A/N: Hello readers! Thank you for taking the time out to read my first ever GrimmIchi! Continuation will be based on reviews and I will be glad to insert any requests as chapters proceed. Isn't that fun? I've always wanted to write something where readers get to decide what happens next. I'll end my rambling and let you get to the story! ^_^

Chapter 1

You can ask anyone, besides my friends, about who I am. My name is Ichigo Kurosaki, it means 'one who protects' not strawberry... Since middle school, everyone has known me as a total badass guy. I can kick anyone's butt no matter how big they are. I'm not ripped, but I've got some visible muscle definition and an eight-pack when it comes to abs. I'm pretty popular with the girls...and unfortunately the guys when I came to high-school. My hair is spiky and a fiery shade of orange. No it's not dyed! It's completely natural. I've always wondered why I get such a hard time with my hair when my friend Orihime's is just as bright!

Anyway, lets give you a short introduction to what's currently going on in my life right now. I'm not easily attracted to others, that is to say I'm not easily impressed. I've had one girlfriend before, her name was Rukia. We broke up because she had a brother-complex and said brother didn't take a liking to me. She was pretty cute and had a firecracker attitude. Yeah, my taste is pretty abstract. That would probably explain my current crush...

I'm currently fawning over a guy, yes a guy. He's about four inches taller than me, has a feral grin, muscles just a bit bigger than mine, and amazing sparkling blue eyes with green and blue paint or something under them, but what absolutely sets him off is his awesome blue hair that matches his eyes. It is so fucking gorgeous. A lot of people talk about it too. Some say it's probably hardened with gel or slimy, but I think it's fluffy! Soft and comfortable for you to just run your fingers through it. I mean the way those three strands fall into his face are proof of it. I really want to touch it. Like really bad.

Why haven't I already? Because of the fact I'll look like a total creep! I mean I already gaze at him in Geometry, the way his brows knit together when he solves a problem difficult to him. Then he'll suddenly just run his fingers through his hair out of frustration. And my face is all like, 'that's so sexy!' But I save my masculinity by returning my attention to the shapes on my paper. Now imagine if I tried to form a sentence in front of him. I'd probably try to act all tough and say some stupid shit. 'Oi Grimmjow! Lemme touch your hair. I just wanna know how much gel you put in it. Ya know, considering mine is similar.' And he'd give me a who-the-hell-is-this-retard look.

I tried to explain my dilemma to my closest circle of friends, but sadly they wrote me off as a stalker.

"Ichi! You've been watching him!? That's some stalker shit!" My red headed pal Renji exclaimed.

"It's quite unexpected of you Kurosaki. I didn't know you could show such desperation." Uryuu stated fixing his glasses. Chad my tall, rather stoic friend just shook his head with a slight grin. I guess he found it funny. Orihime's reaction, took the cake though.

"Oh Ichigo! That is so adorable. This is your first real crush!" She suffocated me in a hug between her gigantic breasts.

"I completely support you! Come to think of it. I know him! His name is Grimmjow Jaegerjaques. He's pretty funny. I'm friends with his big sister Nel, she's a third year. We met in the Big Chest Alliance sponsored by Matsumoto sensei." I wasn't surprised by the connection with Nel, but I was surprised she was Grimmjow's sister, considering how happy and open she is. Grimmjow... His name is nice too. I'm glad Orihime's opinion of me hasn't faltered. I need at least one person on my side. I haven't told my dad about this crush of mine, he'd blow the whole thing out of proportion and I'd just kick him the face and storm up to my room. The old man is so damn smothering.

However, I have come up with a plan. I Ichigo Kurosaki, vow that I will stop being a pansy and touch Grimmjow's fucking hair!

It's Friday and I'm gonna do this shit! I'm just gonna walk up to him during lunch and ask him. I mean how bad could it possibly be?

"Don't do it Ichigo..." Renji is so damn discouraging.

"Why the hell not?" I ask annoyed.

"It's just weird and what if he gets all hostile? Will you fight 'im?" We sit down in our usual spot under a tree in the courtyard.

"Yeah, I'm not afraid of him. I'd rather avoid a fight today though, not in the mood." It's not a lie, but he's kind of my crush. Nobody wants to have to kick their crush's ass. Yes, I'm cocky and believe I can kick fluffy's ass. I wonder how he fights.

"Shut the fuck up Nnoitra!" I hear someone yell. Oh look, it's Grimmjow... Damn he looks extra sexy angry.

"Hey chill! You know your sister is hot! Not my fault she wore shorts today. If they would just come off..." Grimmjow punched him in the dead center of his face.

"Don't fuckin' eye grope her pervert. Not my fault ya creep around so much ya can't get a girl. Need to stop smiling all the time." Nnoitra is a creep.

"Damn Grimm... Ya hit me kinda hard this time." He looks around and spots me looking at Grimmjow. I turn away quickly and try to talk to Renji that is having a hard time opening his juice box.

"What the hell?! Why ain't the pointy straw gettin' through the hole?!" Renji has stabbed his juice for the fifth time with no success, so I decide to snatch it away and open it for him. He looks at me like I just walked on water and happily sips away. I roll my eyes and hear Nnoitra talking.

"That guy with the traffic cone hair was starin' at us pretty hard Grimm..." Not at you believe me it was only directed at Grimm. That's a cute nickname. He's cute.

"Huh? Who are ya talkin' bout Nnoi?" Nnoitra points toward Renji and I. I continue to observe them out of my peripheral vision. Grimmjow has a momentary look of confusion and apparently realizes who I am after a moment. "That's a first year. Last name's Kurosaki I think. Not worth my time." What the hell? Not worth his time? Is he trying to say I'm a bitch or something? I should kick his ass! I glance over at him and he grins wide, challenging me. I start to get up, but Renji grabs my arm.

"I'd prefer it if ya kept all your insides on the inside Ichi. If you fight him, he might reverse that..." I shake him off.

"If he thinks I'm a punk, I'll prove him wrong. Have some faith in me Renji. You've seen me fight!"

"Yeah, you're strong, but he's an animal. No mercy. Even if he's older than you..." Renji states worried. I sigh and settle down. Grimmjow laughs and starts to speak again.

"Like I said Nnoi. Not worth my time." His sister Neliel enters the courtyard in her gym uniform and Nnoitra whistles earning a punch in the gut from Grimmjow. They go sit at a table and eat some sweets she brought with her. I'm seething next to Renji who hands me a juice box and I sip from it. Grimmjow turns around for a moment and licks the icing off a strawberry cupcake while staring at me. My face heats up as he swirls his tongue around the mound of icing and licks off the remains from the corner of his mouth. I choke on my juice and he chuckles.

"You alright?" Renji asks. I nod and get up to leave. The last class is in a few minutes and Byakuya sensei is a total prick about being late and unprepared. He also resents me for dating his younger sister, Rukia. It calms my nerves knowing Grimmjow won't be there. I only have electives, Geometry, and lunch with him. Yet as I make my way to class, he's still on my mind. It should be illegal to eat icing like he did. I wonder what it would feel like, his tongue on my skin. The texture, the heat, and him. It overwhelms me. The bell rings and I curse.

"Kurosaki-san you are late..." Byakuya sensei says as I enter.

"I know Byakuya sensei." He frowns.

"I told you not to use my first name. Kuchiki sensei is much more proper. You were the only person late to my class today. My expectations of punctuality are very high for my students." I groan inwardly as he motions me to stand in front of his desk and hands me a detention slip. He smiles.

"You're the first person to be late to my class this year. That's rather special. Don't you think?" I nod and move to my usual seat in the back of the class next to Chad. He shakes his head and I sigh. The lesson today is on an overview of Shakespearean tragedies... Oh joy.

Zaraki sensei is a complete sadist. No doubt about it. He has us running laps around the school for detention and afterwards we're supposed to organize the gym storage room. There's only three of us...

"Gilga, Kurosaki, and Jaegerjaques! Get your asses into the gym now!" He yells down at us from the rooftop and we all jog to the entrance. I trip over a leg and fall flat on my face and hear someone cackling like a hyena. Nnoitra is a complete asshole... Grimmjow just looks down and turns to go inside.

"I thought ya would laugh at that! First year flat on his face. Cheer up!" Grimmjow is still silent and apparently annoyed at something. I walk in behind them and we soon reach the gym. Zaraki sensei unlocks the gym storage and tapes up a picture of what he wants it to look like and leaves. We'll be here all afternoon. Grimmjow starts carrying out the weights and Nnoitra gathers some random equipment. I take out all the mats.

"Alright Nnoi you can organize the equipment and gear. I'll do the weights," he glances back at me coming out of the storage room, "you can do whatever is left. I just wanna go the fuck home so don't be slow with this shit. Ya got that first year?" People really think it's easy to ignore someone or something that pisses you off. It isn't in the slightest. He's still staring at me waiting for an answer.

"You're not the king of this shit, but I'll just go along with it because it seems sufficient. Just because you're a second year doesn't mean I'll take any superior bullshit from you." I set the mats aside and cross my arms waiting for his retort. He drops the weights in his hand and they roll out around him. Damn... he was carrying sets of fifties.

"So you've got balls. I'm not in the mood to beat up some cocky little kid, but I just might beat your ass if ya keep saying shit like that. I'm your fucking senpai, not the other way around." His ocean water eyes have turned into devilish blue flames with a snarl printed onto his face. I gulp and he stacks up the weights again and I continue with the mats. I can't lie, that was a bit scary... In about two hours we're finished with everything and I go to my locker to get my stuff for weekend homework. I got extra from Byakuya sensei.

As I'm walking out, I see Grimmjow walking home alone. I think about calling out to him, but decide against it. I really want to know what was bothering him, yet I can't shake the feeling that he'll say it's none of my business and tell me to 'fuck off.' Maybe it concerns why he and Nnoitra were in detention. I want to comfort him in some way. His fluffy teal tufts are illuminated by the moon as he walks with a tall and long stride. He's gorgeous in his black button down, grey stonewashed jeans, and all white high top sneakers. He has a silver cartilage piercing in his left ear and his bag is thrown over his shoulder.

"Hey senpai!" I call out and regret it as soon as he turns around annoyed. He stops with an eyebrow raised and I jog over to him. What do I say?

"Why are you walking home alone?" He snorts.

"I don't need a fuckin' escort. I can take care of my own damn self."

"I didn't mean to insult you or anything. I was just curious because you were upset in detention earlier. I was kind of worried about you." His expression became quizzical.

"What for? I don't even know ya. And ya don't even know me." Both true. He's kind of hard to talk to.

"You're not easy to talk to. Look, I just wanted to let you know that I was genuinely concerned. Even if you did treat me like an asshole earlier I can overlook that." He shakes his head at me.

"Whatever." He walks away down the road. What was that grin for? I catch up to him.

"Ya gonna follow me home like a lost puppy?" He asks.

"No. I just wanted to know why you grinned at me. It would probably bug me all weekend if I didn't ask you about it." He shakes his head.

"I just find it ironic that ya care about a guy that cursed ya out. Why is that Ichigo?" I know I was blushing...

"How'd you figure out my name?!" He laughs.

"It was on the detention list. Strawberry huh?" I stop walking and so does he.

"I'm not a fucking strawberry! It means 'one who protects.' That's what my mother meant for it to be!"

"Calm the fuck down orange top. Ya don' gotta be all sensitive about it. It was just a joke." I calm down and continue walking with him and we end up two streets away from my house.

"Hey... You live near me. You live in this apartment complex?"

"Yeah. All by myself. Told ya I don't need an escort. Or adult supervision. Do ya live in one of the apartments?"

"Nope. I live two streets over. My dad owns the clinic..." He seems uninterested now knowing I'm further away than an elevator ride.

"See ya next week then." He begins to walk away and I remember my personal goal for today.

"Oi Grimmjow!" He turns around slowly.

"Whaddya want?" I walk up to him as cool as I can because my heart is beating faster with every step I take. I stand in front of him and put all my weight on my right leg and smirk.

"Your hair looks so fucking fluffy. Lemme touch it." He stifles a laugh.

"You're a weird ass guy. I cuss you out and threaten to beat you. You walk home with me and wanna touch my hair... If I didn't know any better," He leaned in a few inches away from my face, "I'd say you got a crush on your senpai..." Damn my ability to blush so easily. He thumps me in the center of my forehead and turns to walk towards the apartments. "Bye Berry boy!"

"You damn fluffy bastard!" I yell in embarrassment and frustration and he barks out an irritating bout of laughter. I run home and punch my dad in the face as soon as he flies out the door towards me and I sigh. Heading up towards my room I yell at him through his whining that I was late because I got detention for being late, and he replies that it was very ironic. I flop on my bed and began to think about Grimmjow and his cocky attitude that has a matching grin. That asshole is gonna get it Monday. I'll rip his hair out if that's what it's going to take for me to feel it.