Queen Chrysalis returned the crystal heart to its rightful place, before she and the changelings left forever. The crystal ponies rejoiced over the fact that their imprisonment was short-lived, and our heroes talked for a bit in the throne room.

"We beat the evil bad guys!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "This adventure in Pony World was actually kind of fun!"

"So what happens now?" Fluttershy asked.

"Tell you what, why don't you stay here for a couple of days?" Twilight asked. "I can give you all a personal tour of Equestria! You can meet everypony!"

"That sounds awesome!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, I can see my parents again!" Sunset Shimmer said.

"I'd love to see more of these fabulous crystals!" Rarity said.

"Why do I have a tattoo of apples on my butt?" Applejack asked.

"Great!" Twilight said. "We can start here with the Crystal Empire, and then I'll take you to Canterlot! That's the capital city, and there's a lot to do there. Then I'll take you to my home in Ponyville, where you can meet your pony duplicates!"

"Pony...duplicates?" Rainbow asked.

"You know how there's a Human Twilight and a Pony Twilight?" Sunset Shimmer said. "The same thing applies for all of you! There's a Pony Fluttershy, a Pony Applejack, a Pony Pinkie Pie..."

"I thought the pony duplicate thing only applied to you and Sunset, because you're special," Fluttershy said. "I mean, you're the only two who went through the portal."

"No, it turns out that every pony has a human duplicate!" Twilight said. "The fact that they all attend the same high school is just a coincidence."

"You mean everybody at Canterlot High is based on a pony? Even though they're all different ages?"

"That's exactly right!" Twilight said. "So come on, I'll introduce you to your pony duplicates! It'll be fun, right?"

The humans all looked at each other. Coming to a silent agreement, they all nodded, then galloped as quickly as possible back to the mirror portal.

"Huh," Twilight said.

Only three of the humanized ponies stayed for the large banquet that the crystal ponies put on. Two of them were Human Twilight Sparkle and Human Sunset Shimmer, both of whom felt embarrassed for their role in helping Chrysalis. When the banquet was over, they spoke with Twilight.

"We're going back to our world now," Human Twilight said. "But before we leave, we want to thank you for all you've done."

"Yeah," Human Sunset said. "You really taught us how people are supposed to act."

"I did?" Twilight asked.

"Yes," Human Twilight said. "See, the two of us are roommates, but all we ever do is fight with each other."

"But now we're going to follow your example and work together," Human Sunset said. "We don't want to end up like that evil, friendless bug monster."

"Sounds like you two learned a lot about friendship," Pony Twilight said.

"We certainly did," Sunset said, giving her roommate a hug. "From now on, I'm going to be nice and make friends with everyone!"

"Me too!" Human Twilight said. "Even though I'm an introvert, I'm going to put myself out there and meet new friends!"

"That's great!" Twilight Sparkle said. She was impressed that these two humans were able to legitimately become nice, without the Elements of Harmony giving them a rainbow-colored friendship beam to the face.

After those two left, Human Flash Sentry came up to Twilight.

"I should get going back to my world, too," he said. "But before I do, I have something important to tell you. I...I'm in love."

"Love?" Twilight asked.

"I am madly, deeply, passionately in love with the most beautiful pony in the universe," Flash said.

Twilight blushed. "You are?" she asked. "That's so sweet!"

Pony Flash Sentry walked up beside Human Flash Sentry and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "We're both in love with each other," he said. "We just have so much in common!"

"Like we have blue hair, and we play guitar!"

"Yeah, so I'm going to follow him to Human World, and we'll live together there!" Flash said.

"Sorry things didn't work out between us, Twilight," Flash said sincerely. "But what Flash and I have is real."

"You understand, right?"

Twilight blinked at the two Flash Sentries. The closest thing she ever had to a coltfriend had just decided to leave her, so he could date himself.

"...Remind me to destroy that portal to Human World," Twilight muttered.

Everyone had a happy ending after that. The damage to Canterlot High was repaired, Principal Celestia finally went to a tanning salon, and Vice Principal Luna's library book was returned before she accumulated any late fees.

The short trip to Equestria cured Pinkie Pie of her minor depression. She ended up finding a nice boyfriend named Perry Bunch. The two Flash Sentries teamed up to start a band, Rainbow Dash won the MVP in the championship volleyball game, Fluttershy cut her hair, and Applejack eventually realized her little sister was too young for high school.

Rarity was fascinated by the magical portal's ability to make clothes appear from out of nowhere. She experimented with the portal, and by using mannequins, she was able to get over three hundred outfits for free. She used them to start her own clothing store.

Over at the college, Human Sunset became school valedictorian, Human Twilight got over four hundred friends on Facebook, and Dog Spike was neutered. Sunset and Twilight became best friends, as well as roommates.

Yes, everything was well and good for the Equestria Girls, but there was one loose end that Rainbow Dash wanted to tie up. After some searching, she finally found the group she was looking for, inside the gym.

"Okay, everyone," the black-skinned Human Chrysalis said to her cohorts. "Remember, we need their love. It nourishes us and gives us strength! It's almost like we feed off of their love!"

"Hey, are you Chrysalis and the Changelings?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Chyrsalis turned to see Rainbow Dash, and her face filled with joy. "OMG! Rainbow Dash!" she said. "Look, it's Rainbow Dash!"

All of the cheerleaders jumped up from the ground. As always, they looked cute in their signature black and blueish-green uniforms. They gathered around Rainbow Dash asking questions.

"How are you so good at sports?"

"Is it true your softball team beat the boys' baseball team?"

"We root for you at every game!"

Chrysalis, the leader of the cheer squad, had a more relevant question. "How did you know our group's secret name is 'The Changelings'?"

"Eh, just a lucky guess," Rainbow Dash said.

The End