A/N: Just a short one shot about Harry's birthday.

For those of you who are reading my other fics, they should be updated in the next couple of days

Disclaimer: anything you recognise obviously doesn't belong to me. Or we have some freaky connection thing that allows you to see the stuff I write before I write it (if that's the case, drop me a message coz that's cooooool).

Lily Potter stared down at the tiny baby in her arms. His eyes were closed, a shock of black hair to match his fathers on his head, the cutest button nose and his tiny little fingers forming a fist around one of hers. He was the most exquisite thing she had ever seen.

James had gone to get a coffee, leaving her alone with her son in her room in St Mungos.

Quietly, so she didn't wake the baby, Lily whispered to her son "I love you, Harry James Potter."

James Potter glanced through the window of his wife room in St Mungos and smiled. His beautiful wife was sat up in bed, holding the most perfect baby he had ever seen; his son. James walked through the door and walked over to the bed. He placed a gentle kiss to his wife's forehead and scooped the baby from her arms, sitting in the chair next to the bed.

"He's perfect" James beamed at his wife.

"Yeah he is. We did well Potter"

James laughed, "Yeah we did Evans."

The two sat in silence for a while, staring in wonder at the tiny life in James' arms.

Lily started to drift of to sleep and James fondly gazed at his wife.

"I love you, Lily Potter"

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin arrived at the hospital the next morning with balloons and a teddy bear. They walked down the corridor and looked through the window to Lily's room. Sirius smiled when he saw his best friend, sitting by his wifes bed and looking at his baby son with such love in his eyes. They walked into the room and congratulate the happy couple.

"So, Sirius" James said once they had all settled in chairs by the bed.

"Yes Jamie" Sirius replied, not looking up from the baby that Lily had passed to him.

"Well, we were wondering if you would be Harry's godfather."

A huge smile broke out across Sirius' handsome features, lighting up his face. "Of course I will. I love you guys so much."

Harry Potter looked down at the photo album on his lap, open to his favourite picture. It showed his mother, lying in a hospital bed beaming and holding a tiny baby, with his father, Sirius and Remus sitting around. All of them are laughing and joking. All of them beaming at the baby.

The door to the bedroom opened and Ginny Potter walked in. "Where have you been" she exclaimed. "Everyone's waiting for you. You can't be late for your own birthday party."

Harry smiled up at his wife. "I know, I'm on my way now. I was just, you know" he gestured at the photo album.

Ginny sat down on the bed next to him. "They'd all be so proud of you Harry."

Harry smiled; his wife always knew exactly what to say.

"Now come on, you've got a party to go to." Ginny said, pulling him up off the bed.

Harry smiled allowed himself to be pulled off of the bed and towards the door.

As they reached the party, Ginny turned to him and said, "I love you, Harry Potter."

Lily Potter smiled. Watching her son all this time, and not being able to help him, to hold him, had been difficult. But moments like these made it all worth it. Seeing her son so happy. Her strong, brave, loving baby boy. They were all so proud of him. Lily felt the strong arms of her husband wrap around her waist sighed.

"He's grown up well" James whispered in her ear.

"Yeah he has" Lily murmured in reply. She took one last look at her son. "Happy birthday, Harry Potter."