It seemed as if all the tears she had ever held back were falling now, she was glad she was alone. She let them fall, shifting positions so her hands were wrapped around her knees and hiccupping her way back to looking slightly composed. By the time she had cried herself dry, the temperature had started to drop. She shivered, wishing she had brought something to warm herself- a shawl at least.

"I wish you were here Mother" She raised her head and said to the stars "You would know exactly how to fix things"

She felt as though someone was watching her, was her mother really up there?

"In fact" she continued "If you were here I would not even be in this situation. You always treated me as though I wasn't a Princess, you let me enjoy my life"

Fond memories filled her head, soon replaced by harsher ones

"I wonder how you would react if you know what Father was going to do…You would probably be angry. Desna's angry too…" She was so grateful her brother was on her side

"Were you forced into a marriage with Father?" She asked "Probably not…You and Father were always so happy together. I don't think anyone could have forced you to do anything."

How she wished she possessed that skill

"I just wish Father could see it my way and disregard politics. Bolin has given me freedom, he has taught me so much about the modern world and has made he feel accepted for who I am, not what my title is. I never wanted the marriage in the first place…but it's worse now that I'll have something to miss"

"Why did you have to leave Mother? I'm so lost without you"

"Eska" came a gentle voice from below her. Shocked, she stood up quickly, turning around to see her father. Anger boiled up inside of her "I'm sorry about earlier…could we talk?"

It was strange to hear her father ask her permission like that, taking the difference as something positive she joined him on the ground with the same water that had brought her up there, forgetting her father didn't know she had been training.

She watched his expression as she returned the water to the pond…he looked almost…relived? No, that couldn't be right, she mustn't be able to read expressions correctly in the night light

"Go ahead"

"You must understand Eska, I loved your Mother very dearly. After her death I was crushed…I don't think I would have been able to face the world again if it wasn't for you and your brother"

Where was this going?

"Your Mother was convinced of one thing, she would always turn to me and say 'Eska's going to make a perfect Princess isn't she?' and I agreed. All this time I have been trying to make her words true, but listening to you up on that roof…I realised I was hurting you in the process"

Had he been listening the whole time? Was it his presence she had sensed, not her Mothers?

"I raised you as a Princess first when I should have been raising you as a daughter first. I was afraid your Waterbending ability had laid dormant in you these past years, but I'm sure you will eventually tell me the tale of how you appear to have almost mastered it"

She grinned wryly at that part

"I don't know how you could forgive me for what I've done, but I still hold the hope that you will. No matter what you do you will always be the perfect Princess in my eyes, and the eyes of your Mother"

Did this mean?

Her eyes widened as she looked at him, he read her expression and nodded before she flung her arms around his neck

"Thank you so much Father!"

"I don't deserve any of your thanks, I should have let you in the first place"

"Are the other's still at the party?"

"I doubt many remain, a lot of people left shortly after you to come looking. I just happened to be lucky enough to be walking by to hear you speaking"

A heavy weight had been lifted from her chest, all she needed to do now was find Bolin

"Go" was all he said, watching her leave. She ran again, this time not fuelled by anger, but hope. The hope that Bolin may return her feelings, even though she hadn't told him of her marriage.

She saw Desna standing across the street from her. He must have filled in the gaps himself as he saw her smile, her brother pointed to a large open area and it was there that she saw Bolin.

His back was to her as they stood in the park, the trees filtering the moonlight and casting intricate shadows on the ground,

"Bolin?" she said softly, he turned around at once and she was greeted by his large smile

"Eska!" he ran towards her, she closed the gap and fell into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her small frame and they stood there for a while, simply enjoying being entangled with one another.

"I was so worried about you" He whispered into her hair, causing her knees to feel weak

"I'm sorry" she spoke to his shoulder, sincere as she had ever been

"I'm the one who should be apologizing, you could have lost your title over me!"

"It would have been worth it" She smiled, and she felt him smile into her hair

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you of the betrothal" she said, anticipating his reply

"I understand why you didn't Esk"

"Really?" She felt flooded with happiness, and it was only partly because of the nickname he had used


As their lips met, nothing else existed. It was just her and Bolin and she was content with that. She reached around her neck and tugged at her necklace, breaking it off. As it fell to the ground, so did the constraints that had held her down.

Here, in this moment, with Bolin, she was free.