried about her. Lucy giggled after seeing Plue. She got up, sat and hugged her pet spirit.

"Did I make you worried? I'm sorry…"

Lucy looked outside the window. The sun is shining brightly and the clouds are blue. Seems that Fiore got a nice weather today. She turned her head on her alarm clock, placed on her desk. It's exactly eight o'clock in the morning. Before standing up, she made a sigh and after a while, Lucy decided to proceed and take a warm bath at her thub. As he got inside the bathroom, Lucy opened the sink and filled her thub with water and bubble soap. When her thub is now full, she removed her clothes and soaked on the warm water with bubbles on her thub.

After few minutes of soaking on the water, she proceeds to her shower and took a shower. After taking a shower, she wiped herself using white clean towel. Lucy wrapped her towel around her body and proceeded outside the bathroom to get clean clothes for her to wear from her wardrobe.

Since the day today is so nice, Lucy decided to take a walk for a while and go to visit the guild.

Ever since Lisanna came back from Edolas four months ago, everyone has been celebrating. Cana, Macao, and Wakaba always have drinking contests, Wendy and Romeo have been getting closer, Nab almost went on a job a couple of times, and Mirajane and Elfman are having the time of their lives, and Elfman even started a relationship with Evergreen.

Team Natsu, Lisanna, and Wendy had just returned from a mission. Lucy was a bit upset because Natsu had to protect her from harm again. Lucy's Spirits were right there with her. Loke and Aries were with her the most. Aquarius just brushed it off as if Lucy was just weak and had no business being a Celestial Spirit Mage, well that's what she says anyway, Aquarius really can relate to her as well as Scorpio, but Aquarius just doesn't want to admit it.

Lisanna got along just fine with Lucy despite the fact that she knew that Natsu liked Lucy better. Lisanna couldn't really blame Natsu for liking Lucy better, I mean she was in Edolas for two years. In fact everyone thought she was dead when in reality she was actually just sucked up in the Anima to Edolas.

However in the middle of the way to the guild, Lucy met someone who wears cloak.

"Lucy Heartfillia" From the voice Lucy could tell she was a woman.

"Yes" She answered."Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am" The woman said."But I want to ask you something, do you want to be stronger?"

"Wait, wait, wait" Lucy raised her hand."What with sudden question? And who are you, stranger?"

"I told you it doesn't matter who I am. Now answer my question! Do you want to be stronger?"

Lucy hesitated before answered."Yes, I want to be stronger. I am tired of having Natsu protect me from everything" She explained."He is a nice guy and all, but I really need to get a lot stronger if I am going to be of any help to Team Natsu."

The woman smiled and said."You love him don't you?"

"What? Of course not" She replied with blushed on her cheek. The woman just chuckled."What's so funny?"

"Nothing" She said as she handed her a medallion."That's your mother medallion. She told me to give you this when the time had come"

"Mama Medallion?" Lucy stared at a golden heart shape jewel."This is from mama"

"Yes, that's your key for your training"

"Training? What's training?"

"If you want to know it, you must go to the cave in the middle of forest. You'll meet someone or something there, show him you medallion and he will give you a ride to the training place. But remember you must come alone"

"What? Why? Why I must come alone?"

"This is your mother request" The woman answered."You shouldn't tell your friends about this"

"But, what about my guild? What about my friends? They would worry when I gone"

"I have thought about this already here take this" The woman reached her pocket and handed her a lacrima. "It's a Clone Lacrima the last one in Earthland. It can make copy of any person as long as you want, the clone would be at the same level your power. But it's only can use once"

"Alright, I must ready now. Thank you whoever you are" Lucy ran out to her apartment leaving the clocked woman alone. The woman smiled and before disappeared.

At Lucy apartment, Lucy started packing for her long Journey and minutes later she was ready. But she isn't in his normal attire as she is now wearing a black dress shirt, black skirt and a cloak . She activated the Clone Lacrima, pouring a big portion of her magic power into the crystal so the Clone could manifest and start producing magic energy on its own for the next few years.

Lucy felt most of her magic power drained away from her body as the Lacrima started glowing and then there was an explosion. When the smoke dissipated she saw a naked copy of herself standing and doing nothing.

"What is my mission?" The clone asked with a blank expression.

Lucy repeated the question a little dumbstruck from the clone. "Mission? Oh! You mean what to do?" She asked as her copy nodded. "First you need some clothes" After dressed her clone she said. "Alright your mission is Just act like me." She said simply.

At her answer the clone's expression changed, gaining the same smile as Lucy's."I am going to give everything to become an famous author!" Lucy could only smile at her clone's declaration.

"You better go before Natsu blows up and come here personally to get you, so you better get going. I'll watch you until you arrive the guild." Lucy said and the clone nodded.

10 minutes later Lucy was looking at the gild from a safe distance behind some trees, just looking at the guild made her sad because she will gone for a few years. Lucy could only pray for her clone that she will never found out by her friends. After checking her clone Lucy stood up and walked out of the harbor and from there she left Magnolia starting her journey.

Few Days Later

Lucy arrived at the Estate Grounds and headed straight for the forest. When she got to the forest Suddenly a voice echoing in her mind, "Grrrrr….." A voice that she haven't heard before.

"Who?" she asked unconsciously.

"Grrrrrr….." She heard that voice again even louder than before. Lucy went deeper into the forest. She searched and searched until at last, she found the owner of the voice. It was a black dragon.

Lucy stepped backward in fear. "What are dragon doing here? Didn't they already missing 7 years ago?"

The dragon stared at Lucy. "Who are you human? And what are you doing here?"

Lucy remembered what that woman said earlier and responded."My name is Lucy Heartfillia, I was told by a woman to show you this" Lucy showed the black dragon her medallion and the dragon eyes went wide.

"You are Layla's daughter" it said.

"You know about my mother?!"

"Yes Lucy, I know about your mother. My name is Acnowlogia, I am your mother apprentice. Your mother was the Dragon Queen"

"What! But my mother was a celestial mage!" Lucy questioned. 'A Dragon Queen?'

"She was, Lucy. She was both of them. I am here waiting for you, to complete my promise to train you" Acnologia explained.

"Train me?" Acnowlogia nodded."Wait, you mean I will be a Dragon Slayer just like Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy?"

"Something like that, but you're not just train with me, you will also train with the other Dragon. We will train you to be the dragon slayer in every type, flame, water, sky, black, metal, white, shadow, etc"

Lucy grinned just like Natsu before said."What are we waiting for? Let's start the training!"

"Hop on and hold on tight."

Acnowlogia turned around and motioned for Lucy to get on.

"Time will pass at the same rate in the Dragon World as it does here on Earthland." Acnowlogia said. "You will be back in five years at the most. It may be less time if you do really well."

Lucy held on to their dragons tightly as not to fall. It was time for her training to become stronger mages. With that, Lucy and Acnowlogia headed into a portal that would take them to the Dragon World. She knew the battle would be tough, but she had to do it to get stronger.

Dragon World

Acnowlogia landed and let his passengers get off from his backs.

"First we must be at peace with our element!" Acnowlogia said. "Sit down on the ground and meditate."

Lucy sat and do as he said. "Are you sure we really need five years to train?" Lucy asked.

"That seems like a long time to train." He replied. "So yeah, this will be a bit longer, but we are starting off with the basics first. Meditation is the key to successfully becoming a strong Dragon Slayer."

What great adventures await Lucy Heartfilia? Only time will tell.

Two Days Later

"Lucy, I'm going out to some island. While I am gone you go training with Igneel, Grandine and Metalicana" Acnowlogia said. Lucy nodded and smile at him. Then he went to some unknown place.

Lucy turned at the Fire, Sky and Iron dragons."So when we can start train?"

"Right now, let's see what you can do!" Metalicana said in amusement.

"Before we start I want to ask you something?" Igneel said."Are you Fairy Tail mage?"

"Yeah, I am. Natsu was the one who invite me joined Fairy Tail."

"How is he doing?"

"Still as insane as ever, maybe worse. Challenging someone to fight him and always cause damage on mission"

"That bad eh?" Igneel chuckled."But you have a feeling for him right?"

Lucy silent for a moment before nodded."Yeah, he always protect me and hurt for me and it made me think to get stronger so he don't need to protect me anymore"

"How cute…" Grandine pouted."Did you know Wendy?"

"Yeah, she was mage for Cait Shelter before joined Fairy Tail after Nirvana incident" Lucy answered."And for Gajeel the first time I met him, he was Phantom Lord mage who had sent by my father to captured me before Natsu beat him and joined Fairy Tail."

"Did that bastard hurt you?" Metalicana asked.

"Yes, he tortured me. But he's a good guy now and always demanded rematch at Natsu"

"Alright enough for talk let's start you training"

Two Days Later

"Ah Acnowlogia, where have you been?" Lucy asked joyfully as spotted.

"Ah, hello Lucy" He greeted her. "Lucy, hear this. I went to where Fairy Tail was, and then of my carelessness, they saw me and tried to fight me. So I attacked them."

"WHAT" Lucy shouted in shocked."You mean they're dead now?"

"No, the first master was with them, she activated Fairy Sphere to protect them. But they will be missing for 7 years"

"So, they're not death?" He nodded "Then it's okay~"

"You're not mad?"

"Nope~ Since they are all safe and alive, it's okay~"

"Then, let's start training~"


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