So I loved Jenny in the Doctor's Daughter and I always wanted her to come back, so I wrote this. :) I love to hear what you guys think, so please don't be afraid to review. :D The prologue was hard to write, but it will get better the next chapter. :) Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.
Jenny walked through the building taking in the sight of yet another new planet. Midnight was by far the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Made entirely of diamond, the extonic plant was gorgeous.
She had reservations to go to the sapphire waterfall and she couldn't wait. It was a long ride, but from what she'd read, entirely worth it.
Jenny had been traveling ever since she had left Messaline and she didn't regret a moment of it. She'd gotten her hands on a Vortex Manipulator and she'd seen the rise of Empires and the fall of kings; she'd saved cities and civilizations, gotten arrested more times than she'd previously thought possible and, just as Donna had said, she 'd done a lot of running.
But of all the things she'd seen and all the people she'd met, she still hadn't run into the two people she'd been looking for since she'd 'died': her father and Donna. How someone could travel for a hundred seven years through time and space and not run into the Doctor stumped her. Sometimes she could swear she heard his voice in her head, but she had yet to find him.
Not too long ago in the fifty first century she had heard of a woman who knew the Doctor, a professor by the name of River Song but when she asked to meet with her the Professor had refused as soon as she'd heard Jenny's name. The only explanation she'd offered was 'spoilers'. That was twenty years ago and the woman's response still confused her.
Jenny shook her head. Now wasn't the time to mope about her dad. He would want her to enjoy her time on this brand new world. But even then for some reason her mind wouldn't leave the Doctor. Every day since she'd stolen that space ship she had searched for her dad. He still had so much to teach her about life, and about being a Time Lord, and maybe he never would. She often wondered if he thought about her as much as she thought about him.
Jenny looked at her watch and groaned. If she didn't hurry up the car was going leave. Sighing, she jogged to where she knewshe was supposed to board.
Almost there she froze in her tracks as she heard a voice call her name. No, she thought, it can't be. Hardly daring to believe it she slowly turned to face the voice.
To her disbelief she saw her dad, just as she'd remembered him from a century ago, pinstripes, converse, and wild brown hair. She grinned widely at his look of utter disbelief.
She started running towards him and as she did she thought over the very distinct possibility that this was just a crazy, wild dream.
Once she got close enough she launched herself into his arms, wrapping her arms around him in a relieved embrace. Not a dream. I can feel him. He's really here! "Dad," she whispered. After a few moments Jenny felt him return the hug.
The Doctor liked to believe that nothing surprised him. After all, nine hundred years of time travel gave him knowledge on everything he'd come upon in his travels. Almost everything, anyways. Because he'd previously thought holding his daughter who had died in his arms, who now seemed very much alive was impossible, but clearly the universe had a different definition of impossible, because here she was.
Even as all this went through his head the only words to escape his lips were, "You're alive!"
With her arms still wrapped tightly around his neck Jenny laughed. "I'm alive," she confirmed.
The Doctor stepped back to look clearly at his daughter and he stared at her with what he was sure was a dumbfounded expression as he realized not only was she was alive, she looked just the same, except she now wore a brown leather jacket along with her previous military outfit.
"You didn't even regenerate!" At her confused look he realized she probably didn't know what that meant. He shook his head and pulled out his sonic screwdriver and began scanning her. "Never mind that, I know you died. Well, obviously, you didn't, because you're here, but how?! What happened?"
Instead of answering him, because honestly, she had no idea, Jenny looked at her wrist and winced. She looked hopefully at her father. "By any chance, are you going to the falls?"
"Hm?" he said before looking up. "The sapphire falls! Oh, yes. Wait. You're going too?! Isn't that lucky! We can go together!" he said enthusiastically "Donna was going to come too," Jenny perked up at the mention of her friend. When he saw her eagerness he added, "Well, I wanted her to come, but she said no. Oh! I have to tell her you're here! Blimey, can you imagine what she'd do if I forgot to tell her?" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Slightly disappointed, Jenny grabbed the Doctor's arm and began dragging him to the tour car. "Dad," she said, drawing out the word, "we're going to be late! She'll understand; c'mon on!"