important a/n: I've made some changes to the story, the plot will be a little different than I originally planned. I did this mostly because it allows for the story to be much longer now instead of ending so soon...and because I was stuck with a little bit of writers block, and I had an idea that required me to change a few things. If you read the story before I suggest you reread it to understand what is going on now. The only real MAJOR change I've made is of the third chapter. I apologize to those of you who liked the way it was before, but this way just seemed way more reasonable to what would actually happen in the given situation. Plus, it's going to allow for the future of a much more interesting story.

Also, to answer the reviewer who asked about Jake and Neyteri making an appearance in the future, the answer is yes. Though this story will be primarily following my OC's, it will not just be completely OC's...that would be a little bit odd for me. The orignal characters will be mentioned and eventually make an appearance later in the story, and have minor roles.

My thanks to those who have read and reviewed, here is the long awaited update.

"He's sedated but I don't know how for long" one voice said.

"He might need surgery in his leg" another said.

What? Where was he? Were they talking about him?

Dull pain wracked Ahonui's whole body. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times, the blurry room around him coming into focus.

A sharp pinch in his leg brought him back to reality, now fully alert he whipped his head around the room frantically. What in the name of...

Ahonui noticed he was on some kind of stretcher, his hands and ankles were strapped down with binds that he was in too weak a state to try breaking through. There were many sky people in white coats fluttering around him, holding books and various tools he did not recognize. Were they experimenting on him?

All at once, the events of last night came flooding back. Ahonui began thrashing around, ignoring the pain it was causing to his sore body.

Many sky people in white coats suddenly surrounded him, "Calm down!" one shouted at him. This only made him struggle harder.

"We're trying to help you" another one insisted, in a calmer but still urgent, tone.

That's what she had said to him, he snarled at his own stupidity. He should have known better than to trust that demon. She had stopped her people from killing him, only to bring him to a much worse fate. Ahonui would much rather have been shot then brought to be experimented on.

"Look" one of the white coats shouted, gesturing to the bullet wound on his leg.

To Ahonui's surprise there was no blood. There was nothing leaking out of the wound, it was completely cleaned. He then took notice to his other bullet wounds. They were all just as clean as the one on his leg. He had to admit he did hurt a little bit less than last night...

"You were shot four times, it's a miracle you're still alive. We removed the bullets and treated the wounds. You also have a broken leg due to your fall from the tree. You will need to rest if you expect to recover, it will take time, one cannot simply get up and walk away from injuries like yours"

What Ahonui was hearing the white coat say was that he was stuck here.

Several hours later Ahonui was sitting up in what he had learned to be a bed, staring down at the strange food placed before him. It looked utterly disgusting, he did not understand how the sky people could live off such garbage. Then again, to them it was probably good.

"Don't worry it's not just you, everyone finds that disgusting. Unfortunately it's all we've got around here though"

His head shot up immediately to see the female who had brought him here, she was leaning against the wall, with a slight smirk on her face. He bared his teeth at her in a hiss.

"Really? You're hissing at me already? Not even a 'hello', or a 'hey thanks for saving my life'"

Ahonui considered for a moment, "Hello" he said bitterly.

"You probably have questions" she said in a more serious tone. "If you promise to not attack me I will answer them"

He hissed again, "You should not have brought me here. My clan will come looking for me and when I am found they will destroy this place, and you."

She pursed her lips, "I'm no foreign ambassador but I have been stupidly charged with meeting with your clan. The situation is delicate, but it is better they don't have to find you here on their own. They need to know ahead of time that you are here for your own good and not as a captive. The last thing I want is another war."

"You call this not being a captive?" He hissed gesturing to his ankles still tied to the bottom of the bed.

"That was only so you would not wake up and kill everyone, we needed a chance to explain things to you. I promise I only brought you here because you would have died had I not. I know this is hard for you to understand since I'm assuming you're only dealings with humans have been bad ones, but we are not all evil."

Ahonui was silent, no, he did not believe this female was evil. He did not believe the white coated sky people were evil. They were not like those who had destroyed his planet. They seemed to have good intentions, but he did not appreciate being brought here against his will.

"I want to leave this place" he hissed, "If you mean peace as you say, I will make sure my clan does not attack for what you have done if you release me now."

The female approached the bed and pulled a metal piece out of her pocket. Fumbling it against the chains around his ankles until they fell free.

"Go ahead" she said dryly, putting her hands on her hips. "See how far you get"

Ahonui glared at her, swinging his feet to the side of the bed, ignoring the sharp pains shooting his spine. Once he felt ground he tried to stand, as soon as he was up his left leg collapsed under him and he crashed embarrassingly to the ground.

The female laughed. "Broken leg remember? You couldn't go back to your clan even if you tried, I'm telling you this is for the best. Just try and sit tight, you'll be healed before you know it."

He hissed at her as he pulled himself up as nearly as he could manage. He had no idea what sit tight meant but it didn't sound like something he wanted to do. What bothered him the most was that he knew she was right at this point. Accepting help from the sky people was a shot at his pride, but if he didn't survive, the clan would have no olo'ekytan when his father passed.

So he would stay until he was healed...for the clan.

"How'd it go?" Lucas asked as soon as Jasmine walked into the mess hall.

"I'm still alive aren't I?" she snorted in return.

"Does he agree to stay?" Nicole asked.

"I think so, that was unclear"

Nicole scowled, "what did you talk about it then?"

"It's all fine Nicole okay? It's going to be fine you don't have to worry, he won't cause any trouble"

"It's not him I'm worried about so much as his clan" Nicole mumbled.

"Now that's a different issue" Jasmine smirked.

"You need to be taking this more seriously" Nicole snapped at her. "Do you understand how badly this could go?"

Jasmine stopped walking and turned to Nicole angrily, "I am taking this seriously" she shot back. "Just because I'm not stressing over every detail in no way means I think this is a joke. Believe it or not it's easier to deal reasonably when you're not ripping your hair out thinking of every possible scenario, Nicole. I'm not some incompetent baby, I knew what I was getting myself into when I brought him here. I am prepared to deal with whatever I must, but I sure as hell don't need to deal with you too right now"

Lucas looked back and forth between the two women, deciding now might be a good time to leave them and find a seat...

"You know what you two find a seat, I have to go bring dinner to the big blue alien in the hanger. Lucas, I'll see you later" Jasmine added bitterly turning on her heel, and walking from the mess hall as fast as she could without spilling food.

As she reached the hanger, she peered in to see he was laying down with his eyes closed. His chest rising and falling too quickly for him to be asleep. Not that Jasmine thought he would sleep anyway, god forbid he do anything to benefit his healing.

"You're back" he said flatly.

"With dinner" she added.

Ahonui shifted up to see her walk into the room and set down a tray of something next to the lunch he didn't eat.

"Not that I expect you to actually eat it" she muttered.

"It's disgusting" was all he said.

"I agree, trust me, I have to choke down the same shit you do, but you have to eat it. If you don't eat you'll get weaker, and it'll be even longer until you can return to your clan"

That seemed to convince him as he sat up, and picked up the steaming plate next to him.

Ahonui looked up from the food and gazed at the female, who was looking down at some contraption in her hands. Suddenly he realized he didn't even know her name, not that it should far as he was concerned this was all just temporary. Soon he would be home, never to see any of these sky people again.

"Why do you all wear white coats?" He wondered aloud, taking notice that unlike before she, now too, was wearing a white coat,

"Hm?" she looked down as if she didn't realize she was wearing a white coat. "Oh, scientists and doctors where them"

"Dok-tors?" he asked.

"Doctors are like healers, they are the ones who treated your injuries."

"And scientists are the ones in the dreamwalker bodies?" He asked.

"Yeah, they're called avatars actually. How did you know that?"

"There is a dreamwalker who lives among a nearby clan, he is Toruk Makto, he has taught the clans much about sky people."

Ahonui could see her perk up a little more at this, "Jake Sully isn't it? I've heard of him, do you know him well?"

"Not very well, the clans do not meet that often, but when they do we may speak"

She shook her head and laughed lightly muttering under her breath, "what I wouldn't give to meet him"

Ahonui raised an eyebrow at this, but moved on. "So you are a scientist, and have an av-ah-tar?"

"Yes, and yes, botanist to be more exact, meaning plants over animals are my main focus of study. I wouldn't be able to handle zoology. That would mean studying thanators." She mumbled that last part.

"What do you know of palulukans?" He asked.

"Palulukans? Oh, I forget that is their real name. Well, the only reason I was there to stop you from being shot was because I was chased there by a thana- palulukan."

Ahonui was taken aback by this, a palulukan is very fast, it is nearly impossible for her to have outrun such a creature in a mere human body. Looking at this female, she didn't look especially athletic or toned either.

And the palulukan had chased her right to him. The only explanation for this was that Eywa had intervened.

"You look awfully deep in thought" she said snapping his attention back to her.

When he didn't say anything in return, she spoke, "Hey, you never told me your name by the way"

He glared at her, "Ahonui."

"Well it's nice to meet you, my name is Jasmine, or Jaz, either one works"

Ahonui liked Jasmine better than just Jaz, he looked up to ask her another question to see she now looked deep in thought.

"What is troubling you?"

She jumped at the sound of his voice as if she forgot he was there, blinking and turning to meet his eyes. "Nothing really I'm just thinking...Nicole doesn't think I'm taking this seriously enough, you being here I mean. Which isn't true, I am not used to having to deal with stuff like this, I mean, the most animated thing I usually have to deal with is a plant- but now in one month I'm going to have go to your village and deal with a whole bunch of angry people who are ten feet tall. That is most definitely not what I signed up for, and I know I technically brought it upon myself...but there was nothing else I could think to do but bring you here."

Ahonui did not know what to say, he honestly did not know how she was taking this. "I am here now because of you, for however long I do not know, but nothing can change that no matter how badly I wish it. It is true you have gotten yourself into this situation, but I can help you. Just as much as you, I do not wish another war, we don't need to see more suffering here."

She looked up surprised at that, "You want to help me?"