A week later and Sophia was back at Harrenhall aswell as Tywin Lannister. Life was holding Sophia up well for the time being, Tywin had now made her a cup bearer along with Arya; at least it was better than sitting around doing nothing. Sophia surprisingly hasn't spoken to Gendry much since he had revealed his feelings for her. It hurt her knowing that he was basically avoiding her, all she wanted to do was speak to him but everytime she made an advance to speak to him he went back to his jobs, avoiding not only her but what she was saying.

As Sophia and Arya left Tywins chambers, Sophia noticed that Arya had taken off and ran. Sighing, Sophia carried on walking; that was until she came across an overweight, dirty looking man who she recognised to be the man who was held captive along with Jaqen when Sophia was disguised as a boy.

"You looking for your little friend? The one who used to be a boy, buts now a girl?" He smirked and got off his seat.

"Yes? Have you seen her?" She muttered.

"Well what would I get out of telling you?" His smirk as he stood right infront of her, he was stood so close to her that she could see the beads of sweat rolling down his red face. Sophia had learnt not to show she was afraid, but even that didnt mean that she wasnt terrified. The man, whose name was Rorge, ran his hands up and down her sides, stopping on her waist. At that moment, Sophia realised that every one had left Rorge and her on her own. All she could do was pray that Arya had noticed that Sophia was not closely behind her and come and look for her.

"Nothing, if you dont want to tell me then I'll just leave." Sophia stood her ground and was about to walk away, that was until her plan backfired and Rorge pushed her against a wall gripping her arm.

"You're not going anywhere." He smirked.

Gendry was stood hammering out a horse shoe while Hot Pie sat describing a recipe for sour cherry pie. Gendry tried to listen to the boy but his thoughts were elsewhere. He felt like he had completely embarrassed himself with the Sophia relationship, if you can even call it that. When Sophia had gone to Kings Landing it was explained to him by somebody that Sophia had feelings for Nedd Starks bastard son, Jonn. Gendry who has always been a jealous man, felt something stir in him; anger. He knew that Sophia was planning on travelling to the wall but was that just to be with the bastard. Even thinking about it made Gendry break off part of the horseshoe by hitting it so hard.

"Gendry? Hello?"Arya waved in my face.


"Have you seen Jaqen?"

"No? Why? Wait where's Sophia?" Gendry said looking behind her but not seeing the beautiful girl.

"I need to speak to him. What? Oh she was behind me she should be here in a minute. But I've got to go find Jaqen!" She muttered and ran off.

Moments flew by and Sophia had still not turnt up, Hot Pie still sat on hay talking about food. Gendry decided he would go look for Sophia and talk to her about why hes been avoiding her.

He had been walking for a good 10 minutes when he heard something. Something that sounded like struggling.

He walked towards the noise and there he saw the man who was locked in the cart hovered over something familiar about to do something terrible.

"Oi! Get away!" Gendry yelled running to the scene. Grabbing the mans arm, that was when he saw it was Sophia. Her dress torn and ripped in places they shouldnt be, bruises running down her showing legs and a small scratch with red liquid oozing out under her left eye. Gendry's anger rose and he pulled the man off of her throwing him to the ground.

Gendry threw quite a few harsh punches at him when finally Tywin Lannister came out.

"You there! What's going on!" He pulled Genry off of Rorge. Gendry looked upon Sophia, then looked at Tywin.

"Look at what he did to her!" Gendry hissed. Tywin looked upon Sophia, his eyes widened for a split second but then looked up at Rorge.

He let go of Gendry and walked towards him. "Did you do that?" He said calmly.

Rorge smirked and nodded. Tywin looked behind Rorge and slightly nodded to one of his men. From behind Rorge a man in armour slowly got his sword out and sliced Rorge from the back of his neck to the end of his spine. Sophia looked at the scene in front of her in horror.

Horrified she slowly walked backwards and started to walk away, Gendry noticed and followed her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug.

"Are you Ok?" He asked. "That's a stupid question, sorry." He facepalmed.

"Why do you care all of a sudden? For the past couple of days, you've completely avoided me". She muttered, not looking at him.

"Is that what you think? That I've spaced myself away from you because I dont care?"

"Well that's what it looks like!" She hissed, tears falling.

Gendry moved back a bit, looking away. It tore him apart to see her crying.

"See! You cant even explain to me why you've been avoided me! Was this some sort of plan? To make me fall in love with you and then when I do just leave me looking like a fool?" She yelled. Shocked, he turned around, grabbed her small face and kissed her with every ounce of passion he had in him.

When he pulled away, he made his head touch hers. "I thought you loved someone else." He whispered.


"Jonn Snow." He muttered. Sophia sighed and sat on the ground, which made Gendry follow her actions.

"I did, I thought that he was going to be the man that grew old with me, the man who was going to be the father of my children. That was until I finally realised what he wanted." She said. Gendry looked at her, wanting her to carry on. "He had always wanted to go to the wall and be a brother. I couldn't stop him could I?" She laughed slightly. "I realised where I stood." She half heartedly smiled.

"Are you going to the wall to be with him?"

"No! Even if I was, Jonn would never want what I want. I want someone who I know will always love me."

"And I'm going to work so hard on proving to you I can be that person." Gendry said taking her hand and softly rubbing it.

She looked up to him and smiled, she really did like Gendry; she was starting to fall for him; but that doesn't mean her feelings for Jonn are going to suddenly dissapear. She's loved him for as long as she can remember.

"Even if it takes me everything to prove to you how much I love you, I'm going to." Gendry said.