A/N So this is it… the final chapter of Maybe We're Something More?... I just want to thank all of you guys for such a positive response for my first story. It's really hard to believe it's over already, but it just makes me excited for my new stories that I'm already starting to write, that I hope y'all will enjoy as much as you've enjoyed this one. Thank you everybody for all the amazing reviews, it's helped encourage me throughout writing the entire story, and just here we go I know this chapter is short but I didn't want to bore you with too many details of homecoming… The final chapter of Maybe We're Something More?

OH! And if you guys really want one I'll be willing to post an epilogue and if that goes over well a oneshot, not a sequel but oneshot based farther off into the future than the epilogue would be.

Disclaimer: I don't own Austin & Ally or anything else you might recognize.

He knocks on her door; it must be the millionth time in his entire life. But for once he's nervous. The red rose in his other hand is being gripped so tightly he's scared that he's crushing the stem.

His suit is fitted perfectly on him, his red tie –he wouldn't wear a bowtie despite Ally's begging- smooth going down his torso. One of his fingers won't stop fidgeting with the zipper on the pocket of his jacket. Because yes; in true Austin Moon fashion his jacket is not a traditional suit jacket.

The door slowly opens revealing the youngest Dawson and her father, he greets the young man with his usual "Hey son." and yet the younger male is still nervous even if this feels like a normal occasion.

But this isn't a normal occasion. It's the night of homecoming.

"Good evening Mr. Dawson." The blonde responds shaking the shorter mans hand. Which in return he gives Austin a question look.

"Austin, son you can still call me Lester like you always do." He tells him with shake of the head. "Tonight's just your homecoming, weren't you taking Ally to begin with?"

"Yeah… I guess that's true." He agrees chuckling slightly at his unusual behavior. The guys fall into an easy conversation about football, and it all reminds Austin of the night of his and Ally's first date.

A few minutes into their conversation they start hearing the clicking of heels coming down the first few of the wooden steps. Austin's breath catches as he catches his first glimpse of the red dress Ally had chosen.

His eyes roam the body of the girl who had just stopped on one of the steps until he reaches her eyes. The moment her gaze locks with his she grins widely, and he knows his expression mirrors hers.

Walking over he meets her at the end of the staircase, his hand reaching out for hers. And this is all so cliché, but they couldn't care less honestly because their lives seem to be a huge cliché falling in love with your best friend and all.

"Take care of Ally!" they hear Grace exclaim as they're walking to the door and they can't help but giggle at the young girl. She was always so protective over her big sister, and maybe slightly jealous that Ally had gotten Austin and not her, but nonetheless she loved them together.

"You ready?" he asks softly, and she smiles in reply kissing his cheek before nodding her head.

They arrive to the school and they're surrounded by people instantly. That's what they get for being star quarterback and cheer captain.

Since they were only juniors Ally wasn't up for 'Homecoming Queen' but was on the court, the night prior Austin had been her escort across the field. Their school had decided to have homecoming the night after the homecoming football game.

Their night is spent on and off the dance floor and socializing with their fellow classmates, some who were congratulating Ally on making the 'Homecoming Court' and others congratulating Austin on the teams big win from the night before.

Both Austin and Ally awkwardly catch both Dallas and Cassidy's gazes but immediately avert their own. They know the two aren't particularly happy about them becoming a couple but could honestly care less. It's their relationship, nobody else's.

"Hey, let's go dance." Austin says and in response she rolls her despite the grin she's wearing, and lets him bring her out onto the dance floor once again that night.

He puts one hand on the small of her back, the other on her ribcage and pulls her close. And in that moment they're chest to chest. She wraps her own arms around his neck, intertwining her hands.

"People are staring." She whispers, tightening her arms around his neck.

"Then let's give them something really to stare at." He says with a suggestive smirk. And before she can respond, he's already attached his lips to hers.

She responds instantly, even if it was a shock at first and moves her mouth against his. And she decides to shock him in return, and drags her tongue across his bottom lip coaxing him to open his mouth. Which of course he does.

And he can honestly say as his tongue swirls with hers, that he's genuinely shocked by her actions because Ally never does stuff like this. Heck, she's reluctant about even giving pecks in public, and here they are making out in the middle of a dance floor.

They're broken apart by a teacher coughing behind them. Reluctantly and rather awkwardly they pull away breathing heavily.

"You're an idiot." She tells him, her voice slightly shaky. "We could have just got into serious trouble for doing that."

He can't help but laugh, because it's so just Ally to think they'd get in trouble. "But look, everybody stopped staring."

And sure enough as she looks around, nobody's staring at them anymore –well expect a few awkward side glances from Cassidy and her group. She wasn't quite sure why they were even getting looks to begin with. Everybody knew they were together and if they didn't know they were official they probably thought they had just always been together.

It's funny now that they think about it honestly.

They denied it so much when people asked if they were together, and yet they ended up together. It's not like they had never talked about the possibility of being together in theory, but honestly neither thought they would get to a point where they were ready to be together.

Yet, here they are; together and happy, completely and utterly in love with each other.

Quickly they've realized they want this; their first love, to be their last love. Forever is something they're confident in. They're sure they'll last forever.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you so much more." he tells her pressing his lips to her in a chaste kiss.

It's so hard to believe these two once said they would never, never get together. And look at them now.

Somehow –they're still not sure how- but somehow everybody else saw what they had been too blind to see the entire time. The spark between the two. And now they've turned that spark into a flame made of love, and as long as they can keep the flame going and make sure it's never extinguished their love will never disappear.

"So, maybe we're something more than best friends after all." She said teasingly, laying her head into the crook between his shoulder and neck.

He moves his face so his lips are brushing her ear as he whispers, "I think we've always been something more."


Reviews are sorta cool.