Title: Never Underestimate a Nerd

Written by: 700guns

Anime/Manga: Naruto Shippuden

Genre: Romance

Summary: After been dumped by Kiba because of his ugly appearance, Naruto became a humble nerd of Konoha High School. Few months later Naruto received a card from his late uncle Jiraiya, not knowing that it would change is life for the better. Yaoi, please don´t read if you don´t like.

Chapter One: The real beauty of a Friend

"Kiba, what are you saying?"

"I said we should break-up"

"What! Why? You told me that you love me"

"Yeah, but since we went to puberty you became the ugliest human alive" He paused before he continued. "Seriously, Naruto. I don´t deal with ugly people, I have my reputation as the soccer team captain to protect."

"What?" My eyes widened.

"Yeah, I said it. You are ugly, Naruto. I don´t like ugly people, okay! It´s just they are disgusting as shit and your one of them." He left me with my eyes wide and people staring at me.

Since then I gave up on love and closed myself to love.

"Hey Naruto, want to go karaoke with us after school?" Sakura, who is my best friend, asked my happily as she disturbed me.

"Sorry Saku." I replied dryly. "But, I have to pass again because I need to focus in my studies."

"What! Again with that excuse!" She exclaimed.

"Ummmmmm yeah?"

"Come on Naruto. Please go karaoke with us! It´s so not fun without you Naru." She begged with her hands in a prayer position. "Please just forget about that bastard Kiba for a night. I´m sure you would find another… errrr hotjockwholikesyouintheinside someday, Naruto"

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow before I continued. "Please clarify what are you saying Sakura"

"I said was hot jockwholikesyouintheinside someday, Naruto" She blushed at the embarrassment of what she was saying.

I took off my rectangular glasses off as I looked at her directly into her eyes. "Oh" I replied knowingly what she told me. "Sakura?"

"Yes?" She nervously fidgeted her fingertips right behind her back.

"I know you´re trying to help me with my little dilemma. But sorry, I closed my heart knowingly that I need to focus in my studies before the ever-so-called`Love´ you call it."

"Okay" She replied with a frown plastered all over her face. "Well anyways Naruto if you want to join us just call me okay?" She waved happily as she ran towards the exit of the school library.

"Ummmm K-Kiba!" A blond girl moaned as Kiba groped her butt while they were in a hot grinding session with the blond in his lap.

"Yeah, babe moan for me…" Kiba whispered huskily into her ears as he continued to grind their body to each other as if there was no tomorrow at all.

"Yeah, K-Ki-KIBA!" She grinded her buttocks hard into the hard rock crotch of the boy, giving him more pleasure from all the groaning activities since lunch time began. They´re practically in having sex without taking of neither of their clothes nor putting something into something, that which made some of the student uncomfortable in the large cafeteria during lunch.

"Yeah, babe keep doing that and you´ll get my meat tonight?" with one more groan, they gave each other a passionate sloppy kiss with their tongues bathed with each other´s saliva as they continued to grind each other.

After few seconds of intense make-out session they release each other´s mouth with a string of saliva attached into their tongues. With the heavy grinding activity still going, Kiba´s hands suddenly disappeared from the butt of the blond, which was since at the start of their grinding session was there, and started attacking the large breast by squeezing it hard making the blond moaned in pleasure.

"Kib-Ki-Kiba" That was the only word she could replied.

"Damn, Ino make Daddy cum*!" He growled loudly making Ino more hornier.

"KIBA! KIBA! KIBA! KIBA!" She screamed.

-On the other side-

"Oh god, I think they´re practically having sex!" Sakura exclaimed as she watches them grinding each other. While Naruto was still reading his chemistry book, not interested by the show that the two couples was giving to the whole student body across the room.

"Their disgusting, neh Naruto?" She asked before poking one of the ribs of Naruto with her elbow making him startled.

"Huh?" Asked Naruto as he looked Sakura who in return watched the two horny beings of the campus, across the table, continued to grind each other off.

"Just look Naruto" Sakura pointed out as the blue eyes of Naruto went to the direction of the fingers of Sakura was pointing.

Naruto and Sakura watched the live porno for a few minutes before Naruto asked.

"So tell me Sakura what´s the moral we get by watching them grind their organs into oblivion?"

"Naruto, I feel your pain." Sakura patted her delicate hands into the shoulders of Naruto who in returned look at Sakura.


"Yeah, you know what boys sickens me to the core." She hissed, as she looked them with disgust. "They rather use their penis than their brain"

With much confusion Naruto just ignored the lengthy preach of Sakura about boys, penis and their similarities. Honestly, Naruto wouldn´t give a fuck about such delusional topic because it was too irrelevant to even talk about. Even Einstein would cry.

"Finally after that boys will just live us with nothing but regrets" It gave Sakura about three and a half minute just to finish her preach while Naruto was still looking at them not even listening to Sakura, looking bored. "So you understand, Naruto men are dicks!" She hissed loudly, enough to be heard by a small group of people near them. "Except you Naruto," She added.

"Yeah" Naruto said with a bored look.

"Ahhhhhhhhh Kiba don´t finger me public!" Screamed Ino who was still pleasuring the man who broke Naruto´s heart.

`Whatever´ Naruto thought as he continued to read the book about chemistry.

"So I got to check all of your test scores during exam and I can´t believe that 98% of the class failed!" Tsunade rubbed her forehand before she continued her rant. "Tell me everyone, what´s was hardest part of the test"

Nobody raised their hand but they just nodded in response to the teacher.

"Anybody?" Tsunade raised an eyebrow, looking for anybody for answer. "Ms. Hyūga, care to explain?"

"Y-Yes!" Hinata stood up as she blushed with the class looking at her with curiosity what will she answer. "Umm…"

"Tell me Hinata I will not bite nor attack you." Tsunade told her.

"Ummm.." Suddenly her hands fidgeted each other as a sign of humiliation. "Ummm…well Ms. Ts-Tsunsde." She gulped as she looked at the eyes of the pissed off Tsunade before continuing. "T-The f-f-fact tha-that you made us write th-the whole co-content of the period table you g-gave us the o-other day b-be-before the e-exam without l-l-looking at it even one bit." She almost died out of humiliation.

"So everyone agrees in what Ms. Hyūga said," Tsunade asked slamming her hand into teacher's desk.

Everyone agreed in fear of the `Old Hag ´ as they call it.

"Okay, fine" Tsunade agreed. "Here´s the deal all the students who managed to get an excellent score are exempted!" She rubbed her temples as she looks at the fear stricken students of her chemistry class. "But all the remaining students who got only 5% or below are required to take the test again, which means" She slammed hands to the desk again. "98% percent of all of you in this classroom are required to take the test again with the exception of Nara and Uzumaki!"

Everyone inside the classroom, except Naruto and Shikamaru, groaned in pain and mix emotions as Tsunade observe them with a smirk.

"Wait!" She commanded as the whole class looked at her. "To those who are going to repeat the test must be expected to memorize the periodic table from the atomic weight until the very foundation of them."

Everyone groaned as Naruto continued to read his book.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Class dismiss!" She shouted with class suddenly stood up leaving the classroom. "Naruto come here for a moment" She ordered as she saw Naruto packing his things.

"Yes, Ms. Tsunade" Naruto ask.

"I´m impress Naruto, everytime you´ve proven yourself worthy of being my student." She looked at her student´s eyes with a curious gaze. "Tell me Naruto, what happened to you and suddenly became one of my star students?"

"Oh, nothing Ms. Tsunade I´m just focusing my studies rather some other shenanigans."

"Really?" Not breaking the eye contact with Naruto. "Okay, you can leave now."

"Okay, thanks" He murmured as he left the classroom.

"SO…what happened?" Sakura asked as she approached my locker, which was located near hers. "What did Granny asked you?"

"Nothing just being a star student and all, doesn´t matter"

"I´m really jealous of you Naruto." Sakura admitted as I opened my locker. "You have the brains, brains and more brains." She paused for a before she continued. " The only thing you need is some make-over and some emotion Naruto and by god, everyone will fall over heels over you." She smiled

I without emotion looked her, still my hands inside the locker and told her. "For the love of poetry, I´m not interested in love and looks because there just temporary and besides knowledge is the only thing I need to survive this scientific world."

"Come on Naruto you know YOLO, right?" She asked me.

"Yolo?" I asked her in curiosity.

"You Only Live Once" She told me. "Don´t you know it"



"Yeah, I don´t know that, thanks for informing me such information."

"You really need to create a Facebook account," She complained

"Ugly!" One shouted.

"Pig!" Another shouted again.

"Holed face dork!" Every jock practically shouted at me as Sakura and I walk together out of the school.

"Shut UP!" Sakura shouted to all people who´d ever bullied me. "Stop bullying Naruto or else I´m going to castrate all of your sorry balls!" Sakura threatened the jocks as I patted her back.

"Let´s go." I asked her.

"What! Naruto why?"

"Come one Sakura, we don´t want any trouble right?"

"Naruto…" She gripped her hand as she fell into defeat. " Fine, let´s go" And we left.

We had a long walk without anything to talk about but sometimes-later Sakura broke the silence.

"You know Naruto, people like them should like fuck away from you!" She hissed.

"I know but that´s life I guess"

"But Naru, you need to like defend yourself or something." She said in a concern manner.

"I know but that´s okay it´s just school." I assured her. "After three years were now free as a butterfly so until then I´m going to endure the pain." I smiled at her.

"But Naru-"

Suddenly splash of water contacted me making me wet. Sakura looked in shock in what happened. Then suddenly a blue car went to our direction and I knew that it was Kiba´s.

"Hey Bitches!" Ino screamed loudly as her body leaned through the window.

"What!" Sakura angrily replied to the blonde's wonderful entrance.

"Nothing just making some pranks for Naruto baby" She blew a kiss to me. "Owwwww stop that Kiba were not yet home!"

"Sorry baby I´m just too horny." I heard that voice. Though it didn´t effected me.

I could have sworn that Sakura would murder them using a ballpeen if I didn´t locked my arms into her wrist as some sort of restriction. Sakura glared darkly to Ino who was still smiling deviously at me.

"So Naruto I have a present for you" Ino smirked as she reached inside the car.

Sakura who still in my restrain was glaring so darkly at her making sure that when I let her loose she would instantly kill them.

"Here you go" Suddenly the window of the car went low to see a pie in her arms throwing at my face instantly.

My face was covered with pie as Sakura became berserk but I couldn't let her go.

"LET ME GO NARUTO! LET ME GO NARUTO I´M GOING TO MURDER THIS MOTHERFUCKING HOE!" She screamed loudly as I was still clinging into her wrist preventing any freedom of hers.

"Neh, who is a hoe Sakura?" She was clearly pissing off Sakura who in return could struggled wildly trying to get a grip of her neck. "Ouch stop it Kiba!"

"Let´s go, I fell so horny today, need some release." Kiba replied with a smirk in his face looking at me while groping the blonde´s butt.

"Okay!" Ino replied. "Let´s go Kiba, away from this L-O-S-E-R-S!"

The car´s tire suddenly smoked in dust as the car left fast.

"AHHHHHHH I´M GOING TO KILL HER!" Sakura shouted in anger, not looking at me but after a few moments later she looked me.

"I´m sorry Naruto" Her angry face suddenly became tearful. "I´m sorry Naruto" She tried to whip off the pie around my face as a sign of retribution. "I´m so sorry Naruto for not being a good friend" She suddenly fell into the ground.

She keeps saying sorry for over and over. All I can do was to bend over her and asked her.

"Here Sakura, taste the pie" I took some of the pie from my face placing it to my palms.

"What?" She looked at me still here eyes crying.

"Here taste it, I assure you it´s very tasty" I smiled even though I was humiliated.

She took it and tasted it.

"Tasty right?" I smiled at her again.

"Yeah" She smiled.

At least she smiled.


Well that´s it! : )
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this fan fiction. I know I know it is depressing (Though I like angst and tragedy fictions) but this will be (I hope) to be a crack fic. Anyways thanks for reading this XD

So this is just the beginning but as the story progress it will be more and more fun to write and read : )

Anyways PLEASE! Favorite, Comment and Follow this fan fiction it would be like heaven in a box for me plus more inspiration to continue this:)

*You know the Naruto Fan fic called `Is it Hot In Here? ´ By Narutofan08. God, love that fic it´s HOT! And Kiba was so HOT! (Want a daddyKiba for Christmas!) hahahaha Yeah, I want KIba for this story to be horny as fuck. HahahaXD