My guardian


Yes, I know another story, but this popped into my head and wouldn't leave me, so I wrote it and then I wanted to publish it. (Mainly before the Idea got taken) but a warning, this will be more of a backup story, I will try and get chapters out as soon as I can, but otherwise.. enjoy!

"You took my voice, you will never rob anyone of anything again."

Those were the last clear words megatron heard before he off-lined and fell lifeless to earth.

Blackness and then light, he could see the light. Oh how it was beautiful, and Primus himself stood before him.

"Megatron the wrong you have done in your life is unforgivable even in my optics." The mech before him spoke, sternness but kindness filling his voice. "And what I would do is send you to The Pit." Megatron stood before him silently. "But... I am giving you another chance... There is a girl on earth who is an orphan because of you and your lust for greed and conquest for power." An image of a girl with chocolate brown hair and ocean blue eyes showed up. "I am sending you back there to be her guardian, you will be a smaller version of your cybertonian self and will be invisible to the human eye, except for hers." Megatrons optics widened. "If you can redeem your ways and protect this girl I may consider having you join the well of allsparks."

"I would rather take the pit." Megatron practically spat out the sentence.

"You would rather suffer endless pain and every second of every second going through your worst nightmare."

"I am megatron the fearsome warlord, there is nothing that I fear."

"Then tell me Megatron, are you not afraid of your memories?"

"My.. memories?"

"That one night in Kaon, when your mother died ruthlessly at the hands of the most feared gladiator, and only because she wanted to protect you."

"What is your game, bringing that up!"

"This is not a game, for that is the memory you will re-live every second of everyday, until you beg it to stop, but still it will keep going forever, to never stop, no matter how loud you cry." The mighty mechs frame shook a bit, but he stopped it and stood upright.

"I will not help this girl, she is human I am Cybertronian! She should be dead by now!"

"This is not your choice, I am sending you down there not only for you, but for her." Light engulfed megatron and he tried to escape it, but only failed in the process.

AnnaBeth sat in her room fiddling with her locket her parents had given her before they had died. A blinding light emitted from her closet followed by an oomph. She got up from her bed and made her way over to her slider closet. A moan came from the closed doors and she pushed it open fast and then backed away.

"Wh-who goes there?" She grabbed her metal bat and walked closer to her closet. "Sh-show yourself." A figure started to appear seemingly out if thin air. As it began to form better, movements could be seen, it seemed as if it was trying to escape from something. Once it was fully formed it flew forward and landed face first into her bed.

"AAAAHHHH." She tightened her grip on the bat as the thing shot up and looked at her, they starred at each other, horror written in both their eyes, if that's what you called them. Once reality came back to her she freaked and hit the thing over her head with a bat, knocking it out.

Footsteps could be heard running up a flight of stairs and her door flew open.

"AnnaBeth are you alright." Her Uncles eyes starred at her and she returned the stare.

"I-I." She looked to the metal being passed out on her floor and to her uncle, and then to her bat. "Don't you see it."

"See what?" Her uncle asked looking around her room.

"That." She pointed to the being and her uncle looked there and then to her, confusion written on his face. She figured that only she could see the being. "Nothing, I think this whole coping thing is getting to me." She lowered her bat and looked away.

"I understand this is hard for you, but it's been a year Anna. You need to stop looking at the past and start moving towards the future." He pulled her into a hug and she smiled. Since her parents had died, her aunt and uncle, mainly uncle, had taken her into their care. She now lived in Hawaii near the ocean, a place she was more willing to visit than live. "I'll leave you be, but just call if you need me."

"Alright." He left her room and shut the door leaving her alone, still with the being. Her mind raced at what it could be. Her mind playing tricks on her, a time traveller, an alien. She got onto her knees next to it and flipped it over, it couldn't be her imagination, the being was too solid. Her eyes wandered over the thing, she could tell it was male, by the way his frame was built. He was dark grey and violet, he also had the villainous look to him. She used her bat to move his lip and she saw that he had sharp pointy teeth. He had some kind of helm type thing that came to a point near his chin and what she guessed as his eyebrows, were curved and came to a point. She heard him mumble and her eyes darted to his, they slowly flickered a glowing red until they were fully on. His white pupils moved around the room and then to her, she gulped and slowly backed away from him. "Are you sent here to kill me?" her lip was trembling and he scowled at her.

"Such Cowardliness, if I wanted to protect that I would have chosen StarScream."

"W-who's StarScream?"

"Don't talk to me human."

"I'll call for my uncle." She knew he couldn't see him but most likely he didn't.

"He won't be able to see me." She snapped her fingers and mumbled to herself. "What's your problem human!?" She looked to him scarred at his tone in voice.

"N-nothing, I just."

"Just what!?" This time he made tears roll down her face and her lip tremble even more. He stood up to his full height which was about seven foot tall, almost reaching her ceiling.

"Please Don't Kill Me!" Tears streamed down her face like a waterfall and she dropped the bat to hold her head in her hands. "I'm Not Ready To Die!"

"Shut-up human, I'm not here to kill you."

"Yes you are!"

"You want to die, fine I'll kill you!" He fired up his laser cannon getting ready to shoot. But before he could darkness filled the room and started to transform, before he knew it, he was back on Kaon in an alleyway, giving the impressoin he was hiding. "I am Megatron, I do not hide!" Just as he said that he heard a small cry. He looked down to see a sparkling peering over the corner and crying. Megatron looked to where the sparkling was and saw its carrier, fighting off a mech. Before he knew it, the mech charged up his blaster and shot the femme in the chest five times, making her fly back near the child and killing her instantly, energon pooling everywhere. The mech looked to the Spakling and sneered before transforming and driving off. The child ran to its carrier crying and hugging her lifeless body. The sparkling looked up to the sky and shouted out in cybertronian and he recognized the child as himself, this was his memory, at least only part of it. He looked down and saw his whole frame trembling, Megatron fell to his knees and starred at the ground completely lost in his own defeat. The memory changed from dark to light and he found himself in a white abyss.

"If you wish to re-live that memory, you may choose the pit, or you may choose to help this girl not become what you have." He heard Primus's voice but he could not see him.

"I cannot go through that again." His words were barley audible even to himself.

"Then don't let this girls hatred of death but lust for it become her own demise as it had done to you once before. If you can change this girl, I will welcome you... But if you fail..." No more words had to be said for Megatron to understand what he was saying. "If you are killed and you had not helped her, you will receive the same fate. Soon the room changed back to the girls room, where he saw a man holding her tightly and rocking her back and forth.

"It's alright AnnaBeth, you're safe now." The man said wiping away the tears that stained her face.

"I-I don't w-want to d-die. N-not like m-my parents d-did."

"You won't, I won't let anything happen to you." She curled into his lap and sobbed, using his shirt as a tear dryer. She looked up to see Megatron and pushed herself even closer to the man. "What's the matter?" He asked brushing her hair.

"The thing, h-he's back. H-he wants to k-kill me."

"No one want's to kill you sweetie, your mind is just exhausted." He picked her up and set her onto the bed. "I want you to get some rest. You'll feel better in the morning." She smiled up at the man and then shut her eyes drifting off into a deep sleep, Megatron watched as the man walked out and lightly shut her door. Since she was getting rest and most likely would sleep for a while, he himself Decided to get some recharge, even though he was techniacally dead, he was exausted. He walked over to a lonesome chair and sat in it. It wasn't as comfortable as his berth, and granted he cursed for even being here, but for the time being anything would do. Anything besides that cruel memory.

AnnaBeth closed her eyes and listened as her uncle shut her door, footsteps then came from her room and went to her chair. When no more noise came from her room she popped an eye open to see the thing sleeping in her chair. She slowly crept out of bed and grabbed her fathers hunting knife. She silently made her way over to him, raised her arm to strike and brought it down with all her force.

"Goodbye!" She whispered.

Well there's my third story, I would have four, but one just wasn't coming out as I had planned and I liked this idea better. Anyways, I hoped you like it, and don't worry Megatron won't be gettin soft on her anytime soon. But what would you choose, forever going through your worst memory/nightmare, or helping out someone and getting away from that?

Please Review, Constructive Criticism Welcomed if needed.