Hey guys! I've been getting into the Outsiders again, I loved both the book and the movie. My little brother is reading this book for school, and it just made me kind of...inspired I guess you would say. Anyway, I've been dying to rewrite the story for a while now, but never had the time nor the inspiration for it. I don't like writing something if my heart's not even in it, you know? Anyway, this is a rewrite, I might keep some things, I might change them completely, just let me know what you think about the rewrite. I'll leave a little not that'll tell you if I edited the chapter, like (REWRITTEN) in bold letters, just so you know that I rewrote it. Also please, if I get something wrong, kindly point it out and try to resist being a douche-nozzle about it okay? Also, I'm going off of the movie, mostly just by the actor's and their appearances. Thank you! With that being said, enjoy!

Do you ever have one of those days where you just think to yourself, "How the fuck did I end up here?"

So here I am, pulled over on the side of the street, and because of my appearance, I'm automatically accused of mugging someone.

Just a typical day for me right?

I mean, I'm known around this damn city for my temper, much like another somebody such as Dallas Winston, so whenever shit goes down, I'm always next in line for the blame. Most of the time, I did end up doing said crime, but other times, I'm falsely accused. It's just that I get so angry about the shit that goes on in the world, and how God just seems to like shitting on everything just so I end up miserable and outraged to the point where I blow off steam in some not so good ways. It just seems like trouble follows me wherever I go.

I have extreme bad luck in other words.

I've been working on controlling my temper, unlike Dallas, and I've had a slight improvement. I hadn't gotten into trouble for two weeks.

Until today.

So a Soc was trying to pull the moves on me, and as I ignored him he grabbed me roughly because the little bitch wasn't getting a reaction out of me. I retaliated and nearly bashed his face in because I thought he was trying to cop a feel, but lucky me, there was a cop nearby. It was only in self defense, but because I'm a Greaser, I'm just deemed guilty on the spot. I was nearly arrested, but I used the water works and promised the officer that I thought he was trying to hurt me. The officer was reluctant, but he let me leave with a warning, with much disapproval from that asshole Soc. After making my way back to my hellhole I called a home, I was on the receiving end of one of my old man's beatings because I was "asking for it." When I managed to land a good one on the bastard, I left without another word and just kept walking until I ended up at Buck's Place.

"You don't seem too happy..." Buck noticed.

"It's because I'm not happy. I've had a pretty shitty day Buck..." I rolled my eyes.

"Here...it's on the house. You look like you could use it, kid." Buck handed me a shot glass and a bottle of whiskey.

I gladly accepted the whiskey and started pouring myself a drink. It was after at least five rounds of whiskey that I began to feel light headed and dizzy.

But hell I didn't give a shit. I just needed to take a load off.

"Jackie? That you? What the hell are you doing here?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder that turned me around gently. I came face to face with Dally himself.

"Hey Dally...I'm just having some whiskey...want any?" I asked him.

Dally merely smirked as he took a seat next to me until our arms were touching. Dallas was one of my best friends ever since I could even remember. I just remember that Dally was the guy that was always there for me whenever I was beat by my dad, whenever I was in deep shit and needed a place to crash until the heat died down. I returned the same courtesy for him.

As much of a little shit that he was, he was my best friend. And he was a loyal friend at that.

"Hey Buck! Can I have another shot glass over here?" I smiled and waved at Buck.

Buck gladly complied and gave Dally a shot glass. After pouring him a drink, Dally downed the shot within three seconds.

"So tell me...why are you even at Bucks in the first place? You only come here when you're depressed about somethin' or just bored out of your mind." Dally asked.

"Let's just say that I had a long fucking day Dallas." I sighed.

"Not that I care or nothin', but what happened?" Dallas smirked and lit up a cigarette.

"Got beat up by my old man and on top of that almost arrested for being accused of mugging someone. I could have been put in the slammer. And for what? Something I didn't even do?" I laughed dryly.

"I hear that...I got brought down to the station for questioning about a Soc being beat up...it was Two-Bit and Steve that did it, but it's not like I was gonna say anything. I just got out of the cooler on 'good behavior'. We've both had a shit day huh?" Dallas blew smoke in my face.

I drank another shot of whiskey and finally loosened my grip on the bottle, having enough to drink for the night.

"Hellsss yeah..." My speech slurred.

"How many rounds have you had anyway?" Dally asked.

"I lost count after seven.." I giggled.

Dally sighed and ran a hand in his dark hair. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he got up from his seat and grabbed my hand as he helped me down from mine.

"Come on...you're staying in my room for the night." Dally said.

Instead of arguing, I followed Dally up to his room, not feeling the mood to talk back mostly because I could barely keep my eyes open. It was still easy to hear everyone partying downstairs, but when you're as drunk as I am, it's easy to block out the noise. After making it to his room, Dally seat me down on his bed before he grabbed a shirt and tossed it over at me. Without saying a word, he grabbed a white towel and started to make his way to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna take a shower. Get changed and go to bed. I'll be back." Dallas muttered.

I heard the bathroom door slam shut and just laid on the bed for a few seconds, gazing up at the ceiling before I snapped out of my daze and stripped off my clothes and putting on the shirt that Dallas gave me.

It smelled just like him...smoke and booze. With a hint of pine tree...

It wasn't necessarily a bad smell, mostly because it was just Dally. I glanced over at the switchblade on the nightstand beside the bed and just grabbed it without thinking. I started playing with it on the bed for what seemed like hours. It wasn't such a good idea since I was slightly buzzed, but I didn't care at this point.

I was just tired...

"Hey! What the hell are you doin'?!" Dally yelled.

I flinched at his tone as he snatched his switchblade from me.

"I was just looking Dallas! Don't get your panties in a bunch!" I snapped back.

"You're probably drunk and you think the smartest thing to do is play with my switchblade?!" Dally argued.

"Alright, I get it, jeez! No need to blow a fuse or somethin'..." I grumbled.

I went to glare at Dallas, but only felt myself stare at him for who knows how long. My face began to heat up as I took notice that the only thing covering him was that towel.

Plus he still looks like he hasn't dried off completely yet.

Dally snapped his fingers in front of my face and then smirked as he realized the way that I was eyeing him.

"Like what you see Jackie?" Dally winked at me.

"I don't know what you mean Dallas Winston." I averted my gaze.

Dallas laughed and then grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"If you ask nicely I might just kiss you..." Dally smiled smugly.

I merely rolled my eyes as I smacked his hand away from my face. I then get under the covers and let sleep take over.

In seconds, I was out like a light.

The next morning, I had left Dallas' room as the sun rose, making sure he was dead asleep. What was unsettling was when I woke up in his arms. It felt really nice actually, but it was something I wasn't used to.

Physical contact like this I mean...

I walked around in Soc territory, finding a nice grocery store, so that I could stock up on food. I planned on leaving my house this time, and I had no intentions of going back to that abusive bastard that I called father.

"Can I help you ma'am?" The cashier asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced at the cashier, noticing the looks of suspicion he gave me. I tried giving him a friendly smile before I answered him, hoping to diffuse the tension.

"I'm just looking around for something, sir. I need some food to last me a week at least..." I explained.

The cashier slowly nodded and went back to reading the newspaper, looking more relaxed. I began to grab some bread, baloney, cheese, milk, and eggs.

It wasn't much, but it'll do.

After paying for my food, I walked out of the grocery store, carrying two plastic bags filled with my food for the week. As I walked along the sidewalk, I ignored the looks of disgust people gave me.

Judgemental looking pissants...


God damn it not again!

I took a deep breath and continued walking, trying to ignore the idiots behind me.

Just relax...I'm doing fine...they'll probably go away if they think I can't hear them.

"Hey I know you! Aren't you Jackie Heffer? HA! What's a fucked up chick like you doing in a place like this?"

I continued walking until I was grabbed my shoulders and turned around forcefully.

Oh this punk is asking for it...

"Aw, what? You're trying to ignore me? I thought you were Jackie Heffer! You don't turn down a challenge." The blonde Soc smirked.

I clenched my mouth shut, trying to resist the urge to slap his smug face. After observing me some more, he could tell that I was trying my best to remain calm.

"Why don't put that mouth to good use, huh?"

The blonde Soc began to lean in for a kiss.


I grabbed my revolver from my jacket pocket and pressed it right against his crotch. Blonde froze in his tracks, his eyes widening as his breath grew rapid and quick from fear.

Any man would be nervous to have his dick shot off.

"If you don't back up now, I'll make sure you never have children." I spoke lowly.

He raised his hands up in surrender and started to back away slowly. Eventually all the boys followed their precious leader and hightailed it out of there in a heart beat. I quickly put my revolver back in my jacket pocket and left before anyone could say a word to me.

I smiled faintly as I saw the Curtis' home in my sights and began making my way over. I merely walked in and placed my groceries on the table, making sure to put my eggs in the fridge before I sat down to watch TV.

"Who's there?! I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU TOUCH THAT CAKE- -oh wait! Jackie? What are you doing here?"

Sodapop Curtis ran into the living room and after noticing it was only me, he gave me that charming smile of his.

"Hey Soda...just taking a break for a moment. I had a long walk from the grocery store. I'll be out of your hair in a few minutes..." I told him.

Soda smiled before joining me on the couch.

"It's fine Jack...I just thought you were someone else for a minute." Soda kissed my cheek.

I felt my face heat up and resisted the urge to look at him.

Mostly in fear that I would jump his bones. The boy was too handsome for his own good...and he knew that...

"So I heard you're moving out of your place..." Soda brought up.

"How the hell did you find out? I've only just decided this last night." I asked.

"Dallas called, wanted to know where you were. He told us about it. He seemed to know what you were thinking. I feel like this is a good thing. Your father is a piece of shit. He reminds me too much of Johnny's folks. You have any clue where you'll be staying?" Soda replied.

"I was thinking about asking Buck if I could stay in another guest room or something, but I dunno...I'll keep looking. Otherwise, I'm sleeping out under the stars tonight." I smiled faintly.

Soda's smile faltered slightly as I said this, but he didn't say anything for several seconds.

"You know you're always welcome to crash on the couch until you find a place..." Soda finally said.

Before I could reply, Two-Bit runs into the house and after seeing me, jumps right on top of me and Soda.

"HEY!" I yelled.

Two-Bit quickly got off as I made some room for him to sit on the couch.

"Dude! I heard you pointed a gun right at some Soc's crotch for pulling the moves on you! Did you pull the trigger? Tell me you did!" Two-Bit laughed hysterically.

Soda's eyes grew twice their size as he stared at me in shock.

"You what?!" Soda exclaimed.

I merely smirked and pulled my revolver out of my leather jacket.

"If anyone wants to gamble their manhood they can go right ahead. I have no problem shooting off the damn thing..." I said.

The two boys scooted a little bit away from me, feeling slightly nervous.

"I'm not gonna shoot you guys...just relax. It's not even loaded right now. The ammo is in my other pocket." I assured them.

The two sighed in relief and went back to sitting next to me again, feeling much more relaxed. I heard Darry came out of his bedroom to see what was going on. I immediately put my revolver back in my jacket pocket, so he wouldn't freak out.

"Hey Jackie...when did you get in?" Darry washed his hands in the kitchen.

"I just got here a few minutes ago...I'll be leaving to look for a place in a bit." I explained.

If I couldn't find a place I'll just have to stay at Buck's, it's not like he'll say no to me.

Darry nodded and left to take a quick shower. I stood up after a minute, before grabbing my groceries from the kitchen.

"I guess I'll be taking off. I'll see you guys later?" I smiled faintly.

"But you just got here! Come on!" Two-Bit whined.

"Girls don't like whining...just a tip for ya there..." I chuckled.

Two-Bit pouted and gave me his classic "puppy dog eyes." It wasn't long before Sodapop joined in and gave me the same look as well.

Sodapop could pull it off no problem. Two-Bit however...

"You need to work on them puppy dog eyes...I'm flattered though." I told Two-Bit.

With that I went out the front door. I heard screaming and yelling not too far from here. The screams were familiar, and immediately, I got out my gun and started to load it before I ran towards Ponyboy's direction. Without thinking, I dropped my bags and ran as fast as I could. A group of Soc's were holding a knife to Ponyboy's throat. Ponyboy looked terrified of course, but it was something that always made my blood boil.

No one hurts my family.


The Soc's continued to threaten Ponyboy with their little knives as they held him down. Getting anxious, I quickly cocked the gun before aiming up at the sky and pulling the trigger. The loud sharp BANG echoed throughout the neighborhood before there was just absolute silence. The group of Soc's looked up at me fearfully as I then cocked the gun and aimed straight at them, my finger hovering over the trigger.

"I suggest you let him go before I do something no woman should ever do." I threatened.

The Soc's took off immediately, running for their car and getting inside as the gang arrived and began chasing them down. It wasn't long before they were gone. I put down my gun and knelt down until I was at eye level with Ponyboy. The poor kid was shaking like a leaf and I couldn't help but feel sympathy for him.

"It's alright honey..." I pulled him in my arms and rubbed his back soothingly.

I felt nothing but anger for Ponyboy, I was angry for the kid, I wanted justice for a change, I wanted those Soc's to suffer.

"I won't let them touch you again." I mumbled softly. "They'll have to kill me first."

It wasn't long before I felt something wet on my shirt and realized that Pony was crying.

"You alright, Pony?" I asked.

"Y- -yeah. I'm just a little shook up is all...thanks for helping me out." Pony muttered.

Everyone came over as I helped Ponyboy get up from the ground. Everyone seemed frazzled and concerned about Ponyboy, and I couldn't blame them to be honest.

"Was that a gunshot I heard?! I was scared shitless man!" Steve yelled.

"Sorry. It was the only way to get those assholes out of here. Let's just hope they don't come back." I replied.

I quickly put my gun safely back into my jacket pocket.

Darry glared at me with disapproval.

What the hell was his problem?

"What if you shot someone?!" Darry snapped.

"Look Dar, I'm not stupid. I shot up in the air! I wasn't even aiming for them. I only scared them away!" I folded my arms and glared right back at him defiantly. "You're welcome for saving your brother by the way."

Darry's expression softened up a bit and he gave me an apologetic look before turning over to Ponyboy to deal with him. I went over to my groceries and got angry as I realized that some of my food was all dirty and ruined.

I huffed angrily and threw the carton of eggs in a garbage can nearby before tossing everything else in the garbage can as well.

What a waste of money...

I walked away, ignoring the looks of worry the boys gave me as they followed close behind.

"Hey Heffer!"

Dallas came sauntering over to me with that smug smirk on his face.

He always has that stupid smug look on his face! What's he so happy about?

"That was real impressive what you did." He looked genuinely...impressed.

Wow...never thought I'd see the day.

"All in a days work Winston." I smirked.

Dallas put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer towards him as if he were going to tell me some secret.

"You wanna catch a movie with me, Johnnycake, and Pony later?" He asked.

"Sure...why not? I got nothing to do tonight...I'll meet you guys over there." I told him.

I shrugged his arm off of me and started walking away, heading over to Buck's Place.

"Aw! Is this a little date?" Two-Bit laughed at us.

"Fuck off Kieth." I flipped him the bird.

I could tell Dallas was laughing and telling Two-Bit otherwise about this "date".

"You too Winston!" I yelled at Dallas.

Dallas stopped laughing and looked at me in surprise.

"I don't know how she does it...it's like she has eyes on the back of her head or somethin'..." Dallas muttered.

"It's because she knows you too well." Johnny pointed out.

Later that night we all snuck in under the gate to the movies. It was great that no one really knew about that little hole underneath the gates near the entrance.

It would be a bummer if I actually had to pay to get in. Like what if the movie sucked? You wouldn't be able to get a refund!

After finding some seats in the back, we just sat ourselves down. I was forced to sit in between Ponyboy and Dally with Johnny sitting left of Ponyboy.

"Are you sure about this Cherry?" A short haired brunette girl asked.

They took the seats in front of us.

Wait...did she say Cherry? As in Cherry Valance?

"I came here to see a movie and I'm gonna see a movie!" The redheaded girl said angrily.

Who the hell stuck a large pole up her ass?

Dally rolled his eyes and then yawned really loudly stretching while doing so.

It was the oldest trick in the book...he was trying to wrap his arm around my shoulder.

"I still have my gun Dally..." I warned.

Dally quickly pulled his arm away, knowing fully well that I wasn't afraid to use my gun. Dallas then looked at Cherry and smiled deviously. He looked at Ponyboy and Johnny and gave him a look that said, "I'm gonna put the moves on her!" Dallas then leaned forward, looking confident about scoring with the red head, IF he did anyway.

Good luck with that Dal...

"Are you a real redhead? Are you real?" Dally was practically breathing down her neck.

I felt bad for her instantly, knowing what it was like to be hit on by a jerk.

...should I do something?

"Hey come on Dal..." Johnny pleaded.

Dally ignored Johnny as he put his feet up in the chair beside Cherry. He fell off of his seat right away as he failed to balance himself. We ended up snickering at how much of a dork Dally seemed at the moment, unfortunately the girls were trying to hold in their laughter as well, and Dally took that as a sign that Cherry was interested.

"Hey, how can I find out if this is you're real red hair? That this," he lifted a few strands of her red hair, "Is the same red hair that you have on your, your..." he trailed off for a few seconds before looking back at her. "These eyebrows here?" He poked her temple.

Dally leaned back and laughed to himself, thinking that he was so amusing at this moment, when we only felt the opposite. We were less than amused at this point, and only wanted to help Cherry.

"Cut it out, Dal..." Johnny continued.

Dally still continued to ignore Johnny's pleas and leaned back in his seat, putting his feet on the back of Cherry's chair this time.

"Get your feet of my seat, and shut your trap, would you?" She hissed angrily.

"Yeah? Who's gonna make me?" Dallas taunted.

"I'm gonna get a coke or something..." I sighed in frustration.

I got up and walked over to the concessions to go buy a drink, hoping it would help me relax and forget about Dally's bullshit. It wasn't long after that I found Dallas following me close behind. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him as if we were some couple. I would have been blushing normally at the gesture if I wasn't so annoyed with Dallas.

"Hey angel face." Dallas rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Dal, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Just getting a coke for all of us and maybe that broad..." Dally referred to Cherry.

"Don't get me involved Dal...I'm not in the mood tonight." I rolled my eyes.

"Can I put you in the mood?" Dally wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

I wiggled myself out of Dally's grasp and glared at him.

"Stop toying with me Dal. What happened with Sylvia? She's your girl ain't she?" I rolled my eyes.

Why wouldn't he stop flirting with me? It's weird how I can call him my best friend sometimes.

"The broad was two-timing me while I was in the cooler." Dallas showed his hand.

His ring...Christopher I think he called it...was back on his ring finger.

I then frowned, feeling slightly guilty for snapping at him like that.

"I'm sorry about Sylvia. I always thought she was a no good tramp." I put my hand on his shoulder in attempt to comfort him.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you have the hots for me." Dally then smirked.

I blushed the same shade as Cherry's hair.

He did not just go there...that dumbass.

"Oh shut the hell up Dallas. I don't have the hots for anyone! I don't love anyone." I started walking away.

Dallas just shrugged and went back in the line to get drinks, looking bored as he walked away. I made my way back to my seat to tell Pony and Johnny that I was leaving.

I was just annoyed at this point. I wouldn't be having fun tonight, not while I'm all angry like this.

"Hey Pony...Johnny...I'm gonna be heading out. Try and enjoy the movie. If Dallas acts like an ass again just tell him to leave, so you guys won't get kicked out." I said.

Johnny and Ponyboy both nod and Cherry whips her head around looking at us with a mean glare.

"I'm trying to watch a movie here." Cherry told us.

"Sorry Cherry. I'm just telling these boys to tell Dallas to take a hike if he bugs you again. Sorry for trying to help you." I flipped her the bird.

Cherry's expression softened and then gave me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry...I'm just not having so much of a good night." She sighed softly.

"I can see that." I pursed my lips.

"You look familiar...do we know you?" The brunette asked.

"I'm Jackie Heffer. Why?" I folded my arms.

"So you're the girl who aimed a gun at Bob's crotch!" She giggled.

"He was the one coming onto me." I defended myself.

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me." Cherry sighed. "He was probably drunk as always...but thanks for sparing my boyfriend."

I then see Dallas coming back with some drinks. I was about to leave before Dallas made me sit in my seat and gave me a Coca-Cola along with everyone else. Dallas then sat in the seat next to Cherry. At first I thought he was going to apologize for his behavior, but I was so very wrong.

"Here I thought this might cool you off." Dallas handed Cherry another drink.

Cherry looked down in her drink before removing the straw and throwing the contents of the drink in Dally's face. All of our eyes widened.

NO ONE did anything to Dallas and got away with it scotch free.

"Maybe that'll cool you off, Greaser. When you learn to talk and act decent, maybe I'll cool off too." Cherry replied smartly.

I then smirked, finding this all amusing.

I like her.

"Fiery huh? Just the way I like 'em!" Dally chuckled before trying to pull Cherry closer to him.

Cherry kept struggling against him, looking angry, upset and frustrated.

"Get off of me!" She yelled.

"Oh come on..." Dally smirked.

"I said get off!" She shouted.

"Yo Dallas. Get off the lady before I punch you into next week." I threatened.

Hey...us ladies have to stick together right? Soc or Greaser...it didn't matter to me. No woman deserves to be treated like this.

Dallas then got up out of his seat. We were now chest to chest giving each other the death glare.

"What did you say to me you little bitch?" Dallas' voice became dangerously low.

"You heard me dick for brains." I stood my ground.

Dallas didn't scare me. Not one bit.

Dallas looked like he wanted to hit me for once, but decided against it and kicked a chair over as he stormed off. Meanwhile, everyone looked at me in surprise.

"Damn...no one stands up to Dally like that." Ponyboy mumbled fearfully.

"Whatever...I just did." I sat back down and got out a cigarette, lighting up a match with my boots before I lit the cig.

"Thanks for that. He had me scared to death." Cherry thanked me.

"You sure didn't show it. Ain't no one talk to Dal like that." Johnny muttered.

"No problem...It doesn't matter if you're a Soc or Greaser...no woman deserves to be treated that way." I winked at her. "Us girls gotta stick together, you know?"

"You know...I never noticed until now...you're like a female Dallas." Two-Bit laughed to himself.

I turned around after nearly jumping out of my skin, realizing that Two-Bit was standing right behind me.

"Me? Like Dallas?" I looked at Two-Bit like he had grown an extra head. "You're drunk again aren't ya?"

"I can kinda see it...but you're not as cold as he is." Johnny spoke up.

I got up and said my goodbyes to everyone before leaving the movies.

I'm out of here. I've had enough craziness for one night.

I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think! But be nice! I'm sensitive! lol XD