Here it is! It's a shorter chapter, kind of like an epilogue. You're getting it a day earlier because tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Hope you all enjoy it, I added a little author's note at the end.

Chapter 19

3 months later…

"Oh look who could join me this fine afternoon?" Nat smiled as he got up from the bench outside the airport. Rosalina approached him, wearing a pencil skirt and white shirt with a blazer. She kissed his cheek, getting lip stick on his face. He then proceeded to wipe it off. "It's NYU's newspaper's hottest summer intern."

"Hey, not just a summer intern. I've got a full time position, not like I would have had at that UCLA place." Rosalina teased. The two entered the airport hand and hand and headed to the gate, A5, where Rosalina had almost left 3 months ago. That phone call she received on the plane turned out to be NYU, upping their offer to try and win her over from choosing UCLA. Because UCLA only offered her a summer position and was so far away from her friends, the choice was easy and Rosalina got off the plane. "You get any writing done this morning?"

"Uh yeah it's coming along pretty good; I'm going to take the afternoon off though, and hangout with Alex before the gang rolls back into town." Nat said as the two approached the gate. Alex and Juanita were arriving home from their adventures to visit Juanita's birth mom in Florida for the past month. "Last day of the summer job, huh? You excited for the labor day weekend festivities?"

"Yeah it'll be great to spend it with my family," Rosalina smiled over at Nat, putting her hand on his knee. "I'm glad we got to spend the summer together babe."

"You staying here for college is the best decision you've ever made," Nat grinned, kissing her forehead. He glanced over at the gate and saw Alex and Juanita getting off the plane. "Hey bro!"

"Man, am I glad to see you two!" Alex exclaimed, pulling his brother into a hug. "A month is too long away from my family."

"How was Florida?" Rosalina smiled as she hugged Juanita.

"Best month of my life!" Juanita said enthusiastically. "We skated every day and Lily even came with us a few times. We went to a ton of concerts and hit the beach every day. How was life here while we were gone?"

"It was pretty good," Nat said, putting his arm around Rosalina. "I've been writing a lot."

"Now that's what I like to hear!" Alex put his arm around his brother and the other around his girlfriend. "It's been a good summer but I'm ready to get back to normal with the best friends in the world."

"I couldn't agree more Al," Rosalina grinned.

Later that day…

"Finally! I thought this bus was never going to roll up." Alex exclaimed as he saw the tour bus roll up behind the studio. He pushed through the doors, with Juanita, Nat, and Rosalina following behind. Tuffy put the bus into park and merely seconds after, Thomas, David, And Qaasim burst through the doors. They all fell to the ground, kissing it.

"Home sweet home!" Thomas exclaimed.

"I never thought I'd miss this damn place so much!" David said.

"What? No hello, we missed you guys?" Rosalina asked playfully.

"Oh yeah, I guess we did," Qaasim winked as Rosalina hugged him. The boys exchanged hugs with everyone and then their girlfriends joined them, hugging everyone as well.

"Well shit Rosie, I thought we got rid of you at the beginning of the summer." Luke said as he hopped off the bus next. Rosalina looked at him and sighed. "I'm just playing, I'm happy to see you."

"Yeah you better be," Rosalina told him as he gave her a hug.

"But I know someone who's happier to see you," Luke glanced over at the bus, where Kristina was getting off. Her eyes met with her best friend's and within seconds, they were in each other's arms.

"I am so unbelievably happy that you turned down UCLA!" Kristina told her. "Sharing you with the west coast was going to suck."

"Good thing I'm not leaving anytime soon." Rosalina smiled. Kristina moved on to hug Nat as Cooper and Patty hopped off the bus.

"So Nathaniel, you get some writing done while we were gone?" Cooper asked.

"Tons, Alex too." Nat smiled, knowing what Cooper was going to say next.

"Great, studio tomorrow at 4, it's time to make another Naked Brothers Band album!" Cooper announced. The gang all smiled around at each other and knew they didn't even have to discuss it like they had planned to. Life had taken them through a lot in the past year but one thing would never change: the Naked Brothers Band would never die.

Wow I can't believe it's over! I started Sweet Summertime as one of my first fan fictions after not writing for about 3 years and I can't believe how far I've come from that. These 4 stories have meant a lot to me and have provided a much needed distraction and a creative outlet during stressful times. I tried to make them as relatable as possible while still keeping the story of famous rock stars. I love the characters I created for this story as well. Luke was based off a boy I've had a horrible crush on for so long just because he's so goofy and cute so I made the character just like him. And the State of Grace aspect to the story was a lot to adjust to and hard to keep up with the plot at times but I'm glad I added them. I based them and their music off the sister act, Megan and Liz. They're awesome so check them out. And all the Natalina scenes they made you awh like crazy are just me thinking and brainstorming on stuff I wish would really happen to me haha. Well now it's time for me to start a new story. I think I'm going to write a sequel for my story, Something Life Changing. I've had the idea for that one for a long time so I'm glad I can give that my full attention now. Thank you all so much for reading and loving my writing, I'm so flattered you guys love it so much! Keep your eye out for my new story coming soon, I hope to have the first chapter up within the next week.