I was writing Mapleshade's Destiny pretty happily when all of a sudden I realized I hadn't posted the allegiances. So here they are. Also, since apparently all stories need content in every chapter, I am going to put the prologue into this.



Breezestar – handsome long-furred black tom with white paws and chest and green eyes. (Rushpaw)


Emberfoot – large, thick-pelted ginger and white tom with ginger paws and blue eyes.

Medicine Cat:

Mistyfur – long-furred silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes. (Blizzardpaw)


Robinfeather – russet she-cat with white chest and tail-tip and golden eyes.

Mallowleaf – slender pale grey and white she-cat with yellow eyes. (Copperpaw)

Needlepine – muscular dark tabby tom with dark amber eyes and long, sharp claws. (Shredpaw)

Finchfur – sand-colored tom with blue eyes and white tail and ear tips.

Marshfoot – skinny, jumpy dark grey tabby tom with wide, almost guilty-looking yellow eyes.

Birchpelt – black and white tom with grey tail-tip and green eyes.

Antclaw – lithe faded russet she-cat with white paws and blue eyes.

Ravenwing – glossy black tom flecked with silver with golden eyes.

Nightheart – patient faded tortoiseshell she-cat with a black chest and belly and green eyes.

Salmontail – long-furred pinky-silver she-cat with wide blue eyes.


Rushpaw – swift grey tabby tom with white front paws and a black tail.

Blizzardpaw – friendly, hefty thick-furred white tom with pale blue eyes.

Copperpaw – dark ginger she-cat with amber eyes.

Shredpaw – fierce, impatient dark brown tabby tom with dark green eyes.

Queens and Kits:

Thistlefur – pretty silver queen with tufted ears and strange blue-purple eyes; mother to Needlepine's kits, Flowerkit (pale grey tabby she-kit with blue eyes) and Daisykit (dark grey and white she-kit with blue eyes).

Duckfoot – light grey queen with black spots, strange webbed paws, and green eyes; mother to Emberfoot's kits, Maplekit (fiery thick-furred tortoiseshell and white she-kit with amber eyes and a white tail and muzzle) and Willowkit (weak, small silver tabby she-kit with soft fur and amber eyes).


Littlefang – elderly ginger tom missing his four canine teeth with clouded green eyes.

Fogfur – long-furred pale grey she-cat with one blue eye and one blind white eye.



Rubystar – beautiful, well-respected russet she-cat with broad shoulders and warm golden eyes.


Smoothpelt – sleek, glossy silver and black tabby tom with green eyes. (Pebblepaw)

Medicine Cat:

Brooksplash – pretty blue-grey she-cat with gentle blue eyes.


Mossflame – pale ginger and cream she-cat with green eyes. (Poolpaw)

Ripplestream – strict, grumpy dark grey tom with green eyes.

Troutfur – pale tabby tom with amber eyes.

Lakepelt – dark blue-grey tom with mint-green eyes. (Oceanpaw)

Diveclaw – lithe black she-cat with pale blue eyes. (Fishpaw)

Heroncall – loud, energetic white tom with blue-grey speckles and green eyes.

Juniperleaf – massive bright ginger tom with white paws and chest and blue eyes.

Rowanfur – dark tortoiseshell tom with yellow eyes.

Almondfall – pale brown and cream tabby she-cat with pale golden eyes.

Nutclaw – small, timid pale tabby tom with pale golden eyes.


Pebblepaw – proud dark silver tabby and white tom with blue eyes.

Poolpaw – small, silver-blue she-cat with yellow eyes.

Oceanpaw – large, muscular blue-grey tom with white paws and green eyes.

Fishpaw – dark silver she-cat with blue eyes and pale silver spots.

Queens and Kits:

Cardinalfeather – pretty russet queen with green eyes; mother to Troutfur's kits, Pouncekit (white she-kit with green eyes), Bouncekit (black and white tom with green eyes), and Leapkit (jet-black tom with green eyes).

Lightsky – pale blue-grey and white queen with blue eyes; pregnant with Heroncall's kits.


Rumblefoot – grouchy, achy dark tabby tom with green eyes.

Birdflight – once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes.

Deadeyes – tabby tom with terrible scars over his face, blinding him.



Crowstar – jet black, muscular tom with white chest and ears and green eyes.


Darkcloud – dark grey tom with yellow eyes.

Medicine Cat:

Hawkwing – pale tabby tom with green eyes.


Falconclaw – fierce, massive tabby tom with amber eyes. (Cloudpaw)

Eagletalon – fierce, large tabby tom with amber eyes. (Stormpaw)

Sprintleg – swift, small-framed, lithe black she-cat with blue eyes. (Skypaw)

Shadeclaw – grey tabby she-cat with blue eyes.

Poppyfur – russet she-cat with green eyes.

Maggottail – ugly cream-colored tom with baleful blue eyes whose tail was cut off by a Twoleg contraption.

Scorchclaw – fierce dark ginger tom with white paws and chest and green eyes.

Dawnfur – silver she-cat with blue eyes.

Olivepelt – grey tabby she-cat with green eyes.

Shrewtail – skinny brown tom with amber eyes.

Beestripe – black and gold tom with blue eyes.


Cloudpaw – thick-furred pale grey tom with blue eyes.

Stormpaw – skinny dark grey tom with blue eyes.

Skypaw – skinny white tom with blue eyes.

Queens and Kits:

Leafbreeze – pretty cream and white queen with green eyes; expecting Scorchclaw's kits.


Twistedtail – handsome elderly russet tom with green eyes and a tail in a corkscrew twist.

Frecklemist – frail elderly pale grey she-cat with white speckles and watery blue eyes; former ShadowClan leader.



Sparrowstar – small, mottled brown tabby she-cat with scar over one of her amber eyes. (Silverpaw)


Dewthorn – pale blue-grey she-cat with sharp claws and green eyes.

Medicine Cat:

Swanmask – pretty silver she-cat with a black face and paws and ice blue eyes.


Turtleshell – grey tabby she-cat with a dark tabby splotch across her back and green eyes. (Lizardpaw)

Shardclaw – sharp-clawed white tom with dark green eyes. (Adderpaw)

Heavyfoot – hefty, large black and white tom with green eyes. (Sunpaw)

Blossomsong – beautiful silver tabby she-cat with kindly blue eyes and pinky-silver stripes.

Owlcry – fierce but honorable mottled tawny brown tom with yellow eyes. (Aspenpaw)

Sunblaze – vivid ginger tom with white paws and black tail and amber eyes.

Morningfleck – white she-cat with faded ginger paws, tail, stripes, and face and green eyes.

Buzzardwing – black and brown tabby tom with white face, paws, and chest and blue eyes.

Honeyrush – pretty pale gold she-cat with hazel eyes.

Badgerstreak – white-striped black tom with several scars from battling badgers and green eyes.

Tawnyfur – muscular tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes.

Sedgewolf – shaggy grey and white she-cat with grey-green eyes.


Silverpaw – arrogant, ambitious pale grey tabby tom with yellow eyes and a ragged pelt.

Lizardpaw – skinny, flexible tabby she-cat with amber eyes.

Adderpaw – mottled grey-brown tom with green eyes.

Sunpaw – bright ginger and white tom with blue eyes.

Aspenpaw – pale tabby she-cat with one green eye and one blue eye.

Queens and Kits:

Duststreak – dark grey queen with pale grey stripes and blue eyes; mother to Owlcry's kits, Volekit (scrawny pale tabby tom with yellow eyes) and Weaselkit (skinny pale tabby she-kit with green eyes).

Tigerfrost – dark tabby queen with ice-blue eyes; mother to Shardclaw's kit, Nettlekit (spiky-furred dark tabby tom with green eyes).

Riverfern – pretty blue-grey queen with vivid green eyes; expecting Sunblaze's kits.


Sageflame – pale grey she-cat flecked with ginger, with green eyes.

Rainseeker – blue-grey tom with misty blue eyes; formerly the medicine cat.

Redsky – russet and tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes.

"Has she come at last?"

The light grey tabby stepped forward, eyes wide, to look at the other cats around her. Their starry fur shimmered lightly as they turned to her.

"Mistriver," a black tom mewed softly, beckoning her over with his tail. "Join us."

She sat down beside him, grey paws fidgeting on the springy grass of StarClan. "Has the shadow come?" Mistriver asked again, looking around the circle of StarClan warriors.

"Yes, Jayshadow, hurry it up. Is this the cat?" A dark tabby she-cat stepped forward and dabbed lightly at the pool of water the cats sat around, causing a ripple to pass across its silver surface. As the water cleared, a tiny kit became clear – a tortoiseshell and white she-kit. She was minutes old, still damp from being born, but was strong.

"Hold on, Cedarpelt," the black tom growled, flicking one ear to dismiss her. He scanned the circle. "Are we all here?"

"Is it her?" Mistriver mewed yet another time.

The dark tabby curled her lip. "We're all here. Now tell us, before Fluffy here has a nervous breakdown." Her tail lashed and she jutted her chin out at Mistriver, whose wide eyes revealed that she was borderline panicking.

Jayshadow dipped his head. "Very well. You all know the prophecy, so I won't repeat it. But… yes," he mewed at last. "I think this is her."

"How can you be so sure? What if she chooses another path?" a beautiful golden she-cat argued, padding forward.

The black tom dipped his head to her. "Thank you, Peachfur. That's true, the kit may choose the path of light. There is no way to know, but all we can do is try to put her paws on the right path."

"Enough of these cryptic messages," Cedarpelt hissed. "I say we tell her right out what her destiny is. That'll keep her on the right path." She strode up to Jayshadow angrily, ears pricked forward and claws unsheathed. "To keep it from her would be foolish. Do you really think it's better to appear in dreams and whisper sweet nothings into her ears?"

He narrowed his green eyes. "Cedarpelt. You know we can't simply tell a cat their destiny." He paused, looking around the circle past the angry she-cat in his face. "We need someone to communicate with her as she grows. Who will do so?"

There was a moment of silence. No cat was willing to take on the task of teaching the kit and being the one at fault if she fulfilled her dark destiny.

"Fools. Cowards and fools, all of you," Cedarpelt growled, glaring at the cats in the circle. Then she turned back to Jayshadow. "I'll do it. You can watch me every second if you wish to make sure I won't break your precious rule, but know this – you will not interfere unless I do so."

Jayshadow narrowed his eyes. "This task is a difficult one. Are you sure that you're prepared to face the consequences?"

Cedarpelt stepped back, away from him, and nodded bitterly. "Yes. I will do everything I can to set her on the right path – without telling her exactly what that path is. I promise."

"Then I give her into your paws. May you influence her to do the right thing," Jayshadow meowed quietly. After he did so, the circle of cats stood and melted into the lush forest of StarClan, leaving Cedarpelt standing there gazing down at the pool. She sat down by the water and looked down at the tiny kit.

"The maple sapling starts small. But as it grows, it will cast a shadow that will shroud the Clans in darkness as long as it stands."