Senior year. The last year of high school is finally here. I'm excited about it, but I'm also sad. The last year of high school, also means my last year as the ninja. I look back at how good and bad of a student and ninja I was when I first came to Norrisville. Freshmen year I was cocky and always goofing off. Sophomore year I started to panic because I was so stressed out by all the pressure I had with being the ninja and schoolwork. Junior year I started to be organized and paid attention with my lessons in class and in the Ninja Nomicon.

And now I'm a Senior; on my very first day of high school, I may of looked like I was cool and that I had nothing to worry about, as specially since I had my best bud with me. But deep down, I was scared. Not about the bullies, or the cafeteria food or that I might get lost on my way to class. I was scared because I always had the mask and book with me at all times. I was scared that someone was going to find out that I was the ninja the minute I would walk through the doors. But no one found out about it. I mean McFist and Viceroy found out but Kaitlin wiped their memory.

I was so scared over nothing. But even though I seemed confident about being the ninja; in my head, I saw myself as one of the worst ninja's. I mean I know I'm not as bad as Mac Antfee was, but I let the Sorcerer escape, he almost took over because of my foolishness. I don't care what anyone says, I'm a horrible ninja, and they all know it. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that day I was chosen to be the next ninja. I would change that entire day so differently.

When I walk in the room, I find a red box with a symbol on it on my table. I open the box and find a note on top of a black book. The note reads, "The Ninja Nomicon, eh." I throw the note and book behind me. I look in the box to see another note and underneath it was what looks like a mask. I pick up the note and it reads "You are the ninja. Oh, My, SWEET! I have to tell Howard!" I turn around to see one last note, "You can't tell anyone. Aw that's wonk!" I smile at the mask and throw it over my face.

The moment I threw the mask over my head, I was stuck being the next ninja for the next four years. I mean it was a pretty bruce thing, but now that I'm a senior all I want to do is just change the past.

I was in a forest, a dark forest. I was all alone, I tried to act like I was brave when I was actually terrified. I hear a familiar voice from behind me, "Why are you suddenly acting like a jerk?" I turn around to see what looked like some kind of memory orb. The setting was in my bedroom. It was just Kaitlin and I in my room. It looked like we were arguing. She looked frustrated and annoyed. I see my self in front of her.

"You don't understand what I'm going through Katy, I just think it'd be best if you and I just stayed away from each other for a while. I just need to be alone." I looked mad and annoyed.

There was a long moment of silence until Kaitlin finally spoke up. "Fine, you already got rid of Howard. I guess that you've finally gotten rid of me. Bye Randy." She storms out of my room slamming the door behind her. Wait, this can't be what I think it is, it can't be! Not another vision. I don't want this one to come true; it can't come true! It won't!

I wake up to the blaring beeping of my alarm. I moan as I slam my hand on the snooze button. I sit up from my bunk bed and hit my head on the ceiling. "Owe!" I rub my head. I crawl down from ladder, go over to my drawers, and throw my clothes on. I walk down stairs to get myself two slices of bread, and a bottle of O-J. I'm not that hungry right now.

I leave my house and start walking to Howard's place. It was just going to be Howard and me walking to school this week. Kaitlin is out of town visiting a family member that she hadn't seen in a while. When I get to Howard's place, he's sitting on his front steps waiting for me. He lifts up his head, stands up and we both start walking to school together.

"I can't believe we're finally seniors Cunningham! It was almost like yesterday we were the coolest freshmen in school that had ladies drooling over us. Now we're seniors who are going to be heartbreakers." Howard said sounding excited about coming back to school.

"Actually bro, I think that we were the opposite of what you think we were when we were freshmen. We were total shoobs and lam-o's." I corrected him.

"What ever man, the past is in the past. Today is our future; today, we will become one of the cool kids." Howard says proudly.

I burst out laughing. "Oh that is hilarious bro! Us being popular! That is just so freaking funny." I say while still laughing. I stop laugh when I see Howard's serious face. "Wait you weren't kidding?"

He folds his arms. "Cunningham, I'm a senior now; I have no time for 'kidding'. Well I might have a little time for kidding. But anyways, I have a full out plan that will get us to becoming the coolest kids in Norrisville." He explains.

"Okay, well what is it?" I ask.

"Okay, I know you're not aloud to say that you're 'you know who', but there's no rule about saying that you actually know 'you know who'." I lower my eyes.

"Howard, do you remember what happened last time you said you knew who the ninja was?" I remind him.

He pouts, "Fine! Then you can figure out how we're going to be popular. Since you don't want to use my plan." We're right around the corner of the school.

"You know I can't do that." I say to him.

"Why not?" He asks looking at me with a confused look in his face.

"Because, it's senior year. I have to focus on my school work and looking for a college to go to after we graduate." I explain to Howard.

As we are about to cross the street to the school building, Howard stands in front of me. "What ever happened to you man?" He asks with concern in his face.

"What are you talking about bro? I haven't changed at all." I start to go around him but he blocks my way.

"No Cunningham, you have changed. When we first came to Norrisville High, you used to always be the one to come up with the plans on us becoming popular. We used to get into trouble together by causing food explosions. What ever happened to that guy?" He says gesturing his hands at me.

I walk around him, this time he doesn't block my way. "Look, incase you didn't notice, we're graduating this year. We're seventeen! We're…"

"Don't you say it!" He demands me.


"Cunningham! Don't do this to me! Don't you dare say that word!" I ignore him.

"Adults!" I shout at him.

He kneels down on his knees and screams to the sky, "NOOOOO!" He looks back at me with despair in his face. "You are no longer my friend anymore Randy!" I roll my eyes and we continue to walk to our first day of senior year.

When I walk through the entrance doors, I feel like I can over power all the ninth, tenth, and eleventh graders. Because everyone knows that even if it's a nerdy twelfth grader, you don't mess with them. This year me and Howard's locker's are separate. My locker is all the way at the other side of the school away from Howard's.

I get to my locker and toss all the things that I'm 100% positive won't need. A glowing red light catches my eye. I finish cramming my stuff in my locker and head into the boy's bathroom. I walk into the middle stall, sit down on the toilet, and open the Ninja Nomicon.

I am transported into the middle of a sunny forest, when words in blue and black form in the sky.

Today, forget your past, forgive yourself, and begin again

I smile. Now that I'm a lot older, I'm starting to understand the lessons that the Nomicon teaches me. It's nice that the Nomicon gave me advice for the first day of my last year in Norrisville. "Thanks Nomicon." I am flashed back into my body and almost drop the book in the toilet. I stand up, put the Nomicon in my book bag, and walk out of the boy's bathroom.

When I get back in the hallway, I pull out my class schedule to see what class I have for first period. French. Another language class that I'm going to end up getting an F in. This was the only class that Howard, Kaitlin, and me weren't all going to be in together. I walk down the hallway and into French class. Ms. Lymen, she's kind of new, gestures her arms as she tells me where my seat it. "You will be sitting in the back of the classroom." She points to the empty table in the back of classroom.

I walk over to the table and sit next to some kid with short but a little long, brown hair, a pair of black McSkinies, a plain black shirt, and a black hoodie to top it all off. I pull out a seat and sit next to him. He seemed scared and shy at the same time. So I decide to start the conversation off. "Hi, I'm Randy." I say sheepishly.

He doesn't look at me, "Well nice to meet you Randy. I'm Kyle." Is all he says.

Well this is it guys, the last KxR story ever! I'm sorry if the first chapter seems kind of lame. But trust me, it will get better! I promise! So tell me your thoughts so far. Thanks!