Do you think I should just start this story over? Redo it or something like that? I think this story is kind of going nowhere and I think many people have lost interest who had it at least a bit before. I also can't really come up with many ideas now at the moment.
Now that I've gotten a bit better at writing, I think remakes turn out a bit better. What do you guys think I should do?
I already have some ideas of what I can do, but I'll take suggestions. I love reading suggestions. I'll definitely read them and consider them as possibilities for the story. I think together we could make a great story, even better than anything I've written so far.
Are you guys up for that? You can contact me through private message or leave a review. Your choice, just please contact me in some way so that I know if you think I should remake the story. If you have a suggestion, don't be afraid to tell me, I'd love to read it and I'm sure I could incorporate it into the story.
I have this at the front of the story so new people can see it, that way it'll be seen and no one will just leave while in the middle of reading it because I think this story is really bad... All of my stories are bad but this is probably one of the worst... DX
So if you're new, you can read the story and tell me what you think I should do, or you can just go ahead and do that anyway. Those who have been with the story for awhile, please review or message me so that I can know if I should remake this story.
Until next time
Hello people of fanfiction. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I will let you get right to the story. First, disclaimers, if I owned Legend of Zelda, I don't think I'd be putting up these stories, would I? Anyway, on with the show, or story... :D
Chapter 1
I rode back into the small clearing where my house is, just outside the village. I looked around, I was finally home. I got off my horse, Epona and took off her saddle.
"There, that should be more comfortable. How you feeling Epona?" I ask her. She whinnied and moved her head. "I understand how that feels." I smiled, we understand eachother. "I'll be back out in a minute." I, one handed, climbed the ladder and made it inside. I breathed in the air of my old home. I missed it so much. I can't wait to see all my friends and herd the goats again. I love being in the country. I came back outside after I set down the saddle.
I grabbed the brush and bucket and led Epona over to Ordon Spring. "Ordona, is it alright that I bathe Epona here?" I asked. The water flickered and a small light shown. It gave the writing for 'yes' in Hylian. "Thank you." I pulled out the brush and hoof cleaner from the bucket and filled the bucket with water and splashed it on Epona. I repeated this until she was good and wet. I started scrubbing her. "You can bet Ilia will be excited to see you." After a while I finished bathing my horse and started working on her hooves.
After it was all said and done, Epona was clean and healthy. "Come on, let's head back and I'll get your horse jacket." I said. We went back to the tree house and I went up the ladder. I put the bucket back and grabbed a folded up blanket. I went back out and tied the blanket around her. "You going to be good out here?" he asked. She whinnied. "I'll take that as, 'yes I'll be fine but I like it when you are by my side.' I can go get a blanket and sleep out here against the tree." She nudged me to the tree. "Ok, fine, calm down." I went back inside my house and came back out with a blanket. One that Uli had finished for me that my mother didn't finish. It is one thing I have left from before the accident. I sat against the tree. "Goodnight Epona." I soon fell asleep.
When I woke up the next morning, I saw Epona resting her head on my legs, which had fallen asleep. I swear she thinks she's a dog.
"Well, good morning Epona." I said. She lifted her head. I got up, but fell back down. Epona got up. She grabbed my hat and pulled it off my head. "Hey!" I got up and tried reaching for it. She held it just out of my reach. "Epona. Give it back." I was laughing and jumping for my hat until she eventually dropped it. "Thanks Epona, that woke up my feet." I put my hat back on. "What do you think, should I keep this outfit or should I find a more traditional Ordon outfit?"
"I say either one works." I looked up to see Ilia sitting on top of the platform for my house doorway. "Long time no see, sleepy."
"Hey, it has been a long time, hasn't it?" I said. I was happy to see my old friend. She came down and gave me a hug.
"It's so great that you're back home." She said.
"It's good to be home." We stopped hugging and looked at eachother.
"I can't wait to see the reaction on the others' face to see you've returned."
"I've been looking forward to it. Let me just put the blankets back, oh and probably get out of this outfit, it's so dirty."
"I can wash it for you."
"No, that's ok. I can wash it."
"If you insist." I got the blanket off Epona and grabbed my blanket laying on the tree root. I put them inside and found my old outfit sitting on the middle platform. I got changed and heard something fall out of a pouch in my tunic. It was the crystal that transformed me into a wolf. Who knows how long the affect would last if I touched it.
I stepped over it and went outside. I stumbled down the ladder and actually fell down half of it. Why was I so nervous, was it because I didn't want Ilia to see my wolf form and get scared? "Hey, are you ok?" She helped me up.
"Yea, I guess I'm not fully awake." I reply
"You're so silly. Come on." I nod and smile.
"Want to see the village too, Epona?" I asked. Epona followed. "How did you even know I was here?" We start walking to the village.
"I was on my way to the way out of the forest when I saw Epona and you asleep. I decided to hang around and watch you sleep."
"I find that a bit creepy."
"Oh, sorry."
"No it's fine. It was great to see you first. You and I have known eachother since we were infants."
"Yea, and I'm so happy that I got my memories back. There are some that are a bit foggy, but I know I'll remember them soon."
"I hope so." We were finally inside the village. Beth was the first to notice me.
"Hey! It's Link!" Beth shouted. The other kids looked outside the house and so did the adults. The kids ran up to us.
"Link, you're back!" Talo yelled. They all hugged me and asked me all sorts of questions.
"Link?" I looked up and saw Rusl and Uli. Uli was holding the new baby.
"Hey." I smiled at smiled as well. I notice Colin has a wooden sword on his back. "Hey, nice sword Colin. Thinking about becoming a swordsman?" I said.
"Yea, I want to follow your example." Colin said.
"Well, if you practice, you will probably be better than me. I can teach you a few tricks I learned if you like." I offered.
"That would be great."
"Yea, but I'm no substitute for a master swordsman. Compared to Rusl, I'm a beginner. Rusl can teach you well. I know he taught me well."
"Thanks for the advice." Colin sort of thinks of me as my older brother than his cousin.
"Can you teach me too, Link?" Talo asked.
"Of course, but don't forget what I told Colin, ok?" I said.
"What about me, can you teach me too?" Beth asked
"The more swords-people we have the better."
"Let's play hide and seek." Talo suggested. Everybody liked the idea. "Link, can you be it first?"
"Sure." I went over to the side of a house and started counting. After reaching a certain number, I shout, "Ready or not, here I come." I look around. The first place I look is under the bridge. "Found you, Talo."
"Aww, darn it." I help him out from under the bridge. I then find Malo behind Mayor Bo's house. Then I find Beth hiding in the grass near Pergie and Jaggle's house. I walk back with Beth to the two brothers who are kicking a ball around. She decides to join. I head over to my house and I find Colin trying to hide in the grass like Beth did.
"Found you, Colin." He poked his head out of the grass. I help him up and we head to the others. Now, to find Ilia. I might know where she is. I head over to the spirit spring and I look around for her. "Ilia, found you." She looks up from sitting against the wall.
"How do you find us so easily?"
"I don't know. Come on." I hold my hand out to her and she takes it. I help her up and we walk back to the village. We are greeted by mayor Bo.
"Link, may I speak with you?" He asks.
"Um, yea, sure." I walk over to the mayor and we start walking toward his house. Ilia follows.
"I need to speak with Link alone, Ilia."
"Why can't I be involved?"
"It is only important for Link to hear."
"I understand." We walk over to Mayor Bo's house. I look back at Ilia and smile.
"Link, it's very good to see you." Mayor Bo says.
"Same." I agree.
"Yes, how well do you like Ilia?"
"She's a great friend. I was able to complete my quest with her help. There are times where the whistle she made me came in handy." I pulled out the Horse Shoe whistle from under my shirt. I wore it around my neck since I got it.
"Is there any other feelings you have for her?"
"Like what?"
"Well, I'm just going to be open about this. Do you think there could possibly be a future for both you and her being together?"
"I don't know. I never thought about that."
"Well, I give you permission if you want to marry her someday." I always thought of her as my friend, I never thought about marrying her.
"Yes sir."
"Good, this conference is over. Think it over. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask."
"Yes sir." We both walked away. I went over to the ranch to look up to the sky and take in all that Mayor Bo said. I usually did this to think about something. I just let myself get lost in the clouds. I don't remember the last time I just relaxed like this. Oh yea, the day of the raid. I closed my eyes. I didn't want to remember that. It was so scary. I almost lost my friends.
"Link!" I sat up and saw Fado running up to me. I got up. "Hey, been a long time hadn't it?"
"Yea. I can't wait to get back to herding the goats soon. Though, I was thinking about starting tomorrow."
"That's fine, but ya just got back. Relax a little. Y'can take the whole week off."
"So, how's it been? I heard that the Mayor was tryin' to set ya up with Ilia."
"Yea, I've been thinking about it. I'm still not sure."
"If ya like 'er like that, go for it. She really likes you, I can tell. You're seventeen, yur almost full grown."
"I thought I was."
"Nah, yer still short." He ruffled my hair.
"I've always been short."
"Yea ya have. I'll tell ya though, you marry Ilia, yu'll be the next Mayor."
"I wouldn't marry her for becoming the next mayor. I'd marry her if I love her. Her status in this village have nothing to do with that."
"Ah, I see. Well, you definitely aren't a selfish child." He let go of my head. "I need to go. You get back to your thinkin' and let me know if you come up to a conclusion." I nodded. Fado walked away. I sat back down and looked up to the sky. Do I love Ilia? Am I even ready to be married, I'm seventeen. Though, my birthday is coming up pretty soon. I don't know what to do. I smell smoke. I got up and started running back to the village. I was scared of what I saw, Rusl's house was on fire.
"Is anybody still in there?" I ask.
"Rusl is in there looking for Colin." Uli said. I ran inside. "Link, wait!" Their house was bigger because they had it extended a bit since their new baby arrived. Rusl was still inside and was looking under the table.
"Rusl, come on, I'll look for him, you need to get out of here."
"Link, get out, you shouldn't be here." Rusl said.
"No, you shouldn't be here. I lost my parents to a fire, I'm most certainly not going to lose you." I grabbed Rusl's arm and pushed him out the house. I went to where Colin's bed was and looked under there. I found Colin and helped him out. "Come on, head towards the door, I'm right behind you." I heard a cracking noise. I look up and a support beam is about to fall. "Colin, go!" It was too late. It fell, but I managed to push Colin out of the way when it fell. Though, I didn't get out of the way in time. I yelped in pain. M-my vision is starting t-to blur. I can't keep my eyes open.
"Link! Stay awake." Despite Colin yelling that, I can't, my eyes fully close and my mind goes blank and my body goes numb. "Link!"
I start to open my eyes again. Everything's still blurry. I can hear my breath, I can't breathe too well. I can't move very much either.
"Link?" I looked to the voice, though I can't see him very well, I know that's Rusl. "Glad to see you awake."
"Wh….what h-happened?" I asked. I still couldn't speak properly either. My vision gets clearer though. I can tell I'm in Fado's house.
"You were crushed by a support beam." I remember what happened now! I tried sitting up but couldn't move because of the pain in my stomach.
"W-Where's Colin?" I was freaking out a bit.
"He's ok, he was able to get out. Once we managed to get you out, you weren't breathing and you were completely limp. Though Colin saw that you were alive and tilted your head up and you started coughing. You are surely one miracle child. Your back is perfectly fine by the way. It isn't damaged."
"That's a relief, I don't want to be paralyzed."
"I don't think anybody does. Are you able to stand?" I tried to sit up and stand. I can't move very far with my middle hurting, but I try anyway. I manage to sit up and swing my legs over to the edge of the bed and I stand, despite the pain on my back. The pain gets too much and I fall to my knees. Rusl helps me sit back on the bed and lay down. "Don't push yourself if you're in pain." I seem to always do that, I ignore pain to let others know I'm ok. "Just rest some more. You'll be back on your feet in no time."
"I hope so, I don't like being confined to one place."
"I know, you enjoy the freedom. Just rest for now and I will get you something to eat." Rusl left my side to get me some food. I stare at the ceiling, trying to make any designs I saw within the entire design in the ceiling. Rusl came back with some soup and helped me sit up and he started feeding it to me. After I was done eating, Rusl stood up to clean the bowl, but I piped up.
"Thanks for taking care of me. Especially all these years."
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Rusl walked away. I test to see if I can move my middle. I can, so I went back to hiding under the covers. I can hear Rusl come back because of the floor creaking. He covers me up more. He moves the bangs out of my face and I start to close my eyes again. I eventually fall asleep again.
How was it? The second chapter is in progress. Something is going to happen to our little hero. Well, he's not really little, is he? Oh well, it's fun calling him little. If you have any questions, PM me and I will reply, trust me. Review if you want. Constructive criticism is always welcome, just don't be rude about it.
See ya,
-Twilink :D