Well hear it is, The final chapter. Thankyou to everyone who has stuck by me while ive been writing this, it means so much to me that you have stayed to see how the characters change and progress! I posting this fic has given me the confidence to continue to write more so thankyou !

Disclaimer: I dont own anything except the plot

Warnings: Lotsa fluff.

Please enjoy...


Grimmjow shuffled down the stairs with his head hung, he could tell that Ichigo was pissed; he stopped in front of Ichigo. Grimmjow slowly raised his head and flinched at the scowl that his lover wore,

"If you don't stop slacking off you won't be getting any tonight" Ichigo resorted.

Grimmjow's eyes looked as if they were going to pop out of his head "Ichigo baby, you don't mean it right"

Ichigo turned around without answering and this made Grimmjow follow him to the moving truck to help him unpack there stuff and move it into there new home. Ichigo couldn't help the smile of triumph that graced his lips as Grimmjow began hauling boxes into there new home.

Ichigo's POV

Hours later, we had finally finished putting the boxes in the right rooms for them to be unpacked tomorrow. We now sat on the floor of the living room eating greasy take out. I stuffed a piece of spicy chicken in my mouth and I watched Grimmjow eat, I was still in awe of this man sat in front of me, I couldn't believe my luck with Grimmjow, he went from the man who pissed me off to the man ill love until my dying breath. That sounds morbid I know but it's the truth.

The day in the courtroom, hearing the NOT GUILTY fall from the lips of the woman, mine and Grimmjow's relationship has been as strong as ever. The night we got home, we made sweet, sweet love, it was slow and tender and afterwards we cried, between tender kisses and loving caresses, we cried. That night Grimmjow held on to me tight and I held on just as tight,

"Thank you, Grimmjow"

I held in a laugh as Grimmjow looked at me with a noodle hanging out of the beautiful lips, he sucked it in and swallowed,

"What ya thanking me fer" he asked, his street hardened, gravely tone washed over me

"For everything, for loving me, for believing in me when I didn't, for making me whole again"

We stared into each other's eyes, they say that the eyes are the window to the soul, well that's true and in Grimmjow's soul I see love, compassion, defiance and most of all pride.

I placed my carton of food on the floor beside me and I crawled over to Grimmjow and kissed him, I ran my tongue over his lips and he opened them willingly, my tongue caressed his, I felt him pull me closer. We kissed like this for what seemed like hours. We eventually broke apart and I stood pulling him with me, we walked up the stairs and I sat him on the bed and walked over to a small box in our room. I opened it and pulled out a leather case. I walked back over to Grimmjow and handed it to him; he took it and opened it. Inside were two necklaces, one had the number 15 on it with a small strawberry hanging on the chain next to it and the other had a 6 on it with a small panther next to it. I took out the one with 15 on it and clasped it around Grimmjow's neck; he quickly caught on and did the same to me.

That night we lay together after many rounds of sweet loving sex and Grimmjow was playing with the chain around his neck,

" What's this mean" he mumbled

I placed my hand over his and said " It shows we belong to each other and that we always will"

Grimmjow smiled and drew me in for a long soul searching kiss, we pulled back breathless and I rested my head on his chest,

" I love you, GrimmjowJeagerjaques"

" I love you, IchigoKurosaki, Always"

That night we both fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms, and smiles on our faces.

The moral of my story is, that no matter how hard you try, you can never lock your heart away, you've just gotta give it to the right person, I know I did. I broke my own rule, to never love again, but im glad I did.

This is is, Goodbye and thankyou. Please leave your comments.

Goodbye for now.

Meesh ^_^